Unit #3 T/F

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T/F: "SLAP" lesion stands for Superior Lateral Anterior to Posterior tear of the long head of the biceps tendon at the supraglenoid tubercle.

FALSE - "SLAP" lesion stands for Superior LABRAL Anterior to Posterior tear of biceps tendon at the SUPERIOR LABRUM attachment

T/F: Divisions of the brachial plexus are named based upon their relationship to the axillary artery.

FALSE - CORDS of the brachial plexus are named based upon their relationship to the axillary artery

T/F: With regard to fractures of the humerus, radial nerve injury is associated with a surgical neck fracture, whereas axillary nerve injury is associated with the humeral shaft.

FALSE - RADIAL NERVE injury is associated with the HUMERAL SHAFT, whereas AXILLARY NERVE injury is associated with SURGICAL NECK FRACTURE

T/F: Rotator cuff injury of the subscapularis m. can cause the inability to initially abduct the arm from 0-15 degrees.

FALSE - SUPRASPINATUS MUSCLE initiates abduction of humerus at shoulder joint; 0-15°

T/F: A pre-fixed brachial plexus is formed from roots C6-T2.

FALSE - a PRE-FIXED brachial plexus is formed from ROOTS C4-C8, a POST-FIXED brachial plexus is formed from ROOTS C6-T2

T/F: The brachialis muscle functions to flex the shoulder.

FALSE - brachialis contributes to ELBOW FLEXION; it originates from the anterior, middle aspect of the humerus and inserts on the ulnar tuberosity & thus does not cross the shoulder joint and can only act at the elbow joint

T/F: If there is ulnar nerve damage and the individual presents with Claw Hand, the individual will have more severe clawing if the injury to the ulnar nerve occurs at the elbow compared to injury at the wrist.

FALSE - if there is ulnar nerve damage and the individual presents with Claw Hand, the individual will have LESS SEVERE clawing if the injury to the ulnar nerve occurs at the elbow compared to injury at the wrist

T/F: Injury to the lateral corticospinal tract in the spinal cord would result in motor deficits in the contralateral limb.

FALSE - injury to the lateral corticospinal tract in the brainstem distal to the pyramids or in the spinal cord would result in IPSILATERAL limb deficits

T/F: The teres major muscle is innervated by both the upper and lower subscapular nerves.

FALSE - only the LOWER SUBSCAPULAR NERVE innervates teres major

T/F: Both the anterior and posterior spinal arteries arise from the right and left vertebral arteries.

FALSE - only the anterior spinal artery arises from the right AND left vertebral arteries

T/F: Prolonged compression of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel may result in ape hand deformity, as well as the hand of benediction when a patient is instructed to make a fist.

FALSE - prolonged compression of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel may result in APE HAND ONLY, NOT the hand of benediction when a patient is instructed to make a fist

T/F: Testing the posterior cutaneous nerve of the arm assesses the integrity of the radial nerve, which can be compromised with inferior glenohumeral joint dislocations.

FALSE - testing the SUPERIOR LATERAL cutaneous nerve of the arm assesses the integrity of the AXILLARY nerve, which can be compromised with inferior glenohumeral joint dislocations

T/F: The clavicular branch of the thoracoacromial artery contributes to the shoulder anastomosis.

FALSE - the ACROMIAL branch of the thoracoacromial artery contributes to the shoulder anastomosis

T/F: The basilic vein passes through the deltopectoral triangle to drain into the axillary vein.

FALSE - the CEPHALIC vein passes through the deltopectoral triangle to drain into the axillary vein

T/F: The median nerve pierces the supinator muscle during its course in the forearm.


T/F: The long thoracic artery branches from the second part of the axillary artery.

FALSE - the LATERAL thoracic artery branches from the second part of the axillary artery

T/F: All three heads of the triceps brachii muscle cross the shoulder joint.

FALSE - the LONG HEAD of triceps brachii is the ONLY head that crosses the shoulder joint because it attaches on the infraglenoid tubercle of the scapula

T/F: The adductor pollicis muscle contributes to the thenar eminence of the hand.

FALSE - the adductor pollicis muscle DOES NOT contribute to the thenar eminence of the hand (it is considered to be too deep to contribute)

T/F: The annular ligament inserts onto the head of the radius.

