Unit - 4 Mechanisms of Evolution

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The importance of allopatric speciation is also suggested by the fact that regions that are isolated or highly subdivided by barriers typically have more species than do otherwise similar regions that lack such features. For example, many unique plants and animals are found on the geographically isolated Hawaiian Islands (we'll return to the origin of Hawaiian species in Concept 25.4).

Field studies also show that reproductive isolation between two populations generally increases as the geographic distance between them increases, a finding consistent with allopatric speciation. In the Scientific Skills Exercise, you will analyze data from one such study that examined reproductive isolation in geographically separated salamander populations.

The Origin of New Groups of Organisms:

Some fossils provide a detailed look at the origin of new groups of organisms. Such fossils are central to our understanding of evolution; they illustrate how new features arise and how long it takes for such changes to occur. We'll examine one such case here: the origin of mammals

A range of eye complexity among molluscs:

(a) Patch of pigmented cells: Pigmented cells (photoreceptors), Epithelium, nerve cells The limpet Patella has a simple patch of photoreceptors. (b) Eyecup: Pigmented cells, Nerve fibers The slit shell mollusc Pleurotomaria has an eyecup. (c) Pinhole camera-type eye: Epithelium, fluid filled cavity, optic nerve, pigmented layer (retina) The Nautilus eye functions like a pinhole camera (an early type of camera lacking a lens). (d) Eye with primitive lens: Cellular mass (lens), Cornea, Optic nerve. The marine snail Murex has a primitive lens consisting of a mass of crystal-like cells. The cornea is a transparent region of tissue that protects the eye and helps focus light. (e) Complex camera lens-type eye: Optic nerve, Cornea, Lens, Retina. The squid Loligo has a complex eye with features (cornea, lens, and retina) similar to those of vertebrate eyes. However, the squid eye evolved independently from vertebrate eyes.

Figure 25.4 Features of abiotically produced vesicles.:

(a) Self-assembly. The presence of montmorillonite clay greatly increases the rate of vesicle self-assembly. (b) Reproduction. Vesicles can divide on their own, as in this vesicle "giving birth" to smaller vesicles (LM). (c) Absorption of RNA. This vesicle has incorporated montmorillonite clay particles coated with RNA (orange).

A locus that influences pollinator choice: Pollinator preferences provide a strong barrier to reproduction between Mimulus lewisii and M. cardinalis. After transferring the M. lewisii allele for a flower-color locus into M. cardinalis and vice versa, researchers observed a shift in some pollinators' preferences.

(a) Typical Mimulus lewisii (b) M. lewisii with an M. cardinalis flower-color allele (c) Typical Mimulus cardinalis (d) M. cardinalis with an M. lewisii flower-color allele

(a) Directional selection shifts the overall makeup of the population by favoring variants that are at one extreme of the distribution. In this case, lighter mice are selected against because they live among dark rocks, making it harder for them to hide from predators.

(b) Disruptive selection favors variants at both ends of the distribution. These mice have colonized a patchy habitat made up of light and dark rocks, with the result that mice of an intermediate color are selected against. (c) Stabilizing selection removes extreme variants from the population and preserves intermediate types. If the environment consists of rocks of an intermediate color, both light and dark mice will be selected against.

Two models for the tempo of speciation: (a) Punctuated model. New species change most as they branch from a parent species and then change little for the rest of their existence.

(b) Gradual model. Species diverge from one another more slowly and steadily over time.

Formation of sedimentary strata with fossils:

(darwin drew many of his ideas from the work of scientists using fossils) 1) rivers carry sediment into seas and swamps; over time, sedimentary rock layers (strata) form under water; some strata contain fossils; 2) as water levels change and the seafloor is pushed upwards, the strata and their fossils are exposed Younger stratum with more recent fossils Older stratum with older fossils

A great deal of evidence supports the endosymbiotic origin of mitochondria and plastids: *The inner membranes of both organelles have enzymes and transport systems that are homologous to those found in the plasma membranes of living bacteria. *Mitochondria and plastids replicate by a splitting process that is similar to that of certain bacteria. In addition, each of these organelles contains circular DNA molecules that, like the chromosomes of bacteria, are not associated with histones or large amounts of other proteins.

* As might be expected of organelles descended from freeliving organisms, mitochondria and plastids also have the cellular machinery (including ribosomes) needed to transcribe and translate their DNA into proteins. * Finally, in terms of size, RNA sequences, and sensitivity to certain antibiotics, the ribosomes of mitochondria and plastids are more similar to bacterial ribosomes than they are to the cytoplasmic ribosomes of eukaryotic cells. In Chapter 28, we'll return to the origin of eukaryotes, focusing on what genomic data have revealed about the prokaryotic lineages that gave rise to the host and endosymbiont cells.

Evolution in Populations:

*Homozygotes with two sickle-cell alleles are strongly selected against because of mortality caused by sickle-cell disease. In contrast, heterozygotes experience few harmful effects from sickling yet are more likely to survive malaria than are homozygotes. In regions where malaria is common, the net effect of these opposing selective forces is heterozygote advantage. This has caused evolutionary change in populations—the products of which are the areas of relatively high frequencies of the sickle-cell allele shown in the map below. •

Such increases in gene number appear to have played a major role in evolution. For example, the remote ancestors of mammals had a single gene for detecting odors that has since been duplicated many times.

. As a result, humans today have about 380 functional olfactory receptor genes, and mice have about 1,200. This dramatic proliferation of olfactory genes probably helped early mammals, enabling them to detect faint odors and to distinguish among many different smells.

Field studies indicate that allopatric speciation also can occur in nature. Consider the 30 species of snapping shrimp in the genus Alpheus that live off the Isthmus of Panama, the land bridge that connects South and North America (Figure 24.8). Fifteen of these species live on the Atlantic side of the isthmus, while the other 15 live on the Pacific side.

. Before the isthmus formed, gene flow could occur between the Atlantic and Pacific populations of snapping shrimp. Did the species on different sides of the isthmus originate by allopatric speciation? Morphological and genetic data group these shrimp into 15 pairs of sister species, pairs whose member species are each other's closest relative.

How can we determine the age of a fossil? One of the most common techniques is radiometric dating, which is based on the decay of radioactive isotopes (see Concept 2.2). In this process, a radioactive "parent" isotope decays to a "daughter" isotope at a characteristic rate. The rate of decay is expressed by the half-life, the time required for 50% of the parent isotope to decay (Figure 25.6).

. Each type of radioactive isotope has a characteristic half-life, which is not affected by temperature, pressure, or other environmental variables. For example, carbon-14 decays relatively quickly; its half-life is 5,730 years. Uranium-238 decays slowly; its half-life is 4.5 billion years.

Sources of Genetic Variation: The genetic variation on which evolution depends originates when mutation, gene duplication, or other processes produce new alleles and new genes.

. Genetic variants can be produced rapidly in organisms with short generation times. Sexual reproduction can also result in genetic variation as existing genes are arranged in new ways

Amino acid synthesis in a simulated volcanic eruption:

. In addition to his classic 1953 study, Miller also conducted an experiment simulating a volcanic eruption. In a 2008 reanalysis of those results, researchers found that far more amino acids were produced under simulated volcanic conditions than were produced in the conditions of the original 1953 experiment.

An example of heterozygote advantage occurs at the locus in humans that codes for the β polypeptide subunit of hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying protein of red blood cells

. In homozygous individuals, a recessive allele at that locus causes sickle-cell disease. The red blood cells of people with sickle-cell disease become distorted in shape, or sickled, under low-oxygen conditions (see Figure 5.19), as occurs in the capillaries. These sickled cells can clump together and block the flow of blood in the capillaries, damaging organs such as the kidney, heart, and brain. Although some red blood cells become sickled in heterozygotes, not enough become sickled to cause sickle-cell disease

Radiometric dating -figure 25.6

. In this diagram, each unit of time represents one half-life of a radioactive isotope

The skepticism of scientists as they continue to test theories prevents these ideas from becoming dogma. For example, although Darwin thought that evolution was a very slow process, we now know that this isn't always true. Populations can evolve rapidly, and new species can form in relatively short periods of time: a few thousand years or less. Furthermore, evolutionary biologists now recognize that natural selection is not the only mechanism responsible for evolution.

. Indeed, the study of evolution today is livelier than ever as scientists use a wide range of experimental approaches and genetic analyses to test predictions based on natural selection and other evolutionary mechanisms.

Variation in a population.

. Individuals in this population of Asian ladybird beetles vary in color and spot pattern. Natural selection may act on these variations only if (1) they are heritable and (2) they affect the beetles' ability to survive and reproduce.

Key events in life's history include the origins of unicellular and multicellular organisms and the colonization of land: The study of fossils has helped geologists establish a geologic record: a standard time scale that divides Earth's history into four eons and further subdivisions (Table 25.1). The irst three eons—the Hadean, Archaean, and Proterozoic— together lasted about 4 billion years. The Phanerozoic eon, roughly the last half billion years, encompasses most of the time that animals have existed on Earth.

. It is divided into three eras: the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic. Each era represents a distinct age in the history of Earth and its life. For example, the Mesozoic era is sometimes called the "age of reptiles" because of its abundance of reptilian fossils, including those of dinosaurs. The boundaries between the eras correspond to major extinction events, when many forms of life disappeared and were replaced by forms that evolved from the survivors.

Darwin thought that such a branching process, along with past extinction events, could explain the large morphological gaps that sometimes exist between related groups of organisms. As an example, let's consider the three living species of elephants: the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) and two species of African elephants (Loxodonta africana and L. cyclotis). These closely related species are very similar because they shared the same line of descent until a relatively recent split from their common ancestor, as shown in the tree diagram in Figure 22.8.

. Note that seven lineages related to elephants have become extinct over the past 32 million years. As a result, there are no living species that fill the morphological gap between the elephants and their nearest relatives today, the hyraxes and manatees

Evolution is not goal oriented:What does our study of macroevolution tell us about how evolution works? One lesson is that throughout the history of life, the origin of new species has been affected by both the small-scale factors described in Concept 23.3 (such as natural selection operating in populations) and the large-scale factors described in this chapter (such as continental drift promoting bursts of speciation throughout the globe). Moreover, to paraphrase the Nobel Prize-winning geneticist François Jacob, evolution is like tinkering—a process in which new forms arise by the modification of existing structures or existing developmental genes

. Over time, such tinkering has led to the three key features of the natural world described on the opening page of Chapter 22: the striking ways in which organisms are suited for life in their environments, the many shared characteristics of life, and the rich diversity of life.

For example, imagine a population of 500 wildflower plants with two alleles, CR and CW, for a locus that codes for flower pigment. These alleles show incomplete dominance; thus, each genotype has a distinct phenotype.

. Plants homozygous for the CR allele (CR CR ) produce red pigment and have red flowers; plants homozygous for the CW allele (CWCW) produce no red pigment and have white flowers; and heterozygotes (CR CW) produce some red pigment and have pink flowers.

Disruptive selection (Figure 23.13b) occurs when conditions favor individuals at both extremes of a phenotypic range over individuals with intermediate phenotypes. One example is a population of black-bellied seedcracker finches in Cameroon whose members display two distinctly different beak sizes.

. Small-billed birds feed mainly on soft seeds, whereas large-billed birds specialize in cracking hard seeds. It appears that birds with intermediate-sized bills are relatively inefficient at cracking both types of seeds and thus have lower relative fitness.

In some cases, natural selection quickly removes such harmful alleles. In diploid organisms, however, harmful alleles that are recessive can be hidden from selection. Indeed, a harmful recessive allele can persist for generations by propagation in heterozygous individuals (where its harmful effects can be masked by the more favorable dominant allele).

. Such "heterozygote protection" maintains a huge pool of alleles that might not be favored under present conditions, but that could be beneficial if the environment changes.

But sexual selection, in which (typically) females select males based on their appearance (see Concept 23.4), may also have been a factor. Researchers have studied two closely related sympatric species of cichlids that differ mainly in the coloration of breeding males: Breeding Pundamilia pundamilia males have a blue-tinged back, whereas breeding Pundamilia nyererei males have a red-tinged back (Figure 24.12).

. Their results suggest that mate choice based on male breeding coloration can act as a reproductive barrier that keeps the gene pools of these two species separate.

Then, in 1959, doctors began using a promising new antibiotic, methicillin. But within two years, methicillin-resistant strains of S. aureus were observed. How did these resistant strains emerge? Methicillin works by deactivating an enzyme that bacteria use to synthesize their cell walls. However, some S. aureus populations included individuals that were able to synthesize their cell walls using a different enzyme that was not affected by methicillin.

. These individuals survived the methicillin treatments and reproduced at higher rates than did other individuals. Over time, these resistant individuals became increasingly common, leading to the spread of MRSA.

We can also view evolution in two related but different ways: as a pattern and as a process. The pattern of evolutionary change is revealed by data from many scientific disciplines, including biology, geology, physics, and chemistry. These data are facts—they are observations about the natural world—and these observations show that life has evolved over time. The process of evolution consists of the mechanisms that cause the observed pattern of change.

. These mechanisms represent natural causes of the natural phenomena we observe. Indeed, the power of evolution as a unifying theory is its ability to explain and connect a vast array of observations about the living world.

Habitat Differentiation: Sympatric speciation can also occur when a subpopulation exploits a habitat or resource not used by the parent population. Consider the North American apple maggot fly (Rhagoletis pomonella), a pest of apples. The fly's original habitat was the native hawthorn tree (see Figure 24.3a), but about 200 years ago, some populations colonized apple trees that had been introduced by European settlers. Apple maggot flies usually mate on or near their host plant.

. This results in a prezygotic barrier (habitat isolation) between populations that feed on apples and populations that feed on hawthorns. Furthermore, because apples mature more quickly than hawthorn fruit, natural selection has favored apple-feeding flies with rapid development. These apple-feeding populations now show temporal isolation from the hawthorn-feeding R. pomonella, providing a second prezygotic barrier to gene flow between the two populations. Researchers also have identified alleles that benefit the flies that use one host plant but harm the flies that use the other host plant. Natural selection operating on these alleles has provided a postzygotic barrier to reproduction, further limiting gene flow. Altogether, although the two populations are still classified as subspecies rather than separate species, sympatric speciation appears to be well under way.

Selecting alleles at random from a gene pool.

1)The allele frequencies of the population are 0.8 (80%) and 0.2 (20%). Frequencies of alleles: 2) If all of these alleles could be placed in a large bin (representing the gene pool), 80% would be CR and 20% would be CW. 3) Assuming mating is random, each time two gametes come together, there is an 80% chance the egg carries a CR allele and a 20% chance it carries a CW allele. 4)Likewise, each sperm has an 80% chance of carrying a CR allele and a 20% chance of carrying a CW allele.

Formation of a hybrid zone and possible outcomes for hybrids over time: The thick gray arrows represent the passage of time.

1)Three populations of a species are connected by gene flow. 2) A barrier to gene flow is established. 3) This population begins to diverge from the other two populations. 4) Gene flow is re-established in a hybrid zone. 5) Possible outcomes for hybrids: Reinforcement (strengthening of reproductive barriers—hybrids gradually cease to be formed) Fusion (weakening of reproductive barriers—the two species fuse) Stability (continued production of hybrid individuals)

Why Natural Selection Cannot Fashion Perfect Organisms: Though natural selection leads to adaptation, nature abounds with examples of organisms that are less than ideally suited for their lifestyles. There are several reasons why.

1. Selection can act only on existing variations. Natural selection favors only the fittest phenotypes among those currently in the population, which may not be the ideal traits. New advantageous alleles do not arise on demand. 2. Evolution is limited by historical constraints. Each species has a legacy of descent with modification from ancestral forms. Evolution does not scrap the ancestral anatomy and build each new complex structure from scratch; rather, evolution co-opts existing structures and adapts them to new situations. We could imagine that if a terrestrial animal were to adapt to an environment in which flight would be advantageous, it might be best just to grow an extra pair of limbs that would serve as wings. However, evolution does not work this way; instead, it operates on the traits an organism already has. Thus, in birds and bats, an existing pair of limbs took on new functions for flight as these organisms evolved from nonflying ancestors. 3. Adaptations are often compromises. Each organism must do many different things. A seal spends part of its time on rocks; it could probably walk better if it had legs instead of flippers, but then it would not swim nearly as well. We humans owe much of our versatility and athleticism to our prehensile hands and flexible limbs, but these also make us prone to sprains, torn ligaments, and dislocations: Structural reinforcement has been compromised for agility. 4. Chance, natural selection, and the environment interact. Chance events can affect the subsequent evolutionary history of populations. For instance, when a storm blows insects or birds hundreds of kilometers over an ocean to an island, the wind does not necessarily transport those individuals that are best suited to the new environment. Thus, not all alleles present in the founding population's gene pool are better suited to the new environment than the alleles that are "left behind." In addition, the environment at a particular location may change unpredictably from year to year, again limiting the extent to which adaptive evolution results in organisms being well suited for current environmental conditions. With these four constraints, evolution does not tend to craft perfect organisms. Natural selection operates on a "better than" basis. We can, in fact, see evidence for evolution in the many imperfections of the organisms it produces..

Conditions on early Earth made the origin of life possible: Direct evidence of life on early Earth comes from fossils of microorganisms that lived 3.5 billion years ago. But how did the first living cells appear? Observations and experiments in chemistry, geology, and physics have led scientists to propose one scenario that we'll examine here. They hypothesize that chemical and physical processes could have produced simple cells through a sequence of four main stages:

1. The abiotic (nonliving) synthesis of small organic molecules, such as amino acids and nitrogenous bases 2. The joining of these small molecules into macromolecules, such as proteins and nucleic acids 3. The packaging of these molecules into protocells, droplets with membranes that maintained an internal chemistry different from that of their surroundings 4. The origin of self-replicating molecules that eventually made inheritance possible Though speculative, this scenario leads to predictions that can be tested in the laboratory. In this section, we'll examine some of the evidence for each stage.

The intellectual context of Darwin's ideas: 1795 - Hutton proposes his principle of gradualism. 1798 - Malthus publishes "Essay on the Principle of Population. 1809 - Lamarck publishes his hypothesis of evolution. 1809 - Charles Darwin was born

1812 - Cuvier publishes his extensive studies of vertebrate fossils. 1830 - Lyell publishes Principles of Geology. 1831-1836 - Darwin travels around the world on HMS Beagle 1844 - Darwin writes his essay on descent with modification. 1858 - While studying species in the Malay Archipelago, Wallace (shown above in 1848) sends Darwin his hypothesis of natural selection. 1859- The Origin of Species is published. Sketch of a flying frog by Wallace Darwin saw marine iguanas in the Galápagos Islands.

Effects of Genetic Drift: A Summary The examples we've described highlight four key points: 1. Genetic drift is significant in small populations: Chance events can cause an allele to be disproportionately over- or underrepresented in the next generation. Although chance events occur in populations of all sizes, they tend to alter allele frequencies substantially only in small populations.

2. Genetic drift can cause allele frequencies to change at random. Because of genetic drift, an allele may increase in frequency one year, then decrease the next; the change from year to year is not predictable. Thus, unlike natural selection, which in a given environment consistently favors some alleles over others, genetic drift causes allele frequencies to change at random over time. 3. Genetic drift can lead to a loss of genetic variation within populations. By causing allele frequencies to fluctuate randomly over time, genetic drift can eliminate alleles from a population. Because evolution depends on genetic variation, such losses can influence how effectively a population can adapt to a change in the environment. 4. Genetic drift can cause harmful alleles to become fixed. Alleles that are neither harmful nor beneficial can be lost or become fixed (reach a frequency of 100%) by chance through genetic drift. In very small populations, genetic drift can also cause alleles that are slightly harmful to become fixed. When this occurs, the population's survival can be threatened (as in greater prairie chickens).

Linnaeus did not ascribe the resemblances among species to evolutionary kinship, but rather to the pattern of their creation.

A century later, however, Darwin argued that classification should be based on evolutionary relationships. He also noted that scientists using the Linnaean system often grouped organisms in ways that reflected those relationships.

Worldwide Adaptive Radiations: Fossil evidence indicates that mammals underwent a dramatic adaptive radiation after the extinction of terrestrial dinosaurs 66 million years ago (Figure 25.21). Although mammals originated about 180 million years ago, the mammal fossils older than 66 million years are mostly small and not morphologically diverse. Many species appear to have been nocturnal based on their large eye sockets, similar to those in living nocturnal mammals.

A few early mammals were intermediate in size, such as Repenomamus giganticus, a 1-m-long predator that lived 130 million years ago—but none approached the size of many dinosaurs. Early mammals may have been restricted in size and diversity because they were eaten or outcompeted by the larger and more diverse dinosaurs. With the disappearance of the dinosaurs (except for birds), mammals expanded greatly in both diversity and size, filling the ecological roles once occupied by terrestrial dinosaurs.

The rise in atmospheric O2 levels left a huge imprint on the history of life.

A few hundred million years later, another fundamental change occurred: the origin of the eukaryotic cell

Sexual dimorphism and sexual selection:

A peacock (left) and a peahen (right) show extreme sexual dimorphism. There is intrasexual selection between competing males, followed by intersexual selection when the females choose among the showiest males.

One subtle but important point is that although natural selection occurs through interactions between individual organisms and their environment, individuals do not evolve. Rather, it is the population that evolves over time.

A second key point is that natural selection can amplify or diminish only those heritable traits that differ among the individuals in a population. Thus, even if a trait is heritable, if all the individuals in a population are genetically identical for that trait, evolution by natural selection cannot occur.

Overproduction of offspring.

A single puffball fungus can produce billions of spores that give rise to offspring. If all of these offspring and their descendants survived to maturity, they would carpet the surrounding land surface.

Patterns Within Hybrid Zones: Some hybrid zones form as narrow bands, such as the one depicted in Figure 24.13 for the yellow-bellied toad (Bombina variegata) and its close relative, the fire-bellied toad (B. bombina). This hybrid zone, represented by the red line on the map, extends for 4,000 km but is less than 10 km wide in most places. The hybrid zone occurs where the higheraltitude habitat of the yellow-bellied toad meets the lowland habitat of the fire-bellied toad.

Across a given "slice" of the zone, the frequency of alleles specific to yellow-bellied toads typically decreases from close to 100% at the edge where only yellow-bellied toads are found to around 50% in the central portion of the zone to close to 0% at the edge where only fire-bellied toads are found.

The Evolution of Development: The 560-million-year-old fossils of Ediacaran animals in Figure 25.5 suggest that a set of genes sufficient to produce complex animals existed at least 25 million years before the Cambrian explosion. If such genes have existed for so long, how can we explain the astonishing increases in diversity seen during and since the Cambrian explosion?

Adaptive evolution by natural selection provides one answer to this question. As we've seen throughout this unit, by sorting among differences in the sequences of proteinencoding genes, selection can improve adaptations rapidly. In addition, new genes (created by gene duplication events) can take on new metabolic and structural functions, as can existing genes that are regulated in new ways. Examples in the previous section suggest that developmental genes may have been particularly important. Thus, we'll turn next to how new morphological forms can arise from changes in the nucleotide sequences or regulation of developmental genes.

The Origin of Multicellularity: An orchestra can play a greater variety of musical compositions than a violin soloist can; the increased complexity of the orchestra makes more variations possible. Likewise, the origin of structurally complex eukaryotic cells sparked the evolution of greater morphological diversity than was possible for the simpler prokaryotic cells.

After the first eukaryotes appeared, a great range of unicellular forms evolved, giving rise to the diversity of singlecelled eukaryotes that continue to flourish today. Another wave of diversification also occurred: Some single-celled eukaryotes gave rise to multicellular forms, whose descendants include a variety of algae, plants, fungi, and animals.

The Biological Species Concept: The primary definition of species used in this textbook is the biological species concept. According to this concept, a species is a group of populations whose members have the potential to interbreed in nature and produce viable, fertile offspring—but do not produce viable, fertile offspring with members of other such groups (Figure 24.2). Thus, the members of a biological species are united by being reproductively compatible, at least potentially.

All human beings, for example, belong to the same species. A businesswoman in Manhattan may be unlikely to meet a dairy farmer in Mongolia, but if the two should happen to meet and mate, they could have viable babies who develop into fertile adults. In contrast, humans and chimpanzees remain distinct biological species, even where they live in the same region, because many factors keep them from interbreeding and producing fertile offspring.

A hungry bird in the Peruvian rain forest would have to look very closely to spot a "dead-leaf moth" (Oxytenis modestia), which blends in well with its forest floor habitat (Figure 22.1). This distinctive moth is a member of a diverse group, the more than 120,000 species of lepidopteran insects (moths and butterflies).

All lepidopterans have a juvenile stage characterized by a well-developed head and many chewing mouthparts: the ravenous, efficient feeding machines we call caterpillars. (The caterpillar stage of the dead-leaf moth is also protected by its appearance: When threatened, it weaves its head back and forth, resembling a snake about to strike.) As adults, all lepidopterans share other features, such as three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings covered with small scales.

Allopatric ("Other Country") Speciation: In allopatric speciation (from the Greek allos, other, and patra, homeland), gene flow is interrupted when a population is divided into geographically isolated subpopulations. For example, the water level in a lake may subside, resulting in two or more smaller lakes that are now home to separated populations (see Figure 24.5a). Or a river may change course and divide a population of animals that cannot cross it.

