Unit 3 Exam

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reasons why boys kill themselves more than girls

-Availability of lethal means. -Male culture that shames those who attempt suicide but fail. -Methods: Males tend to shoot themselves; females swallow pills or hang themselves. -Girls tend to let their friends and families know that they are depressed, but boys do not.

Robert Sternberg (1988) described three distinct aspects of love:

-Passion: an intense physical, cognitive and emotional attack characterized by excitement, ecstasy, and euphoria. -Intimacy: knowing someone well, sharing secrets as well as sex. -Commitment: grows gradually through decisions to be together, mutual care giving, kept secrets, shared possessions, and forgiveness.


-Slows down growth (impairs digestion, nutrition) -Reduces appetite -Causes protein and vitamin deficiencies. -Can damage developing hearts, lungs, brains, and reproductive systems.

closeness within the family

-communication: do parents and teens talk openly with one another? -support: do they rely on one another? -connectedness: how emotionally close are they? -control: do parents encourage or limit adolescent autonomy?

types of parental monitoring

-positive consequences when part of a warm, supportive relationship -negative when overly restrictive and controlling -worst: psychological control -- a disciplinary technique in which parents make a child feel guilty and impose gratefulness by threatening to withdraw love and support

Compared to 100 years ago, nowadays adolescent sexual development is more risky, for five reasons:

1. Earlier puberty and weaker social taboos mean teens have sexual experiences at younger ages. Early sex correlates with depression and drug abuse. 2. Most teenage mothers nowadays have no husbands to help them, whereas many teenage mothers a century ago were married. 3. Raising a child has become more complex and expensive 4. Mothers of teenagers are often employed and therefore less available as caregivers for their teenager's child 5. Sexually transmitted infections are more widespread and dangerous.

Sequence of male-female relationships during childhood and adolescence:

1. Groups of friends, exclusively one sex or the other. 2. A loose association of girls and boys, with public interactions within a crowd. 3. Small mixed-sex groups of the advanced members of the crowd. 4. Formation of couples, with private intimacies.

Several aspects of adolescent brain development are positive:

1. Increased myelination, which decreases reaction time. 2. Enhanced dopamine activity, promoting pleasurable experiences. 3. Synaptic growth enhances moral development and openness to new experiences and ideas.

four areas of identity achievement

1. religious identity 2. gender identity 3. political/ethnic identity 4. vocational identity (rarely achieved until age 25)

age __ or __ is the most likely age of visible onset of puberty

11, 12

Parents are more likely to talk about sex to daughters than to sons and to older adolescents (over __) than to younger ones


Full height is usually reached at about age __ in females and __ in males because of the current level of food availability.

16, 18

Hormone production peaks in both men and women at about age __.


Most US adolescents are not regular drug users and about __% never use any drugs.


Muscle growth and fat accumulation continue into the early __s, when women attain adult breast and hip size and men reach full shoulder width and upper-arm strength.


The brain becomes fully mature at about age __.


Puberty usually lasts _-_ years.


About _ times as many young men as young women commit suicide or die in motor-vehicle accidents, and _ times as many are murdered.

4, 6

Physical growth during puberty usually begins sometime between ages _ and __. The variation is related to gender, genetic inheritance, body fat, and stress. Growth in height begins about two years earlier in girls than in boys, but hormonally and sexually girls are ahead by only a few months.

8, 14

____________________ ________________ is a stage of development in which young people typically regard themselves as much more socially significant than they actually are and tend to focus on themselves to the exclusion of others.

Adolescent egocentrism

____________ is diagnosed on the basis of four symptoms: refusal to maintain body weight, intense fear of gaining weight, disturbed body perception and denial of the problem, and lack of menstruation. The disorder went undiagnosed until about 1950.


________ ________ ________, any sexual activity between a juvenile and an older person, results in adolescent problems like drug abuse, eating disorders, and suicide.

Child sexual abuse

___________ ___________, when several suicides within a group occur in a short span of time, are influenced by media and peer reports of another person's suicide.

Cluster suicides

Heterosexual involvement generally follows a four-step progression, beginning with groups of same-sex friends; followed by loose, public interactions between a girl's group and a boy's group; a smaller mixed-sex group formed from the more advanced members of the larger group; and a final pairing off of couples. ___________ affects the timing and manifestation of these stages.


_________ from disease almost never occurs during emerging adulthood.


The view that psychological disorders are produced by the interaction of a genetic vulnerability (the diathesis) and stressful environmental factors and life events.

Diathesis-stress model

___________ is common (ending over 45% of US marriages) and difficult, not only for the partners but also for their families - their parents as well as their children.


are more aggressive, law-breaking, and alcohol-abusing than later-maturing boys.

Early-maturing boys

tend to have lower self-esteem, more depression, and poorer body image than later-maturing girls.

Early-maturing girls

_____________ described four arenas of identity: religious, sexual (gender), political/ethnic, and vocational.


_________ identity may affect choices in language, manners, romance, employment, neighborhood, religion, clothing, and values.


__________ identity is complex for three reasons: It is reciprocal, it depends on context and therefore changes with time and circumstances, and it is multifaceted.


_______________ helps individuals do things that they would be unlikely to do on their own.


________________ makes it easier to do both the wrong thing (let's skip school) and the right thing (let's study together).


