Unit 4 Bible 9 Test

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The Great Commission

#1: Go #2: Make disciples #3: Baptizing them #4: Teach the, to obey Jesus' Promise: He is always with us until the end of the age

What is another way to say the Holy Spirit?

- Hebrew: Ruakh - Greek: Pneuma - breath

What is the Pentecost?

- Jewish and Christians celebrate this day - 50 days after the Passover

How was Saul a "hard core" Jewish Pharisee?

- breathing out threats to Christ-followers - got a letter from high priest on way to Damascus getting approval o take a disciple as prisoner

Through Act 4, Jesus has...

- established the kingdom of God through teachings and miracles - defeated death and made a way for people to have a right relationship with God through his death and resurrection

4 things to Church devoted themselves to

1. The apostles' teaching 2. Fellowship 3. Breaking of the bread 4. Prayer

2 things that happened to the Gentiles who met Peter that day?

1. The gift of the Holy Spirit came on them because they started speaking in another language 2. They got baptized

3 supernatural things that happened while they were sitting in the house?

1. There was a violent wind 2. Tongues of fire 3. They could speak in other languages (Important because it's hard to learn a language, wants to spread it to the ends of the earth)

2 ideas of what this statement means for believers

1. whoever are believers of God are classified as clean and can eat with the unclean 2. favoritism (God created everyone equal)

2 primary church leaders

1st part of Acts: Peter (Simon) Primary Audience: Jewish Community 2nd part of Acts: Saul (Paul) Primary Audience: Gentiles

How many missionary journeys will Paul go on?


Stephan begins his defense, speaking against Sanhedrin and starts in which Act?


How many times did God show Peter the vision?

3 times

How many were saved?

3000 (huge beginning to the early church)

Jesus spent how many days teaching and being with his disciples after his resurrection and before he ascended into heaven?

40 days

Resurrected Jesus appeared to over how many people?

500 people

More leaders were needed for the church. How many men were selected? What are they called?

7 men, called deacons

What were these people hearing from the disciples?

About the wonders of God from the disciples speaking their own language

Key Old Testament players in God's story

Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, and David

Where does Paul start usually when preaching?

Act 3 with Moses, Samuel, David, then told them about Jesus

Majority of last quarter was spent on which act?

Act 4

According to verse 18, what does Jesus say has been given to you? (Matthew 28:16-20)

All authority

The crowd was __________ and __________

Amazed and perplexed

Who did Philip meet?

An Ethiopian man

There was another vision given to who?


What was Ananias told in his vision? What was his reaction?

Ananias is going to help Saul. He was hesitant, thinking he would be persecuted, but God assured him that he does have to be hesitant. Instead of persecuting people he would be persecuted.

What city has Paul been in?


Act 5 implication

As the church awaits Christ's return, we retell God's story through the power of the Holy Spirit

What was the eunuch's response to what Philip said?

Asks a question about asking to be baptized

What did Philip do?

Baptize him

Who was the one to encourage Saul and believe his story?

Barnabas helps Saul be included and encourages the disciples that he was telling the truth

What happened after the stoning of Stephan?

Church was persecuted and was scattered throughout Samaria and Judea

We have seen Peter _____ Jesus and Jesus _____ Peter

Deny, restore

What did Peter do that he'd be ashamed of?

Denying Jesus 3 times when the rooster woke him up

Others just thought the disciples were __________ Why is this significant?

Drunk They make more sense

This quarter is on which act?

Ending of Act 4 & beginning of Act 5

What was the eunuch's response?

Eunuch was rejoicing (shows the church growing)

Significance of breaking bread together? Where did they get the idea?

Every time you break the bread, reminds you of Jesus and his sacrifice. Idea from Last Supper

What command does Jesus tell Peter each time he asks if he loves him?

Feed my sheep

Where did the Holy Spirit tell Philip to go?


Acts is the story of the spread of Christianity across the New Testament world, starting w/ the Jewish community, and continuing spreading to the...?


Where does Stephan end up?

Getting seized up against the Sanhedrin

Act 4 implication

God completes his rescue operation through Jesus the Jewish Messiah

Then Jesus "ascends" to heaven, to the place where who is?

God is

How does God reassure Peter that it was okay to associate and eat with Cornelius?

God said to Peter to eat anything God made clean

After Jesus told his disciples to stay in Jerusalem and wait for the Holy Spirit, then what happened?

He ascended into heaven

How did Saul escape?

He escaped by lowering him out of an opening through a wall

What did Philip do to help the eunuch?