Allopatric speciation can also occur without geologic remodeling, such as when individuals colonize a remote area and their descendants become geographically isolated from the parent population. The flightless cormorant shown in Figure 24.1 probably originated in this way from an ancestral flying species that reached the Galápagos Islands.

Just a few years after Darwin published The Origin of Species, Gregor Mendel wrote a groundbreaking paper on inheritance in pea plants (see Concept 14.1). In that paper, Mendel proposed a model of inheritance in which organisms transmit discrete heritable units (now called genes) to their offspring.

Although Darwin did not know about genes, Mendel's paper set the stage for understanding the genetic differences on which evolution is based. Here we'll examine such genetic differences and how they are produced.

In June 1858, Lyell's prediction came true. Darwin received a manuscript from Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913), a British naturalist working in the South Pacific islands of the Malay Archipelago (see Figure 22.2). Wallace had developed a hypothesis of natural selection nearly identical to Darwin's. He asked Darwin to evaluate his paper and forward it to Lyell if it merited publication. Darwin complied, writing to Lyell: "Your words have come true with a vengeance. . . . I never saw a more striking coincidence . . . so all my originality, whatever it may amount to, will be smashed." On July 1, 1858, Lyell and a colleague presented Wallace's paper, along with extracts from Darwin's unpublished 1844 essay, to the Linnean Society of London. Darwin quickly finished his book, titled On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection (commonly referred to as The Origin of Species), and published it the next year.

Although Wallace had submitted his ideas for publication first, he admired Darwin and thought that Darwin had developed and tested the idea of natural selection so extensively that he should be known as its main architect. Within a decade, Darwin's book and its proponents had convinced most scientists of the time that life's diversity is the product of evolution. Darwin succeeded where previous evolutionists had failed, mainly by presenting a plausible scientific mechanism with immaculate logic and an avalanche of supporting evidence.

By whatever means the relationship began, we can hypothesize how the symbiosis could have become beneficial. For example, in a world that was becoming increasingly aerobic, a host that was itself an anaerobe would have benefited from endosymbionts that could make use of the oxygen. Over time, the host and endosymbionts would have become a single organism, its parts inseparable.

Although all eukaryotes have mitochondria or remnants of these organelles, they do not all have plastids (a general term for chloroplasts and related organelles). Thus, the serial endosymbiosis hypothesis supposes that mitochondria evolved before plastids through a sequence of endosymbiotic events. As shown in Figure 25.10, both mitochondria and plastids are thought to have descended from bacterial cells. The original host—the cell that engulfed the bacterium whose descendants gave rise to the mitochondrion—is thought to have been an archaean or a close relative of the archaeans.

Mass Extinctions: Mass Extinctions The fossil record shows that the overwhelming majority of species that ever lived are now extinct. A species may become extinct for many reasons. Its habitat may have been destroyed, or its environment may have changed in a manner unfavorable to the species. For example, if ocean temperatures fall by even a few degrees, species that are otherwise well adapted may perish. Even if physical factors in the environment remain stable, biological factors may change—the origin of one species can spell doom for another

Although extinction occurs regularly, at certain times disruptive changes to the global environment have caused the rate of extinction to increase dramatically. The result is a mass extinction, in which large numbers of species become extinct worldwide

Sympatric ("Same Country") Speciation: In sympatric speciation (from the Greek syn, together), speciation occurs in populations that live in the same geographic area (see Figure 24.5b). How can reproductive barriers form between sympatric populations while their members remain in contact with each other?

Although such contact (and the ongoing gene flow that results) makes sympatric speciation less common than allopatric speciation, sympatric speciation can occur if gene flow is reduced by such factors as polyploidy, sexual selection, and habitat differentiation. (Note that these factors can also promote allopatric speciation.)

In 2013, Dr. Jack Szostak and colleagues succeeded in building a vesicle in which copying of a template strand of RNA could occur—a key step towards constructing a vesicle with self-replicating RNA. On early Earth, a vesicle with such selfreplicating, catalytic RNA would differ from its many neighbors that lacked such molecules. If that vesicle could grow, split, and pass its RNA molecules to its "daughters," the daughters would be protocells.

Although the first such protocells likely carried only limited amounts of genetic information, specifying only a few properties, their inherited characteristics could have been acted on by natural selection. The most successful of the early protocells would have increased in number because they could exploit their resources effectively and pass their abilities on to subsequent generations.

The Hardy-Weinberg equation can be used to test whether a population is evolving:

Although the individuals in a population must differ genetically for evolution to occur, the presence of genetic variation does not guarantee that a population will evolve. For that to happen, one or more factors that cause evolution must be at work. In this section, we'll explore one way to test whether evolution is occurring in a population. First, let's clarify what we mean by a population.

Natural Selection in Response to Introduced Species: Animals that eat plants, called herbivores, often have adaptations that help them feed efficiently on their primary food sources. What happens when herbivores switch to a new food source with different characteristics?

An opportunity to study this question in nature is provided by soapberry bugs, which use their "beak"—a hollow, needlelike mouthpart—to feed on seeds located within the fruits of various plants. In southern Florida, the soapberry bug (Jadera haematoloma) feeds on the seeds of a native plant, the balloon vine (Cardiospermum corindum). In central Florida, however, balloon vines have become rare. Instead, soapberry bugs in that region now feed on the seeds of the goldenrain tree (Koelreuteria elegans), a species recently introduced from Asia.

When studying a locus with two alleles, the convention is to use p to represent the frequency of one allele and q to represent the frequency of the other allele. Thus, p, the frequency of the CR allele in the gene pool of this population, is p = 0.8 (80%).

And because there are only two alleles for this gene, the frequency of the CW allele, represented by q, must be q = 1 - p = 0.2 (20%). For loci that have more than two alleles, the sum of all allele frequencies must still equal 1 (100%). Next we'll see how allele and genotype frequencies can be used to test whether evolution is occurring in a population.

Some of the most intriguing homologies concern "leftover" structures of marginal, if any, importance to the organism. These vestigial structures are remnants of features that served a function in the organism's ancestors. For instance, the skeletons of some snakes retain vestiges of the pelvis and leg bones of walking ancestors.

Another example is provided by eye remnants that are buried under scales in blind species of cave fishes. We would not expect to see these vestigial structures if snakes and blind cave fishes had origins separate from those of other vertebrate animals.

The founder effect probably accounts for the relatively high frequency of certain inherited disorders among isolated human populations. For example, in 1814, 15 British colonists founded a settlement on Tristan da Cunha, a group of small islands in the Atlantic Ocean midway between Africa and South America.

Apparently, one of the colonists carried a recessive allele for retinitis pigmentosa, a progressive form of blindness that afflicts homozygous individuals. Of the founding colonists' 240 descendants on the island in the late 1960s, four had retinitis pigmentosa. The frequency of the allele that causes this disease is ten times higher on Tristan da Cunha than in the populations from which the founders came.

Although Darwin's theory attributes life's diversity to natural processes, the diverse products of evolution are nevertheless elegant and inspiring.

As Darwin wrote in the final sentence of The Origin of Species, "There is grandeur in this view of life . . . [in which] endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved."

Evolutionary trees are hypotheses that summarize our current understanding of patterns of descent. Our confidence in these relationships, as with any hypothesis, depends on the strength of the supporting data. In the case of Figure 22.17, the tree is supported by many different data sets, including both anatomical and DNA sequence data.

As a result, biologists are confident that it accurately reflects evolutionary history. Scientists can use such well-supported evolutionary trees to make specific and sometimes surprising predictions about organisms (see Figure 26.17).

Finally, gene flow has become an increasingly important agent of evolutionary change in human populations. Humans today move much more freely about the world than in the past.

As a result, mating is more common between members of populations that previously had very little contact, leading to an exchange of alleles and fewer genetic differences between those populations.

Homology: A second type of evidence for evolution comes from analyzing similarities among different organisms. As we've discussed, evolution is a process of descent with modification: Characteristics present in an ancestral organism are altered (by natural selection) in its descendants over time as they face different environmental conditions.

As a result, related species can have characteristics that have an underlying similarity yet function differently. Similarity resulting from common ancestry is known as homology. As we'll describe in this section, an understanding of homology can be used to make testable predictions and explain observations that are otherwise puzzling.

The Cretaceous mass extinction occurred 66 million years ago. This event extinguished more than half of all marine species and eliminated many families of terrestrial plants and animals, including all dinosaurs (except birds, which are members of the same group; see Figure 34.25). One clue to a possible cause of the Cretaceous mass extinction is a thin layer of clay enriched in iridium that dates to the time of the mass extinction. Iridium is an element that is very rare on Earth but common in many of the meteorites and other extraterrestrial objects that occasionally fall to Earth.

As a result, researchers proposed that this clay is fallout from a huge cloud of debris that billowed into the atmosphere when an asteroid or large comet collided with Earth. This cloud would have blocked sunlight and severely disturbed the global climate for several months. Is there evidence of such an asteroid or comet? Research has focused on the Chicxulub crater, a 66-million-year-old scar beneath sediments off the coast of Mexico (Figure 25.18). The crater is the right size to have been caused by an object with a diameter of 10 km. Critical evaluation of this and other hypotheses for mass extinctions continues.

Researchers Peter and Rosemary Grant observed that during the drought, small, soft seeds were in short supply. The finches mostly fed on large, hard seeds that were more plentiful. Birds with larger, deeper beaks were better able to crack and eat these larger seeds, and they survived at a higher rate than did finches with smaller beaks. Since beak depth is an inherited trait in these birds, the offspring of surviving birds also tended to have deep beaks.

As a result, the average beak depth in the next generation of G. fortis was greater than it had been in the pre-drought population (Figure 23.2). The finch population had evolved by natural selection. However, the individual finches did not evolve. Each bird had a beak of a particular size, which did not grow larger during the drought. Rather, the proportion of large beaks in the population increased from generation to generation: The population evolved, not its individual members.

As shown in Figure 25.9, the amount of atmospheric O2 increased gradually from about 2.7 to 2.4 billion years ago but then shot up relatively rapidly to between 1% and 10% of its present level. This "oxygen revolution" had an enormous impact on life. In some of its chemical forms, oxygen attacks chemical bonds and can inhibit enzymes and damage cells.

As a result, the rising concentration of atmospheric O2 probably doomed many prokaryotic groups. Some species survived in habitats that remained anaerobic, where we find their descendants living today (see Concept 27.4). Among other survivors, diverse adaptations to the changing atmosphere evolved, including cellular respiration, which uses O2 in the process of harvesting the energy stored in organic molecules

Such adaptations can arise gradually over time as natural selection increases the frequencies of alleles that enhance survival or reproduction. As the proportion of individuals that have favorable traits increases, the degree to which a species is well suited for life in its environment improves; that is, adaptive evolution occurs. However, the physical and biological components of an organism's environment may change over time.

As a result, what constitutes a "good match" between an organism and its environment can be a moving target, making adaptive evolution a continuous, dynamic process. Environmental conditions can also differ from place to place, causing different alleles to be favored in different locations. When this occurs, natural selection can cause the populations of a species to differ genetically from one another.

Reinforcement: Strengthening Reproductive Barriers: Hybrids often are less fit than members of their parent species. In such cases, natural selection should strengthen prezygotic barriers to reproduction, reducing the formation of unfit hybrids. Because this process involves reinforcing reproductive barriers, it is called reinforcement. If reinforcement is occurring, a logical prediction is that barriers to reproduction between species should be stronger for sympatric populations than for allopatric populations.

As an example, let's consider two species of European flycatcher, the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) and the collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis). In allopatric populations of these birds, males of the two species closely resemble one another, while in sympatric populations, the males look very different. Female flycatchers do not select males of the other species when given a choice between males from sympatric populations, but they frequently do make mistakes when selecting between males from allopatric populations. Thus, barriers to reproduction are stronger in birds from sympatric populations than in birds from allopatric populations, as you would predict if reinforcement were occurring. Similar results have been observed in a number of organisms, including fishes, insects, plants, and other birds.

Extinctions like those in Figure 22.8 are not uncommon. In fact, many evolutionary branches, even some major ones, are dead ends: Scientists estimate that over 99% of all species that have ever lived are now extinct.

As in Figure 22.8, fossils of extinct species can document the divergence of presentday groups by "filling in" gaps between them.

Determining the age of these older fossils in sedimentary rocks can be challenging. Organisms do not use radioisotopes with long half-lives, such as uranium-238, to build their bones or shells. In addition, sedimentary rocks are often composed of sediments of differing ages. Although we cannot date these older fossils directly, an indirect method can be used to infer the age of fossils that are sandwiched between two layers of volcanic rock.

As lava cools into volcanic rock, radioisotopes from the surrounding environment become trapped in the newly formed rock. Some of the trapped radioisotopes have long half-lives, allowing geologists to estimate the ages of ancient volcanic rocks. If two volcanic layers surrounding fossils are found to be 525 million and 535 million years old, for example, then the fossils are roughly 530 million years old.

The fossil record shows that there have been great changes in the kinds of organisms on Earth at different points in time (Figure 25.5). Many past organisms were unlike organisms living today, and many organisms that once were common are now extinct. As we'll see later in this section, fossils also document how new groups of organisms arose from previously existing ones.

As substantial and significant as the fossil record is, keep in mind that it is an incomplete chronicle of evolution. Many of Earth's organisms did not die in the right place and time to be preserved as fossils. Of those fossils that were formed, many were destroyed by later geologic processes, and only a fraction of the others have been discovered. As a result, the known fossil record is biased in favor of species that existed for a long time, were abundant and widespread in certain kinds of environments, and had hard shells, skeletons, or other parts that facilitated their fossilization. Even with its limitations, however, the fossil record is a remarkably detailed account of biological change over the vast scale of geologic time. Furthermore, as shown by the recently unearthed fossils of whale ancestors with hind limbs (see Figures 22.19, 22.20, and 25.1), gaps in the fossil record continue to be filled by new discoveries.

Descent with modification by natural selection explains the adaptations of organisms and the unity and diversity of life:

As the 19th century dawned, it was generally thought that species had remained unchanged since their creation. A few clouds of doubt about the permanence of species were beginning to gather, but no one could have forecast the thundering storm just beyond the horizon. How did Charles Darwin become the lightning rod for a revolutionary view of life?

The rise of large eukaryotes in the Ediacaran period represents an enormous change in the history of life. Before that time, Earth was a microbial world: Its only inhabitants were single-celled prokaryotes and eukaryotes, along with an assortment of microscopic, multicellular eukaryotes.

As the diversification of the Ediacaran biota came to a close about 541 million years ago, the stage was set for another, even more spectacular burst of evolutionary change: the "Cambrian explosion."

Another 120 million years passed before another group of gastropods (the oyster drills) exhibited the ability to drill through shells.

As their predecessors might have done if they had not originated at an unfortunate time, oyster drills have since diversified into many new species. Finally, by eliminating so many species, mass extinctions can pave the way for adaptive radiations, in which new groups of organisms proliferate.

Balancing Selection:

As we've seen, genetic variation is often found at loci affected by selection. What prevents natural selection from reducing the variation at those loci by culling all unfavorable alleles? As mentioned earlier, in diploid organisms, many unfavorable recessive alleles persist because they are hidden from selection when in heterozygous individuals. In addition, selection itself may preserve variation at some loci, thus maintaining two or more phenotypic forms in a population. Known as balancing selection, this type of selection includes frequency-dependent selection and heterozygote advantage.

Conditions for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium: The Hardy-Weinberg approach describes a population that is not evolving. This can occur if a population meets all five of the conditions for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium listed in Table 23.1.

But in nature, the allele and genotype frequencies of a population often do change over time. Such changes can occur when at least one of the conditions for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is not met.

Let's apply the bin analogy to the hypothetical wildflower population discussed earlier. In that population of 500 flowers, the frequency of the allele for red flowers (C R ) is p = 0.8, and the frequency of the allele for white flowers (CW) is q = 0.2. This implies that a bin holding all 1,000 copies of the flower-color gene in the population would contain 800 C R alleles and 200 CW alleles.

Assuming that gametes are formed by selecting alleles at random from the bin, the probability that an egg or sperm contains a C R or CW allele is equal to the frequency of these alleles in the bin. Thus, as shown in Figure 23.7, each egg has an 80% chance of containing a C R allele and a 20% chance of containing a CW allele; the same is true for each sperm

Anatomical similarities in vertebrate embryos.:

At some stage in their embryonic development, all vertebrates have a tail located posterior to the anus (referred to as a post-anal tail), as well as pharyngeal (throat) arches. Descent from a common ancestor can explain such similarities.

This idea is supported by studies of a variety of species, including threespine stickleback fish. These fish live in the open ocean and in shallow, coastal waters. In western Canada, they also live in lakes formed when the coastline receded during the past 12,000 years. Marine stickleback fish have a pair of spines on their ventral (lower) surface, which deter some predators. These spines are often reduced or absent in stickleback fish living in lakes that lack predatory fishes and that are also low in calcium. Spines may have been lost in such lakes because they are not advantageous in the absence of predators, and the limited calcium is needed for purposes other than constructing spines.

At the genetic level, the developmental gene Pitx1 was known to influence whether stickleback fish have ventral spines. Was the reduction of spines in some lake populations due to changes in the Pitx1 gene or to changes in how the gene is expressed (Figure 25.26)? The researchers' results indicate that the regulation of gene expression has changed, not the DNA sequence. Moreover, lake stickleback fish do express the Pitx1 gene in tissues not related to the production of spines (for example, the mouth), illustrating how morphological change can be caused by altering the expression of a developmental gene in some parts of the body but not others.

Alleles transferred by gene flow can also affect how well populations are adapted to local environmental conditions. For instance, mainland and island populations of the Lake Erie water snake (Nerodia sipedon) differ in their color patterns: Nearly all snakes from the Ohio or Ontario mainlands are strongly banded, whereas the majority of snakes from islands are unbanded or intermediate (Figure 23.12).

Banding coloration is an inherited trait, determined by a few loci (with alleles that encode bands being dominant to alleles that encode the absence of bands). On islands, water snakes live along rocky shorelines, while on the mainland, they live in marshes. Snakes without bands are more well camouflaged in island habitats than are snakes with bands. Hence, on islands, snakes without bands survive at higher rates than do snakes with bands.

Fusion: Weakening Reproductive Barriers

Barriers to reproduction may be weak when two species meet in a hybrid zone. Indeed, so much gene flow may occur that reproductive barriers weaken further and the gene pools of the two species become increasingly alike. In effect, the speciation process reverses, eventually causing the two hybridizing species to fuse into a single species

Extensive genetic variation at the molecular level: This diagram summarizes data from a study comparing the DNA sequence of the alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) gene in several fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster). The Adh gene has four exons (dark blue) separated by introns (light blue); the exons include the coding regions that are ultimately translated into the amino acids of the Adh enzyme (see Figure 5.1). Only one substitution has a phenotypic effect, producing a different form of the Adh enzyme.

Base-pair substitutions are shown in orange. A red arrow indicates an insertion site. The substitution at this site results in the translation of a different amino acid. A deletion of 26 base pairs occurred here. Memorize figure 23.4

What causes such a pattern of allele frequencies across a hybrid zone? We can infer that there is an obstacle to gene flow—otherwise, alleles from one parent species would also be common in the gene pool of the other parent species. Are geographic barriers reducing gene flow? Not in this case, since the toads can move throughout the hybrid zone. A more important factor is that hybrid toads have increased rates of embryonic mortality and a variety of morphological abnormalities, including ribs that are fused to the spine and malformed tadpole mouthparts.

Because the hybrids have poor survival and reproduction, they produce few viable offspring with members of the parent species. As a result, hybrid individuals rarely serve as a stepping-stone from which alleles are passed from one species to the other. Outside the hybrid zone, additional obstacles to gene flow may be provided by natural selection in the different environments in which the parent species live.

The ecological species concept defines a species in terms of its ecological niche, the sum of how members of the species interact with the nonliving and living parts of their environment (see Concept 54.1). For example, two species of oak trees might differ in their size or in their ability to tolerate dry conditions, yet still occasionally interbreed.

Because they occupy different ecological niches, these oaks would be considered separate species even though they are connected by some gene flow. Unlike the biological species concept, the ecological species concept can accommodate asexual as well as sexual species. It also emphasizes the role of disruptive natural selection as organisms adapt to different environments.

A trauma for Cretaceous life:

Beneath the Caribbean Sea, the 66-million-year-old Chicxulub crater measures 180 km across. The horseshoe shape of the crater and the pattern of debris in sedimentary rocks indicate that an asteroid or comet struck at a low angle from the southeast. This drawing represents the impact and its immediate effect: a cloud of hot vapor and debris that could have killed many of the plants and animals in North America within hours.

Note that while geographic isolation prevents interbreeding between members of allopatric populations, physical separation is not a biological barrier to reproduction.

Biological reproductive barriers such as those described in Figure 24.3 are intrinsic to the organisms themselves. Hence, it is biological barriers that can prevent interbreeding when members of different populations come into contact with one another

Direct Observations of Evolutionary Change:

Biologists have documented evolutionary change in thousands of scientific studies. We'll examine many such studies throughout this unit, but let's look at two examples here.

"I think . . . ." In this 1837 sketch, Darwin envisioned the branching pattern of evolution.:

Branches that end in twigs labeled A-D represent particular groups of living organisms; all other branches represent extinct groups.

Another hypothesis is that organic compounds were first produced in deep-sea hydrothermal vents, areas on the seafloor where heated water and minerals gush from Earth's interior into the ocean. Some of these vents, known as "black smokers," release water so hot (300-400°C) that organic compounds formed there may have been unstable.

But other deep-sea vents, called alkaline vents, release water that has a high pH (9-11) and is warm (40-90°C) rather than hot, an environment that may have been more suitable for the origin of life (Figure 25.3).

Case Study: Impact of Genetic Drift on the Greater Prairie Chicken: Millions of greater prairie chickens (Tympanuchus cupido) once lived on the prairies of Illinois. As these prairies were converted to farmland and other uses during the 19th and 20th centuries, the number of greater prairie chickens plummeted (Figure 23.11a).

By 1993 fewer than 50 birds remained. These few surviving birds had low levels of genetic variation, and less than 50% of their eggs hatched, compared with much higher hatching rates of the larger populations in Kansas and Nebraska (Figure 23.11b).

The Bottleneck Effect: A sudden change in the environment, such as a fire or flood, may drastically reduce the size of a population. A severe drop in population size can cause the bottleneck effect, so named because the population has passed through a "bottleneck" that reduces its size (Figure 23.10)

By chance alone, certain alleles may be overrepresented among the survivors, others may be underrepresented, and some may be absent altogether. Ongoing genetic drift is likely to have substantial effects on the gene pool until the population becomes large enough that chance events have less impact. But even if a population that has passed through a bottleneck ultimately recovers in size, it may have low levels of genetic variation for a long period of time—a legacy of the genetic drift that occurred when the population was small. Human actions sometimes create severe bottlenecks for other species, as the following example shows.

As the D. melanogaster example suggests, an allele that confers resistance to an insecticide will increase in frequency in a population exposed to that insecticide. Such changes are not coincidental.

By consistently favoring some alleles over others, natural selection can cause adaptive evolution, a process in which traits that enhance survival or reproduction tend to increase in frequency over time. We'll explore this process in more detail later in this chapter.

These data suggest that genetic drift during the bottleneck may have led to a loss of genetic variation and an increase in the frequency of harmful alleles. To investigate this hypothesis, researchers extracted DNA from 15 museum specimens of Illinois greater prairie chickens. Of the 15 birds, 10 had been collected in the 1930s, when there were 25,000 greater prairie chickens in Illinois, and 5 had been collected in the 1960s, when there were 1,000 greater prairie chickens in Illinois.

By studying the DNA of these specimens, the researchers were able to obtain a minimum, baseline estimate of how much genetic variation was present in the Illinois population before the population shrank to extremely low numbers. This baseline estimate is a key piece of information that is not usually available in cases of population bottlenecks.

magine that all the alleles for a given locus from all the individuals in a population are placed in a large bin (Figure 23.7). We can think of this bin as holding the population's gene pool for that locus. "Reproduction" occurs by selecting alleles at random from the bin; somewhat similar events occur in nature when fish release sperm and eggs into the water or when pollen (containing plant sperm) is blown about by the wind.

By viewing reproduction as a process of randomly selecting and combining alleles from the bin (the gene pool), we are in effect assuming that mating occurs at random—that is, that all male-female matings are equally likely.

Genetic Drift: If you flip a coin 1,000 times, a result of 700 heads and 300 tails might make you suspicious about that coin. But if you flip a coin only 10 times, an outcome of 7 heads and 3 tails would not be surprising. The smaller the number of coin flips, the more likely it is that chance alone will cause a deviation from the predicted result. (In this case, the prediction is an equal number of heads and tails.)

Chance events can also cause allele frequencies to fluctuate unpredictably from one generation to the next, especially in small populations—a process called genetic drift.

By inserting these hybrid genes into fruit fly embryos (one hybrid gene per embryo) and observing their effects on leg development, the researchers were able to pinpoint the exact amino acid changes responsible for the suppression of additional limbs in insects. In so doing, this study provided evidence that particular changes in the nucleotide sequence of a developmental gene contributed to a major evolutionary change: the origin of the six-legged insect body plan.