_____________ between men are often based on shared activities and interests; those between women tend to be more intimate and emotional, involving self-disclosure.


___________________, in addition to the more traditional routes of marriage and parenthood, are a way to establish intimacy, defend against stress, and experience joy. Probably because friends choose each other, they are in some ways even more important than family members.


__________ __________ refers primarily to a person's self-definition as male or female. It usually leads to a gender role and a sexual orientation, but not always.

Gender identity

_________ and _____ are the most significant correlates of parent-child conversations.

Gender, age

the sequence of a chain reaction of hormone production, originating in the hypothalamus and moving to the pituitary and then to the adrenal glands.

HPA (hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal) axis

_____ of all emerging adults in the US have had at least one sexually transmitted infection (STI).


____________, _________, and _________ influence an increase in sexual activity from fantasizing to sexual touching. Adolescent sexual behavior is more hazardous today for several reasons: teens have sexual experiences at younger ages, most teenage mothers today have no husbands to help them, raising a child has become more complex and expensive, mothers of teenagers are often employed and therefore less available as caregivers, and sexually transmitted infections are more widespread and dangerous.

Hormones, cohort, culture

_____________ progresses from attraction to close connection to ongoing commitment.


__________ levels increase during childhood and peak at around age 12.


______________ affects memory, language proficiency, and motivation.


______________ deficiencies result from the food choices that young adolescents are allowed and/ or attracted to make.


_____________ is common, completed suicide is not


What role do parents play in their child's life after age 18? Does parents' influence decrease, increase or remain more or less the same?

Parents continue to be crucial influences after age 18 - more so now than in the past. Fewer emerging adults today have established their own families, secured high-paying jobs, or achieved a definitive understanding of their identity and goals.

An international test taken by 15-year-olds in 50 nations that is designed to measure problem solving and cognition in daily life.

Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)

_____________ vary in nature, the most effective ones should: begin before high school; reinforce parent-child communication; focus on behavior, not just information; provide medical references on request; and last for years. Adolescent sexual activity is still more dependent, however, on family, peers, and cultural community.


Rates of drug use vary from state to state.


Do the many stresses and transitions of emerging adulthood result in a reduced self-esteem?

Research shows that dealing with transitions successfully - especially leaving home, achieving identity, attending and then graduating from college, and securing a full-time job - correlates with well-being.

A major developmental risk for sexually active adolescent girls is pregnancy. Younger girls who become pregnant are at increased risk of many complications, including spontaneous and induced abortion, high blood pressure, stillbirth, cesarean section, and a low-birthweight baby. Sexually active teenagers also have higher rates of untreated ______ than other groups.


___________________ is experienced by about 1 percent of all adults. This disorder is partly the result of genes, and partly the result of vulnerabilities such as malnutrition when the brain is developing, and extensive social pressure. Symptoms of this disorder typically begin between the ages of 18 to 24 years. Males are more vulnerable.


______-__________ for boys and girls dips at puberty


tend to be more anxious, depressed, and afraid of sex.

Slow developing boys

Thinking about suicide, usually with some serious emotional and intellectual or cognitive suggestions.

Suicidal ideation

An acronym for Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich Democracy. The criticism is that conclusions about human development based on people in such nations may not apply to most people in the world, who do not live in WEIRD nations.


When commitment is added to passion and intimacy, the result is the _________ ideal of consummate love.


Drug _________ is defined as using a drug in a manner that is harmful to the individual's physical, cognitive, or psychosocial well-being. Drug ___________ is measured by the need for more of a drug. Withdrawal symptoms are the telltale indication of addiction.

abuse, addiction

Many adolescents fail to notice when they move past experimenting with drugs to harmful _________ and then ______________, defined as needing the drug to avoid feeling ill.

abuse, addiction

Few adolescent drug users are addicts but occasional drug use can lead to _____________.


Occasional use of any drugs can lead to progressive abuse of drugs, and possibly ____________ the earlier the drug use begins.


The younger a person is when beginning drug use, the more likely ____________ will occur.


A person whose criminal activity stops by age 21.

adolescence-limited offender

A characteristic of adolescent thinking that leads young people (ages 10 to 13) to focus on themselves to the exclusion of others.

adolescent egocentrism

Experts find it useful to distinguish _____________-__________ offenders, whose criminal activity stops by age 21, from _____-______-___________ offenders, whose criminal activity begins early in adolescence, and who become career criminals.

adolescent-limited, life-course-persistent

two glands, located above the kidneys, that produce hormones including the "stress hormones" epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine.

adrenal glands

Genes on the sex chromosomes have a marked effect on age of puberty. Girls generally develop _________ of boys.


Most frequently abused drug among North American teenagers.


Steady __________ consumption affects the brain, impairing memory and self-control.


A dynamic body adjustment, related to homeostasis, that affects overall physiology over time. The main difference is that homeostasis requires an immediate response whereas allostasis requires longer-term adjustment.


