Unit 4 Test + MC Quiz

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North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

Agreement that created a free-trade area among the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Removed taxes.

sixtenth amendment

Allows Congress to tax people's incomes

Tracking polls

Ask people questions to measure how prospective voters feel about an issue and how they may vote on election day. Used during the course of an election to allow a campaign to "track" issues and how a candidate is fairing with voters

Silent Generation

Born before 1945, are senior citizens born during the Great Depression or as late as the aftermath of World War II

Baby Boomers

Born between 1946 and 1964, Lived during an era of economic prosperity after World War II and through the turbulent 1960s, Vietnam war, Nixon

Generation X

Born between 1962 and 1982


Born between 1981 and 1994, under 40 population

What phrase represents equal opportunity in the Declaration of Independence

"All men are created equal" in the Declaration of Independence was meant to emphasize the equal rights of people to pursue life, liberty, and happiness

Libertarian Ideology

--least amount of government intervention possible, increased personal freedom. Only want protection of personal property rights and ensure that nothing hinders voluntary trade --No regulation on buisnesses and minimal government programs

Millennial Voting:

-55% of 18 to 35 year olds identify as democrats or leaning democrat, and 27% call themselves "liberal democrats." -⅔ young Americans have a progressive tilt on energy, climate change, government efforts to assist people and the economy, and fighting inequality

Peer pressure works to activate civic action or participation at the polls:

-A nonvoter living with a voter feels pressure to cast a ballot -Campaign fundraisers—potential donors gathered to meet and hear a candidate—turnout higher amounts of donations because there's a sense of social obligation to contribute.

examples of participatory democracy

-A president seeking a second term may go with public opinion when there is an outcry for a new law or a different way of enforcing an existing law. -State referenda and initiatives are a common way for large grassroots efforts to alter current polict when state assemblies refuse to make laws that reflect the public will

Republican Party= Conservative:

-Against wasteful spending -Strong national defense -Limited regulation of business -Maintaining cultural traditions

Democrats= Liberal

-Civil Rights advocates -Women's rights advocates -Rights of the accused -More government services to solve public problems -Greater regulations to protect the environment

The two underling Principles that guide debate:

-Core belief in individual liberties -Shared belief that one important role of government is to promote stability and social order

On social issues, the silent generation

-Gave religious values high priority -Opposed cultural changes that came during the 1960s and 1970s -Racial integration led to more interracial marriage and societal acceptance of racial equality, but that acceptance came more slowly to those who grew up in segregated societes -Women's movement changed the traditional roles of the family and eventually legalized abortion -Held Conservative beliefs and questioned changing American values -Wants government to be tougher on criminal defendants and terror suspects than younger groups -Often Oppose gay marriage -Bewildered with states' decisions to legalize marijuana -Believe that culture and way of life has changed for the worse

Effects of Supply Side Theory

-Government will earn lare revenues via sales tax, income tax, company prfits -Provides incentives for people to work and earn more, knowing they will be able to save more money -Invest into stocks or bonds that will boost the economy

Examples of Southern/Conservative Policies:

-Higher percentages of gun ownership than in other regions and are less friendly to organized labor -More religious than other parts of the country: Church attendance is higher, and voters are decidedly more protestant (76% of the south is protestant versus 49% for the rest of the nation) -High concern for issues related to farming and agriculture

Northeastern/Liberal Policies:

-Higher tax rates to fund more services, such as public transportation -Vermont and Massachusetts were among the first states to legalize civil unions and same-sex marriages. New York followed -Democrats dominate the congressional delegations from New England, New York, and New Jersey. California and other western states also lean Democratic with liberal philosophies, having a strong concern for the environment and acceptance of diverse lifestyles.