Changes in Gene Regulation: A change in the nucleotide sequence of a gene may affect its function wherever the gene is expressed, while changes in the regulation of gene expression can be limited to one cell type (see Concept 18.4). Thus, a change in the regulation of a developmental gene may have fewer harmful side effects than a change to the sequence of the gene. This reasoning has prompted researchers to suggest that changes in the form of organisms may often be caused by mutations that affect the regulation of developmental genes—not their sequences.

Effects of Developmental Genes: As you read in Concept 21.6, "evo-devo"—research at the interface between evolutionary biology and developmental biology—is illuminating how slight genetic differences can produce major morphological differences between species. In particular, large morphological differences can result from genes that alter the rate, timing, and spatial pattern of change in an organism's form as it develops from a zygote into an adult.

Changes in Rate and Timing: Many striking evolutionary transformations are the result of heterochrony (from the Greek hetero, different, and chronos, time), an evolutionary change in the rate or timing of developmental events. For example, an organism's shape depends in part on the relative growth rates of different body parts during development. Changes to these rates can alter the adult form substantially, as seen in the contrasting shapes of human and chimpanzee skulls (Figure 25.23). . Other examples of the dramatic evolutionary effects of heterochrony include how increased growth rates of finger bones yielded the skeletal structure of wings in bats (see Figure 22.15) and how slowed growth of leg and pelvic bones led to the reduction and eventual loss of hind limbs in whales (see Figure 22.20).

Darwin's Research:

Charles Darwin (1809-1882) was born in Shrewsbury, in western England. Even as a boy, he had a consuming interest in nature. When he was not reading nature books, he was fishing, hunting, riding, and collecting insects. However, Darwin's father, a physician, could see no future for his son as a naturalist and sent him to medical school in Edinburgh. But Charles found medicine boring and surgery before the days of anesthesia horrifying. He quit medical school and enrolled at Cambridge University, intending to become a clergyman. (At that time, many scholars of science belonged to the clergy.)

The rise of atmospheric oxygen

Chemical analyses of ancient rocks have enabled this reconstruction of atmospheric oxygen levels during Earth's history

The rise of atmospheric oxygen.:

Chemical analyses of ancient rocks have enabled this reconstruction of atmospheric oxygen levels during Earth's history

Ankle bones: one piece of the puzzle:

Comparing fossils and presentday examples of the astragalus (a type of ankle bone) indicates that cetaceans are closely related to even-toed ungulates. (a) In most mammals, the astragalus is shaped like that of a dog, with a double hump on one end (red arrows) but not at the opposite end (blue arrow). (b) Fossils show that the early cetacean Pakicetus had an astragalus with double humps at both ends, a shape otherwise found only in pigs (c), deer (d), and all other even-toed ungulates.

Conditions for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium: Condition: 1) No mutations 2) Random mating 3) No natural selection 4) Extremely large population size 5) No gene flow

Consequence if Condition Does Not Hold 1) The gene pool is modified if mutations occur or if entire genes are deleted or duplicated. 2) If individuals mate within a subset of the population, such as near neighbors or close relatives (inbreeding), random mixing of gametes does not occur and genotype frequencies change. 3) Allele frequencies change when individuals with different genotypes show consistent differences in their survival or reproductive success. 4) In small populations, allele frequencies fluctuate by chance over time (a process called genetic drift). 5) By moving alleles into or out of populations gene flow can alter allele frequencies.

The Evolution of Drug-Resistant Bacteria: An example of ongoing natural selection that dramatically affects humans is the evolution of drug-resistant pathogens (disease-causing organisms and viruses). This is a particular problem with bacteria and viruses because they can produce new generations in a short period of time; as a result, resistant strains of these pathogens can proliferate very quickly.

Consider the evolution of drug resistance in the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus. About one in three people harbor this species on their skin or in their nasal passages with no negative effects. However, certain genetic varieties (strains) of this species, known as methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA), are formidable pathogens. Most MRSA infections are caused by recently appearing strains such as clone USA300, which can cause "flesh-eating disease" and potentially fatal infections (Figure 22.14).

The Smallest Unit of Evolution: One common misconception about evolution is that individual organisms evolve. It is true that natural selection acts on individuals: Each organism's traits affect its survival and reproductive success compared with those of other individuals. But the evolutionary impact of natural selection is only apparent in how a population of organisms changes over time.

Consider the medium ground finch (Geospiza fortis), a seed-eating bird that inhabits the Galápagos Islands (Figure 23.1). In 1977, the G. fortis population on the island of Daphne Major was decimated by a long period of drought: Of some 1,200 birds, only 180 survived.

Organisms are also affected by the climate change that results when a continent shifts its location. The southern tip of Labrador, Canada, for example, once was located in the tropics but has moved 40° to the north over the last 200 million years. When faced with the changes in climate that such shifts in position entail, organisms adapt, move to a new location, or become extinct (this last outcome occurred for many organisms stranded on Antarctica, which separated from Australia 40 million years ago).

Continental drift also promotes allopatric speciation on a grand scale. When supercontinents break apart, regions that once were connected become isolated. As the continents drifted apart over the last 200 million years, each became a separate evolutionary arena, with lineages of plants and animals that diverged from those on other continents.

Effects of the Hox gene Ubx on the insect body plan: In crustaceans, the Hox gene Ubx is expressed in the region shaded green, the body segments between the head and genital segments. In insects, Ubx is expressed in only a subset (shaded pink) of the homologous body segments, where it suppresses leg formation.

Crustacean ancestor: Ubx expressed in the body segments shaded green; does not suppress legs (Hox gene 7) changes over time in the expression and effect of the Ubx gene ---> Present-day insect: Ubx expressed in the body segments shaded pink; suppresses legs (Hox gene 7) Figure 25.25

Once RNA sequences that carried genetic information appeared in protocells, many additional changes would have been possible. For example, RNA could have provided the template on which DNA nucleotides were assembled. Double-stranded DNA is a more chemically stable repository for genetic information than is the more fragile RNA.

DNA also can be replicated more accurately. Accurate replication was advantageous as genomes grew larger through gene duplication and other processes and as more properties of the protocells became coded in genetic information. Once DNA appeared, the stage was set for a blossoming of new forms of life—a change we see documented in the fossil record.

Speciation can occur rapidly or slowly and can result from changes in few or many genes:

Darwin faced many questions when he began to ponder that "mystery of mysteries"—speciation. He found answers to some of those questions when he realized that evolution by natural selection helps explain both the diversity of life and the adaptations of organisms (see Concept 22.2). But biologists since Darwin have continued to ask fundamental questions about speciation. How long does it take for new species to form? And how many genes change when one species splits into two? Answers to these questions are also emerging

Descent with Modification: In the first edition of The Origin of Species, Darwin never used the word evolution (although the final word of the book is "evolved"). Rather, he discussed descent with modification, a phrase that summarized his view of life. Organisms share many characteristics, leading Darwin to perceive unity in life. He attributed the unity of life to the descent of all organisms from an ancestor that lived in the remote past. He also thought that as the descendants of that ancestral organism lived in various habitats, they gradually accumulated diverse modifications, or adaptations, that fit them to specific ways of life.

Darwin reasoned that over a long period of time, descent with modification eventually led to the rich diversity of life we see today. Darwin viewed the history of life as a tree, with multiple branchings from a common trunk out to the tips of the youngest twigs (Figure 22.7). In his diagram, the tips of the twigs that are labeled A-D represent several groups of organisms living in the present day, while the unlabeled branches represent groups that are extinct. Each fork of the tree represents the most recent common ancestor of all the lines of evolution that subsequently branch from that point.

At Cambridge, Darwin became the protégé of John Henslow, a botany professor. Soon after Darwin graduated, Henslow recommended him to Captain Robert FitzRoy, who was preparing the survey ship HMS Beagle for a long voyage around the world.

Darwin would pay his own way and serve as a conversation partner to the young captain. FitzRoy, who was himself an accomplished scientist, accepted Darwin because he was a skilled naturalist and because they were of similar age and social class.

Directional, Disruptive, and Stabilizing Selection: Natural selection can alter the frequency distribution of heritable traits in three ways, depending on which phenotypes in a population are favored: through directional selection, disruptive selection, and stabilizing selection.

Directional selection occurs when conditions favor individuals exhibiting one extreme of a phenotypic range, thereby shifting a population's frequency curve for the phenotypic character in one direction or the other (Figure 23.13a). Directional selection is common when a population's environment changes or when members of a population migrate to a new (and different) habitat. For instance, an increase in the relative abundance of large seeds over small seeds led to an increase in beak depth in a population of Galápagos finches (see Figure 23.2).

By the early 1840s, Darwin had worked out the major features of his hypothesis. He set these ideas on paper in 1844, when he wrote a long essay on descent with modification and its underlying mechanism, natural selection. Yet he was still reluctant to publish his ideas, in part because he anticipated the uproar they would cause.

During this time, Darwin continued to compile evidence in support of his hypothesis. By the mid-1850s, he had described his ideas to Lyell and a few others. Lyell, who was not yet convinced of evolution, nevertheless urged Darwin to publish on the subject before someone else came to the same conclusions and published first.

Focusing on evolutionary change in populations, we can define evolution on its smallest scale, called microevolution, as a change in allele frequencies in a population over generations. As you will see in this chapter, natural selection is not the only cause of microevolution. In fact, there are three main mechanisms that can cause allele frequency change: natural selection, genetic drift (chance events that alter allele frequencies), and gene flow (the transfer of alleles between populations).

Each of these mechanisms has distinctive effects on the genetic composition of populations. However, only natural selection consistently improves the degree to which organisms are well suited for life in their environment (adaptation). Before we examine natural selection and adaptation more closely, let's revisit a prerequisite for these processes in a population: genetic variation.

Plate Tectonics: If photographs of Earth were taken from space every 10,000 years and spliced together to make a movie, it would show something many of us find hard to imagine: The seemingly "rock solid" continents we live on move over time. Over the past billion years, there have been three occasions (1 billion, 600 million, and 250 million years ago) when most of the landmasses of Earth came together to form a supercontinent, then later broke apart.

Each time, this breakup yielded a different configuration of continents. Based on the directions in which the continents are moving today, some geologists have estimated that a new supercontinent will form roughly 250 million years from now.

Did life originate in deep-sea alkaline vents? The first organic compounds may have arisen in warm alkaline vents similar to this one from the 40,000-year-old "Lost City" vent field in the mid-Atlantic Ocean. These vents contain hydrocarbons and are full of tiny pores (inset) lined with iron and other catalytic minerals.

Early oceans were acidic, so a pH gradient would have formed between the interior of the vents and the surrounding ocean water. Energy for the synthesis of organic compounds could have been harnessed from this pH gradient.

How rapidly do such changes occur? Darwin reasoned that if artificial selection can bring about dramatic change in a relatively short period of time, then natural selection should be capable of substantial modification of species over many hundreds of generations.

Even if the advantages of some heritable traits over others are slight, the advantageous variations will gradually accumulate in the population, and less favorable variations will diminish. Over time, this process will increase the frequency of individuals with favorable adaptations, hence increasing the degree to which organisms are well suited for life in their environment.

Mammalian forelimbs: homologous structures.

Even though they have become adapted for different functions, the forelimbs of all mammals are constructed from the same basic skeletal elements: one large bone (purple), attached to two smaller bones (orange and tan), attached to several small bones (gold), attached to several metacarpals (green), attached to approximately five digits, each of which is composed of multiple phalanges (blue). figure 22.15

The Sickle-Cell Allele: This child has sickle-cell disease, a genetic disorder that strikes individuals that have two copies of the sickle-cell allele. This allele causes an abnormality in the structure and function of hemoglobin, the oxygencarrying protein in red blood cells. Although sickle-cell disease is lethal if not treated, in some regions the sickle-cell allele can reach frequencies as high as 15-20%. How can such a harmful allele be so common?

Events at the Molecular Level:• Due to a point mutation, the sickle-cell allele differs from the wild-type allele by a single nucleotide. • The resulting change in one amino acid leads to hydrophobic interactions between the sickle-cell hemoglobin proteins under low-oxygen conditions. • As a result, the sickle-cell proteins bind to each other in chains that together form a fiber. An adenine replaces a thymine in the template strand of the sickle-cell allele, changing one codon in the mRNA produced during transcription. This change causes an amino-acid change in sickle-cell hemoglobin: A valine replaces a glutamic acid at one position. Consequences for Cells Sickle-cell allele on chromosome Template strand Wild-type allele Sickled red blood cell Normal red blood cell Sickle-cell hemoglobin Normal hemoglobin (does not aggregate into fibers) Fiber Low-oxygen conditions • The abnormal hemoglobin fibers distort the red blood cell into a sickle shape under low-oxygen conditions, such as those found in blood vessels returning to the heart. • Due to a point mutation, the sickle-cell allele differs from the wild-type allele by a single nucleotide. • The resulting change in one amino acid leads to hydrophobic interactions between the sickle-cell hemoglobin proteins under low-oxygen conditions. • As a result, the sickle-cell proteins bind to each other in chains that together form a fiber. An adenine replaces a thymine in the template strand of the sickle cell allele, changing one codon in the mRNA produced during transcription. This change causes an amino acid change in sickle cell hemoglobin. A valine replaces a glutamic acid at one position. Consequences for cells: The abnormal hemoglobin fibers distort the red blood cell into a sickle shape under low-oxygen conditions, such as those found in blood vessels returning to the heart.

Natural selection is the only mechanism that consistently causes adaptive evolution

Evolution by natural selection is a blend of chance and "sorting": chance in the creation of new genetic variations (as in mutation) and sorting as natural selection favors some alleles over others. Because of this favoring process, the outcome of natural selection is not random. Instead, natural selection consistently increases the frequencies of alleles that provide reproductive advantage, thus leading to adaptive evolution.

The geography of speciation: (a) Allopatric speciation. A population forms a new species while geographically isolated from its parent population. (b) Sympatric speciation. A subset of a population forms a new species without geographic separation

Evolution in mosquitofish populations: Different body shapes have evolved in mosquitofish populations from ponds with and without predators. These differences affect how quickly the fish can accelerate to escape and their survival rate when exposed to predators. In ponds with predatory fishes, the mosquitofish's head is streamlined and the tail is powerful, enabling rapid bursts of speed. In ponds without predatory fishes, mosquitofish have a different body shape that favors long, steady swimming. (a) Differences in body shape (b) Differences in escape acceleration and survival

Fossils discovered in other parts of the world tell a similar story: Past organisms were very different from those presently living. The sweeping changes in life on Earth as revealed by fossils illustrate macroevolution, the broad pattern of evolution above the species level.

Examples of macroevolutionary change include the emergence of terrestrial vertebrates through a series of speciation events, the impact of mass extinctions on biodiversity, and the origin of key adaptations such as flight.

Fossil extinctions and temperature:

Extinction rates increased when global temperatures were high. Temperatures were estimated using ratios of oxygen isotopes and converted to an index in which 0 is the overall average temperature.

Evolutionary Trends: What else can we learn from patterns of macroevolution? Consider evolutionary "trends" observed in the fossil record. For instance, some evolutionary lineages exhibit a trend toward larger or smaller body size. An example is the evolution of the present-day horse (genus Equus), a descendant of the 55-million-year-old Hyracotherium (Figure 25.29). About the size of a large dog, Hyracotherium had four toes on its front feet, three toes on its hind feet, and teeth adapted for browsing on bushes and trees. In comparison, present-day horses are larger, have only one toe on each foot, and possess teeth modified for grazing on grasses.

Extracting a single evolutionary progression from the fossil record can be misleading, however; it is like describing a bush as growing toward a single point by tracing only the branches that lead to that twig. For example, by selecting certain species from the available fossils, it is possible to arrange a succession of animals intermediate between Hyracotherium and living horses that shows a trend toward large, single-toed species (follow the yellow highlighting in Figure 25.29). However, if we consider all fossil horses known today, this apparent trend vanishes.

How do female preferences for certain male characteristics evolve in the first place? One hypothesis is that females prefer male traits that are correlated with "good genes." If the trait preferred by females is indicative of a male's overall genetic quality, both the male trait and female preference for it should increase in frequency.

Figure 23.16 describes one experiment testing this hypothesis in gray tree frogs. Other researchers have shown that in several bird species, the traits preferred by females are related to overall male health. Here, too, female preference appears to be based on traits that reflect "good genes," in this case, alleles indicative of a robust immune system.

As we've seen, the fossil record provides a sweeping overview of the history of life over geologic time. Here we will focus on a few major events in that history, returning to study the details in Unit Five.

Figure 25.8 will help you visualize how long ago these key events occurred against the vast backdrop of geologic time.

The history of life has also been greatly altered by radiations in which groups of organisms increased in diversity as they came to play entirely new ecological roles in their communities. As we'll explore in later chapters, examples include the rise of photosynthetic prokaryotes, the evolution of large predators in the Cambrian explosion, and the radiations following the colonization of land by plants, insects, and tetrapods. Each of these last three radiations was associated with major evolutionary innovations that facilitated life on land. The radiation of land plants, for example, was associated with key adaptations, such as stems that support plants against gravity and a waxy coat that protects leaves from water loss.

Finally, organisms that arise in an adaptive radiation can serve as a new source of food for still other organisms. In fact, the diversification of land plants stimulated a series of adaptive radiations in insects that ate or pollinated plants, one reason that insects are the most diverse group of animals on Earth today.

Darwin also spent much time thinking about geology. Despite repeated bouts of seasickness, he read Lyell's Principles of Geology during the voyage. He experienced geologic change firsthand when a violent earthquake shook the coast of Chile, and he observed afterward that rocks along the coast had been thrust upward by several meters.

Finding fossils of ocean organisms high in the Andes, Darwin inferred that the rocks containing the fossils must have been raised there by many similar earthquakes. These observations reinforced what he had learned from Lyell: Physical evidence did not support the traditional view that Earth was only a few thousand years old.

Relative Fitness: The phrases "struggle for existence" and "survival of the fittest" are commonly used to describe natural selection, but these expressions are misleading if always taken to mean direct competitive contests among individuals. There are animal species in which individuals, usually the males, lock horns or otherwise do combat to determine mating privilege. But reproductive success is generally more subtle and depends on many factors besides outright battle.

For example, a barnacle that is more efficient at collecting food than its neighbors may have greater stores of energy and hence be able to produce a larger number of eggs. A moth may have more offspring than other moths in the same population because its body colors more effectively conceal it from predators, improving its chance of surviving long enough to produce more offspring. These examples illustrate how in a given environment, certain traits can lead to greater relative fitness: the contribution an individual makes to the gene pool of the next generation relative to the contributions of other individuals.

With its dry, wind-sculpted sands and searing heat, the Sahara Desert seems an unlikely place to discover the bones of whales. But starting in the 1870s, researchers uncovered fossils of ancient whales at several locations that once were covered by an ancient sea (Figure 25.1).

For example, a nearly complete skeleton of Dorudon atrox, an extinct whale that lived 35 million years ago, was discovered in a region that came to be called Wadi Hitan, the "Valley of Whales." Collectively, the whale fossils found in the Sahara were spectacular not only for where they were found, but also for documenting early steps in the transition from life on land to life in the sea.

How does sexual selection operate? There are several ways. In intrasexual selection, meaning selection within the same sex, individuals of one sex compete directly for mates of the opposite sex. In many species, intrasexual selection occurs among males.

For example, a single male may patrol a group of females and prevent other males from mating with them. The patrolling male may defend his status by defeating smaller, weaker, or less fierce males in combat. More often, this male is the psychological victor in ritualized displays that discourage would-be competitors but do not risk injury that would reduce his own fitness (see Figure 51.16). Intrasexual selection also occurs among females in a variety of species, including ring-tailed lemurs and broadnosed pipefish.

Changes in Spatial Pattern: Substantial evolutionary changes can also result from alterations in genes that control the spatial organization of body parts. For example, master regulatory genes called homeotic genes (see Concept 18.1) determine such basic features as where a pair of wings and legs will develop on a bird or how a plant's flower parts are arranged. The products of one class of homeotic genes, the Hox genes, provide positional information in an animal embryo. This information prompts cells to develop into structures appropriate for a particular location. Changes in Hox genes or in how they are expressed can have a profound impact on morphology.

For example, among crustaceans, a change in the location where two Hox genes (Ubx and Scr) are expressed correlates with the conversion of a swimming appendage to a feeding appendage. Similarly, when comparing plant species, changes to the expression of homeotic genes known as MADS-box genes can produce flowers that differ dramatically in form (see Concept 35.5).

Comparing early stages of development in different animal species reveals additional anatomical homologies not visible in adult organisms.

For example, at some point in their development, all vertebrate embryos have a tail located posterior to (behind) the anus, as well as structures called pharyngeal (throat) arches (Figure 22.16). These homologous throat arches ultimately develop into structures with very different functions, such as gills in fishes and parts of the ears and throat in humans and other mammals.

In intersexual selection, also called mate choice, individuals of one sex (usually the females) are choosy in selecting their mates from the other sex. In many cases, the female's choice depends on the showiness of the male's appearance or behavior (see Figure 23.15). What intrigued Darwin about mate choice is that male showiness may not seem adaptive in any other way and may in fact pose some risk

For example, bright plumage may make male birds more visible to predators. But if such characteristics help a male gain a mate, and if this benefit outweighs the risk from predation, then both the bright plumage and the female preference for it will be reinforced because they enhance overall reproductive success.

Evolutionary Novelties: François Jacob's view of evolution harkens back to Darwin's concept of descent with modification. As new species form, novel and complex structures can arise as gradual modifications of ancestral structures. In many cases, complex structures have evolved in increments from simpler versions that performed the same basic function.

For example, consider the human eye, an intricate organ constructed from numerous parts that work together in forming an image and transmitting it to the brain. How could the human eye have evolved in gradual increments?

The Colonization of Land: The colonization of land was another milestone in the history of life. There is fossil evidence that cyanobacteria and other photosynthetic prokaryotes coated damp terrestrial surfaces well over a billion years ago. However, larger forms of life, such as fungi, plants, and animals, did not begin to colonize land until about 500 million years ago. This gradual evolutionary venture out of aquatic environments was associated with adaptations that made it possible to reproduce on land and that helped prevent dehydration.

For example, many land plants today have a vascular system for transporting materials internally and a waterproof coating of wax on their leaves that slows the loss of water to the air. Early signs of these adaptations were present 420 million years ago, at which time small plants (about 10 cm high) existed that had a vascular system but lacked true roots or leaves. By 40 million years later, plants had diversified greatly and included reeds and treelike plants with true roots and leaves.

Heterochrony can also alter the timing of reproductive development relative to the development of nonreproductive organs. If the development of reproductive organs accelerates compared to that of other organs, the sexually mature stage of a species may retain body features that were juvenile structures in an ancestral species, a condition called paedomorphosis (from the Greek paedos, of a child, and morphosis, formation).

For example, most salamander species have aquatic larvae that undergo metamorphosis in becoming adults. But some species grow to adult size and become sexually mature while retaining gills and other larval features (Figure 25.24). Such an evolutionary alteration of developmental timing can produce animals that appear very different from their ancestors, even though the overall genetic change may be small. Indeed, recent evidence indicates that a change at a single locus was probably sufficient to bring about paedomorphosis in the axolotl salamander, although other genes may have contributed as well.

Speciation Rates: The existence of fossils that display a punctuated pattern suggests that once the process of speciation begins, it can be completed relatively rapidly—a suggestion supported by a growing number of studies.

For example, rapid speciation appears to have produced the wild sunflower Helianthus anomalus. Genetic evidence indicates that this species originated by the hybridization of two other sunflower species, H. annuus and H. petiolaris. The hybrid species H. anomalus is ecologically distinct and reproductively isolated from both parent species (Figure 24.17).

Altering Gene Number or Position: Chromosomal changes that delete, disrupt, or rearrange many loci are usually harmful. However, when such largescale changes leave genes intact, they may not affect the organisms' phenotype. In rare cases, chromosomal rearrangements may even be beneficial.

For example, the translocation of part of one chromosome to a different chromosome could link genes in a way that produces a positive effect.

A Different Cause of Resemblance: Convergent Evolution: Although organisms that are closely related share characteristics because of common descent, distantly related organisms can resemble one another for a different reason: convergent evolution, the independent evolution of similar features in different lineages. Consider marsupial mammals, many of which live in Australia. Marsupials are distinct from another group of mammals—the placental mammals, or eutherians— few of which live in Australia. (Eutherians complete their embryonic development in the uterus, whereas marsupials are born as embryos and complete their development in an external pouch.) Some Australian marsupials have eutherian look-alikes with superficially similar adaptations.

For instance, a forest-dwelling Australian marsupial called the sugar glider is superficially very similar to flying squirrels, gliding eutherians that live in North American forests (Figure 22.18). But the sugar glider has many other characteristics that make it a marsupial, much more closely related to kangaroos and other Australian marsupials than to flying squirrels or other eutherians. Once again, our understanding of evolution can explain these observations. Although they evolved independently from different ancestors, these two mammals have adapted to similar environments in similar ways. In such examples in which species share features because of convergent evolution, the resemblance is said to be analogous, not homologous. Analogous features share similar function, but not common ancestry, while homologous features share common ancestry, but not necessarily similar function.