The stresses of basic body systems that burden overall functioning, such as hypertension.

allostatic load

Thought that results from analysis, such as a systematic ranking of pros and cons, risks and consequences, possibilities and facts. Analytic thought depends on logic and rationality.

analytic thought

An eating disorder characterized by self-starvation. Affected individuals voluntarily undereat and often overexercise, depriving their vital organs of nutrition. Anorexia can be fatal.

anorexia nervosa

Excessive concern with weight can become pathological, as evidenced by the three diagnosed eating disorders: obesity, ____________ ________, and ____________ _________. Anorexia and bulimia occur mostly in young women, and all of these disorders can be life-threatening.

anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa

Another major problem is __________ disorders, which affect one-fourth of young adults in the United States. These disorders include post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic attacks, and eating disorders.


Most emerging adults are still seeking to determine who they ____.


National and peer cultures often make the homosexual young person feel _____________.


Peers play a special role for teens whose parents are immigrants. These teens are caught between their strict family traditions and their generational push for ______________.


Since the limbic system matures earlier than the prefrontal cortex, that means the instinctual and emotional areas develop _________ the reflective ones do


The limbic system (fear, emotional impulses) matures ____________ the prefrontal cortex (planning ahead, emotional regulation).


Parent-adolescent spats are more common in early adolescence, particularly with mothers and their daughters. This conflict often involves _______________, which refers to repeated, petty arguments about daily habits.


___________ is petty, peevish arguing, usually repeated and ongoing


Eating much more in a short time period than is normal, to the point of feeling overfull and in pain. In this disorder, bingeing happens more than once a week for several months, and sufferers feel out of control—they can't stop. This disorder begins as bulimia does but does not involve purging.

binge eating disorder

The amount of _____ ____ affects the onset of puberty. Nations with the highest rates of obesity have the earliest onset of puberty.

body fat

A person's idea of how his or her body looks.

body image

Another reason for poor nutrition is anxiety about _________ ________

body image

Anxiety over ______ _______ can lead to poor nutrition from dieting, especially in girls, and a concern about being taller and stronger in boys.

body image

Adolescent _____ generally use more drugs and use them more often.


Many of the hallmarks of adolescent thinking and behavior originate with maturation of the ________. The limbic system, which controls fear and emotional impulses, matures before the prefrontal cortex, which depends less on specific hormones and more on age and experience. The prefrontal cortex (frontal lobes) is the last part of the brain to mature.


An eating disorder characterized by binge eating and subsequent purging, usually by induced vomiting and/or use of laxatives.

bulimia nervosa

The more common ____________ __________, binge-purge eating, can cause a wide range of health problems, including damage to the gastrointestinal system and cardiac arrest, from the strain of electrolyte imbalance. Common symptoms are bingeing and purging at least once a week for three months, uncontrollable urges to eat, and a distorted perception of body size.

bulimia nervosa

Any erotic activity that arouses an adult and excites, shames, or confuses a child, whether or not the victim protests and whether or not genital contact is involved.

child sexual abuse

Peers serve to bridge the gap between _____________ and _______________.

childhood, adulthood

20% of female and 10% of male teenagers experience ____________ ____________________.

clinical depression

Feelings of hopelessness, weariness, and worthlessness that last two weeks or more.

clinical depression

A group of adolescents made up of close friends who are loyal to one another while excluding outsiders.


Adolescents group themselves into ____________, which are clusters of close friends, and __________, a larger group of peers who share common interests. The notion that ________ __________ often forces adolescents to act in ways that they otherwise would not, often ignores constructive and positive benefits of peer pressure. Destructive peer pressure (_____________ ___________) occurs when an adolescent is shown by someone else how to rebel against social norms.

cliques, crowds, peer pressure, deviancy training

In addition to conflict, another key factor in parent-teen relationships is overall _____________, which has four aspects: communication, support, connectedness, and control.


Several suicides committed by members of a group within a brief period.

cluster suicides

Most young adults in the US, England, and northern Europe ___________ rather than marry before age 25.


To live with an unrelated person - typically a romantic partner - to whom one is not married.


An arrangement in which a couple lives together in a committed romantic relationship but are not formally married.


The practice of _______________ among young adults has increased worldwide. Cohabitants often share expenses and a bed, but resist having joint bank accounts and long-term commitment to one another. Domestic violence and drinking are more common among cohabiting couples, and once they marry, they are more likely to get divorced than those who do not cohabitate.


Compared to other adults, ___________ graduates tend to be healthier and wealthier. They smoke less, eat better, exercise more, and live longer.


For many emerging adults, attending __________ is an important step toward achieving vocational identity. The correlation between college education and income is stronger today than in the past. Many young adult workers, however, view how they earn money as disconnected from their creative, self-expressive impulses.


Most students nowadays attend _________ primarily to secure their vocational and financial future


Signs of depression are ___________.


A certain amount of ___________ between parents and adolescents can be found in most families.


Parent-adolescent conflict typically peaks in early adolescence and is more a sign of attachment than of distance.

conflicts with parents

Gender differences are reinforced by social ________________ about proper male and female behavior ("If I don't smoke, I'm not a real man").


Advances in ______________ reduced the birth rate during emerging adulthood, but also increased the rate of sexual activity, especially among unmarried adults.


A larger group of adolescents who have something in common but who are not necessarily friends.


Friends, new and old, are particularly _________ during emerging adulthood.