Evangelical Christians

-In South and Midwest -Promote Christian Faith -Take Conservative Positions/Vote Republican


-In south and Midwest -Literal Interpretation of the Bible -Take Conservative Positions/Vote Republican

The silent generation is:

-Last group to remember the era before the 1960s counterculture movement and before the Vietnam War -Grew up in a generation hating communism -American prosperity, patriotism, and Judeo-Christian moral code were foremost in shaping their views during their impressionable years -75 and up -Predate Vietnam, Civil Rights Movement, -Majority believe that American is changing for the worse -59% vote in midterm (national average is 38%)

Liberals believe in:

-Leniency from the government on punishments for lawbreakers -Broader application of government support to poor people -More Experimental -Law and order but are censored about protecting the rights of the accused -Accepting of higher taxes in exchange for more government services

Millennials are

-More accepting of interracial/same-sex marriage, legalization of marijuana, second chances in the criminal justice system than their elders -More ethnically and racially diverse than previous generations -More accepting of diversity - 12% are first-generation Americans -Tech-centered -Supportive of government action to solve problems -Highly Educated -High level of social connectedness and great opportunities for news consumption -More liberal than previous generations -Cooperation over force; less patriotic

5 Steps to an effective poll:

-Take a random sample-- every person from a given population has an equal chance of being chosen for the sample -Have a large sample size--at least 500-1000 people in the sample--the larger the sample, the lower your margin of error is -Use neutral/Unbiased Language-- the wording of questions and phrases can impact results -Are transparent: Date data collected, group that conducted the poll -Have a Margin of Error of about 3%

Although most of the globalization influence flows from the United States to other countries, through globalization and encouraging immigration, the United States also is exposed to values from other parts of the world:

-The nation's diversity has increased as a result of globalization. -Professionals and other workers from all parts of the world bring their political and cultural ideas with them, and as they engage with American society, they exert influence.

Modern-day Progressives

-aligned with labor unions -believe in workers' rights over corporate rights -believe the wealthier classes should pay a much larger percentage of taxes than they currently do.

Tracking polls help

-candidates make decisions for shaping the campaign, particularly in the final weeks or days of the election -Determines Salient: How salient an issue is to you-- how important the issue is to you

Conservatives believe in:

-law and order and would choose to lean toward order even at the expense of some liberties. -traditions and institutions -Favor a small government that provides fewer services over a large government that provides many -Favor harsh punishments for lawbreakers _Favor slow change

On economics, Millennials:

-tend to follow a similar "stay out" mindset in regard to social questions and some economic questions, yet their lines separating government from the economy are not easy to draw -Business friendly, but not always opposed to regulation -Want citizens to earn their way, but want to protect the consumer, the environment, and society at large -Acknowledge the government waste and are troubled by it, but they believe in a higher degree of regulation than do typical conservatives -⅘ of millennials believe Americans should adopt a sustainable lifestyle by conserving energy and consuming fewer goods -More conservative on free trade and a meritocracy

5 Factors of Political Socialization

1)Family 2)Schools and Colleges 3)Peers 4)Mass Media 5)Geography

Summary of federal reserve functions:

1. Buying and selling government bonds 2. Regulating money reserves required at commercial banks 3. Setting Interest rates 4. Sets discout rates 5. Regulates the reserve requirement 6. Determines rates for government bonds

What purposes does the supply side theory serve?

1. People will have more money to spend and will spend it 2. This spending will increase purchasing, jobs, and manufacturing

Formation of Public policy

1. Policy recognition --Public recognizes/brings attention to a problm in society --Legislators respons by discussing the problem 2. Policy Formation --Legislators study the problem, formulate a policy on paper, present it in Congress --Policy is discussed, debated, passed, and sent to the president 3. Policy implementation --Policy is assigned to the appropriate agency for implementation --Agency creates regulations/rules for implementation 4. Policy Evaluation --Agency evaluates effectiveness of policy --Congressional oversight committees determine if policy is successful and/or whether it needs adjustment to its content or funding

From _______ to _______, Boomers were primarily a _________ voting Group. They took the place of the Silent Generation--the massive New Deal Coalition of Americans who voted for Franklin Roosevelt and Democrats who followed him--after the elders had died. However, as Boomers aged, they joined other seniors in flocking to the _________ Party from the Democratic Party, a consistent trend that began in 2006 and held true on election night in 2016