More than a century and a half ago, Charles Darwin was inspired to develop a scientific explanation for these three broad observations. When he published his hypothesis in his book The Origin of Species, Darwin ushered in a scientific revolution—the era of evolutionary biology.

For now, we will define evolution as descent with modification, a phrase Darwin used in proposing that Earth's many species are descendants of ancestral species that were different from the present-day species. Evolution can also be defined as a change in the genetic composition of a population from generation to generation (see Concept 23.3).

In addition to those discussed here, more than 20 other species definitions have been proposed. The usefulness of each definition depends on the situation and the research questions being asked.

For our purposes of studying how species originate, the biological species concept, with its focus on reproductive barriers, is particularly helpful.

Natural selection, genetic drift, and gene flow can alter allele frequencies in a population: Note again the five conditions required for a population to be in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (see Table 23.1). A deviation from any of these conditions is a potential cause of evolution. New mutations (violation of condition 1) can alter allele frequencies, but because mutations are rare, the change from one generation to the next is likely to be very small. Nonrandom mating (violation of condition 2) can affect the frequencies of homozygous and heterozygous genotypes but by itself has no effect on allele frequencies in the gene pool. (Allele frequencies can change if individuals with certain inherited traits are more likely than other individuals to obtain mates. However, such a situation not only causes a deviation from random mating, but also violates condition 3, no natural selection.)

For the rest of this section we will focus on the three mechanisms that alter allele frequencies directly and cause most evolutionary change: natural selection, genetic drift, and gene flow (violations of conditions 3-5).

How Rocks and Fossils Are Dated:

Fossils are valuable data for reconstructing the history of life, but only if we can determine where they fit in that unfolding story. While the order of fossils in rock strata tells us the sequence in which the fossils were laid down—their relative ages—it does not tell us their actual ages. Examining the relative positions of fossils is like peeling off layers of wallpaper in an old house. You can infer the sequence in which the layers were applied, but not the year each layer was added.

The rise and fall of groups of organisms reflect differences in speciation and extinction rates:

From its beginnings, life on Earth has been marked by the rise and fall of groups of organisms. Anaerobic prokaryotes originated, flourished, and then declined as the oxygen content of the atmosphere rose. Billions of years later, the first tetrapods emerged from the sea, giving rise to several major new groups of organisms. One of these, the amphibians, went on to dominate life on land for 100 million years, until other tetrapods (including dinosaurs and, later, mammals) replaced them as the dominant terrestrial vertebrates.

Darwin's Focus on Adaptation: During the voyage of the Beagle, Darwin observed many examples of adaptations, inherited characteristics of organisms that enhance their survival and reproduction in specific environments. Later, as he reassessed his observations, he began to perceive adaptation to the environment and the origin of new species as closely related processes. Could a new species arise from an ancestral form by the gradual accumulation of adaptations to a different environment?

From studies made years after Darwin's voyage, biologists have concluded that this is indeed what happened to a diverse group of finches found on the Galápagos Islands (see Figure 1.20). The finches' various beaks and behaviors are adapted to the specific foods available on their home islands (Figure 22.6). Darwin realized that explaining such adaptations was essential to understanding evolution. His explanation of how adaptations arise centered on natural selection, a process in which individuals that have certain inherited traits tend to survive and reproduce at higher rates than do other individuals because of those traits.

Limitations of the Biological Species Concept: One strength of the biological species concept is that it directs our attention to a way by which speciation can occur: by the evolution of reproductive isolation. However, the number of species to which this concept can be usefully applied is limited. There is, for example, no way to evaluate the reproductive isolation of fossils. The biological species concept also does not apply to organisms that reproduce asexually all or most of the time, such as prokaryotes. (Many prokaryotes do transfer genes among themselves, as we will discuss in Concept 27.2, but this is not part of their reproductive process.)

Furthermore, in the biological species concept, species are designated by the absence of gene flow. But there are many pairs of species that are morphologically and ecologically distinct, and yet gene flow occurs between them. An example is the grizzly bear (Ursus arctos) and polar bear (Ursus maritimus), whose hybrid offspring have been dubbed "grolar bears" (Figure 24.4). As we'll discuss, natural selection can cause such species to remain distinct even though some gene flow occurs between them. Because of the limitations to the biological species concept, alternative species concepts are useful in certain situations.

A key potential source of variation is the duplication of genes due to errors in meiosis (such as unequal crossing over), slippage during DNA replication, or the activities of transposable elements (see Concept 21.5). Duplications of large chromosome segments, like other chromosomal aberrations, are often harmful, but the duplication of smaller pieces of DNA may not be.

Gene duplications that do not have severe effects can persist over generations, allowing mutations to accumulate. The result is an expanded genome with new genes that may take on new functions

Sexual Selection: There is evidence that sympatric speciation can also be driven by sexual selection. Clues to how this can occur have been found in cichlid fish from one of Earth's hot spots of animal speciation, East Africa's Lake Victoria. This lake was once home to as many as 600 species of cichlids.

Genetic data indicate that these species originated within the last 100,000 years from a small number of colonizing species that arrived from other lakes and rivers. How did so many species—more than double the number of freshwater fish species known in all of Europe—originate within a single lake? One hypothesis is that subgroups of the original cichlid populations adapted to different food sources and the resulting genetic divergence contributed to speciation in Lake Victoria.

How much do genes and other DNA sequences vary from one individual to another?

Genetic variation at the wholegene level (gene variability) can be quantified as the average percentage of loci that are heterozygous. (Recall that a heterozygous individual has two different alleles for a given locus, whereas a homozygous individual has two identical alleles for that locus.) As an example, on average the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is heterozygous for about 1,920 of its 13,700 loci (14%) and homozygous for all the rest.

Rapid Reproduction: Mutation rates tend to be low in plants and animals, averaging about one mutation in every 100,000 genes per generation, and they are often even lower in prokaryotes. But prokaryotes have many more generations per unit of time, so mutations can quickly generate genetic variation in their populations. The same is true of viruses. For instance, HIV has a generation time of about two days (that is, it takes two days for a newly formed virus to produce the next generation of viruses).

HIV also has an RNA genome, which has a much higher mutation rate than a typical DNA genome because of the lack of RNA repair mechanisms in host cells (see Concept 19.2). For this reason, single-drug treatments are unlikely to be effective against HIV: Mutant forms of the virus that are resistant to a particular drug would tend to proliferate in relatively short order. The most effective AIDS treatments to date have been drug "cocktails" that combine several medications. This approach has worked well because it is less likely that a set of mutations that together confer resistance to all the drugs will occur in a short time period.

Speciation can take place with or without geographic separation:

Having discussed what constitutes a unique species, let's return to the process by which such species arise from existing species. We'll describe this process by focusing on the geographic setting in which gene flow is interrupted between populations of the existing species—in allopatric speciation the populations are geographically isolated, while in sympatric speciation they are not (Figure 24.5).

The Voyage of the Beagle: Darwin embarked from England on the Beagle in December 1831. The primary mission of the voyage was to chart poorly known stretches of the South American coastline. Darwin, however, spent most of his time on shore, observing and collecting thousands of plants and animals. He described features of organisms that made them well suited to such diverse environments as the humid jungles of Brazil, the expansive grasslands of Argentina, and the towering peaks of the Andes.

He also noted that the plants and animals in temperate regions of South America more closely resembled species living in the South American tropics than species living in temperate regions of Europe. Furthermore, the fossils he found, though clearly different from living species, distinctly resembled the living organisms of South America.

Paleontology, the study of fossils, was developed in large part by French scientist Georges Cuvier (1769-1832). In examining strata near Paris, Cuvier noted that the older the stratum, the more dissimilar its fossils were to current life-forms.

He also observed that from one layer to the next, some new species appeared while others disappeared. He inferred that extinctions must have been a common occurrence, but he staunchly opposed the idea of evolution. Cuvier speculated that each boundary between strata represented a sudden catastrophic event, such as a flood, that had destroyed many of the species living in that area. Such regions, he reasoned, were later repopulated by different species immigrating from other areas.

Scala Naturae and Classification of Species: Long before Darwin was born, several Greek philosophers suggested that life might have changed gradually over time. But one philosopher who greatly influenced early Western science, Aristotle (384-322 bce), viewed species as fixed (unchanging). Through his observations of nature, Aristotle recognized certain "affinities" among organisms.

He concluded that life-forms could be arranged on a ladder, or scale, of increasing complexity, later called the scala naturae ("scale of nature"). Each form of life, perfect and permanent, had its allotted rung on this ladder.

When Darwin came to the Galápagos Islands, he noted that these volcanic islands were teeming with plants and animals found nowhere else in the world (Figure 24.1). Later he realized that these species had formed relatively recently.

He wrote in his diary, "Both in space and time, we seem to be brought somewhat near to that great fact—that mystery of mysteries—the first appearance of new beings on this Earth."

To determine whether a population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, it is helpful to think about genetic crosses in a new way. Previously, we used Punnett squares to determine the genotypes of offspring in a genetic cross (see Figure 14.5).

Here, instead of considering the possible allele combinations from one cross, we'll consider the combination of alleles in all of the crosses in a population

The First Eukaryotes: The oldest widely accepted fossils of eukaryotic organisms are 1.8 billion years old. Recall that eukaryotic cells have more complex organization than prokaryotic cells: Eukaryotic cells have a nuclear envelope, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and other internal structures that prokaryotes lack. Also, unlike prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells have a well-developed cytoskeleton, a feature that enables eukaryotic cells to change their shape and thereby surround and engulf other cells.

How did the eukaryotes evolve from their prokaryotic ancestors? Current evidence indicates that the eukaryotes originated by endosymbiosis when a prokaryotic cell engulfed a small cell that would evolve into an organelle found in all eukaryotes, the mitochondrion. The small, engulfed cell is an example of an endosymbiont, a cell that lives within another cell, called the host cell. The prokaryotic ancestor of the mitochondrion probably entered the host cell as undigested prey or an internal parasite. Though such a process may seem unlikely, scientists have directly observed cases in which endosymbionts that began as prey or parasites developed a mutually beneficial relationship with the host in as little as five years.

In genetic terms, selection results in alleles being passed to the next generation in proportions that differ from those in the present generation. For example, the fruit fly D. melanogaster has an allele that confers resistance to several insecticides, including DDT. This allele has a frequency of 0% in laboratory strains of D. melanogaster established from flies collected in the wild in the early 1930s, prior to DDT use.

However, in strains established from flies collected after 1960 (following 20 or more years of DDT use), the allele frequency is 37%. We can infer that this allele either arose by mutation between 1930 and 1960 or was present in 1930, but very rare. In any case, the rise in frequency of this allele most likely occurred because DDT is a powerful poison that is a strong selective force in exposed fly populations.

Polyploidy: A species may originate from an accident during cell division that results in extra sets of chromosomes, a condition called polyploidy. Polyploid speciation occasionally occurs in animals; for example, the gray tree frog Hyla versicolor (see Figure 23.16) is thought to have originated in this way.

However, polyploidy is far more common in plants. In fact, botanists estimate that more than 80% of the plant species alive today are descended from ancestors that formed by polyploid speciation.

Artificial Selection, Natural Selection, and Adaptation: Darwin proposed the mechanism of natural selection to explain the observable patterns of evolution. He crafted his argument carefully, hoping to persuade even the most skeptical readers. First he discussed familiar examples of selective breeding of domesticated plants and animals.

Humans have modified other species over many generations by selecting and breeding individuals that possess desired traits, a process called artificial selection (Figure 22.9). As a result of artificial selection, crops, livestock animals, and pets often bear little resemblance to their wild ancestors. Darwin then argued that a similar process occurs in nature. He based his argument on two observations, from which he drew two inferences: Observation #1: Members of a population often vary in their inherited traits (Figure 22.10). Observation #2: All species can produce more offspring than their environment can support (Figure 22.11), and many of these offspring fail to survive and reproduce. Inference #1: Individuals whose inherited traits give them a higher probability of surviving and reproducing in a given environment tend to leave more offspring than do other individuals. Inference #2: This unequal ability of individuals to survive and reproduce will lead to the accumulation of favorable traits in the population over generations.

In contrast to Cuvier's emphasis on sudden events, other scientists suggested that profound change could take place through the cumulative effect of slow but continuous processes. In 1795, Scottish geologist James Hutton (1726-1797) proposed that Earth's geologic features could be explained by gradual mechanisms, such as valleys being formed by rivers. The leading geologist of Darwin's time, Charles Lyell (1797-1875), incorporated Hutton's thinking into his proposal that the same geologic processes are operating today as in the past, and at the same rate.

Hutton's and Lyell's ideas strongly influenced Darwin's thinking. Darwin agreed that if geologic change results from slow, continuous actions rather than from sudden events, then Earth must be much older than the widely accepted age of a few thousand years. It would, for example, take a very long time for a river to carve a canyon by erosion. He later reasoned that perhaps similarly slow and subtle processes could produce substantial biological change. However, Darwin was not the first to apply the idea of gradual change to biological evolution.

Hybrid zones typically are located wherever the habitats of the interbreeding species meet. Those regions often resemble a group of isolated patches scattered across the landscape— more like the complex pattern of spots on a Dalmatian than the continuous band shown in Figure 24.13. But regardless of whether they have complex or simple spatial patterns, hybrid zones form when two species lacking complete barriers to reproduction come into contact. What happens when the habitats of the interbreeding species change over time?

Hybrid Zones and Environmental Change: A change in environmental conditions can alter where the habitats of interbreeding species meet. When this happens, an existing hybrid zone can move to a new location, or a novel hybrid zone may form. For example, black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) and Carolina chickadees (P. carolinensis) interbreed in a narrow hybrid zone that runs from New Jersey to Kansas. Recent studies have shown that the location of this hybrid zone has shifted northward as the climate has warmed. In another example, a series of warm winters prior to 2003 enabled the southern flying squirrel (Glaucomys volans) to expand northward into the range of the northern flying squirrel, G. sabrinus. Previously, the ranges of these two species had not overlapped. Genetic analyses showed that these flying squirrels began to hybridize where their ranges came into contact, thereby forming a novel hybrid zone induced by climate change.

Heterozygote Advantage:

If individuals who are heterozygous at a particular locus have greater fitness than do both kinds of homozygotes, they exhibit heterozygote advantage. In such a case, natural selection tends to maintain two or more alleles at that locus. Note that heterozygote advantage is defined in terms of genotype, not phenotype. Thus, whether heterozygote advantage represents stabilizing or directional selection depends on the relationship between the genotype and the phenotype. For example, if the phenotype of a heterozygote is intermediate to the phenotypes of both homozygotes, heterozygote advantage is a form of stabilizing selection.

Hybrid Zones over Time: Studying a hybrid zone is like observing a naturally occurring experiment on speciation. Will the hybrids become reproductively isolated from their parents and form a new species, as occurred by polyploidy in the goatsbeard plant of the Pacific Northwest?

If not, there are three other common outcomes for the hybrid zone over time: reinforcement of barriers, fusion of species, or stability (Figure 24.14). Let's examine what studies suggest about these possibilities.

We can characterize a population's genetic makeup by describing its gene pool, which consists of all copies of every type of allele at every locus in all members of the population.

If only one allele exists for a particular locus in a population, that allele is said to be fixed in the gene pool, and all individuals are homozygous for that allele. But if there are two or more alleles for a particular locus in a population, individuals may be either homozygous or heterozygous.

During the 1920s, Russian chemist A. I. Oparin and British scientist J. B. S. Haldane independently hypothesized that Earth's early atmosphere was a reducing (electron-adding) environment, in which organic compounds could have formed from simpler molecules. The energy for this synthesis could have come from lightning and UV radiation. Haldane suggested that the early oceans were a solution of organic molecules, a "primitive soup" from which life arose.

In 1953, Stanley Miller and Harold Urey, working at the University of Chicago, tested the Oparin-Haldane hypothesis by creating laboratory conditions comparable to those that scientists at the time thought existed on early Earth (see Figure 4.2). His apparatus yielded a variety of amino acids found in organisms today, along with other organic compounds. Many laboratories have since repeated Miller's classic experiment using different recipes for the atmosphere, some of which also produced organic compounds.

Genetic variation makes evolution possible:

In The Origin of Species, Darwin provided abundant evidence that life on Earth has evolved over time, and he proposed natural selection as the primary mechanism for that change. He observed that individuals differ in their inherited traits and that selection acts on such differences, leading to evolutionary change. Although Darwin realized that variation in heritable traits is a prerequisite for evolution, he did not know precisely how organisms pass heritable traits to their offspring.

Frequency-dependent selection.

In a population of the scale-eating fish Perissodus microlepis, the frequency of leftmouthed individuals (red data points) rises and falls in a regular manner. The frequency of left-mouthed individuals among adults that reproduced was also recorded in three sample years (green data points). Thus, from year to year, selection favors whichever mouth phenotype is least common. As a result, the frequency of leftand right-mouthed fish oscillates over time, and balancing selection (due to frequency dependence) keeps the frequency of each phenotype close to 50%.

Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium:

In a population that is not evolving, allele and genotype frequencies will remain constant from generation to generation, provided that only Mendelian segregation and recombination of alleles are at work. Such a population is said to be in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, named for the British mathematician and German physician, respectively, who independently developed this idea in 1908.

Finally, it is important to note that S. aureus is not the only pathogenic bacterium that has evolved resistance to multiple antibiotics. Furthermore, in recent decades, antibiotic resistance has spread much faster than new antibiotics have been discovered—a problem of great public health concern. Hope may loom on the horizon, however. For example, in 2015, scientists reported the discovery of "teixobactin," a new antibiotic that shows promise for treating MRSA and other pathogens.

In addition, as we'll describe in the Scientific Skills Exercise in Chapter 27, the methods used in the discovery of teixobactin may lead to the discovery of other new antibiotics as well.

Sexual Reproduction:

In organisms that reproduce sexually, most of the genetic variation in a population results from the unique combination of alleles that each individual receives from its parents. Of course, at the nucleotide level, all the differences among these alleles have originated from past mutations. Sexual reproduction then shuffles existing alleles and deals them at random to produce individual genotypes.

Abiotic Synthesis of Macromolecules: The presence of small organic molecules, such as amino acids and nitrogenous bases, is not sufficient for the emergence of life as we know it. Every cell has many types of macromolecules, including enzymes and other proteins and the nucleic acids needed for self-replication. Could such macromolecules have formed on early Earth? A 2009 study demonstrated that one key step, the abiotic synthesis of RNA monomers, can occur spontaneously from simple precursor molecules.

In addition, by dripping solutions of amino acids or RNA nucleotides onto hot sand, clay, or rock, researchers have produced polymers of these molecules. The polymers formed spontaneously, without the help of enzymes or ribosomes. Unlike proteins, the amino acid polymers are a complex mix of linked and cross-linked amino acids. Still, it is possible that such polymers acted as weak catalysts for a variety of chemical reactions on early Earth.

However, some evidence suggests that the early atmosphere was made up primarily of nitrogen and carbon dioxide and was neither reducing nor oxidizing (electron removing). Recent Miller/Urey-type experiments using such "neutral" atmospheres have also produced organic molecules.

In addition, small pockets of the early atmosphere, such as those near the openings of volcanoes, may have been reducing. Perhaps the first organic compounds formed near volcanoes. In 2008, researchers used modern equipment to reanalyze molecules that Miller had saved from one of his experiments. The 2008 paper found that numerous amino acids had formed under conditions that simulated a volcanic eruption (Figure 25.2).

Such phenotypic variations often reflect genetic variation, differences among individuals in the composition of their genes or other DNA sequences. Some heritable phenotypic differences occur on an "either-or" basis, such as the flower colors of Mendel's pea plants: Each plant had flowers that were either purple or white (see Figure 14.3). Characters that vary in this way are typically determined by a single gene locus, with different alleles producing distinct phenotypes.

In contrast, other phenotypic differences vary in gradations along a continuum. Such variation usually results from the influence of two or more genes on a single phenotypic character. In fact, many phenotypic characters are influenced by multiple genes, including coat color in horses (Figure 23.3), seed number in maize (corn), and height in humans

The Process of Allopatric Speciation: How formidable must a geographic barrier be to promote allopatric speciation? The answer depends on the ability of the organisms to move about. Birds, mountain lions, and coyotes can cross rivers and canyons—as can the windblown pollen of pine trees and the seeds of some flowering plants.

In contrast, small rodents may find a wide river or deep canyon a formidable barrier.

In the animal kingdom, complex eyes have evolved independently from such basic structures many times. Some molluscs, such as squids and octopuses, have eyes as complex as those of humans and other vertebrates (Figure 25.28). Although complex mollusc eyes evolved independently of vertebrate eyes, both evolved from a simple cluster of photoreceptor cells present in a common ancestor.

In each case, the complex eye evolved through a series of steps that benefited the eyes' owners at every stage. Evidence of their independent evolution can be found in their structure: Vertebrate eyes detect light at the back layer of the retina and conduct nerve impulses toward the front, while complex mollusc eyes do the reverse.

Collectively, the recent fossil discoveries document the origin of a group of mammals, the cetaceans. These discoveries also show that cetaceans and their close living relatives (hippopotamuses and other even-toed ungulates) are much more different from each other than were Pakicetus and early even-toed ungulates, such as Diacodexis (Figure 22.21). Similar patterns are seen in fossils documenting the origins of other groups of organisms, including mammals (see Figure 25.7), flowering plants (see Concept 30.3), and tetrapods (see Figure 34.21).

In each of these cases, the fossil record shows that over time, descent with modification produced increasingly large differences among related groups of organisms, ultimately resulting in the diversity of life we see today

The genus Equus did not evolve in a straight line; it is the only surviving twig of an evolutionary tree that is so branched that it is more like a bush. Equus actually descended through a series of speciation episodes that included several adaptive radiations, not all of which led to large, one-toed, grazing horses.

In fact, phylogenetic analyses suggest that all lineages that include grazers are closely related to Parahippus; the many other horse lineages, all of which are now extinct, remained multi-toed browsers for 35 million years.

It is important to bear in mind that some phenotypic variation does not result from genetic differences among individuals (Figure 23.5 shows a striking example in a caterpillar of the southwestern United States). Phenotype is the product of an inherited genotype and many environmental influences (see Concept 14.3). In a human example, bodybuilders alter their phenotypes dramatically but do not pass their huge muscles on to the next generation.

In general, only the genetically determined part of phenotypic variation can have evolutionary consequences. As such, genetic variation provides the raw material for evolutionary change: Without genetic variation, evolution cannot occur.

Ideas from The Origin of Species:

In his book, Darwin amassed evidence that descent with modification by natural selection explains three broad observations about nature—the unity of life, the diversity of life, and the striking ways in which organisms are suited for life in their environments.

Phenotypic variation in horses:

In horses, coat color varies along a continuum and is influenced by multiple genes.

Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium:

In our wildflower population, the gene pool remains constant from one generation to the next. Mendelian processes alone do not alter frequencies of alleles or genotypes. Memorize figure 23.8

Finally, note that in multicellular organisms, only mutations in cell lines that produce gametes can be passed to offspring.

In plants and fungi, this is not as limiting as it may sound, since many different cell lines can produce gametes. But in most animals, the majority of mutations occur in somatic cells and are not passed to offspring.

Two distinct forms of polyploidy have been observed in plant (and a few animal) populations. An autopolyploid (from the Greek autos, self) is an individual that has more than two chromosome sets that are all derived from a single species.

In plants, for example, a failure of cell division could double a cell's chromosome number from the original number (2n) to a tetraploid number (4n) (Figure 24.9).

Figure 24.6 describes an example. On Andros Island, in the Bahamas, populations of the mosquitofish Gambusia hubbsi colonized a series of ponds that later became isolated from one another. Genetic analyses indicate that little or no gene flow currently occurs between the ponds. The environments of these ponds are very similar except that some contain predatory fishes, while others do not.

In ponds with predatory fishes, selection has favored the evolution of a mosquitofish body shape that enables rapid bursts of speed (Figure 24.6). In ponds without predatory fishes, selection has favored a different body shape, one that improves the ability to swim for long periods of time.

Other Definitions of Species: While the biological species concept emphasizes the separateness of different species due to reproductive barriers, several other definitions emphasize the unity within a species. For example, the morphological species concept distinguishes a species by body shape and other structural features. The morphological species concept can be applied to asexual and sexual organisms, and it can be useful even without information on the extent of gene flow.

In practice, scientists often distinguish species using morphological criteria. A disadvantage of this approach, however, is that it relies on subjective criteria; researchers may disagree on which structural features distinguish a species.

Studying the Genetics of Speciation: Studies of ongoing speciation (as in hybrid zones) can reveal traits that cause reproductive isolation. By identifying the genes that control those traits, scientists can explore a fundamental question of evolutionary biology: How many genes influence the formation of new species?

In some cases, the evolution of reproductive isolation results from the effects of a single gene. For example, in Japanese snails of the genus Euhadra, a change in a single gene results in a mechanical barrier to reproduction. This gene controls the direction in which the shells spiral. When their shells spiral in different directions, the snails' genitalia are oriented in a manner that prevents mating (Figure 24.3f shows a similar example). Recent genetic analyses have uncovered other single genes that cause reproductive isolation in fruit flies or mice.