Recent research has demonstrated that one's ___________ context can inform how one strategizes and solves problems cognitively.


Adolescent __________ may have a greater effect on drug-taking behavior than laws do.


The hallmark of emerging adulthood, while dependent on _________, are more education, later marriage, and vocational instability.


The history of sexual development reveals variation in timing of romantic attachment and marriage, often contingent on ___________.


Whether suicidal ideation leads to suicide or parasuicide depends on a multitude of factors, including the attitudes about suicide that are held by the adolescent's ____________.


Bullying that occurs when one person spreads insults or rumors about another by means of social media posts, e-mails, text messages, or cell phone videos.


Young adults enjoy ________, drive without seat belts, carry guns, try addictive drugs, and more.


Drug use among adolescents has _______________ in the US since 1976.


Drug use becomes widespread from age 10 to 25 and then ______________.


Sexual activity among adolescents varies widely from country to country. While the majority (currently at 86%) of new teenage mothers are unmarried, the teen birth and abortion rates are ____________. At the same time, contraceptive use has increased.


Reasoning from a general statement, premise, or principle, through logical steps, to figure out (deduce) specifics. (Also called top-down reasoning.)

deductive reasoning

In addition, adolescents become capable of ______________ reasoning, or top-down reasoning (deriving conclusions from premises), which is unlike _____________ reasoning, or bottom-up reasoning (reasoning from one or more specific experiences or facts to a general conclusion), which predominates during middle childhood.

deductive, inductive

Alcohol allows momentary _________ of problems. When problems get worse because they have been ignored, more alcohol is needed.


A 2007 survey of 9th-12th graders: 36% of girls and 21% of boys experienced _____________ symptoms within the past year.


Although males are more likely than females to kill themselves, females are more likely to suffer from _______________ and _____________. This gender difference is due in part to the fact that males use more lethal means and are less likely to ask for help. Suicide rates vary dramatically among countries and among ethnic groups within countries.

depression, parasuicide

Although teenagers may act as if they no longer need their parents, neglect can be very ___________________.


Each particular psychopathology has a ______________ trajectory (path), becoming more common at certain ages than at others.


Destructive peer support in which one person shows another how to rebel against authority or social norms.

deviancy training

According to the _____________-_________ _________l, disorders such as schizophrenia are produced by the interaction of stress, or diathesis, with an underlying genetic vulnerability.

diathesis-stress mode

Girls _____ partly because boys tend to prefer to date thin girls.


More than any other age group, emerging adults have friends with ___________ backgrounds.


Married couples are more likely to ___________ if they have lived together before marriage


Overall, the rate of adolescent suicide in North America and Europe has ____________ since 1960, in part because of less parental supervision and because adolescents have greater access to alcohol, drugs, and guns.


All forms of _____ use increase during emerging adulthood, which are correlated with the quest for independence and adventure, and other such factors as high socioeconomic status.


When drug use is harmful, either to the body or to society—as when alcohol makes a person risk their own health or hurt others.

drug abuse

A condition of drug dependence in which the absence of the given drug from the individual's system produces a drive - physiological, biological, or both - to ingest more of the drug.

drug addiction

The notion that two networks exist within the human brain, one for emotional processing of stimuli and one for analytical reasoning.

dual processing

The _____-__________ _______ indicates that the brain has at least two pathways, or networks. In addition to one for analytic thought (hypothetical-deductive reasoning), there is one for intuitive thought, which begins with a prior belief or experience. This might mean that thoughts and emotions build and develop independently.

dual-process model

Emerging adults take risks that involve risking health and safety, volunteering, inventing, exploring, among other things. Many emerging adults are drawn to activities that include danger and excitement (_____________). Other manifestations of the risk-taking impulse are competitive ____________ __________, such as motocross.

edgework, extreme sports

Average well-being increases in ______________ ______________; two circumstances that reduce happiness are single parenthood and living with one's parents.

emerging adulthood

Because of advances in globalization, technology, and medicine, physical labor and parenthood are no longer necessarily the distinguishing factors of ______________ ______________.

emerging adulthood

In ___________ ______________, usually, blood pressure is normal, teeth develop no new cavities, heart rate is steady, the brain is fully grown, and lung capacity is as large as it will ever be.

emerging adulthood

In addition to substance abuse disorders, specific other problems - including mood disorders, anxiety disorders, and schizophrenia - are more likely to appear in ______________ ___________.

emerging adulthood

The largest shift in one's self-description toward higher levels happens between adolescence and ________________ ________________.

emerging adulthood

The new stage of _____________ _____________ (from 18 to 25) can be considered the prime of life in terms of physiological development. Whatever difficulties young adults experience in biosocial development are usually not related to aging.

emerging adulthood

The period of life between the ages of 18 and 25. Emerging adulthood is now widely thought of as a distinct developmental stage.

emerging adulthood

The sexual-reproductive system is at its strongest during ____________ ____________. Young adults have a strong sex drive, are more fertile, and have more frequent orgasms.

emerging adulthood

Worldwide, adults are more likely to have an episode of mental illness during _________ _____________ than during any later time.

emerging adulthood

a sex hormone, considered the chief estrogen. Females produce more estradiol than males do.


