Unit 4 Practice Quiz SP Online Gender Inequality SC

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64. Which of the following statements is correct?

a cultural concern about beauty ends up encouraging women to allow men to control them

23. Conservatives see gender equality as a means to make families stronger.


63. Which one of the following categories of full-time employed people, on average, earns the least?

hispanic women

5. Sexism is the belief that one sex is innately superior to another.


6. In general, higher-income nations have greater gender equality compared to low-income nations.


13. In the United States, about 96 percent of all secretaries are women.

true, 93.2%

47. Women were what percent of the U.S military fighting in Iraq?


79. In the United States, feminism began about

1840 as a spinoff of efforts to abolish slavery

43. Women in the United States gained the right to vote in


42. Sandra Day O'Connor, the first woman to serve on the United States Supreme Court, was appointed in


51. The 2010 median pay for full-time employed workers was $47,715 for men; for women it was


37. In the United States, women earn what share of all bachelor's degrees?


48. In the United States, what share of married women with children under age six are working for income?


46. In 2011 how many of the 435 members of the House of Representatives were women?


61. A male employee cracks off-color, sexually suggestive jokes that embarrass female employees and prevent them from doing their work. This is an example of

a hostile working environment

62. Women, even relatively privileged women, have less income, wealth, and power than men. Consequently, it seems reasonable to conclude that women should be considered to be

a minority

57. A dimension of gender stratification, which occurs more than 1.5 million times each year, is

an act of violence directed against a woman.

41. In 1972, Congress passed Title IX, and amendment to the Civil Rights Act, which

banned discrimination on the basis of sex in any educational program receiving the federal funding

44. Statements in support of the traditional dominance of men over women can be found in the prayers and sacred texts for which religions?

christianity, judaism, and islam

67. According to structural-functional analysis, society defines gender in terms of


86. Which political viewpoint expressed concern that change toward gender equality has weakened families?


49. In which of the following U.S. jobs are more than 97 percent of workers women?

dental assistant

33. Gender stereotypes divide humanity by constructing femininity and masculinity in

different and often opposing terms

80. Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton are important as

early feminists who helped found the feminist movement

70. According to Talcott Parsons, femininty involves a focus on responsiveness, cooperation, and concern for other people and relationships, which he characterized as


1. Gender refers to whether people are male or female


10. In recent years, women have held the fewest seats in the House and Senate in the nation's history


11. No woman in the U.S. military has ever been killed in combat.


18. Beauty is about good looks; it has little to do with gender stratification.


21. The English language has a gender bias because it gives what is feminine more value than what is msaculine.


22. Of the three types of feminism, only liberal feminism favors reform over change which would be considered by most people to be revolutionary.


25. Radicals support the Equal Rights Amendment as a sufficient path to gender equality.


4. Most people are strictly masculine or feminine with little gender mixing.


7. In the United States, men still earn a majority of associate's and bachelor's degrees.


91. Radical-left analyst Judith Stacey claims that

families perpetuate traditional forms of inequality based on class, race, and gender

74. Social-conflict theories of gender

focus on the gender inequalities by which men have had power over women.

75. Symbolic-interaction analysis of gender

focuses on the experience of gender in familiar dimensions of everyday life

26. Which of the following concepts refers to the personal traits and life chances that a society links to being female or male?


27. Referring to a woman's behavior as "feminine" illustrates which concept at work?


39. Which of the following steer(s) women compared to men toward different college majors?

gender stereotyping

30. A society's unequal distribution of wealth, power, and privilege between men and women is called

gender stratification

54. Which concept refers to subtle discrimination that effectively blocks the movement of women into the highest positions in organizations?

glass ceiling

53. The gender gap in pay is higher in states that

have older populations and weaker economies (like michigan)

69. According to Talcott Parsons, masculinity involves a focus on rationality, competition, and goals, which he described as