1992, 2006, Democratic, Republican

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

2010 legislation aimed at reducing the number of uninsured individuals and decreasing health care costs

The two seminal events in Millenial's formative years were the ______ attacks orchestrated by al-Qaeda and the military conflicts in ________ and _______ that followed

9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq


A comprehensive and mutually consistent set of ideas

Push Polling

A controversial and deceptive way to influence potential voters. Done via the telephone and rather than a series of neutral questions mean to determine public opinion on a candidate, the caller, or more commonly a tape-recorded voice, offers positive points about the candidate or negative points about the opponent

Representative Sample

A group of people meant to represent the large group in question, known as the universe


A health care program for the impoverished who cannot afford necessary medical expanses

Party Platform

A list of principles that a political party hopes to enact Platforms are approved at the party's national convention every four years and committee members argue over the wording of the document


A person who strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups. -Attends a protestant church and follows fundamental Christian ideas: love thy neighbor, contribute to charity, and follow a strict moral code -South and Midwest along the coast -Come from working-class families -Favor workplace safety protections and farm subsidies -Curb obscene and unpatriotic speech -Less sympathetic to the accused criminal defendant -Donald Trump was a populist candidate

The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)

A powerful interest group that directly represents more than 40 million seniors, lists among its major issues on its website: Social Security, health issues, Medicare, retirement, and consumer protection

Bandwagon effect

A shift of support to a candidate or position holding the lead in public opinion polls and therefore believed to be endorsed by many people

Focus Group

A small group of citizens--10 to 40 people--who are gathered to hold conversations about issues or candidates to get a deeper insight --less scientific than polls

Limited Government

A type of government that is kept under control by law and by checks and balances and the separation of powers The Constitution is filled with as many devices and designs to prevent government action as to empower it -The Bill of Rights is a list of rights, but also a list of what the government cannot do. Citizens of all political viewpoints agree that none should suffer from the heavy hand of government.

__________ have traditionally voted with the __________ Party, through their vote is ______ __________ to Democratic candidates today than in earlier years because the ________________ of Catholics have become so __________

Catholics, Democratic, less attached, demographics, diverse

_________ and other places of _________ influence individual's political thought

Churches, worship,


Citizens who believe in having a strict threshold to qualify for welfare and longer prison sentences for convicted criminals.

States and the federal government had not reacted citizens equally which inspired:

Civil rights act of 1957, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Voting Rights Act of 1965

_________ classrooms have more ________ rules than ___________ classrooms. College deans and professors encourage a free flow of ideas in classroom discussion. Nonetheless, business, economics, and engineering majors tend to be ______________ white students majoring in English and humanities tend to be ____________

College, flexible, high school, Republican, Democrats

Valence Issues

Concerns or policies that are viewed in the same way by people with a variety of ideologies --Regulate dangerous industries --Educate children at public expense --Protect free speech --Strong economy --Strong national security

entrance/exit polls

Conducted outside polling places on election day to publicly predict the outcome of the election after the polls close

__________ tend to _________ using ____________ policy to ___________ the ____________ while _________ tend to believe that __________ policy is too ______ to effect ______ change

Conservatives, favor, monetary, stabalize, economy, liberals, monetary, slow, real

Jews make up a small part of the national electorate and tend to vote for _______


For nearly a century, the ________ represented the party of ___________ ___________ with a largely ____________ approach to government. After a transformation through the ______________ ________ (1890-1920) and the _________ _______ (1932-1937), the Democrats fully embraced __________ government action for the greater good with President Lyndon Johnson's Great Society (1964-1965).

Democrats, limited government, conservative, Progressive Era, New Deal, liberal

supply-side economics

Developed during the Reagan adminsitration, supply-sider theorists--fiscal conservatives-- believe that the government should leave as much of the money supply as possible with the people, letting the laws of economics, such as supply and demand, govern the marketplace. Taxing less and leaving that money in the citizens' pockets.