In the United States and Canada, about half of 18- to 24-year-olds are either children of immigrants or native-born adults who identify with specific ________ groups. Most of them identify with specific ethnic groups. Identity achievement is particularly difficult for immigrants because it means reconciling their parents' background with their new social context.


A collaborative nationwide initiative to introduce recommendations for __________ goals found that 18- to 24-year-olds were the closest age group to achieve these goals.


Most adolescents in the US have ________________ with drug use.


Peers ______________ both destructive and constructive behaviors in one another.


The belief that family members should support one another, sacrificing individual freedom and success, if necessary, in order to preserve family unity and protect the family from outside forces.


Research indicates that depression increases at puberty, especially among __________.


Erikson's term for premature identity formation, which occurs when an adolescent adopts his or her parents' or society's roles and values wholesale, without questioning or analysis.


In Piaget's theory, the fourth and final stage of cognitive development, characterized by more systematic logical thinking and by the ability to understand and systematically manipulate abstract concepts.

formal operational thought

Piaget described the reasoning that characterizes adolescence as _________ ______________ __________, which arises from maturation and experience. Many standard Piagetian tasks (including the balance-scale test) assess how children of various ages reason hypothetically and deductively.

formal operational thought

Accidents, homicides, and suicides are the three leading causes of death from age 15 to 35. Young adult men are _____ times as likely to die violently than are women of the same age. Various theories have been proposed to explain this difference.


Suicide rate among male teenagers in the US is _______ times higher than the rate for female teenagers.


Many _____ do not acknowledge their sexual orientation


Causes for the __________ gap may be biological, psychological, and/or social.


A person's self-perception as male, female, both, or neither.

gender identity

The idea that each new generation forgets what the previous generation learned. As used here, the term refers to knowledge about the harm drugs can do.

generational forgetting

the paired sex glands (ovaries in females, testicles in males). The gonads produce hormones and gametes.


The _________ ________ proceeds from the extremities to the core, making many adolescents temporarily big-footed, long-legged, and short-waisted.

growth spurt

The relatively sudden and rapid physical growth that occurs during puberty. Each body part increases in size on a schedule: Weight usually precedes height, and growth of the limbs precedes growth of the torso.

growth spurt

College correlates with better ________: College graduates everywhere smoke less, eat better, exercise more, and live longer.


Breakups and unreciprocated crushes are common among _________________ relationships.


An evaluation that is critical in determining success or failure. If a single test determines whether a student will graduate or be promoted, it is a high-stakes test.

high-stakes test

One consequence of sexual patterns among today's young adults is that the incidence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is __________ today than ever before.


Past cohorts of gay youth had ___________ rates of clinical depression, drug abuse, and suicide than did their heterosexual peers.


The adjustment of all of the body's systems to keep physiological functions in a state of equilibrium. As the body ages, it takes longer for these homeostatic adjustments to occur, so it becomes harder for older bodies to adapt to stress.


For _______________ adolescents, the added complications of finding both romantic partners and forming friendships usually slow down romantic attachments.


A sexual encounter between two people who are not in a romantic relationship. Neither intimacy nor commitment are expected.


An organic chemical substance that is produced by one body tissue and conveyed via the bloodstream to another to affect some physiological function.


Puberty begins when a biochemical signal from the hypothalamus stimulates ____________ production in the _____________, which, in turn, triggers hormone production by the ____________ _________. This route is called the ____ _______.

hormone, pituitary, adrenal glands, HPA axis

Conflict, moodiness, and sexual urges usually do increase in adolescence. This is due in part to the increasing levels of male and female sex ____________. A more potent hormonal influence is indirect, via the psychological impact of the visible changes. The impact of hormones depends profoundly on the adolescent's psychosocial context.


Reasoning that includes propositions and possibilities that may not reflect reality.

hypothetical thought

The distinguishing feature of adolescent thought is the capacity to think in terms of possibility rather than only in terms of reality. With this capacity for _________________ ____________, the adolescent is able to consider the here and now as one among many alternative possibilities.

hypothetical thought

Adolescent suicidal __________ is common, completed suicides are not.


Youth often do not want to ___________ with any orientation, and independent of same-sex sexual experimentation in adolescence, most go on to heterosexual choices in adulthood.


Most developmentalists once believed that __________ was usually achieved before age 18. Today, they believe that the search for identity lasts longer. Of the four identities, two that seem nearly impossible to achieve during adolescence are ethnic identity and vocational identity.


a consistent definition of one's self as a unique individual, in terms of roles, attitudes, beliefs, and aspirations.


Erikson's term for the attainment of identity, or the point at which a person understands who he or she is as a unique individual, in accord with past experiences and future plans.

identity achievement

Political identity no longer just involves identifying with a political party as it did during Erikson's time. Political values and attitudes have been increasingly more influenced by ethnic loyalty, hence the term __________ _____________.

identity politics

Erikson's term for the fifth stage of development, in which the person tries to figure out "Who am I?" but is confused as to which of many possible roles to adopt.

identity versus role confusion

According to Erik Erikson, the psychosocial challenge of adolescence is __________ _________ _______ ______________. For Erikson, the ultimate goal, _________ _______________, occurs when adolescents establish their own goals and values by abandoning some of those set by parents and culture while accepting others.

identity versus role confusion, identity achievement

As another part of their egocentrism, adolescents often create for themselves an _______________ ___________ that allows them to fantasize about how others will react to their appearance and behavior.

imaginary audience

The other people who, in an adolescent's egocentric belief, are watching and taking note of his or her appearance, ideas, and behavior. This belief makes many teenagers very self-conscious.

imaginary audience

The ____________ system is strongest during this time, and death from disease is rare. Digestive, respiratory, circulatory, and sexual-reproductive systems function at an optimum level during emerging adulthood. The immune system has developed well enough to fight off everything from the sniffles to cancer


Heavy drinking may permanently _______ memory and self-control by damaging the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex.