Earth's major tectonic plates are shown in Figure 25.15. Many important geologic processes, including the formation of mountains and islands, occur at plate boundaries.

In some cases, two plates are moving away from each other, as are the North American and Eurasian plates, which are currently drifting apart at a rate of about 2 cm per year. In other cases, two plates are sliding past each other, forming regions where earthquakes are common. California's infamous San Andreas Fault is part of a border where two plates slide past each other. In still other cases, two plates collide, producing violent upheavals and forming new mountains along the plate boundaries. One spectacular example of this occurred 45 million years ago, when the Indian plate crashed into the Eurasian plate, starting the formation of the Himalayan mountains.

Sympatric speciation by autopolyploidy: A second form of polyploidy can occur when two different species interbreed and produce hybrid offspring. Most such hybrids are sterile because the set of chromosomes from one species cannot pair during meiosis with the set of chromosomes from the other species. However, an infertile hybrid may be able to propagate itself asexually (as many plants can do).

In subsequent generations, various mechanisms can change a sterile hybrid into a fertile polyploid called an allopolyploid (Figure 24.10). The allopolyploids are fertile when mating with each other but cannot interbreed with either parent species; thus, they represent a new biological species.

Heterozygotes for the sickle-cell allele are protected against the most severe effects of malaria, a disease caused by a parasite that infects red blood cells (see Figure 28.16). One reason for this partial protection is that the body destroys sickled red blood cells rapidly, killing the parasites they harbor. Malaria is a major killer in some tropical regions.

In such regions, selection favors heterozygotes over homozygous dominant individuals, who are more vulnerable to the effects of malaria, and also over homozygous recessive individuals, who develop sickle-cell disease. As described in Figure 23.18, these selective pressures have caused the frequency of the sickle-cell allele to reach relatively high levels in areas where the malaria parasite is common.

The relative skull growth rates between chimpanzees and humans is due to __________.

In the human evolutionary lineage, mutations slowed the growth of the jaw relative to other parts of the skull. As a result, in humans the skull of an adult is more similar to the skull of an infant than is the case for chimpanzees.

Evolution is supported by an overwhelming amount of scientific evidence: In The Origin of Species, Darwin marshaled a broad range of evidence to support the concept of descent with modification. Still—as he readily acknowledged—there were instances in which key evidence was lacking. For example, Darwin referred to the origin of flowering plants as an "abominable mystery," and he lamented the lack of fossils showing how earlier groups of organisms gave rise to new groups

In the last 150 years, new discoveries have filled many of the gaps that Darwin identified. The origin of flowering plants, for example, is much better understood (see Concept 30.3), and many fossils have been discovered that signify the origin of new groups of organisms (see Concept 25.2). In this section, we'll consider four types of data that document the pattern of evolution and illuminate how it occurs: direct observations, homology, the fossil record, and biogeography.

Gene flow can also transfer alleles that improve the ability of populations to adapt to local conditions. For example, gene flow has resulted in the worldwide spread of several insecticide resistance alleles in the mosquito Culex pipiens, a vector of West Nile virus and other diseases. Each of these alleles has a unique genetic signature that allowed researchers to document that it arose by mutation in only one or a few geographic locations.

In their population of origin, these alleles increased because they provided insecticide resistance. These alleles were then transferred to new populations, where again, their frequencies increased as a result of natural selection.

As with all general theories in science, we continue to test our understanding of evolution by examining whether it can account for new observations and experimental results.

In this and the following chapters, we'll examine how ongoing discoveries shape what we know about the pattern and process of evolution. To set the stage, we'll first retrace Darwin's quest to explain the adaptations, unity, and diversity of what he called life's "endless forms most beautiful."

Fusion: the breakdown of reproductive barriers:

Increasingly cloudy water in Lake Victoria over the past several decades may have weakened reproductive barriers between P. nyererei and P. pundamilia. In areas of cloudy water, the two species have hybridized extensively, causing their gene pools to fuse. Pundamilia nyererei Pundamilia pundamilia Pundamilia "turbid water," hybrid offspring from a location with turbid water

Genetic Variation:

Individuals within all species vary in their phenotypic traits. Among humans, for example, you can easily observe phenotypic variation in facial features, height, and voice. Indeed, individual variation occurs in all species. And though you cannot identify a person's blood group (A, B, AB, or O) from his or her appearance, this and many other molecular traits also vary extensively among individuals

Allopolyploid speciation in Tragopogon: The gray boxes indicate the three parent species. The diploid chromosome number of each species is shown in parentheses.

Inquiry Does sexual selection in cichlids result in reproductive isolation? Experiment Researchers placed males and females of Pundamilia pundamilia and P. nyererei together in two aquarium tanks, one with natural light and one with a monochromatic orange lamp. Under normal light, the two species are noticeably different in male breeding coloration; under monochromatic orange light, the two species are very similar in color. The researchers then observed the mate choices of the females in each tank. Results Under normal light, females of each species strongly preferred males of their own species. But under orange light, females of each species responded indiscriminately to males of both species. The resulting hybrids were viable and fertile. Conclusion The researchers concluded that mate choice by females based on male breeding coloration can act as a reproductive barrier that keeps the gene pools of these two species separate. Since the species can still interbreed when this prezygotic behavioral barrier is breached in the laboratory, the genetic divergence between the species is likely to be small. This suggests that speciation in nature has occurred relatively recently.

These data suggest that on average, millions of years may pass before a newly formed plant or animal species will itself give rise to another new species. As you'll read in Concept 25.4, this finding has implications for how long it takes life on Earth to recover from mass extinction events. Moreover, the extreme variability in the time it takes new species to form indicates that organisms do not have an internal "speciation clock" that causes them to produce new species at regular intervals.

Instead, speciation begins only after gene flow between populations is interrupted, perhaps by changing environmental conditions or by unpredictable events, such as a storm that transports a few individuals to a new area. Furthermore, once gene flow is interrupted, the populations must diverge genetically to such an extent that they become reproductively isolated—all before other events cause gene flow to resume, possibly reversing the speciation process (see Figure 24.15).

The S. aureus and soapberry bug examples highlight three key points about natural selection. First, natural selection is a process of editing, not a creative mechanism. A drug does not create resistant pathogens; it selects for resistant individuals that are already present in the population. Second, in species that produce new generations in short periods of time, evolution by natural selection can occur rapidly— in just a few years (S. aureus) or decades (soapberry bugs). Third, natural selection depends on time and place.

It favors those characteristics in a genetically variable population that provide an advantage in the current, local environment. What is beneficial in one situation may be useless or even harmful in another. Beak lengths suitable for the size of the typical fruit eaten by members of a particular soapberry bug population are favored by natural selection. However, a beak length suitable for fruit of one size can be disadvantageous when the bug is feeding on fruit of another size.

Biologists also observe similarities among organisms at the molecular level. All forms of life use essentially the same genetic code, suggesting that all species descended from common ancestors that used this code. But molecular homologies go beyond a shared code. For example, organisms as dissimilar as humans and bacteria share genes inherited from a very distant common ancestor. Some of these homologous genes have acquired new functions, while others, such as those coding for the ribosomal subunits used in protein synthesis (see Figure 17.18), have retained their original functions.

It is also common for organisms to have genes that have lost their function, even though the homologous genes in related species may be fully functional. Like vestigial structures, it appears that such inactive "pseudogenes" may be present simply because a common ancestor had them.

Lamarck's Hypothesis of Evolution: Although some 18th-century naturalists suggested that life evolves as environments change, only one proposed a mechanism for how life changes over time: French biologist Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck (1744-1829). Alas, Lamarck is primarily remembered today not for his visionary recognition that evolutionary change explains patterns in fossils and the match of organisms to their environments, but for the incorrect mechanism he proposed.

Lamarck published his hypothesis in 1809, the year Darwin was born. By comparing living species with fossil forms, Lamarck had found what appeared to be several lines of descent, each a chronological series of older to younger fossils leading to a living species. He explained his findings using two principles that were widely accepted at the time. The first was use and disuse, the idea that parts of the body that are used extensively become larger and stronger, while those that are not used deteriorate. Among many examples, he cited a giraffe stretching its neck to reach leaves on high branches. The second principle, inheritance of acquired characteristics, stated that an organism could pass these modifications to its offspring. Lamarck reasoned that the long, muscular neck of the living giraffe had evolved over many generations as giraffes stretched their necks ever higher.

Lamarck also thought that evolution happens because organisms have an innate drive to become more complex. Darwin rejected this idea, but he, too, thought that variation was introduced into the evolutionary process in part through inheritance of acquired characteristics. Today, however, our understanding of genetics refutes this mechanism: Experiments show that traits acquired by use during an individual's life are not inherited in the way proposed by Lamarck (Figure 22.4).

Lamarck was vilified in his own time, especially by Cuvier, who denied that species ever evolve. In retrospect, however, Lamarck did recognize that the fact that organisms are wellsuited for life in their environments can be explained by gradual evolutionary change, and he did propose a testable explanation for how this change occurs.

Adaptive Radiations: The fossil record shows that the diversity of life has increased over the past 250 million years (see blue line in Figure 25.17). This increase has been fueled by adaptive radiations, periods of evolutionary change in which groups of organisms form many new species whose adaptations allow them to fill different ecological roles, or niches, in their communities.

Large-scale adaptive radiations occurred after each of the big five mass extinctions, when survivors became adapted to the many vacant ecological niches. Adaptive radiations have also occurred in groups of organisms that possessed major evolutionary innovations, such as seeds or armored body coverings, or that colonized regions in which they faced little competition from other species.

Early Multicellular Eukaryotes: The oldest known fossils of multicellular eukaryotes that can be resolved taxonomically are of relatively small red algae that lived 1.2 billion years ago; even older fossils, dating to 1.8 billion years ago, may also be of small, multicellular eukaryotes.

Larger and more diverse multicellular eukaryotes do not appear in the fossil record until about 600 million years ago (see Figure 25.5). These fossils, referred to as the Ediacaran biota, were of soft-bodied organisms—some over 1 m long—that lived from 635 to 541 million years ago. The Ediacaran biota included both algae and animals, along with various organisms of unknown taxonomic affinity.

Key Features of Natural Selection:

Let's now recap the main ideas of natural selection: Natural selection is a process in which individuals that have certain heritable traits survive and reproduce at a higher rate than do other individuals because of those traits. Over time, natural selection can increase the frequency of adaptations that are favorable in a given environment (Figure 22.12). If an environment changes, or if individuals move to a new environment, natural selection may result in adaptation to these new conditions, sometimes giving rise to new species.

Homologies and "Tree Thinking": Some homologous characteristics, such as the genetic code, are shared by all species because they date to the deep ancestral past. In contrast, homologous characteristics that evolved more recently are shared only within smaller groups of organisms. Consider the tetrapods (from the Greek tetra, four, and pod, foot), the vertebrate group that consists of amphibians, mammals, and reptiles.

Like all vertebrates, tetrapods have a backbone. But unlike other vertebrates, tetrapods also have limbs with digits (see Figure 22.15). As suggested by this example, homologous characteristics form a nested pattern: All life shares the deepest layer (in this case, all vertebrates have a backbone), and each successive smaller group adds its own homologies to those it shares with larger groups (in this case, all tetrapods have a backbone and limbs with digits). This nested pattern is exactly what we would expect to result from descent with modification from a common ancestor.

Figure 25.27

Limpets (Patella vulgata), molluscs that can sense light and dark with a simple patch of photoreceptor cells.

Along with amphibians and reptiles, mammals belong to the group of animals called tetrapods (from the Greek tetra, four, and pod, foot), named for having four limbs. Mammals have a number of unique anatomical features that fossilize readily, allowing scientists to trace their origin. For example, the lower jaw is composed of one bone (the dentary) in mammals but several bones in other tetrapods. In addition, the lower and upper jaws in mammals hinge between a different set of bones than in other tetrapods.

Mammals also have a unique set of three bones that transmit sound in the middle ear, the hammer, anvil, and stirrup, whereas other tetrapods have only one such bone, the stirrup (see Concept 34.6). Finally, the teeth of mammals are differentiated into incisors (for tearing), canines (for piercing), and the multi-pointed premolars and molars (for crushing and grinding). In contrast, the teeth of other tetrapods usually consist of a row of undifferentiated, single-pointed teeth.

Allopatric and Sympatric Speciation: A Review Now let's recap the processes by which new species form. In allopatric speciation, a new species forms in geographic isolation from its parent population. Geographic isolation severely restricts gene flow. Intrinsic barriers to reproduction with members of the parent population may then arise as a by-product of genetic changes that occur within the isolated population.

Many different processes can produce such genetic changes, including natural selection under different environmental conditions, genetic drift, and sexual selection. Once formed, reproductive barriers that arise in allopatric populations can prevent interbreeding with the parent population even if the populations come back into contact.

Considerable genetic variation can also be measured at the molecular level of DNA (nucleotide variability). But little of this variation results in phenotypic variation. Why?

Many nucleotide variations occur within introns, noncoding segments of DNA lying between exons, the regions retained in mRNA after RNA processing (see Figure 17.12). And of the variations that occur within exons, most do not cause a change in the amino acid sequence of the protein encoded by the gene. For example, in the sequence comparison shown in Figure 23.4, there are 43 nucleotide sites with variable base pairs (where substitutions have occurred), as well as several sites where insertions or deletions have occurred. Although 18 variable sites occur within the four exons of the Adh gene, only one of these variations (at site 1,490) results in an amino acid change. Note, however, that this single variable site is enough to cause genetic variation at the level of the gene—and hence two different forms of the Adh enzyme are produced.

Evidence of Allopatric Speciation:

Many studies provide evidence that speciation can occur in allopatric populations. For example, laboratory studies show that reproductive barriers can develop when populations are isolated experimentally and subjected to different environmental conditions (Figure 24.7).

Finally, continental drift can help explain puzzles about the geographic distribution of extinct organisms, such as why fossils of the same species of Permian freshwater reptiles have been discovered in both Brazil and the West African nation of Ghana. These two parts of the world, now separated by 3,000 km of ocean, were joined together when these reptiles were living. Continental drift also explains much about the current distributions of organisms, such as why Australian fauna and flora contrast so sharply with those of the rest of the world.

Marsupial mammals fill ecological roles in Australia analogous to those filled by eutherians (placental mammals) on other continents (see Figure 22.18). Fossil evidence suggests that marsupials originated in what is now Asia and reached Australia via South America and Antarctica while the continents were still joined. The subsequent breakup of the southern continents set Australia "afloat," like a giant raft of marsupials. In Australia, marsupials diversified, and the few eutherians that lived there became extinct; on other continents, most marsupials became extinct, and the eutherians diversified.

Figure 25.21 Adaptive radiation of mammals.


Each branch point represents the common ancestor of the two lineages diverging from that point. A hatch mark represents a homologous characteristic shared by all the groups to the right of the mark.

Memorize figure 22.17

25.22 adaptive radiation on the Hawaiian Islands:

Molecular analysis indicates that these remarkably varied Hawaiian plants, known collectively as the "silversword alliance," are all descended from an ancestral tarweed that arrived on the islands from North America about 5 million years ago. Silverswords have since spread into different habitats and formed new species with strikingly different adaptations.

From Speciation to Macroevolution: As you've seen, speciation may begin with differences as small as the color on a cichlid's back. However, as speciation occurs again and again, such differences can accumulate and become more pronounced, eventually leading to the formation of new groups of organisms that differ greatly from their ancestors (as in the origin of whales from terrestrial mammals; see Figure 22.20).

Moreover, as one group of organisms increases in size by producing many new species, another group of organisms may shrink, losing species to extinction. The cumulative effects of many such speciation and extinction events have helped shape the sweeping evolutionary changes that are documented in the fossil record. In the next chapter, we turn to such large-scale evolutionary changes as we begin our study of macroevolution.

According to the theory of plate tectonics, the continents are part of great plates of Earth's crust that essentially float on the hot, underlying portion of the mantle (Figure 25.14)

Movements in the mantle cause the plates to move over time in a process called continental drift. Geologists can measure the rate at which the plates are moving now, usually only a few centimeters per year. They can also infer the past locations of the continents using the magnetic signal recorded in rocks at the time of their formation. This method works because as a continent shifts its position over time, the direction of magnetic north recorded in its newly formed rocks also changes.

Diacodexis, an early even-toed ungulate. The transition to life in the sea:

Multiple lines of evidence support the hypothesis that cetaceans (highlighted in yellow) evolved from terrestrial mammals. Fossils document the reduction over time in the pelvis and hind limb bones of extinct (†) cetacean ancestors, including Pakicetus, Rodhocetus, and Dorudon. DNA sequence data support the hypothesis that cetaceans are most closely related to hippopotamuses.

Third, remember that environmental factors vary from place to place and over time. A trait that is favorable in one place or time may be useless—or even detrimental—in other places or times. Natural selection is always operating, but which traits are favored depends on the context in which a species lives and mates.

Next, we'll survey the wide range of observations that support a Darwinian view of evolution by natural selection.

A major barrier to reproduction between two closely related species of monkey flower, Mimulus cardinalis and M. lewisii, also appears to be influenced by a relatively small number of genes. These two species are isolated by several prezygotic and postzygotic barriers.

Of these, one prezygotic barrier, pollinator choice, accounts for most of the isolation: In a hybrid zone between M. cardinalis and M. lewisii, nearly 98% of pollinator visits were restricted to one species or the other.

Although it can be challenging to study speciation in the field, scientists have documented at least five new plant species that have originated by polyploid speciation since 1850. One of these examples involves the origin of a new species of goatsbeard plant (genus Tragopogon) in the Pacific Northwest.

One of these examples involves the origin of a new species of goatsbeard plant (genus Tragopogon) in the Pacific Northwest. Tragopogon first arrived in the region when humans introduced three European species in the early 1900s: T. pratensis, T. dubius, and T. porrifolius. These three species are now common weeds in abandoned parking lots and other urban sites. In 1950, a new Tragopogon species was discovered near the IdahoWashington border, a region where all three European species also were found. Genetic analyses revealed that this new species, Tragopogon miscellus, is a hybrid of two of the European species (Figure 24.11). Although the T. miscellus population grows mainly by reproduction of its own members, additional episodes of hybridization between the parent species continue to add new members to the T. miscellus population. Later, scientists discovered another new Tragopogon species, T. mirus—this one a hybrid of T. dubius and T. porrifolius (see Figure 24.11).

What Is Theoretical About Darwin's View of Life? Some people dismiss Darwin's ideas as "just a theory." However, as we have seen, the pattern of evolution—the observation that life has evolved over time—has been documented directly and is supported by a great deal of evidence. In addition, Darwin's explanation of the process of evolution—that natural selection is the primary cause of the observed pattern of evolutionary change—makes sense of massive amounts of data. The effects of natural selection also can be observed and tested in nature.

One such experiment is described in the Scientific Skills Exercise. What, then, is theoretical about evolution? Keep in mind that the scientific meaning of the term theory is very different from its meaning in everyday use. The colloquial use of the word theory comes close to what scientists mean by a hypothesis. In science, a theory is more comprehensive than a hypothesis. A theory, such as the theory of evolution by natural selection, accounts for many observations and explains and integrates a great variety of phenomena. Such a unifying theory does not become widely accepted unless its predictions stand up to thorough and continual testing by experiment and additional observation (see Concept 1.3). As the rest of this unit demonstrates, this has certainly been the case with the theory of evolution by natural selection.

These ideas were generally consistent with the Old Testament account of creation, which holds that species were individually designed by God and therefore perfect. In the 1700s, many scientists interpreted the often remarkable match of organisms to their environment as evidence that the Creator had designed each species for a particular purpose.

One such scientist was Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778), a Swedish physician and botanist who sought to classify life's diversity, in his words, "for the greater glory of God." In the 1750s, Linnaeus developed the two-part, or binomial, format for naming species (such as Homo sapiens for humans) that is still used today. In contrast to the linear hierarchy of the scala naturae, Linnaeus adopted a nested classification system, grouping similar species into increasingly general categories. For example, similar species are grouped in the same genus, similar genera (plural of genus) are grouped in the same family and so on.

Although departure from the conditions in Table 23.1 is common—resulting in evolutionary change—it is also common for natural populations to be in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for specific genes.

One way this can happen is if selection alters allele frequencies at some loci but not others. In addition, some populations evolve so slowly that the changes in their allele and genotype frequencies are difficult to distinguish from those predicted for a non-evolving population

The Hardy-Weinberg Equation:

One way to assess whether natural selection or other factors are causing evolution at a particular locus is to determine what the genetic makeup of a population would be if it were not evolving at that locus. We can then compare that scenario with the data we actually observed for the population. If there are no differences, we can conclude that the population is not evolving. If there are differences, this suggests that the population may be evolving—and then we can try to figure out why

The Key Role of Natural Selection in Adaptive Evolution: The adaptations of organisms include many striking examples. Certain octopuses, for example, have the ability to change color rapidly, enabling them to blend into different backgrounds. Another example is the remarkable jaws of snakes (Figure 23.14), which allow them to swallow prey much larger than their own head (a feat analogous to a person swallowing a whole watermelon).

Other adaptations, such as a version of an enzyme that shows improved function in cold environments, may be less visually dramatic but just as important for survival and reproduction.

As detailed in Figure 25.7, the fossil record shows that the unique features of mammalian jaws and teeth evolved gradually over time, in a series of steps. As you study Figure 25.7, bear in mind that it includes just a few examples of the fossil skulls that document the origin of mammals. If all the known fossils in the sequence were arranged by shape and placed side by side, their features would blend smoothly from one group to the next. Some of these fossils would reflect how the features of a group that dominates life today, the mammals, gradually arose in a previously existing group, the cynodonts.

Others would reveal side branches on the tree of life—groups of organisms that thrived for millions of years but ultimately left no descendants that survive today.

. In a 2010 follow-up study, researchers showed that changes to the Pel enhancer, a noncoding DNA region that affects expression of the Pitx1 gene, resulted in the reduction of ventral spines in lake sticklebacks.

Overall, results from studies on stickleback fish provide a clear and detailed example of how changes in gene regulation can alter the form of individual organisms and ultimately lead to evolutionary change in populations.

Recent studies on a variety of organisms, including lizards, pine trees, and polar bears, suggest that climate change may hasten some of these declines. The fossil record also highlights the potential importance of climate change: Over the last 500 million years, extinction rates have tended to increase when global temperatures were high (Figure 25.19).

Overall, the evidence suggests that unless dramatic actions are taken, a sixth, human-caused mass extinction is likely to occur within the next few centuries or millennia.

One reason for this is that continental drift alters the habitats in which organisms live. Consider the changes shown in Figure 25.16. About 250 million years ago, plate movements brought previously separated landmasses together into a supercontinent named Pangaea. Ocean basins became deeper, which drained shallow coastal seas. At that time, as now, most marine species inhabited shallow waters, and the formation of Pangaea destroyed much of that habitat.

Pangaea's interior was cold and dry, probably an even more severe environment than that of central Asia today. Overall, the formation of Pangaea greatly altered the physical environment and climate, which drove some species to extinction and provided new opportunities for groups of organisms that survived the crisis.

The Time Course of Speciation: We can gather information about how long it takes new species to form from broad patterns in the fossil record and from studies that use morphological data (including fossils) or molecular data to assess the time interval between speciation events in particular groups of organisms.

Patterns in the Fossil Record: The fossil record includes many episodes in which new species appear suddenly in a geologic stratum, persist essentially unchanged through several strata, and then disappear. For example, there are dozens of species of marine invertebrates that make their debut in the fossil record with novel morphologies, but then change little for millions of years before becoming extinct. The term punctuated equilibria is used to describe these periods of apparent stasis punctuated by sudden change (Figure 24.16a). Other species do not show a punctuated pattern; instead, they appear to have changed more gradually over long periods of time (Figure 24.16b).

Figure 23.9 models how genetic drift might affect a small population of our wildflowers. In this example, drift leads to the loss of an allele from the gene pool, but it is a matter of chance that the CW allele is lost and not the CR allele. Such unpredictable changes in allele frequencies can be caused by chance events associated with survival and reproduction.

Perhaps a large animal such as a moose stepped on the three CWCW individuals in generation 2, killing them and increasing the chance that only the CR allele would be passed to the next generation. Allele frequencies can also be affected by chance events that occur during fertilization. For example, suppose two individuals of genotype CR CW had a small number of offspring. By chance alone, every egg and sperm pair that generated offspring could happen to have carried the CR allele and not the CW allele.

Consequences of Continental Drift:

Plate movements rearrange geography slowly, but their cumulative effects are dramatic. In addition to reshaping the physical features of our planet, continental drift also has a major impact on life on Earth.

The history of continental drift during the Phanerozoic eon. 25.16

Present -Earth's youngest major mountain range, the Himalayas, began to form when India collided with Eurasia about 45 million years ago. The continents continue to drift today 66 -By the end of the Mesozoic, Laurasia and Gondwana separated into the present-day continents. 135 -By the mid-Mesozoic, Pangaea split into northern (Laurasia) and southern (Gondwana) landmasses. 252 - At the end of the Paleozoic, all of Earth's landmasses were joined in the supercontinent Pangaea.