FALSE - the annular ligament ENCIRCLES the head of the radius

T/F: The anterior and posterior circumflex humeral arteries form an anastomotic ring around the anatomical neck of the humerus.

FALSE - the anterior and posterior circumflex humeral arteries form an anastomotic ring around the SURGICAL neck of the humerus

T/F: The anterior axillary fold is formed by the inferolateral border of the pectoralis major muscle, while the posterior axillary fold is formed by the lateral borders of latissimus dorsi and teres minor.

FALSE - the anterior axillary fold is formed by the inferolateral border of the pectoralis major muscle, while the posterior axillary fold is formed by the lateral borders of latissimus dorsi and teres MAJOR

T/F: The axillary tail of spence is located in the superolateral quadrant of the breast.

FALSE - the axillary tail of spence is located in the AXILLARY PROCESS

T/F: The common interosseus artery is a branch of the radial artery.

FALSE - the common interosseus artery is a branch of the ULNAR artery

T/F: The coracoacromial ligament supports the acromioclavicular joint against superior displacement and can be compromised with shoulder separations.

FALSE - the coracoacromial ligament supports the GLENOHUMORAL joint against superior displacement and can be compromised with shoulder separations

T/F: The following muscles attach to the lateral lip, floor, and medial lip of the intertubercular sulcus, respectively: pectoralis minor, latissimus dorsi, and teres major.

FALSE - the following muscles attach to the lateral lip, floor, and medial lip of the intertubercular sulcus, respectively: pectoralis MAJOR, latissimus dorsi, and teres major

T/F: The gracile tract is an ascending sensory tract that carries proprioception, vibration, and discriminative/fine touch from the upper limb.

FALSE - the gracile tract receives input from the INFERIOR LIMB & INFERIOR TRUNK

T/F: The lateral and medial pectoral nn. communicate via the ansa cervicalis.

FALSE - the lateral and medial pectoral nn. communicate via the ansa PECTORALIS

T/F: The medial half of the flexor digitorum profundus muscle is innervated by the median nerve.

FALSE - the medial half of the flexor digitorum profundus muscle is innervated by the ULNAR nerve (the LATERAL half is innervated by the median nerve)

T/F: The obliquus capitis inferior muscle is biarticulate and flexes the head at the atlantooccipital joint.

FALSE - the obliquus capitus inferior muscle is MONOARTICULATE and pulls the transverse process posteriorly for ipsilateral rotation

T/F: The pectoralis major muscle is innervated by the medial and lateral pectoral nerves, while the pectoralis minor muscle is only innervated by the lateral pectoral nerve.

FALSE - the pectoralis major muscle is innervated by the medial and lateral pectoral nerves, while the pectoralis minor muscle is only innervated by the MEDIAL pectoral nerve

T/F: The profunda brachii a. and radial n. pass through the triangular space to traverse into the posterior compartment of the arm.

FALSE - the profunda brachii a. and radial n. pass through the triangular INTERVAL to traverse into the posterior compartment of the arm

T/F: The proximal radioulnar joint is a hinge joint which allows for flexion/ extension at the elbow.

FALSE - the proximal radioulnar joint is a SYNOVIAL PIVOT JOINT which allows PRONATION/SUPINATION

T/F: The subacromial bursa is continuous with the synovial cavity of the glenohumeral joint, deep to the tendon of supraspinatus.

FALSE - the subacromial bursa is NOT continuous with the synovial cavity of the glenohumeral joint, deep to the tendon of supraspinatus

T/F: The anatomical snuffbox contains the radial artery, extensor carpi radialis longus tendon, dorsal carpal branch of radial artery, and superficial branch of radial nerve.

FALSE - the superficial branch of the radial nerve is SUPERFICIAL to the anatomical snuffbox

T/F: The tendon of the long head of the biceps brachii muscle is a content of the axilla.

FALSE - the tendon of the long head of the biceps brachii muscle IS NOT a content of the axilla

T/F: The ulnar nerve is a content within the cubital fossa.