Emerging adults are supposedly ______________, leaving their childhood home and parents behind.


Reasoning from one or more specific experiences or facts to reach (induce) a general conclusion. (Also called bottom-up reasoning.)

inductive reasoning

The trend among emerging adults is toward less depression and more joy, along with more _________ into the self.


Marriage and parenthood, as emerging adults are discovering, are only two of several paths to _____________.


According to Erikson, the two crises of emerging adulthood can be framed in view of humans being social creatures and experiencing _______________ __________ ______________.

intimacy versus isolation

The sixth of Erikson's eight stages of development. Adults seek someone with whom to share their lives in an enduring and self-sacrificing commitment. Without such commitment, they risk profound aloneness and isolation.

intimacy versus isolation

Thought that arises from an emotion or a hunch, beyond rational explanation, and is influenced by past experiences and cultural assumptions.

intuitive thought

An adolescent's egocentric conviction that he or she cannot be overcome or even harmed by anything that might defeat a normal mortal, such as unprotected sex, drug abuse, or high-speed driving.

invincibility fable

The ____________ _________ that adolescents are somehow immune to common dangers is an extension of adolescents' egocentrism.

invincibility fable

Most teenagers' diets are deficient in _____, __________, _______, and other minerals. Also, few adolescents consume enough calcium to prevent osteoporosis in later years. There is a direct link between deficient diets and the presence of vending machines in schools.

iron, calcium, zinc

a person under the age of 18 who breaks the law.

juvenile deliquent

Nations have very different rates of adolescent drug use, which is partly due to different ________.


A hormone that affects appetite and is believed to affect the onset of puberty. Leptin levels increase during childhood and peak at around age 12.


One hormone in particular, _________, has been implicated in the earlier onset of puberty, especially among girls.


Adolescents are _______ _________ to kill themselves than adults are.

less likely

A person whose criminal activity typically begins in early adolescence and continues throughout life; a career criminal.

life-course-persistent offender

Occasional drug use excites the ___________ __________ and interferes with the prefrontal cortex drug users are more emotional and less reflective.

limbic system

Family connection is a crucial part of an emerging adult's life. All members of each family have __________ _________, meaning that the experiences and needs of family members at one stage of life are affected by those at other stages.

linked lives

Lives in which the success, health, and well-being of each family member are connected to those of other members, including those of another generation, as in the relationship between parents and children.

linked lives

Adolescents find it much easier and quicker to forget about ______ and follow their impulses.


When emotions are intense, especially when one is with peers, the ________ part of the brain shuts down.


According to Robert Sternberg, _______ has three components: passion, intimacy, and commitment. The relative presence or absence of these three components gives rise to seven different forms of love. Early in a typical relationship, passion is high, but because the partners have not shared enough time and experiences, intimacy and commitment are low.


Feelings of hopelessness, lethargy, and worthlessness that last two weeks or more.

major depression

In both sexes, chronic _______________ delays puberty.


Adolescents who regularly smoke ______________ are more likely to drop out of school, become teenage parents, and be unemployed.


Domestic violence and excessive drinking are more likely to occur among young adults who cohabit than among those who _________.


For girls, early ___________ may be especially troublesome. For boys, both early and late maturation may be difficult.


A girl's first menstrual period, signaling that she has begun ovulation. Pregnancy is biologically possible, but ovulation and menstruation are often irregular for years after menarche.


The current average age of _____________ is about 12 years 8 months. Boys experience ___________, on average, at just under age 13.

menarche, spermarche

A school for children in the grades between elementary school and high school. Middle school usually begins with grade 6 and ends with grade 8.

middle school

Before age 30, approximately 15 percent of U.S. residents suffer from a _______ disorder. The most common of these disorders is major depression defined as the loss of interest in nearly all activities lasting for two or more weeks. Although biochemical in nature, depression is often triggered during this time by stressors.


An adolescent's choice of a socially acceptable way to postpone making identity-achievement decisions. Going to college is a common example.


Many adolescents declare a _______________, often by using an institutionalized time-out such as college or voluntary military service as a means of postponing final decisions about career or marriage. Moratorium can be active (questioning alternatives) or passive (taking a break from decision making).


Religious identity is not something most teenagers achieve, often remaining in active _______________, or foreclosing on a parent's faith without active questioning.


Height spurt precedes _________ ________, making sports injuries more common.

muscle growth

A height spurt follows the increase in body fat, and then a __________ ________ occurs.

muscle spurt

Throughout adolescence, reactions become faster because of increased ________________ and additional __________ of neurons. The slow-developing prefrontal cortex also explains adolescent creativity.

myelination, pruning

Increased anger during puberty is _________ but most adolescents express their anger in acceptable ways.