Once geographic isolation has occurred, the separated gene pools may diverge. Different mutations arise, and natural selection and genetic drift may alter allele frequencies in different ways in the separated populations.

Reproductive isolation may then evolve as a by-product of the genetic divergence that results from selection or drift.

Because their mouth twists to the left, left-mouthed fish always attack their prey's right flank (Figure 23.17). (To see why, twist your lower jaw and lips to the left and imagine trying to take a bite from the left side of a fish, approaching it from behind.) Similarly, right-mouthed fish always attack from the left.

Prey species guard against attack from whatever phenotype of scale-eating fish is most common in the lake.

Clearly, a fly cannot mate with a frog or a fern, but the reproductive barriers between more closely related species are not so obvious. As described in Figure 24.3,these barriers can be classified according to whether they contribute to reproductive isolation before or after fertilization.

Prezygotic barriers ("before the zygote") block fertilization from occurring. Such barriers typically act in one of three ways: by impeding members of different species from attempting to mate, by preventing an attempted mating from being completed successfully, or by hindering fertilization if mating is completed successfully. If a sperm cell from one species overcomes prezygotic barriers and fertilizes an ovum from another species, a variety of postzygotic barriers ("after the zygote") may contribute to reproductive isolation after the hybrid zygote is formed. Developmental errors may reduce survival among hybrid embryos. Or problems after birth may cause hybrids to be infertile or decrease their chance of surviving long enough to reproduce.

The Cambrian Explosion: Many present-day animal phyla appear suddenly in fossils formed 535-525 million years ago, early in the Cambrian period. This phenomenon is referred to as the Cambrian explosion. Fossils of several animal groups—sponges, cnidarians (sea anemones and their relatives), and molluscs (snails, clams, and their relatives)— appear in even older rocks dating from the late Proterozoic (Figure 25.11).

Prior to the Cambrian explosion, all large animals were soft-bodied. The fossils of large pre-Cambrian animals reveal little evidence of predation. Instead, these animals appear to have been grazers (feeding on algae), filter feeders, or scavengers, not hunters. The Cambrian explosion changed all of that. In a relatively short period of time (10 million years), predators over 1 m in length emerged that had claws and other features for capturing prey; simultaneously, new defensive adaptations, such as sharp spines and heavy body armor, appeared in their prey (see Figure 25.5).

f all these assumptions hold, then the frequency of individuals in the population born with PKU will correspond to q 2 in the Hardy-Weinberg equation (q 2 = frequency of homozygotes). Because the allele is recessive, we must estimate the number of heterozygotes rather than counting them directly as we did with the pink flowers.

Recall that there is one PKU occurrence per 10,000 births, which indicates that q 2 = 0.0001. Thus, the frequency (q) of the recessive allele for PKU is q = 10.0001 = 0.01 and the frequency of the dominant allele is p = 1 - q = 1 - 0.01 = 0.99. The frequency of carriers, heterozygous people who do not have PKU but may pass the PKU allele to offspring, is 2pq = 2 * 0.99 * 0.01 = 0.0198 (approximately 2% of the U.S. population)

Finally, note that a hybrid zone can be a source of novel genetic variation that improves the ability of one or both parent species to cope with changing environmental conditions. This can occur when an allele found only in one parent species is transferred first to hybrid individuals, and then to the other parent species when hybrids breed with the second parent species.

Recent genetic analyses have shown that hybridization has been a source for such novel genetic variation in various insect, bird, and plant species. In the Problem-Solving Exercise, you can examine one such example: a case in which hybridization may have led to the transfer of insecticide-resistance alleles between mosquitoes that transmit malaria.

Postzygotic barriers prevent a hybrid zygote from developing into a viable, fertile adult: Sperm of one species may not be able to fertilize the eggs of another species. For instance, sperm may not be able to survive in the reproductive tract of females of the other species, or biochemical mechanisms may prevent the sperm from penetrating the membrane surrounding the other species' eggs. Example: Gametic isolation separates certain closely related species of aquatic animals, such as sea urchins (g). Sea urchins release their sperm and eggs into the surrounding water, where they fuse and form zygotes. It is difficult for gametes of different species, such as the red and purple urchins shown here, to fuse because proteins on the surfaces of the eggs and sperm bind very poorly to each other.

Reduced Hybrid Viability: The genes of different parent species may interact in ways that impair the hybrid's development or survival in its environment. Example: Some salamander subspecies of the genus Ensatina live in the same regions and habitats, where they may occasionally hybridize. But most of the hybrids do not complete development, and those that do are frail (h). Reduced Hybrid Fertility: Even if hybrids are vigorous, they may be sterile. If the chromosomes of the two parent species differ in number or structure, meiosis in the hybrids may fail to produce normal gametes. Since the infertile hybrids cannot produce offspring when they mate with either parent species, genes cannot flow freely between the species. Example: The hybrid offspring of a male donkey (i) and a female horse (j) is a mule (k), which is robust but sterile. A "hinny" (not shown), the offspring of a female donkey and a male horse, is also sterile. Hybrid Breakdown: Some first-generation hybrids are viable and fertile, but when they mate with one another or with either parent species, offspring of the next generation are feeble or sterile. Example: Strains of cultivated rice have accumulated different mutant recessive alleles at two loci in the course of their divergence from a common ancestor. Hybrids between them are vigorous and fertile (l, left and right), but plants in the next generation that carry too many of these recessive alleles are small and sterile (l, center). Although these rice strains are not yet considered different species, they have begun to be separated by postzygotic barriers.

Stabilizing selection (Figure 23.13c) acts against both extreme phenotypes and favors intermediate variants. This mode of selection reduces variation and tends to maintain the status quo for a particular phenotypic character. For example, the birth weights of most human babies lie in the range of 3-4 kg (6.6-8.8 pounds); babies who are either much smaller or much larger suffer higher rates of mortality.

Regardless of the mode of selection, however, the basic mechanism remains the same. Selection favors individuals whose heritable phenotypic traits provide higher reproductive success than do the traits of other individuals.

Camouflage as an example of evolutionary adaptation:

Related species of the insects called mantises have diverse shapes and colors that evolved in different environments, as seen in this South African flower-eyed mantis (Pseudocreobotra wahlbergi; top) and Malaysian orchid mantis (Hymenopus coronatus; bottom).

Gene flow and local adaptation in the Lake Erie water snake (Nerodia sipedon):

Researchers assigned letters to variations in coloration in N. sipedon populations. Color pattern A is strong banding, patterns B and C are intermediate banding, and pattern D is no banding. Banding is advantageous for camouflage in mainland environments, whereas having no bands is advantageous in island environments. However, gene flow from the mainland causes banding to persist in island populations.

Although the Cambrian explosion had an enormous impact on life on Earth, it appears that many animal phyla originated long before that time. Recent DNA analyses suggest that sponges had evolved by 700 million years ago; such analyses also indicate that the common ancestor of arthropods, chordates, and other animal phyla that radiated during the Cambrian explosion lived 670 million years ago.

Researchers have unearthed 710-million-year-old sediments containing steroids indicative of a particular group of sponges—a finding that supports the molecular data. In contrast, the oldest fossil assigned to an extant animal phylum is that of the mollusc Kimberella, which lived 560 million years ago. Overall, molecular and fossil data indicate that the Cambrian explosion had a "long fuse"—at least 25 million years long based on the age of Kimberella fossils, and over 100 million years long based on some DNA analyses.

Clone USA300: a virulent strain of methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).

Resistant to multiple antibiotics and highly contagious, this strain and its close relatives can cause lethal infections of the skin, lungs, and blood. As shown here, researchers have identified key areas of the USA300 genome that code for adaptations that cause its virulent properties. The circular chromosome of clone USA300 has been sequenced and contains 2,872,769 base pairs of DNA. Regions highlighted in colors other than blue contain genes that increase the strain's virulence (see the key). View figure 22.14

Inquiry How does hybridization lead to speciation in sunflowers? Experiment Loren Rieseberg and his colleagues crossed the two parent sunflower species, H. annuus and H. petiolaris, to produce experimental hybrids in the laboratory (for each gamete, only two of the n = 17 chromosomes are shown). H. annuus gamete H. petiolarus gamete Cell from F1 experimental hybrid (4 of the 2n = 34 chromosomes are shown) Note that in the first (F1) generation, each chromosome of the experimental hybrids consisted entirely of DNA from one or the other parent species. The researchers then tested whether the F1 and subsequent generations of experimental hybrids were fertile. They also used species-specific genetic markers to compare the chromosomes in the experimental hybrids with the chromosomes in the naturally occurring hybrid H. anomalus.

Results Although only 5% of the F1 experimental hybrids were fertile, after just four more generations the hybrid fertility rose to more than 90%. The chromosomes of individuals from this fifth hybrid generation differed from those in the F1 generation (see above) but were similar to those in H. anomalus individuals from natural populations: Conclusion Over time, the chromosomes in the population of experimental hybrids became similar to the chromosomes of H. anomalus individuals from natural populations. This suggests that the observed rise in the fertility of the experimental hybrids may have occurred as selection eliminated regions of DNA from the parent species that were not compatible with one another. Overall, it appeared that the initial steps of the speciation process occurred rapidly and could be mimicked in a laboratory experiment.

Inquiry: Can divergence of allopatric populations lead to reproductive isolation? Experiment: A researcher divided a laboratory population of the fruit fly Drosophila pseudoobscura, raising some flies on a starch medium and others on a maltose medium. After one year (about 40 generations), natural selection resulted in divergent evolution: Populations raised on starch digested starch more efficiently, while those raised on maltose digested maltose more efficiently. The researcher then put flies from the same or different populations in mating cages and measured mating frequencies. All flies used in the mating preference tests were reared for one generation on a standard cornmeal medium.

Results Mating patterns among populations of flies raised on different media are shown below. When flies from "starch populations" were mixed with flies from "maltose populations," the flies tended to mate with like partners. But in the control group (shown on the right), flies from different populations adapted to starch were about as likely to mate with each other as with flies from their own population; similar results were obtained for control groups adapted to maltose. Conclusion In the experimental group, the strong preference of "starch flies" and "maltose flies" to mate with like-adapted flies indicates that a reproductive barrier was forming between these fly populations. Although this barrier was not absolute (some mating between starch flies and maltose flies did occur), after 40 generations reproductive isolation appeared to be increasing. This barrier may have been caused by differences in courtship behavior that arose as an incidental by-product of differing selective pressures as these allopatric populations adapted to different sources of food.

For example, genetic and morphological evidence indicate that the recent loss of the large tree finch from the Galápagos island of Floreana resulted from extensive hybridization with another finch species on that island. Such a situation also may be occurring among Lake Victoria cichlids. Many pairs of ecologically similar cichlid species are reproductively isolated because the females of one species prefer to mate with males of one color, while females of the other species prefer to mate with males of a different color (see Figure 24.12).

Results from field and laboratory studies indicate that murky waters caused by pollution have reduced the ability of females to use color to distinguish males of their own species from males of closely related species. In some polluted waters, many hybrids have been produced, leading to fusion of the parent species' gene pools and a loss of species (Figure 24.15).

Figure 23.16 Inquiry Do females select mates based on traits indicative of "good genes"? Experiment: Female gray tree frogs (Hyla versicolor) prefer to mate with males that give long mating calls. Allison Welch and colleagues, at the University of Missouri, tested whether the genetic makeup of long-calling (LC) males is superior to that of short-calling (SC) males. The researchers fertilized half the eggs of each female with sperm from an LC male and fertilized the remaining eggs with sperm from an SC male. In two separate experiments (one in 1995, the other in 1996), the resulting half-sibling offspring were raised in a common environment and their survival and growth were monitored.

Results: Conclusion: Because offspring fathered by an LC male outperformed their half-siblings fathered by an SC male, the team concluded that the duration of a male's mating call is indicative of the male's overall genetic quality. This result supports the hypothesis that female mate choice can be based on a trait that indicates whether the male has "good genes."

Inquiry: Can a change in a population's food source result in evolution by natural selection? Field Study: Soapberry bugs feed most effectively when the length of their "beak" is similar to the depth of the seeds within the fruit. Scott Carroll and his colleagues measured beak lengths in soapberry bug populations feeding on the native balloon vine. They also measured beak lengths in populations feeding on the introduced goldenrain tree. The researchers then compared the measurements with those of museum specimens collected in the two areas before the goldenrain tree was introduced.

Results: Beak lengths were shorter in populations feeding on the introduced species than in populations feeding on the native species, in which the seeds are buried more deeply. The average beak length in museum specimens from each population (indicated by red arrows) was similar to beak lengths in populations feeding on native species. Soapberry bug with beak inserted in balloon vine fruit Conclusion: Museum specimens and contemporary data suggest that a change in the size of the soapberry bug's food source can result in evolution by natural selection for a corresponding change in beak size.

The Fossil Record:

Sedimentary rocks are the richest source of fossils. As a result, the fossil record is based primarily on the sequence in which fossils have accumulated in sedimentary rock layers, called strata (see Figure 22.3). Useful information is also provided by other types of fossils, such as insects preserved in amber (fossilized tree sap) and mammals frozen in ice

Sexual Selection: Charles Darwin was the first to explore the implications of sexual selection, a process in which individuals with certain inherited characteristics are more likely than other individuals of the same sex to obtain mates.

Sexual selection can result in sexual dimorphism, a difference in secondary sexual characteristics between males and females of the same species (Figure 23.15). These distinctions include differences in size, color, ornamentation, and behavior.

The bottleneck effect:

Shaking just a few marbles through the narrow neck of a bottle is analogous to a drastic reduction in the size of a population. By chance, blue marbles are overrepresented in the surviving population and gold marbles are absent.

As these two inferences suggest, Darwin saw an important connection between natural selection and the capacity of organisms to "overreproduce." He began to make this connection after reading an essay by economist Thomas Malthus, who contended that much of human suffering— disease, famine, and war—resulted from the human population's potential to increase faster than food supplies and other resources.

Similarly, Darwin realized that the capacity to overreproduce was characteristic of all species. Of the many eggs laid, young born, and seeds spread, only a tiny fraction complete their development and leave offspring of their own. The rest are eaten, starved, diseased, unmated, or unable to tolerate physical conditions of the environment such as salinity or temperature.

The two monkey flower species are visited by different pollinators: Hummingbirds prefer the red-flowered M. cardinalis, and bumblebees prefer the pink-flowered M. lewisii. Pollinator choice is affected by at least two loci in the monkey flowers, one of which, the "yellow upper," or yup, locus, influences flower color (Figure 24.19). By crossing the two parent species to produce F1 hybrids and then performing repeated backcrosses of these F1 hybrids to each parent species, researchers succeeded in transferring the M. cardinalis allele at this locus into M. lewisii, and vice versa. In a field experiment, M. lewisii plants with the M. cardinalis yup allele received 68-fold more visits from hummingbirds than did wild-type M. lewisii.

Similarly, M. cardinalis plants with the M. lewisii yup allele received 74-fold more visits from bumblebees than did wildtype M. cardinalis. Thus, a mutation at a single locus can influence pollinator preference and hence contribute to reproductive isolation in monkey flowers. In other organisms, the speciation process is influenced by larger numbers of genes and gene interactions. For example, hybrid sterility between two subspecies of the fruit fly Drosophila pseudoobscura results from gene interactions among at least four loci, and postzygotic isolation in the sunflower hybrid zone discussed earlier is influenced by at least 26 chromosome segments (and an unknown number of genes). Overall, studies suggest that few or many genes can influence the evolution of reproductive isolation and hence the emergence of a new species.

And what about genetic drift and gene flow? Both can, in fact, increase the frequencies of alleles that enhance survival or reproduction, but neither does so consistently. Genetic drift can cause the frequency of a slightly beneficial allele to increase, but it also can cause the frequency of such an allele to decrease.

Similarly, gene flow may introduce alleles that are advantageous or ones that are disadvantageous. Natural selection is the only evolutionary mechanism that consistently leads to adaptive evolution.

Stability: Continued Formation of Hybrid Individuals: Many hybrid zones are stable in the sense that hybrids continue to be produced. In some cases, this occurs because the hybrids survive or reproduce better than members of either parent species, at least in certain habitats or years. But stable hybrid zones have also been observed in cases where the hybrids are selected against—an unexpected result. For example, hybrids continue to form in the Bombina hybrid zone even though they are strongly selected against. One explanation relates to the narrowness of the Bombina hybrid zone (see Figure 24.13). Evidence suggests that members of both parent species migrate into the zone from the parent populations located outside the zone, thus leading to the continued production of hybrids. If the hybrid zone were wider, this would be less likely to occur, since the center of the zone would receive little gene flow from distant parent populations located outside the hybrid zone.

Sometimes the outcomes in hybrid zones match our predictions (European flycatchers and cichlid fishes), and sometimes they don't (Bombina). But whether our predictions are upheld or not, events in hybrid zones can shed light on how barriers to reproduction between closely related species change over time. In the next section, we'll examine how interactions between hybridizing species can also provide a glimpse into the speed and genetic control of speciation.

The fossil record documents the history of life:

Starting with the earliest traces of life, the fossil record opens a window into the world of long ago and provides glimpses of the evolution of life over billions of years. In this section, we'll examine fossils as a form of scientific evidence: how fossils form, how scientists date and interpret them, and what they can and cannot tell us about changes in the history of life.

Throughout their evolutionary history, eyes retained their basic function of vision. But evolutionary novelties can also arise when structures that originally played one role gradually acquire a different one. For example, as cynodonts gave rise to early mammals, bones that formerly comprised the jaw hinge (the articular and quadrate; see Figure 25.7) were incorporated into the ear region of mammals, where they eventually took on a new function: the transmission of sound (see Concept 34.6).

Structures that evolve in one context but become co-opted for another function are sometimes called exaptations to distinguish them from the adaptive origin of the original structure. Note that the concept of exaptation does not imply that a structure somehow evolves in anticipation of future use. Natural selection cannot predict the future; it can only improve a structure in the context of its current utility. Novel features, such as the new jaw hinge and ear bones of early mammals, can arise gradually via a series of intermediate stages, each of which has some function in the organism's current context.

Mass extinctions and ecology

The Permian and Cretaceous mass extinctions (indicated by red arrows) altered the ecology of the oceans by increasing the percentage of marine genera that were predators.

Reproductive Isolation: Because biological species are defined in terms of reproductive compatibility, the formation of a new species hinges on reproductive isolation—the existence of biological factors (barriers) that impede members of two species from interbreeding and producing viable, fertile offspring.

Such barriers block gene flow between the species and limit the formation of hybrids, offspring that result from an interspecific mating. Although a single barrier may not prevent all gene flow, a combination of several barriers can effectively isolate a species' gene pool.

Some argue that if the eye needs all of its components to function, a partial eye could not have been of use to our ancestors. The flaw in this argument, as Darwin himself noted, lies in the assumption that only complicated eyes are useful. In fact, many animals depend on eyes that are far less complex than our own. The simplest eyes that we know of are patches of light-sensitive photoreceptor cells. These simple eyes appear to have had a single evolutionary origin and are now found in a variety of animals, including small molluscs called limpets.

Such eyes have no equipment for focusing images, but they do enable the animal to distinguish light from dark. Limpets cling more tightly to their rock when a shadow falls on them, a behavioral adaptation that reduces the risk of being eaten (Figure 25.27). Limpets have had a long evolutionary history, demonstrating that their "simple" eyes are quite adequate to support their survival and reproduction.

Gene Pools and Allele Frequencies: A population is a group of individuals of the same species that live in the same area and interbreed, producing fertile offspring. Different populations of a species may be isolated geographically from one another, exchanging genetic material only rarely.

Such isolation is common for species that live on widely separated islands or in different lakes. But not all populations are isolated (Figure 23.6). Still, members of a population typically breed with one another and thus on average are more closely related to each other than to members of other populations.

Anatomical and Molecular Homologies: The view of evolution as a remodeling process leads to the prediction that closely related species should share similar features—and they do. Of course, closely related species share the features used to determine their relationship, but they also share many other features. Some of these shared features make little sense except in the context of evolution. For example, the forelimbs of all mammals, including humans, cats, whales, and bats, show the same arrangement of bones from the shoulder to the tips of the digits, even though the appendages have very different functions: lifting, walking, swimming, and flying (Figure 22.15).

Such striking anatomical resemblances would be highly unlikely if these structures had arisen anew in each species. Rather, the underlying skeletons of the arms, forelegs, flippers, and wings of different mammals are homologous structures that represent variations on a structural theme that was present in their common ancestor

Figure 25.7 Exploring The Origin of Mammals: Over the course of 120 million years, mammals originated gradually from a group of tetrapods called synapsids. Shown here are a few of the many fossil organisms whose morphological features represent intermediate steps between living mammals and their early synapsid ancestors. The evolutionary context of the origin of mammals is shown in the tree diagram at right (the dagger symbol † indicates extinct lineages).

Synapsid (300 mya): Early synapsids had multiple bones in the lower jaw and single-pointed teeth. The jaw hinge was formed by the articular and quadrate bones. Early synapsids also had an opening called the temporal fenestra behind the eye socket. Powerful cheek muscles for closing the jaws probably passed through the temporal fenestra. Over time, this opening enlarged and moved in front of the hinge between the lower and upper jaws, thereby increasing the power and precision with which the jaws could be closed (much as moving a doorknob away from the hinge makes a door easier to close). Therapsid (280 mya): Later, a group of synapsids called therapsids appeared. Therapsids had large dentary bones, long faces, and the first examples of specialized teeth, large canines. These trends continued in a group of therapsids called cynodonts. Early cynodont (260 mya): In early cynodont therapsids, the dentary was the largest bone in the lower jaw, the temporal fenestra was large and positioned forward of the jaw hinge, and teeth with several cusps first appeared (not visible in the diagram). As in earlier synapsids, the jaw had an articular-quadrate hinge. Later cynodont (220 mya): Later cynodonts had teeth with complex cusp patterns, and their lower and upper jaws hinged in two locations: They retained the original articularquadrate hinge and formed a new, second hinge between the dentary and squamosal bones. (The temporal fenestra is not visible in this or the below cynodont skull at the angles shown.) Very late cynodont (195 mya): In some very late (nonmammalian) cynodonts and early mammals, the original articular-quadrate hinge was lost, leaving the dentary-squamosal hinge as the only hinge between the lower and upper jaws, as in living mammals. The articular and quadrate bones migrated into the ear region (not shown), where they functioned in transmitting sound. In the mammal lineage, these two bones later evolved into the familiar hammer (malleus) and anvil (incus) bones of the ear.

Figure 25.8 Visualizing the Scale of Geologic Time: Geologic time is so vast that it can be difcult to visualize when key events in the history of life on Earth occurred. This gure introduces two common representations that help place the timing of those events in context: a countdown timer and a horizontal time line.

Table 25.1 - The Geologic record. Memorize

Exploring Reproductive Barriers: Prezygotic barriers impede mating or hinder fertilization if mating does occur Habitat Isolation: Two species that occupy different habitats within the same area may encounter each other rarely, if at all, even though they are not isolated by obvious physical barriers, such as mountain ranges.Example: These two fly species in the genus Rhagoletis occur in the same geographic areas, but the apple maggot fly (Rhagoletis pomonella) feeds and mates on hawthorns and apples (a) while its close relative, the blueberry maggot fly (R. mendax), mates and lays its eggs only on blueberries (b). Mechanical Isolation: Mating is attempted, but morphological differences prevent its successful completion. Example: The shells of two species of snails in the genus Bradybaena spiral in different directions: Moving inward to the center, one spirals in a counterclockwise direction (f, left), the other in a clockwise direction (f, right). As a result, the snails' genital openings (indicated by arrows) are not aligned, and mating cannot be completed.

Temporal Isolation: Species that breed during different times of the day, different seasons, or different years cannot mix their gametes. Example: In North America, the geographic ranges of the western spotted skunk (Spilogale gracilis) (c) and the eastern spotted skunk (Spilogale putorius) (d) overlap, but S. gracilis mates in late summer and S. putorius mates in late winter. Behavioural isolation: Courtship rituals that attract mates and other behaviors unique to a species are effective reproductive barriers, even between closely related species. Such behavioral rituals enable mate recognition—a way to identify potential mates of the same species. Example: Blue-footed boobies, inhabitants of the Galápagos, mate only after a courtship display unique to their species. Part of the "script" calls for the male to high-step (e), a behavior that calls the female's attention to his bright blue feet.

Figure 25.26 Inquiry What causes the loss of spines in lake stickleback fish? Experiment Marine populations of the threespine stickleback fish (Gasterosteus aculeatus) have a set of protective spines on their lower (ventral) surface; however, these spines have been lost or reduced in some lake populations of this fish. Working at Stanford University, Michael Shapiro, David Kingsley, and colleagues performed genetic crosses and found that most of the reduction in spine size resulted from the effects of a single developmental gene, Pitx1. The researchers then tested two hypotheses about how Pitx1 causes this morphological change. Hypothesis A: A change in the DNA sequence of Pitx1 had caused spine reduction in lake populations. To test this idea, the team used DNA sequencing to compare the coding sequence of the Pitx1 gene between marine and lake stickleback populations. Hypothesis B: A change in the regulation of the expression of Pitx1 had caused spine reduction. To test this idea, the researchers monitored where in the developing embryo the Pitx1 gene was expressed. They conducted whole-body in situ hybridization experiments (see Concept 20.2) using Pitx1 DNA as a probe to detect Pitx1 mRNA in the fish.