FALSE - the ulnar nerve is NOT a content of the cubital fossa because it courses posterior to the medial epicondyle

T/F: The ulnar nerve will travel between the two heads of the extensor carpi ulnaris during its course in the forearm.

FALSE - the ulnar nerve will travel between the two heads of the FLEXOR carpi ulnaris during its course in the forearm

T/F: The vertebral artery, within the suboccipital triangle, is located on the inferior surface of the arch of the axis.

FALSE - the vertebral artery, within the suboccipital triangle, is located on the SUPERIOR surface of the arch of the axis

T/F: A patient with "Saturday night palsy" may present with wrist drop and paresthesia of the posterior arm and forearm due to compression of the radial nerve.


T/F: Axillary fascia, which is formed by contributions from the pectoral and clavipectoral fascia, is the base of the axilla.


T/F: Clavipectoral fascia invests the subclavius and pectoralis minor muscles.


T/F: Damage to the median nerve proximal to its innervation to the flexor carpi radialis will result in ulnar deviation upon flexion of the wrist.


T/F: Erb-Duchenne palsy is associated with upper brachial plexus injury, whereas Klumpke's palsy is associated with lower brachial plexus injury.


T/F: Extensor digitorum muscle is innervated by the deep branch of the radial nerve.


T/F: If the axillary a. is ligated proximal to the subscapular artery there will be retrograde flow in the circumflex scapular artery.


T/F: Improper use of crutches can lead to axillary n. injury due to the nerve's relationship to the surgical neck of the humerus.


T/F: In a pair of thoracic vertebrae, a single rib has two points of articulation with the inferior vertebra and one point of articulation with the superior vertebra.


T/F: Inferior dislocation of the glenohumeral joint may result in injury to the axillary nerve.


T/F: Injury to the long thoracic nerve may present clinically as "winging" of the scapula.


T/F: The anterior interosseus artery provides the distal part of the posterior forearm with blood.


T/F: The anterior longitudinal ligament limits extension.


T/F: The anterolateral system carries pain, temperature, and light touch from the entire body to the primary somatosensory cortex.


T/F: The articular disc of the TFCC limits wrist adduction and sits between distal ulna and the triquetrum.


T/F: The axillary artery extends from the lateral border of rib 1 to the inferior border of the teres major muscle.


T/F: The brachioradialis muscle is a strong flexor of the forearm.


T/F: The cephalic vein courses through the deltopectoral groove.


T/F: The coracoacromial ligament is considered a false ligament and forms the superior boundary of the supraspinatus canal.


T/F: The dorsal roots and rootlets carry sensory input into the dorsal gray horn of the spinal cord.


T/F: The filum terminale internum is derived from pia mater.


T/F: The gracile tract is present at all spinal levels, while the cuneate tract is only present at spinal levels T6 and above.


T/F: The interossei and lumbrical muscles are synergistic.


T/F: The musculocutaneous nerve pierces the coracobrachialis muscle and innervates the muscles of the anterior compartment of the arm.


T/F: The opponens pollicis muscle has no compensation for its loss.


T/F: The posterior internal vertebral venous plexus is contained within the epidural space.


T/F: The radial collateral ligament limits adduction of the elbow.


T/F: The right and left breast have lymphatic drainage communication by way of the parasternal lymph nodes.


T/F: The second part of the axillary artery is located deep to the pectoralis minor muscle.


T/F: The spinal cord ends between vertebral levels L1 and L2.


T/F: The superficial palmar arch is located distal to the deep palmar arch in the hand.


T/F: Under non-pathological conditions, the subscapular bursa is a diverticulum of the synovial membrane and communicates with the glenohumeral joint.


T/F: The coracoid process is the site of attachment for 3 muscles and 4 ligamentous structures in total.

TRUE - site of attachment for pectoralis minor m., short head of biceps brachii m., coracobrachialis m., coracoclavicular ligament, coracoacromial ligament, coracohumeral ligament, & superior transverse scapular ligament

T/F: The suprascapular nerve is a side branch of the upper trunk that will innervate the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles.

TRUE - the other side branch of the upper trunk is nerve to subclavius

T/F: The radius is the only bone of the forearm which articulates with the scaphoid bone.

TRUE - the ulna does not articulate with any of the wrist bones

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