The capacity of organs to allow the body to cope with stress, via extra, unused functioning ability.

organ reserve

Many gay youth date members of the other sex to hide their true __________________.


Any potentially lethal action against the self that does not result in death. (Also called attempted suicide or failed suicide.)


An important part of control is ______________ ________________, which is a powerful deterrent for risky sex and drug use. Too much freedom or too much control, however, can lead to other problems. Threatening withdrawal of love and support, which is a tactic called psychological control, is particularly harmful.

parental monitoring

Parents' ongoing awareness of what their children are doing, where, and with whom.

parental monitoring

Girls claim a steady __________ more often than boys do.


Encouragement to conform to one's friends or contemporaries in behavior, dress, and attitude; usually considered a negative force, as when adolescent peers encourage one another to defy adult authority.

peer pressure

Adolescent sexual behavior is strongly influenced by ________, which depends on the group (i.e. all virgins or sexually active).


Adolescent sexual behavior is strongly influenced by the example of _______.


An aspect of adolescent egocentrism characterized by an adolescent's belief that his or her thoughts, feelings, and experiences are unique, more wonderful, or more awful than anyone else's.

personal fable

The ____________ ________ reflects the adolescent's belief that his or her thoughts, feelings, and experiences are unique.

personal fable

Despite what some theorists once believed, ____________ is not fixed by early adulthood.


Internal organs also grow, including the lungs (which triple in weight) and the heart (which doubles in size and slows in rate). These changes give the adolescent increased _____________ ____________.

physical endurance

A gland in the brain that responds to a signal from the hypothalamus by producing a variety of hormones. Such hormones include those that regulate growth and control other glands, among them the adrenal and sex glands.

pituitary gland

A hallmark of ______________ cognition is cognitive flexibility, as is reflected by the ability to delay marriage and parenting, allowing college to inform one's choices, and the ability to reflect on options and combine emotions and reason in finding a solution to a problem.


A proposed adult stage of cognitive development, following Piaget's four stages, that goes beyond adolescent thinking by being more practical, more flexible, and more dialectical (i.e., more capable of combining contradictory elements into a comprehensive whole).

postformal thought

is sexual development before age 8, and occurs about once in 5,000 children, for unknown reasons.

precocious puberty

Drug use before age 18 is the best ______________ of later drug use.


Overall, drug use among adolescents in the United States is down since 1976. Worldwide, boys have higher rates of drug use than girls. Peer influence is a powerful factor in adolescent drug use. Another is the immaturity of the brain's ______________ _________, which makes teenagers more likely to seek states of excitement.

prefrontal cortex

During adolescence, the sex organs that result in the development of reproductive potential, called ______________ _____ __________, increase in size and mature in function.

primary sex characteristics

The parts of the body that are directly involved in reproduction, including the vagina, uterus, ovaries, testicles, and penis.

primary sex characteristics

Drug use is _____________, and the first use usually occurs as part of a social gathering.


Most adolescents try ______________ drugs, some of which are legal and some of which are not. Drug use generally increases from age 10 to 25 and then decreases. The drug most frequently abused among North American teenagers is alcohol. Middle school boys are particularly vulnerable to the use of inhalant drugs.


Although puberty lasts for 3-5 years, it takes many more years to achieve _____________ maturity.


The major physical changes of ___________ generally occur in the same sequence and are complete four years after they have begun.


The period of rapid growth and sexual development that begins adolescence.


The search for identity begins at ___________, but continues much longer into emerging adulthood


Given the large gap between _________ (now starting as early as 10) and ___________, each stage lasts longer: same-sex groups in primary school, some opposite-gender interaction and interest in middle school; while exclusive early romance signifies trouble, romances in later adolescence manifest a life replete with good relationships with parents and peers.

puberty, marriage

Adolescents are crushed by ______________ and sometimes contemplate revenge or suicide.


Compared with adolescent thinking, adults are better able to think complexly, critically, and consider things in relation to one another (____________). They are better able than before to combine intuition and logic.


Adolescence is often a time of adolescence _____________ to parental authority, where angry outbursts are more common. Most anger is expressed in acceptable ways; however, a small proportion of boys more than girls show steady aggression leading to juvenile delinquency, when the under age 18 person breaks the law


Emerging adulthood is marked by a greater willingness to take ______ of all sorts, not just sexual ones.


A situation in which an adolescent does not seem to know or care what his or her identity is. (Sometimes called identity diffusion or role diffusion.)

role confusion

Some adolescents experience _____ __________, also known as identity diffusion, characterized by a lack of commitment to goals or values, whether those of parents, peers, or the larger society. Other adolescents achieve identity prematurely, a process called _______________, which involves an adolescent adopting parents' or society's roles and values without exploring alternatives.

role confusion, foreclosure

One explanation is that talking about and mentally replaying past experiences (_____________) is more common among females. Those who have feelings of hopelessness, lethargy, and worthlessness that last for two weeks or more are _______________ ______________.

rumination, clinically depressed

repeatedly thinking and talking about past experiences; can contribute to depression and is more common in females.

rumination, cognitive explanation for why girls are more depressed than boys

with growth spurts, each body part increases in size on a _____________: a weight increase usually precedes a height increase, and growth of the limbs precedes growth of the torso.