Test of Hypothesis A: Are there differences in the coding sequence of the Pitx1 gene in marine and lake stickleback fish? Result: No -> The 283 amino acids of the Pitx1 protein are identical in marine and lake stickleback populations. Test of hypothesis B: Are there any differences in the regulation of expression of Pitx1? -> Result: YesRed arrows ( ) indicate regions of Pitx1 gene expression in the photographs below. Pitx1 is expressed in the ventral spine and mouth regions of developing marine stickleback sh but only in the mouth region of developing lake stickleback fish.

Each allele has a frequency (proportion) in the population. For example, suppose our population has 320 plants with red flowers, 160 with pink flowers, and 20 with white flowers. Because these are diploid organisms, these 500 individuals have a total of 1,000 copies of the gene for flower color.

The CR allele accounts for 800 of these copies (320 * 2 = 640 for CR CR plants, plus 160 * 1 = 160 for CR CW plants). Thus, the frequency of the CR allele is 800/1,000 = 0.8 (80%).

Remember, the assumption of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium yields an approximation; the real number of carriers may differ. Still, our calculations suggest that harmful recessive alleles at this and other loci can be concealed in a population because they are carried by healthy heterozygotes.

The Scientific Skills Exercise provides another opportunity for you to apply the Hardy-Weinberg equation to allele data.

Convergent evolution.:

The ability to glide through the air evolved independently in these two distantly related mammals


The adults of some species retain features that were juvenile in ancestors. This salamander is an axolotl, an aquatic species becomes a sexually mature adult while retaining certain larval (tadpole) characteristics, including gills.

These data indicate that snakes without bands are favored by natural selection in island populations. Thus, we might expect that all snakes on islands would lack bands. Why is this not the case?

The answer lies in gene flow from the mainland. In any given year, 3 to10 snakes from the mainland swim to the islands and join the populations there. As a result, each year such migrants transfer alleles for banded coloration from the mainland (where nearly all snakes have bands) to the islands. This ongoing gene flow has prevented selection from removing all of the alleles for banded coloration from island populations—thereby preventing island populations from adapting fully to local conditions.

5 Earth's major tectonic plates.:

The arrows indicate direction of movement. The reddish orange dots represent zones of violent tectonic activity.

Movable jaw bones in snakes:

The bones of the upper jaw that are shown in green are movable. The skull bones of most terrestrial vertebrates are relatively rigidly attached to one another, limiting jaw movement. In contrast, most snakes have movable bones in their upper jaw, allowing them to swallow food much larger than their head.

natural selection

The concept of natural selection is based on differential success in survival and reproduction: Individuals in a population exhibit variations in their heritable traits, and those with traits that are better suited to their environment tend to produce more offspring than those with traits that are not as well suited.

Consequences of Mass Extinctions: Mass extinctions have significant and long-term effects. By eliminating large numbers of species, a mass extinction can reduce a thriving and complex ecological community to a pale shadow of its former self. And once an evolutionary lineage disappears, it cannot reappear.

The course of evolution is changed forever. Consider what would have happened if the early primates living 66 million years ago had died out in the Cretaceous mass extinction. Humans would not exist, and life on Earth would differ greatly from what it is today.

Whatever its cause, an evolutionary trend does not imply that there is some intrinsic drive toward a particular phenotype. Evolution is the result of the interactions between organisms and their current environments; if environmental conditions change, an evolutionary trend may cease or even reverse itself.

The cumulative effect of these ongoing interactions between organisms and their environments is enormous: It is through them that the staggering diversity of life—Darwin's "endless forms most beautiful"—has arisen.

Evidence of selection by food source.

The data represent adult beak depth measurements of medium ground finches hatched in the generations before and after the 1977 drought. In one generation, natural selection resulted in a larger average beak size in the population.

The First Single-Celled Organisms:

The earliest direct evidence of life, dating from 3.5 billion years ago, comes from fossilized stromatolites (see Figure 25.5). Stromatolites are layered rocks that form when certain prokaryotes bind thin films of sediment together. Stromatolites and other early prokaryotes were Earth's sole inhabitants for about 1.5 billion years. As we will see, these prokaryotes transformed life on our planet.

Although many animal groups are now represented in terrestrial environments, the most widespread and diverse land animals are arthropods (particularly insects and spiders) and tetrapods. Arthropods were among the first animals to colonize land, roughly 450 million years ago.

The earliest tetrapods found in the fossil record lived about 365 million years ago and appear to have evolved from a group of lobefinned fishes (see Concept 34.3). Tetrapods include humans, although we are late arrivals on the scene. The human lineage diverged from other primates around 6-7 million years ago, and our species originated only about 195,000 years ago. If the clock of Earth's history were rescaled to represent an hour, humans appeared less than 0.2 second ago.

The Permian mass extinction occurred during the most extreme episode of volcanism in the past 500 million years. Geologic data indicate that 1.6 million km2 (roughly half the size of Western Europe) in Siberia was covered with lava hundreds of meters thick. The eruptions are thought to have produced enough carbon dioxide to warm the global climate by an estimated 6°C, harming many temperature-sensitive species. The rise in atmospheric CO2 levels would also have led to ocean acidification, thereby reducing the availability of calcium carbonate, which is required by reef-building corals and many shell-building species (see Figure 3.12).

The explosions would also have added nutrients such as phosphorus to marine ecosystems, stimulating the growth of microorganisms. Upon their deaths, these microorganisms would have provided food for bacterial decomposers. Bacteria use oxygen as they decompose the bodies of dead organisms, thus causing oxygen concentrations to drop. This would have harmed oxygen-breathers and promoted the growth of anaerobic bacteria that emit a poisonous metabolic by-product, hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas. Overall, the volcanic eruptions may have triggered a series of catastrophic events that together resulted in the Permian mass extinction

Many important agricultural crops—such as oats, cotton, potatoes, tobacco, and wheat—are polyploids. For example, the wheat used for bread, Triticum aestivum, is an allohexaploid (six sets of chromosomes, two sets from each of three different species).

The first of the polyploidy events that eventually led to modern wheat probably occurred about 8,000 years ago in the Middle East as a spontaneous hybrid of an early cultivated wheat species and a wild grass. Today, plant geneticists generate new polyploids in the laboratory by using chemicals that induce meiotic and mitotic errors. By harnessing the evolutionary process, researchers can produce new hybrid species with desired qualities, such as a hybrid that combines the high yield of wheat with the hardiness of rye.

Mass extinction and the diversity of life.

The five generally recognized mass extinction events, indicated by red arrows, represent peaks in the extinction rate of marine animal families (red line and left vertical axis). These mass extinctions interrupted the overall increase, over time, in the number of extant families of marine animals (blue line and right vertical axis).

Major changes in body form can result from changes in the sequences and regulation of developmental genes:

The fossil record tells us what the great changes in the history of life have been and when they occurred. Moreover, an understanding of plate tectonics, mass extinction, and adaptive radiation provides a picture of how those changes came about. But we can also seek to understand the intrinsic biological mechanisms that underlie changes seen in the fossil record. For this, we turn to genetic mechanisms of change, paying particular attention to genes that influence development.

Ideas About Change over Time: Among other sources of information, Darwin drew from the work of scientists studying fossils, the remains or traces of organisms from the past. Many fossils are found in sedimentary rocks formed from the sand and mud that settle to the bottom of seas, lakes, and swamps (Figure 22.3). New layers of sediment cover older ones and compress them into superimposed layers of rock called strata (singular, stratum).

The fossils in a particular stratum provide a glimpse of some of the organisms that populated Earth at the time that layer formed. Later, erosion may carve through upper (younger) strata, revealing deeper (older) strata that had been buried.

The Founder Effect: When a few individuals become isolated from a larger population, this smaller group may establish a new population whose gene pool differs from the source population; this is called the founder effect.

The founder effect might occur, for example, when a few members of a population are blown by a storm to a new island. Genetic drift, in which chance events alter allele frequencies, can occur in such a case because the storm indiscriminately transports some individuals (and their alleles), but not others, from the source population.

Using the rule of multiplication (see Figure 14.9), we can now calculate the frequencies of the three possible genotypes, assuming random unions of sperm and eggs. The probability that two C R alleles will come together is p * p = p 2 = 0.8 * 0.8 = 0.64. Thus, about 64% of the plants in the next generation will have the genotype C R C R .

The frequency of CWCW individuals is expected to be about q * q = q 2 = 0.2 * 0.2 = 0.04, or 4%. C R CW heterozygotes can arise in two different ways. If the sperm provides the C R allele and the egg provides the CW allele, the resulting heterozygotes will be p * q = 0.8 * 0.2 = 0.16, or 16% of the total. If the sperm provides the CW allele and the egg the C R allele, the heterozygous offspring will make up q * p = 0.2 * 0.8 = 0.16, or 16%. The frequency of heterozygotes is thus the sum of these possibilities: pq + qp = 2pq = 0.16 + 0.16 = 0.32, or 32%.

A narrow hybrid zone for Bombina toads in Europe:

The graph shows speciesspecific allele frequencies across the width of the zone near Krakow, Poland, averaged over six genetic loci. A value of 1.0 indicates that all individuals were yellow-bellied toads, 0 indicates that all individuals were firebellied toads, and intermediate frequencies indicate that some individuals were of mixed ancestry.Hybrid zone (red line) occurs where the habitats of the two species meet. Fire-bellied toad, Bombina bombina: lives at lower altitudes Yellow-bellied toad, Bombina variegata: lives at higher altitudes

Gene Flow: Natural selection and genetic drift are not the only phenomena affecting allele frequencies. Allele frequencies can also change by gene flow, the transfer of alleles into or out of a population due to the movement of fertile individuals or their gametes. For example, suppose that near our original hypothetical wildflower population there is another population consisting primarily of white-flowered individuals (CWCW). Insects carrying pollen from these plants may fly to and pollinate plants in our original population.

The introduced CW alleles would modify our original population's allele frequencies in the next generation. Because alleles are transferred between populations, gene flow tends to reduce the genetic differences between populations. In fact, if it is extensive enough, gene flow can result in two populations combining into a single population with a common gene pool.

But the many lepidopterans also differ from one another. How did there come to be so many different moths and butterflies, and what causes their similarities and differences?

The moth in Figure 22.1 and its many close relatives illustrate three key observations about life: * the striking ways in which organisms are suited for life in their environments (Here and throughout this text, the term environment refers to other organisms as well as to the physical aspects of an organism's surroundings.) * the many shared characteristics (unity) of life *the rich diversity of life

Researchers have also studied beak length evolution in soapberry bug populations that feed on plants introduced to Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Australia. In each of these locations, the fruit of the introduced plants is larger than the fruit of the native plant. Thus, in populations feeding on introduced species in these regions, researchers predicted that natural selection would result in the evolution of longer beaks. Again, data collected in field studies upheld this prediction.

The observed changes in beak lengths had important consequences: In Australia, for example, the increase in beak length nearly doubled the success with which soapberry bugs could eat the seeds of the introduced species. Furthermore, since historical data show that the goldenrain tree reached central Florida just 35 years before the scientific studies were initiated, the results demonstrate that natural selection can cause rapid evolution in a wild population.

Regional Adaptive Radiations: Striking adaptive radiations have also occurred over more limited geographic areas. Such radiations can be initiated when a few organisms make their way to a new, often distant location in which they face relatively little competition from other organisms. The Hawaiian archipelago is one of the world's great showcases of this type of adaptive radiation (Figure 25.22). Located about 3,500 km from the nearest continent, the volcanic islands are progressively older as one follows the chain toward the northwest; the youngest island, Hawaii, is less than a million years old and still has active volcanoes. Each island was born "naked" and was gradually populated by stray organisms that rode the ocean currents and winds either from far-distant land areas or from older islands of the archipelago itself.

The physical diversity of each island, including immense variation in soil conditions, elevation, and rainfall, provides many opportunities for evolutionary divergence by natural selection. Multiple invasions followed by speciation events have ignited an explosion of adaptive radiation in Hawaii. As a result, thousands of species that inhabit the islands are found nowhere else on Earth. Among plants, for example, about 1,100 species are unique to the Hawaiian Islands. Unfortunately, many of these species are now facing an elevated risk of extinction due to human actions such as habitat destruction and the introduction of non-native plant species.

A hypothesis for the origin of mitochondria and plastids through serial endosymbiosis.

The proposed host was an archaean or a close relative of the archaeans. The proposed ancestors of mitochondria were aerobic, heterotrophic bacteria, while the proposed ancestors of plastids were photosynthetic bacteria. In this figure, the arrows represent change over evolutionary time. View figure 25.10

While many mutations are harmful, many others are not. Recall that much of the DNA in eukaryotic genomes does not encode proteins (see Figure 21.6). Point mutations in these noncoding regions generally result in neutral variation, differences in DNA sequence that do not confer a selective advantage or disadvantage.

The redundancy in the genetic code is another source of neutral variation: Even a point mutation in a gene that encodes a protein will have no effect on the protein's function if the amino acid composition is not changed. And even where there is a change in the amino acid, it may not affect the protein's shape and function. Moreover, as you will see later in this chapter, a mutant allele may on rare occasions actually make its bearer better suited to the environment, enhancing reproductive success.

To examine the workings of this gene, researchers cloned the Ubx gene from an insect, the fruit fly Drosophila, and from a crustacean, the brine shrimp Artemia. Next, they genetically engineered fruit fly embryos to express either the Drosophila Ubx gene or the Artemia Ubx gene throughout their bodies. The Drosophila gene suppressed 100% of the limbs in the embryos, as expected, whereas the Artemia gene suppressed only 15%.

The researchers then sought to uncover key steps involved in the evolutionary transition from an ancestral Ubx gene to an insect Ubx gene. Their approach was to identify mutations that would cause the Artemia Ubx gene to suppress leg formation, thus making its gene act more like an insect Ubx gene. To do this, they constructed a series of "hybrid" Ubx genes, each of which contained known segments of the Drosophila Ubx gene and known segments of the Artemia Ubx gene.

The rise and fall of these and other major groups of organisms have shaped the history of life. Narrowing our focus, we can also see that the rise or fall of any particular group is related to the speciation and extinction rates of its member species (Figure 25.13). Just as a population increases in size when there are more births than deaths, the rise of a group of organisms occurs when more new species are produced than are lost to extinction.

The reverse occurs when a group is in decline. In the Scientific Skills Exercise, you will interpret data from the fossil record about changes in a group of snail species in the early Paleogene period. Such changes in the fates of groups of organisms have been influenced by large-scale processes such as plate tectonics, mass extinctions, and adaptive radiations.

Allopatric speciation in snapping shrimp (Alpheus).

The shrimp pictured are just 2 of the 15 pairs of sister species that arose as populations were divided by the formation of the Isthmus of Panama. The color-coded type indicates the sister species.

How speciation and extinction affect diversity

The species diversity of an evolutionary lineage will increase when more new member species originate than are lost to extinction. In this hypothetical example, by 2 million years ago both lineage A and lineage B have given rise to four species, and no species have become extinct. Over the next 2 million years, however, lineage A experiences higher extinction rates than does lineage B (extinct species are denoted by a dagger symbol, †). As a result, after 4 million years (that is, by time 0), lineage A contains only one species, while lineage B contains eight species.

Branching evolution can result in a real evolutionary trend even if some species counter the trend. One model of long-term trends views species as analogous to individuals: Speciation is their birth, extinction is their death, and new species that diverge from them are their offspring. In this model, just as populations of individual organisms undergo natural selection, species undergo species selection. The species that endure the longest and generate the most new offspring species determine the direction of major evolutionary trends.

The species selection model suggests that "differential speciation success" plays a role in macroevolution similar to the role of differential reproductive success in microevolution. Evolutionary trends can also result directly from natural selection. For example, when horse ancestors invaded the grasslands that spread during the mid-Cenozoic, there was strong selection for grazers that could escape predators by running faster. This trend would not have occurred without open grasslands.

Note that for a locus with two alleles, only three genotypes are possible (in this case, CR CR , CR CW, and CWCW). As a result, the sum of the frequencies of the three genotypes must equal 1 (100%) in any population—regardless of whether the population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The key point is that a population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium only if the observed genotype frequency of one homozygote is p 2 , the observed frequency of the other homozygote is q 2 , and the observed frequency of heterozygotes is 2pq. Finally, as suggested by Figure 23.8, if a population such as our wildflowers is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and its members continue to mate randomly generation after generation, allele and genotype frequencies will remain constant.

The system operates somewhat like a deck of cards: No matter how many times the deck is reshuffled to deal out new hands, the deck itself remains the same. Aces do not grow more numerous than jacks. And the repeated shuffling of a population's gene pool over the generations cannot, in itself, change the frequency of one allele relative to another

Figure 25.14 Cutaway view of the Earth

The thickness of the crust is exaggerated here.

Appearance of selected animal groups:

The white bars indicate earliest appearances of these animal groups in the fossil record.

A hybrid sunflower species and its dry sand dune habitat

The wild sunflower Helianthus anomalus shown here originated via the hybridization of two other sunflowers, H. annuus and H. petiolaris, which live in nearby but moister environments.

A hybrid sunflower species and its dry sand dune habitat:

The wild sunflower Helianthus anomalus shown here originated via the hybridization of two other sunflowers, H. annuus and H. petiolaris, which live in nearby but moister environments.

Three mechanisms contribute to this shuffling: crossing over, independent assortment of chromosomes, and fertilization (see Concept 13.4). During meiosis, homologous chromosomes, one inherited from each parent, trade some of their alleles by crossing over. These homologous chromosomes and the alleles they carry are then distributed at random into gametes.

Then, because myriad possible mating combinations exist in a population, fertilization typically brings together gametes that have different genetic backgrounds. The combined effects of these three mechanisms ensure that sexual reproduction rearranges existing alleles into fresh combinations each generation, providing much of the genetic variation that makes evolution possible.

Studies related to the volcanic-atmosphere and alkalinevent hypotheses show that the abiotic synthesis of organic molecules is possible under various conditions. Another source of organic molecules may have been meteorites. For example, fragments of the Murchison meteorite, a 4.5-billionyear-old rock that landed in Australia in 1969, contain more than 80 amino acids, some in large amounts.

These amino acids cannot be contaminants from Earth because they consist of an equal mix of d and l isomers (see Figure 4.7). Organisms make and use only l isomers, with a few rare exceptions. Recent studies have shown that the Murchison meteorite also contained other key organic molecules, including lipids, simple sugars, and nitrogenous bases such as uracil.

To apply the Hardy-Weinberg equation, we must assume that no new PKU mutations are being introduced into the population (condition 1) and that people neither choose their mates on the basis of whether or not they carry this gene nor generally mate with close relatives (condition 2). We must also ignore any effects of differential survival and reproductive success among PKU genotypes (condition 3) and assume that there are no effects of genetic drift (condition 4) or of gene flow from other populations into the United States (condition 5).

These assumptions are reasonable: The mutation rate for the PKU gene is low, inbreeding and other forms of nonrandom mating are not common in the United States, selection occurs only against the rare homozygotes (and then only if dietary restrictions are not followed), the U.S. population is very large, and populations outside the country have PKU allele frequencies similar to those seen in the United States

How did clone USA300 and other strains of MRSA become so dangerous? The story begins in 1943, when penicillin became the first widely used antibiotic. Since then, penicillin and other antibiotics have saved millions of lives. However, by 1945, more than 20% of the S. aureus strains seen in hospitals were already resistant to penicillin.

These bacteria had an enzyme, penicillinase, that could destroy penicillin. Researchers responded by developing antibiotics that were not destroyed by penicillinase, but resistance to each new drug was observed in some S. aureus populations within a few years.

Modes of selection:

These cases describe three ways in which a hypothetical deer mouse population with heritable variation in fur coloration might evolve. The graphs show how the frequencies of individuals with different fur colors change over time. The large white arrows symbolize selective pressures against certain phenotypes.

Nonheritable variation:

These caterpillars of the moth Nemoria arizonaria owe their different appearances to chemicals in their diets, not to differences in their genotypes. (a) Caterpillars raised on a diet of oak flowers resemble the flowers, whereas (b) their siblings raised on oak leaves resemble oak twigs.

We can also use our understanding of evolution to explain biogeographic data. For example, islands generally have many plant and animal species that are endemic (found nowhere else in the world). Yet, as Darwin described in The Origin of Species, most island species are closely related to species from the nearest mainland or a neighboring island. He explained this observation by suggesting that islands are colonized by species from the nearest mainland.

These colonists eventually give rise to new species as they adapt to their new environments. Such a process also explains why two islands with similar environments in distant parts of the world tend to be populated not by species that are closely related to each other, but rather by species related to those of the nearest mainland, where the environment is often quite different.

The fossil record shows that it typically takes 5-10 million years for the diversity of life to recover to previous levels after a mass extinction. In some cases, it has taken much longer than that: It took about 100 million years for the number of marine families to recover after the Permian mass extinction (see Figure 25.17).

These data have sobering implications. If current trends continue and a sixth mass extinction occurs, it will take millions of years for life on Earth to recover. Mass extinctions can also alter ecological communities by changing the types of organisms residing there. For example, after the Permian and Cretaceous mass extinctions, the percentage of marine organisms that were predators increased substantially (Figure 25.20). A rise in the number of predators can increase both the risks faced by prey and the competition among predators for food. In addition, mass extinctions can curtail lineages with novel and advantageous features. For example, in the late Triassic period, a group of gastropods (snails and their relatives) arose that could drill through the shells of bivalves (such as clams) and feed on the animals inside. Although shell drilling provided access to a new and abundant source of food, this newly formed group was wiped out during the mass extinction at the end of the Triassic (about 200 million years ago).

Soapberry bugs feed most effectively when the length of their beak is similar to the depth at which seeds are found within the fruit. Goldenrain tree fruit consists of three flat lobes, and its seeds are much closer to the fruit surface than are the seeds of the plump, round fruit of the native balloon vine.

These differences led researchers to predict that in populations that feed on goldenrain tree, natural selection would result in beaks that are shorter than those in populations that feed on balloon vine (Figure 22.13). Indeed, beak lengths are shorter in the populations that feed on goldenrain tree.

Artificial selection.:

These different vegetables have all been selected from one species of wild mustard. By selecting variations in different parts of the plant, breeders have obtained these divergent results.

In each of these 15 pairs, one of the sister species lives on the Atlantic side of the isthmus, while the other lives on the Pacific side. This fact strongly suggests that the two species arose as a consequence of geographic separation. Furthermore, genetic analyses indicate that the Alpheus species originated from 9 to 3 million years ago, with the sister species that live in the deepest water diverging first.

These divergence times are consistent with geologic evidence that the isthmus formed gradually, starting 10 million years ago, and closing completely about 3 million years ago.

Darwin's interest in the species (or fossils) found in an area was further stimulated by the Beagle's stop at the Galápagos, a group of volcanic islands located near the equator about 900 km west of South America (Figure 22.5). Darwin was fascinated by the unusual organisms there. The birds he collected included several kinds of mockingbirds.

These mockingbirds, though similar to each other, seemed to be different species. Some were unique to individual islands, while others lived on two or more adjacent islands. Furthermore, although the animals on the Galápagos resembled species living on the South American mainland, most of the Galápagos species were not known from anywhere else in the world. Darwin hypothesized that the Galápagos had been colonized by organisms that had strayed from South America and then diversified, giving rise to new species on the various islands.

Plants appear to have colonized land in the company of fungi. Even today, the roots of most plants are associated with fungi that aid in the absorption of water and minerals from the soil (see Concept 31.1).

These root fungi (or mycorrhizae), in turn, obtain their organic nutrients from the plants. Such mutually beneficial associations of plants and fungi are evident in some of the oldest fossilized plants, dating this relationship back to the early spread of life onto land (Figure 25.12)

An organism's heritable traits can influence not only its own performance, but also how well its offspring cope with environmental challenges. For example, an organism might have a trait that gives its offspring an advantage in escaping predators, obtaining food, or tolerating physical conditions. When such advantages increase the number of offspring that survive and reproduce, the traits that are favored will likely appear at a greater frequency in the next generation.

Thus, over time, natural selection resulting from factors such as predators, lack of food, or adverse physical conditions can lead to an increase in the proportion of favorable traits in a population.

Photosynthesis and the Oxygen Revolution: Most atmospheric oxygen gas (O2) is of biological origin, produced during the water-splitting step of photosynthesis. When oxygenic photosynthesis first evolved—in photosynthetic prokaryotes— the free O2 it produced probably dissolved in the surrounding water until it reached a high enough concentration to react with elements dissolved in water, including iron. This would have caused the iron to precipitate as iron oxide, which accumulated as sediments.

These sediments were compressed into banded iron formations, red layers of rock containing iron oxide that are a source of iron ore today. Once all of the dissolved iron had precipitated, additional O2 dissolved in the water until the seas and lakes became saturated with O2. After this occurred, the O2 finally began to "gas out" of the water and enter the atmosphere. This change left its mark in the rusting of iron-rich terrestrial rocks, a process that began about 2.7 billion years ago. This chronology implies that bacteria similar to today's cyanobacteria (oxygenreleasing, photosynthetic bacteria) originated before 2.7 billion years ago.