He helps him understand it

How is Peter different than we have seen him before?

He is not cowardly, but bold and confident because he is empowered by the Holy Spirit

Once Saul starts teaching in the synagogue, what is the reaction?

He repents. They are confused, and ask if he is the same person who was persecuting people. Now that he's preaching, they are so baffled that they (Jewish people) want to kill him.

What is a part of Paul's pattern?

He usually starts off in a town's synagogue

What happened to Philip?

He vanished

After this vision, what happened to Saul?

He was blind

What happened afterwards?

He was led by the hand to Damascus for 3 days, and he also didn't drink or eat

Why was this significant to what we just learned about the disciples and at the beginning of Act 5?

He was once cowardly and now courageous along with other believers

How was this man important?

He's the treasurer who came to Jerusalem to worship God in the temple

What did this do?

Help spread the gospel quickly, just like at Pentecost

We're transitioning from the section of the gospels to the section of...?

History - book of Acts, make sure we're reading the Bible in context

What did Ananias say about the Holy Spirt?

Holy Spirit comes to Saul and fell on him and now he is on the right side

What was the position Saul was in that he had put others in before?

Instead of being the persecutor, Saul was the persecuted.

Where was the Gospel being spread about?

Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth

What is the "bookend" to the 3 times Peter denied Jesus?

Jesus asks Peter if he loves him 3 times, and he says yes every time

What does Jesus mean when he tells Peter to feed his sheep?

Jesus is making Peter the new leader and "passing the baton" on to be a servant leader.

Who appeared to Saul on the road to Damascus? What was said to him?

Jesus said why is he persecuting "me"

Up to this point, the church has been a very __________ thing


Who is Saul?

Known as Paul later

How does it apply to us and how we retell the story?

Look for an opportunity and listen and obey to what God says

Who else must have gone on these journeys?

Luke - wrote book of Acts Timothy

Who is going to be the leader of the church Jesus wants to star in Act 5?


God nudged Peter to get involved. Why did Peter object tot he voice in the vision?

Peter says he is a good Jewish person and eats with certain people that aren't unclean

How was Stephan described as?

Power of God, full of God's grace and power, face like an angel (so we knew he was special)

What was the eunuch doing?

Reading Isaiah 53 scripture

Who was giving approval to Stephan's death?


What happened when Ananias met Saul?

Saul can see now when ananias sees him.

What does deacon mean?


Who does the rest of Acts go to?

Shifts from Peter's leadership to Paul

Where have we seen this happen before?

Similar to what happened to Jesus - people going against him

What is a martyr?

Someone who dies for their beliefs

What did he tell him to do once he was there?

Stay by the oxcart

Who was the first Christian martyr?


2 deacons we studied

Stephan and Phillip

Who else preached starting in Act 3?

Stephan, Peter

How was Stephan put to death?


Where is Saul from?


At first, it may seem like a bad thing, but what is God doing here in the same way he did at the Pentecost?

The church is growing in leaps and bounds in spite of persecution.

What is context?

The circumstances that form the setting for an event

What did the Judiazers say?

They said the Gentile Christians must observe all Jewish customs and law of Moses, including dietary laws

How did Jews react to Stephan?

They set up false rumors against him

How is the Great Commission being fulfilled through this lesson?

They went (go), made disciples, were baptized, and taught them to obey (Peter)

What was the response of the crowd in verse 37? What was Peter's response in 38-39?

They were cut to the heart (impacted). Peter says they should repent and be baptized.

How did the disciples react to Saul when he went to Jerusalem?

They were hesitant and nervous because Saul was on killing Christians, like its a trick.

Why does Peter quote Old Testament passages to build his case?

To show that God's story is a continuation of God's biblical story

Why is it important for Stephan to retell the Old Testament stories? What does that imply to us?

We need to retell God's story. We are all players of his story, and continuing the 5th act

What was happening after this?

We see the beginning of a great persecution against the church in Jerusalem and they were scattered.

What is a commission?

a charge given to someone, usually to accomplish a specific talk

What is a Judiazer?

a group of Jewish Christians

What is a synagogue?

a place where Jews would come together to learn and worship when they were not in Jerusalem. Sacrifices could not happen in synagogues.

According to passage (Act 2:1-13), there were God fearing Jews from...

every nation under heaven there in Jerusalem

Who is Cornelius?

the God-fearing Roman Centurion who lived in Caesarea

What is a missionary?

travel and spread the good news of Jesus

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