There is no doubt that post-_____________ education improves verbal and quantitative abilities, knowledge of specific subject areas, skills in various professions, reasoning, and reflection.


Literally, the period after primary education (elementary or grade school) and before tertiary education (college). It usually occurs from about ages 12 to 18, although there is some variation by school and by nation.

secondary education

Physical traits that are not directly involved in reproduction but that indicate sexual maturity, such as a man's beard and a woman's breasts.

secondary sex characteristics

The development of ____________ _____ _______________—notably, breasts and pubic hair in girls and pubic and facial hair and lowering of the voice in boys—also indicates that sexual maturation is occurring.

secondary sex characteristics

Teenagers select friends whose values and interests they share, abandoning friends who follow other paths.


Young people usually choose to associate with friends whose values and interests they share, even if this involves destructive or constructive behaviors. The influence of peers involves ______________, or choosing one another, and __________________, encouraging one another to do things that none of them would do alone.

selection, facilitation

Adolescence heightens the search for ____-_____________—that is, to find an identity, because of the momentous changes that occur during the teenage years.


Sexual-reproductive characteristics are produced by _____ hormones, which peak in both sexes at about age 20.


The ____ _______ in emerging adulthood is powerful, infertility is rare, orgasm is frequent, and birth is easy, with fewer complications in the early 20s than at any other time.

sex drive

Sending sexual content, particularly photos or videos, via cell phones or social media.


Many parents underestimate their adolescent's need for __________ information. Most are unaware of their child's sexual activity; more talk to daughters than sons. Parents' behaviors, especially single parents who date, are the biggest influence.


Globally, emerging adults have fewer babies but engage in more ___________ __________ than older adults (married or not) do or than people their own age once did

sexual activity

A person's sexual attraction to people of the same sex, other sex, or both sexes constitutes his or her ___________ ______________. Sometimes the gender-identity crisis becomes the pathological condition called sexual identity disorder.

sexual orientation

A term that refers to whether a person is sexually and romantically attracted to others of the same sex, the opposite sex, or both sexes.

sexual orientation

Adolescents who are physically attractive and who experience early puberty are more likely to become ___________ active.


Diseases that are spread by sexual contact, including syphilis, gonorrhea, genital herpes, chlamydia, and HIV/AIDS.

sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

When stress, arousal, passion, sensory bombardment, drug intoxication, or deprivation is extreme, the adolescent brain is overtaken by impulses that might _______ adults.


Some cultures value family harmony above all else and avoid conflict. The very idea of adolescent rebellion may be a _________ ______________ in middle-class Western culture. In every nation, culture affects the topics of disagreement and the methods of expression.

social construction

Children who have a relatively large proportion of body fat experience puberty _________ than do their thin classmates.


A boy's first ejaculation of sperm. Erections can occur as early as infancy, but ejaculation signals sperm production. Spermarche may occur during sleep (in a "wet dream") or via direct stimulation.


The thought in a person's mind that one's appearance or behavior will be misread to confirm another person's oversimplified, prejudiced attitudes.

stereotype threat

Throughout life, friends not only provide joy but also defend against __________.


Thinking about suicide, usually with some serious emotional and intellectual or cognitive overtones.

suicidal ideation

Thinking about suicide (_____________ _____________) is quite common among adolescents. Fortunately, most suicide attempts in adolescence do not result in death. Deliberate acts of self-destruction that do not cause death are referred to as _______________.

suicidal ideation, parasuicide

Boys want to look ________ and __________, a concern that increases from ages 12 to 17, partly because girls value well-developed muscles in males.

taller, stronger

a sex hormone, the best known of the androgens (male hormones). Secreted in far greater amounts by males than by females


The major hormone of puberty is GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone), which causes the gonads to enlarge and to dramatically increase their production of ________________ (especially in boys) and ____________ (especially in girls).

testosterone, estradiol

All psychoactive drugs take a toll on the body. By decreasing food consumption and the absorption of nutrients, ____________ in particular can limit growth rate in teens.


Hormones _________ thoughts and emotions, and the social context ____________ thoughts.

trigger, shapes

Psychological research on the personality traits of ______ from ages 17 to 24 finds evidence of genetic continuity and developmental improvement.


Parents often _______________ their adolescent's need for information and wait to talk about sex until their child is already in a romantic relationship.


True number of homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual, or asexual youth is ____________.


The sexual-reproductive system is especially ____________ during emerging adulthood


Drug abuse is particularly common among those who die _____________.


In the US, between the ages of 15 and 25, almost 1 male in every 100 dies ______________, through suicide, homicide, or a motor-vehicle accident.


Data from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey reveal that two-thirds of ninth graders and one-third of twelfth graders are still _________.


Many adolescents are deficient in their intake of necessary ____________ or ___________.

vitamins, minerals

Steady aggression throughout childhood and adolescence is a _____________ ______.

warning sign

First straight romances appear in high school and rarely last more than a _____.


Emerging adulthood is also called _______ ___________ or ________

young adulthood, youth

About _____ of the variation in age of puberty is genetic

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