One species, two populations:

These two caribou populations in the Yukon are not totally isolated; they sometimes share the same area. Still, members of either population are most likely to breed within their own population.

An ancient symbiosis:

This 405-million-year-old fossil stem (cross section) documents mycorrhizae in the early land plant Aglaophyton major. The inset shows an enlarged view of a cell containing a branched fungal structure called an arbuscule; the fossil arbuscule resembles those seen in plant cells today.

Acquired traits cannot be inherited.

This bonsai tree was "trained" to grow as a dwarf by pruning and shaping. However, seeds from this tree would produce offspring of normal size.

Sympatric speciation, in contrast, requires the emergence of a reproductive barrier that isolates a subset of a population from the remainder of the population in the same area. Though rarer than allopatric speciation, sympatric speciation can occur when gene flow to and from the isolated subpopulation is blocked.

This can occur as a result of polyploidy, a condition in which an organism has extra sets of chromosomes. Sympatric speciation also can result from sexual selection. Finally, sympatric speciation can occur when a subset of a population becomes reproductively isolated because of natural selection that results from a switch to a habitat or food source not used by the parent population. Having reviewed the geographic context in which species originate, we'll next explore in more detail what can happen when new or partially formed species come into contact.

Although we often refer to the relative fitness of a genotype, remember that the entity that is subjected to natural selection is the whole organism, not the underlying genotype.

Thus, selection acts more directly on the phenotype than on the genotype; it acts on the genotype indirectly, via how the genotype affects the phenotype.

For example, vesicles can form spontaneously when lipids or other organic molecules are added to water. When this occurs, molecules that have both a hydrophobic region and a hydrophilic region can organize into a bilayer similar to the lipid bilayer of a plasma membrane. Adding substances such as montmorillonite, a soft mineral clay produced by the weathering of volcanic ash, greatly increases the rate of vesicle self-assembly (see Figure 25.4a).

This clay, which is thought to have been common on early Earth, provides surfaces on which organic molecules become concentrated, increasing the likelihood that the molecules will react with each other and form vesicles. Abiotically produced vesicles can "reproduce" on their own (see Figure 25.4b), and they can increase in size ("grow") without dilution of their contents. Vesicles also can absorb montmorillonite particles, including those on which RNA and other organic molecules have become attached (see Figure 25.4c). Finally, experiments have shown that some vesicles have a selectively permeable bilayer and can perform metabolic reactions using an external source of reagents—another important prerequisite for life.

Changes in Gene Sequence: New developmental genes arising after gene duplication events probably facilitated the origin of novel morphological forms. But since other genetic changes also may have occurred at such times, it can be difficult to establish causal links between genetic and morphological changes that occurred in the past.

This difficulty was sidestepped in a study of developmental changes associated with the divergence of six-legged insects from crustacean ancestors that had more than six legs. (As discussed in Concept 33.4, insects arose from within a subgroup of the crustaceans, the traditional name for organisms such as shrimp, crabs, and lobsters.) Researchers noted differences between crustaceans and insects in the pattern of expression and the effects of the Hox gene Ubx: In particular, in insects, Ubx suppresses leg formation where it is expressed (Figure 25.25).

Applying the Hardy-Weinberg Equation: The Hardy-Weinberg equation is often used as an initial test of whether evolution is occurring in a population (Concept Check 23.2, question 3 is an example). The equation also has medical applications, such as estimating the percentage of a population carrying the allele for an inherited disease. For example, consider phenylketonuria (PKU), a metabolic disorder that results from homozygosity for a recessive allele.

This disorder occurs in about one out of every 10,000 babies born in the United States. Left untreated, PKU results in mental disability and other problems. (As described in Concept 14.4, newborns are now routinely tested for PKU, and symptoms can be largely avoided with a diet very low in phenylalanine.)

Tree thinking: information provided in an evolutionary tree:

This evolutionary tree for tetrapods and their closest living relatives, the lungfishes, is based on anatomical and DNA sequence data. The purple bars indicate the origin of three important homologies, each of which evolved only once. Birds are nested within and evolved from reptiles; hence, the group of organisms called "reptiles" technically includes birds.

Descent with modification:

This evolutionary tree of elephants and their relatives is based mainly on fossils—their anatomy, order of appearance in strata, and geographic distribution. Note that most branches of descent ended in extinction (denoted by the dagger symbol, †). (Time line not to scale.) Memorize 22.8 figure

The sunflower example, along with the apple maggot fly, Lake Victoria cichlid, and fruit fly examples discussed earlier, suggests that new species can arise rapidly once divergence begins. But what is the total length of time between speciation events?

This interval consists of the time that elapses before populations of a newly formed species start to diverge from one another plus the time it takes for speciation to be complete once divergence begins. It turns out that the total time between speciation events varies considerably. In a survey of data from 84 groups of plants and animals, speciation intervals ranged from 4,000 years (in cichlids of Lake Nabugabo, Uganda) to 40 million years (in some beetles). Overall, the time between speciation events averaged 6.5 million years and was rarely less than 500,000 years.

Synthesis of Organic Compounds on Early Earth: Our planet formed 4.6 billion years ago, condensing from a vast cloud of dust and rocks that surrounded the young sun. For its first few hundred million years, Earth was bombarded by huge chunks of rock and ice left over from the formation of the solar system. The collisions generated so much heat that all of the available water was vaporized, preventing the formation of seas and lakes

This massive bombardment ended 4 billion years ago, setting the stage for the origin of life. The first atmosphere had little oxygen and was likely thick with water vapor, along with compounds released by volcanic eruptions, such as nitrogen and its oxides, carbon dioxide, methane, ammonia, and hydrogen. As Earth cooled, the water vapor condensed into oceans, and much of the hydrogen escaped into space.

Is a Sixth Mass Extinction Under Way? As you will read further in Concept 56.1, human actions, such as habitat destruction, are modifying the global environment to such an extent that many species are threatened with extinction. More than 1,000 species have become extinct in the last 400 years. Scientists estimate that this rate is 100 to 1,000 times the typical background rate seen in the fossil record. Is a sixth mass extinction now in progress?

This question is difficult to answer, in part because it is hard to document the total number of extinctions occurring today. Tropical rain forests, for example, harbor many undiscovered species. As a result, destroying tropical forest may drive species to extinction before we even learn of their existence. Such uncertainties make it hard to assess the full extent of the current extinction crisis. Even so, it is clear that losses to date have not reached those of the "big five" mass extinctions, in which large percentages of Earth's species became extinct. This does not in any way discount the seriousness of today's situation. Monitoring programs show that many species are declining at an alarming rate due to habitat loss, introduced species, overharvesting, and other factors.

Certain circumstances can result in genetic drift having a significant impact on a population. Two examples are the founder effect and the bottleneck effect. Genetic drift:

This small wildflower population has a stable size of ten plants. Suppose that by chance only five plants of generation 1 (those highlighted in yellow) produce fertile offspring. (This could occur, for example, if only those plants happened to grow in a location that provided enough nutrients to support the production of offspring.) Again by chance, only two plants of generation 2 leave fertile offspring. memorize figure 23.9

Protocells: All organisms must be able to carry out both reproduction and energy processing (metabolism). DNA molecules carry genetic information, including the instructions needed to replicate themselves accurately during reproduction. But DNA replication requires elaborate enzymatic machinery, along with an abundant supply of nucleotide building blocks provided by the cell's metabolism.

This suggests that self-replicating molecules and a metabolic source of building blocks may have appeared together in early protocells. The necessary conditions may have been met in vesicles, fluid-filled compartments enclosed by a membrane-like structure. Recent experiments show that abiotically produced vesicles can exhibit certain properties of life, including simple reproduction and metabolism, as well as the maintenance of an internal chemical environment different from that of their surroundings (Figure 25.4).

Frequency-Dependent Selection: In frequency-dependent selection, the fitness of a phenotype depends on how common it is in the population. Consider the scale-eating fish (Perissodus microlepis) of Lake Tanganyika, in Africa. These fish attack other fish from behind, darting in to remove a few scales from the flank of their prey. Of interest here is a peculiar feature of the scaleeating fish: Some are "left-mouthed" and some are "rightmouthed."

This trait is determined by two alleles and simple Mendelian inheritance. Hence, all individuals in a population are either left-mouthed or right-mouthed, and the frequencies of these two phenotypes must add up to 100%.

How have these different selective pressures affected the evolution of reproductive barriers? Researchers studied this question by bringing together mosquitofish from the two types of ponds. They found that female mosquitofish prefer to mate with males whose body shape is similar to their own. This preference establishes a behavioral barrier to reproduction between mosquitofish from ponds with predators and those from ponds without predators.

Thus, as a by-product of selection for avoiding predators, reproductive barriers have formed in these allopatric populations.

What might punctuated and gradual patterns tell us about how long it takes new species to form? Suppose that a species survived for 5 million years, but most of the morphological changes that caused it to be designated a new species occurred during the first 50,000 years of its existence—just 1% of its total lifetime. Time periods this short (in geologic terms) often cannot be distinguished in fossil strata, in part because the rate of sediment accumulation may be too slow to separate layers this close in time.

Thus, based on its fossils, the species would seem to have appeared suddenly and then lingered with little or no change before becoming extinct. Even though such a species may have originated more slowly than its fossils suggest (in this case taking up to 50,000 years), a punctuated pattern indicates that speciation occurred relatively rapidly. For species whose fossils changed much more gradually, we also cannot tell exactly when a new biological species formed, since information about reproductive isolation does not fossilized. However, it is likely that speciation in such groups occurred relatively slowly, perhaps taking millions of years.

Fossils contain isotopes of elements that accumulated in the organisms when they were alive. For example, a living organism contains the most common carbon isotope, carbon-12, as well as a radioactive isotope, carbon-14. When the organism dies, it stops accumulating carbon, and the amount of carbon-12 in its tissues does not change over time. However, the carbon-14 that it contains at the time of death slowly decays into another element, nitrogen-14.

Thus, by measuring the ratio of carbon-14 to carbon-12 in a fossil, we can determine the fossil's age. This method works for fossils up to about 75,000 years old; fossils older than that contain too little carbon-14 to be detected with current techniques. Radioactive isotopes with longer half-lives are used to date older fossils.

A tetraploid can produce fertile tetraploid offspring by self-pollinating or by mating with other tetraploids. In addition, the tetraploids are reproductively isolated from 2n plants of the original population, because the triploid (3n) offspring of such unions have reduced fertility.

Thus, in just one generation, autopolyploidy can generate reproductive isolation without any geographic separation.

As shown in Figure 23.8, the genotype frequencies in the next generation must add up to 1 (100%).

Thus, the equation for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium states that at a locus with two alleles, the three genotypes will appear in the following proportions: p 2 + 2pq + q 2 = 1 Expected Expected Expected frequency frequency frequency of genotype of genotype of genotype CR CR CR CW CWCW

Initially, MRSA could be controlled by antibiotics that work differently from the way methicillin works. But this has become less effective because some MRSA strains are resistant to multiple antibiotics—probably because bacteria can exchange genes with members of their own and other species.

Thus, the multidrug-resistant strains of today may have emerged over time as MRSA strains that were resistant to different antibiotics exchanged genes.

The biological species concept emphasizes reproductive isolation: The word species is Latin for "kind" or "appearance." In daily life, we commonly distinguish between various "kinds" of organisms—dogs and cats, for instance—based on differences in their appearance. But are organisms truly divided into the discrete units we call species?

To answer this question, biologists compare not only the morphology (body form) of different groups of organisms but also less obvious differences in physiology, biochemistry, and DNA sequences. The results generally confirm that morphologically distinct species are indeed discrete groups, differing in many ways besides their body forms.

The researchers surveyed six loci and found that the 1993 population had fewer alleles per locus than the pre-bottleneck Illinois or the current Kansas and Nebraska populations (see Figure 23.11b). Thus, as predicted, drift had reduced the genetic variation of the small 1993 population. Drift may also have increased the frequency of harmful alleles, leading to the low egg-hatching rate.

To counteract these negative effects, 271 birds from neighboring states were added to the Illinois population over four years. This strategy succeeded: New alleles entered the population, and the egg-hatching rate improved to over 90%. Overall, studies on the Illinois greater prairie chicken illustrate the powerful effects of genetic drift in small populations and provide hope that in at least some populations, these effects can be reversed.

Figure 22.17 is an evolutionary tree of tetrapods and their closest living relatives, the lungfishes. In this diagram, each branch point represents the most recent common ancestor of the two lineages diverging from that point. For example, lungfishes and all tetrapods descended from ancestor 1 , whereas mammals, lizards and snakes, crocodiles, and birds all descended from ancestor 3 . As expected, the three homologies shown on the tree—limbs with digits, the amnion (a protective embryonic membrane), and feathers—form a nested pattern. Limbs with digits were present in common ancestor 2 and hence are found in all of the descendants of that ancestor (the tetrapods). The amnion was present only in ancestor 3 and hence is shared only by some tetrapods (mammals and reptiles). Feathers were present only in ancestor 6 and hence are found only in birds.

To explore "tree thinking" further, note that in Figure 22.17, mammals are positioned closer to amphibians than to birds. As a result, you might conclude that mammals are more closely related to amphibians than they are to birds. However, mammals are actually more closely related to birds than to amphibians because mammals and birds share a more recent common ancestor (ancestor 3 ) than do mammals and amphibians (ancestor 2 ). Ancestor 2 is also the most recent common ancestor of birds and amphibians, making mammals and birds equally related to amphibians. Finally, note that the tree in Figure 22.17 shows the relative timing of events but not their actual dates. Thus, we can conclude that ancestor 2 lived before ancestor 3 , but we do not know when that was.

The Fossil Record: A third type of evidence for evolution comes from fossils. The fossil record documents the pattern of evolution, showing that past organisms differed from presentday organisms and that many species have become extinct. Fossils also show the evolutionary changes that have occurred in various groups of organisms.

To give one of hundreds of possible examples, researchers found that over several thousand years, the pelvic bone in fossil stickleback fish became greatly reduced in size. The consistent nature of this change over time suggests that the reduction in the size of the pelvic bone may have been driven by natural selection.

Natural Selection: A Closer Look:

To see how natural selection can cause adaptive evolution, we'll begin with the concept of relative fitness and the different ways that selection acts on an organism's phenotype.

Unlike the outcome of allopolyploid speciation, in which there is a change in chromosome number after hybridization, in these sunflowers the two parent species and the hybrid all have the same number of chromosomes (2n = 34). How, then, did speciation occur?

To study this question, researchers performed an experiment designed to mimic events in nature (Figure 24.18). Their results indicated that natural selection could produce extensive genetic changes in hybrid populations over short periods of time. These changes appear to have caused the hybrids to diverge reproductively from their parents and form a new species, H. anomalus.

The "Big Five" Mass Extinction Events: Five mass extinctions are documented in the fossil record over the past 500 million years (Figure 25.17). These events are particularly well documented for the decimation of hard-bodied animals that lived in shallow seas, the organisms for which the fossil record is most complete. In each mass extinction, 50% or more of marine species became extinct.

Two mass extinctions—the Permian and the Cretaceous—have received the most attention. The Permian mass extinction, which defines the boundary between the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras (252 million years ago), claimed about 96% of marine animal species and drastically altered life in the ocean. Terrestrial life was also affected. For example, 8 out of 27 known orders of insects were wiped out. This mass extinction occurred in less than 500,000 years, possibly in just a few thousand years—an instant in the context of geologic time.

What holds the gene pool of a species together, causing its members to resemble each other more than they resemble members of other species? Recall the evolutionary mechanism of gene flow, the transfer of alleles between populations (see Concept 23.3).

Typically, gene flow occurs between the different populations of a species. This ongoing exchange of alleles tends to hold the populations together genetically. But as we'll explore in this chapter, a reduction or lack of gene flow can play a key role in the formation of new species.

Self-Replicating RNA: The first genetic material was most likely RNA, not DNA. RNA plays a central role in protein synthesis, but it can also function as an enzyme-like catalyst (see Concept 17.3). Such RNA catalysts are called ribozymes. Some ribozymes can make complementary copies of short pieces of RNA, provided that they are supplied with nucleotide building blocks. Natural selection on the molecular level has produced ribozymes capable of self-replication in the laboratory. How does this occur?

Unlike double-stranded DNA, which takes the form of a uniform helix, single-stranded RNA molecules assume a variety of specific three-dimensional shapes mandated by their nucleotide sequences. In a given environment, RNA molecules with certain nucleotide sequences may have shapes that enable them to replicate faster and with fewer errors than other sequences. The RNA molecule with the greatest ability to replicate itself will leave the most descendant molecules. Occasionally, a copying error will result in a molecule with a shape that is even more adept at self-replication. Similar selection events may have occurred on early Earth. Thus, life as we know it may have been preceded by an "RNA world," in which small RNA molecules were able to replicate and to store genetic information about the vesicles that carried them.

25. 29 the evolution of horses:

Using yellow to trace a sequence of fossil horses that are intermediate in form between the present-day horse (Equus) and its Eocene ancestor Hyracotherium creates the illusion of a progressive trend toward larger size, reduced number of toes, and teeth modified for grazing. In fact, Equus is the only surviving twig of an evolutionary bush with many divergent trends.

Biogeography: A fourth type of evidence for evolution comes from the field of biogeography, the scientific study of the geographic distributions of species. The geographic distributions of organisms are influenced by many factors, including continental drift, the slow movement of Earth's continents over time. About 250 million years ago, these movements united all of Earth's landmasses into a single large continent called Pangaea (see Figure 25.16). Roughly 200 million years ago, Pangaea began to break apart; by 20 million years ago, the continents we know today were within a few hundred kilometers of their present locations

We can use our understanding of evolution and continental drift to predict where fossils of different groups of organisms might be found. For example, scientists have constructed evolutionary trees for horses based on anatomical data. These trees and the ages of fossils of horse ancestors suggest that the genus that includes present-day horses (Equus) originated 5 million years ago in North America. Geologic evidence indicates that at that time, North and South America were not yet connected, making it difficult for horses to travel between them. Thus, we would predict that the oldest Equus fossils should be found only on the continent on which the group originated—North America. This prediction and others like it for different groups of organisms have been upheld, providing more evidence for evolution.

Speciation also forms a conceptual bridge between microevolution, changes over time in allele frequencies in a population, and macroevolution, the broad pattern of evolution above the species level. An example of macroevolutionary change is the origin of new groups of organisms, such as mammals or flowering plants, through a series of speciation events.

We examined microevolutionary mechanisms in Chapter 23, and we'll turn to macroevolution in Chapter 25. In this chapter, we'll explore the "bridge" between microevolution and macroevolution—the mechanisms by which new species originate from existing ones. First, let's establish what we actually mean by a "species."

Formation of New Alleles: New alleles can arise by mutation, a change in the nucleotide sequence of an organism's DNA. A change of as little as one base in a gene—a "point mutation"—can have a significant impact on phenotype, as in sickle-cell disease (see Figure 17.26).

We might expect that this would be the case: Organisms reflect many generations of past selection, and hence their phenotypes tend to be suited for life in their environments. As a result, most new mutations that alter a phenotype are at least slightly harmful.

Biologists often represent the pattern of descent from common ancestors with an evolutionary tree, a diagram that reflects evolutionary relationships among groups of organisms.

We will explore evolutionary trees in more detail in Chapter 26, but for now, let's consider how we can interpret and use such trees

Taken together, such changes provide a grand view of the evolutionary history of life. We'll examine that history in this chapter, beginning with a discussion of hypotheses regarding the origin of life. This is the most speculative topic of the entire unit, for no fossil evidence of that seminal episode exists.

We will then turn to evidence from the fossil record about major events in the history of life and the factors that have shaped the rise and fall of different groups of organisms over time.

Fossils can also shed light on the origins of new groups of organisms. An example is the fossil record of cetaceans, the mammalian order that includes whales, dolphins, and porpoises. Some of these fossils (Figure 22.19) provided strong support for a hypothesis based on DNA sequence data: that cetaceans are closely related to even-toed ungulates, a group that includes hippopotamuses, pigs, deer, and cows.

What else can fossils tell us about cetacean origins? The earliest cetaceans lived 50-60 million years ago. The fossil record indicates that prior to that time, most mammals were terrestrial. Although scientists had long realized that whales and other cetaceans originated from land mammals, few fossils had been found that revealed how cetacean limb structure had changed over time, leading eventually to the loss of hind limbs and the development of flukes (the lobes on a whale's tail) and flippers. In the past few decades, however, a series of remarkable fossils have been discovered in Pakistan, Egypt, and North America. These fossils document steps in the transition from life on land to life in the sea, filling in some of the gaps between ancestral and living cetaceans (Figure 22.20).

Hybrid zones reveal factors that cause reproductive isolation:

What happens if species with incomplete reproductive barriers come into contact with one another? One possible outcome is the formation of a hybrid zone, a region in which members of different species meet and mate, producing at least some offspring of mixed ancestry. In this section, we'll explore hybrid zones and what they reveal about factors that cause the evolution of reproductive isolation.

The Darwinian revolution challenged traditional views of a young Earth inhabited by unchanging species:

What impelled Darwin to challenge the prevailing views about Earth and its life? Darwin developed his revolutionary proposal over time, influenced by the work of others and by his travels (Figure 22.2). As we'll see, his ideas also had deep historical roots.

The "mystery of mysteries" that captivated Darwin is speciation, the process by which one species splits into two or more species. Speciation fascinated Darwin (and many biologists since) because it has produced the tremendous diversity of life, repeatedly yielding new species that differ from existing ones. Later, Darwin realized that speciation also helps to explain the many features that organisms share (the unity of life):

When one species splits into two, the species that result share many characteristics because they are descended from this common ancestor. At the DNA sequence level, for example, such similarities indicate that the flightless cormorant (Phalacrocorax harrisi) in Figure 24.1 is closely related to flying cormorants found in the Americas. This suggests that the flightless cormorant originated from an ancestral cormorant species that flew from the mainland to the Galápagos.

Genetic drift and loss of genetic variation: Pre-bottleneck (Illinois, 1820) Grasslands in which the prairie chickens live once covered most of the state. Post-bottleneck (Illinois, 1993) In 1993, with less than 1% of the grasslands remaining, the prairie chickens were found in just two locations.

a)The Illinois population of greater prairie chickens dropped from millions of birds in the 1800s to fewer than 50 birds in 1993. b) In the small Illinois population, genetic drift led to decreases in the number of alleles per locus and the percentage of eggs hatched.

a) Similarity between different species : The eastern meadowlark (Sturnella magna, left) and the western meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta, right) have similar body shapes and colorations. Nevertheless, they are distinct biological species because their songs and other behaviors are different enough to prevent interbreeding should they meet in the wild.

b) Diversity within a species: As diverse as we may be in appearance, all humans belong to a single biological species (Homo sapiens), defined by our capacity to interbreed successfully. The biological species concept is based on the potential to interbreed, not on physical similarity.

Hybridization between two species of bears in the genus Ursus

figure 24.4

Wild Mustard selections

selection for stems - Kohlrabi selection for flowers and stems - Broccoli Selection for apical (tip) bud - cabbage selection for axillary (side) bud - Brussels sprouts Selection for for leaves - Kale

Infected mosquitoes spread malaria when they bite people. (See Figure 28.16.) Effects on Individual Organisms:

• The formation of sickled red blood cells causes homozygotes with two copies of the sickle-cell allele to have sickle-cell disease. • Some sickling also occurs in heterozygotes, but not enough to cause the disease ; they have sickle cell trait. (Figure 14.7) * The sickled blood cells of a homozygote block small blood vessels, causing great pain and damage to organs such as the heart, kidney, and brain. *Normal red blood cells are flexible and are able to flow freely through small blood vessels.

Documenting the history of life: These fossils illustrate representative organisms from different points in time. Although prokaryotes and unicellular eukaryotes are shown only at the base of the diagram, these organisms continue to thrive today. In fact, most organisms on Earth are unicellular.

▼ Dimetrodon, the largest known carnivore of its day, was more closely related to mammals than to reptiles. The spectacular "sail" on its back may have functioned in temperature regulation or as an ornament that served to attract mates. ▼ Rhomaleosaurus victor, a plesiosaur. These large marine reptiles were important predators from 200 million to 66 million years ago. ▼ Tiktaalik, an extinct aquatic organism that is the closest known relative of the four-legged vertebrates that went on to colonize land * Hallucigenia, a member of a morphologically diverse group of animals found in the Burgess Shale fossil bed in the Canadian Rockies *Coccosteus cuspidatus, a placoderm (fishlike vertebrate) that had a bony shield covering its head and front end Dickinsonia costata, a member of the Ediacaran biota, an extinct group of soft-bodied organisms Coccosteus cuspidatus, a placoderm (fishlike vertebrate) that had a bony shield covering its head and front end ▲ Some prokaryotes bind thin films of sediments together, producing layered rocks called stromatolites. Present-day stromatolites are found in a few shallow marine bays, such as Shark Bay, Australia, shown here. Tappania, a unicellular eukaryote thought to be either an alga or a fungus ▲ A section through a fossilized stromatolite

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