65. Minority women earn less than white women, and they also earn less than minority men. This pattern is the focus of

intersection theory

77. The observation that Hispanic women earn much less than white men is one focus of

intersection theory

38. According to Jessie Bernard, traditional marriage benefits men more than women because

it puts women under the control of men

82. Reforms to ensure that women have the same rights and opportunities as men is the goal of

liberal feminism

85. From which political viewpoint would people claim that we need to ensure that close to half of our political leaders are women?

liberal viewpoint

87. Which political viewpoint claims that government programs can combat gender-based prejudice and discrimination just as affirmative action can open more doors to women?

liberal viewpoint

78. Feminism is the study of gender with the goal of

making men and women equal

32. Which of the following concepts refers to a social pattern by which females dominate males?


52. The major reason that men earn more than women on average is that

men and women typically hold different types of jobs

76. Which of the following is a pattern noted in symbolic-interaction research involving gender?

men have a tendency to interrupt women when women are speaking

71. The symbolic-interaction approach provides what type of analysis of gender?


36. Which of the following nations is among those with the greatest degree of gender equality?


92. Complete gender equality has become a reality

nowhere in the world

66. Noami Wolf points to what element of our culture in explaining men's power over women?

our cultural ideas about beauty

60. Suppose that a college professor solicits sexual favors from a student and threatens a poor grade if the student refuses. This pattern is referred to as

quid pro quo sexual harassment

84. The claim that society must eliminate the concept of gender is made by

radical feminism

88. Which political viewpoint claims that serious gender inequality is built into not only the institutions of U.S. society, but also the biological task of childbearing?

radical feminist viewpoint

89. Which political viewpoint claims that there must be fundamental change ine conomic, political , and family institutions in order to eliminate gender inequality?

radical left viewpoint

56. Because women do most of it, sociologists sometimes refer to housework as women's

second shift

28. Which concept refers to the biological distinction between females and males?


29. Which concept refers to biological differences that provide women and men with different roles in reproduction?


34. What concept refers to the assertion that one sex is innately superior to the other?


35. Consider this statement: "because men have more upper-body strength than women, men are simply more important than women to the life of any society." This assertion reflects


58. Which concept refers to unwanted comments, gestures, or physical contact of a sexual nature?

sexual harassment

59. Suppose that a man makes comments of a sexual nature to a woman who considers these comments unwelcome. She is a victim of

sexual harassment

83. The claim that equality for women requires following a Marxist path is made by

socialist feminism

50. Title VII of the Civil RIghts Act of 1964

specified that employers cannot discriminate between men and women in hiring or in pay

68. A historical look at gender roles, starting with women experiencing frequent pregnancies and caring for children, and men's greater size and strength placing them in charge of hunuting and warfar, is part of which theoretical analysis of differences between men and women?

structural-functional analysis

55. Which of the following nations may well be the least patriarchal of all high-income countries?


73. Gender is at work in the language we use because

the english language tends to treat what is masculine as having more value than what is feminine

90. What is the name of the policy that would mandate equal pay for women and men not only for doing the same work, but also for doing different work that has the same value?

the policy of comparable worth

31. Literally, the word patriarchy means

the rule of fathers

12. In the United States, a larger share of women than men work for income.


14. The story of the Hooters restaurant chain shows that companies have the right to hire only attractive women, if that is their wish.


15. The "glass ceiling" keeps most women working in small businesses and not for large corporations.


16. Regardless of employment patterns, women do more housework than men do.


17. Female genital mutilation is found not only in some African nations, but also in the United States.


19. Structural functional theory views gender in terms of complementary roles.


2. Matriarchy is a system in which females dominate males.


20. In everyday interaction, men tend to use more space than women do.


24. Liberals claim that gender inequality is still a serious social problem.


3. The Musuo, a small society in China, approximates a matriarchy.


8. Women earn almost two-thirds of all Ph.D.'s in sociology.


9. Worldwide, women hold only 20 percent of all seats in parliaments.

true, 24.3%

72. Because men have more power than women, men typically

use more space than women

40. If you were to view television advertising in the United States, you would NOT expect to see women

who are taller than the men they are with

81. What milestone in the feminist movement occurred in 1920?

women gained the right to vote

45. Which major armed conflict marked the first time the government officially opened the military to both sexes?


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