Free Enterprise

Economic system in which individuals and businesses are allowed to compete for profit with a minimum of government interference. Also known as laissez-faire, or the "let it be" approach

Origins of Progressives

Emerged in cities from the roots of the Republican Party Peaked in the U.S. in the early 1900s when reformers challenged government corruption and ran counter to the values of equality, individualism, democracy, and advancement. At that time, the Republican Party split into its two wings: conservative and progressive. Progressives criticized traditional political establishments that concentrated too much power in one place, such as government and business.

Majoritian Policy Making

Emerges from the interaction of the people with government in order to put into place and carry out the will of the majority

Middle-Class Americans

Families earning under 165,000 pery year

What is the biggest influence on political socialization?


To manage the money supply, Congress created the

Federal Reserve System: the Federal Reserve Board and 12 Federal Reserve Banks

Benchmark Polls:

First type of poll used by a political campaign, often before a potential candidate has declared his or her intentions. Used to measure support for a candidate and gather information about the issues that people care about.

Approval ratings

Gauged by pollsters asking whether the respondent approves, yes or no, of the president's job performance -Some of the highest presidential approval ratings have come when the nation prospered economically or when the country found itself in an international crisis and rallied around the president. -Start high (honeymoon period) Immediately fall -Now hover in the 40%-50% range: very rare to be over 50% approval -Bumps (abrupt increases or decreases) come from crisis or high points

Examples of Civic Institutions:

Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, sports team, volunteering at a hospital

Those who endured the economic hardships of the ________ _______ lived in an era in which many people had a ________ attitude toward government involvement in _______ _______. President Franklin D. Rosevelt's New Deal put people back to work by creating government jobs related to infrastructure (roads, canals, railroads) and even the arts. Social Security provided support for seniors and lifted many members of that age group out of poverty. Through the political socialization process, these events influenced ideology—in this case advancing trust in the government and support for the role of government in providing a social safety net.

Great Depression, favorable, social life

Bradley Effect

Inaccurate polls were skewed by the phenomenon of social desirability bias. Specifically, some voters give inaccurate polling responses for fear that, by stating their true preference, they will open themselves to criticism of racial motivation.

examples of pluralist democracy

Interest groups represent a pluralist approach to policymaking. The interests of the diverse population of the United States, ethnically and ideologically, compete to create public policy that addresses as many group concerns as compromise allows.

A key difference between political ideologies is a set of beliefs about the extent to which the gpvernment should be involved in the economy:

Liberal ideologies favor considerable government involvement in the economy as a way to keep it healthy and proetect the public good. Conservatice ideologies favor less government involvement.

Privacy and Intimacy

Liberals: Believe in individual rights to privacy Conservatives: Believe state laws not federal laws should govern policy

Informational Privacy

Liberals: Favor stricter limits on government surveillance Conservatives: More supportive of government surveillance Both: Concerned over recent data breaches and easy access of government to personal information


Liberals: More supportive of restrictions on religious activity, especially if other rights are being violated Conservatives: Opposed to government interference in the practice of religion


Liberals: Support the free- public education for all approach Conservatives: Support school choice and school voucher programs

On foreign policy Millennials:

Millennials' frequent interactions with people not exactly like them and at great distances have led them to be more willing to promote cooperation over the use of force compared with other generations

Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Oversee the collection process of taxes

The impressionable-age hypothesis

People forge most of their political attitudes during the critical period between ages 14 and 24

Self-centered individualism

Places the individual's interest above the group's interest and wants little interference from the government

As people move into the next stages of life, including marriage and family, their priorities might shift to other issues related to a stable economy and to schools their children might attend


If the reserve requirement declines from $16 on hand for every $100 it loans out to $12 on hand per $100, the bank will be encouraged to loan out more. If the reserve requirement rises, the interest rates will also rise.


Liberals have a positive view of organized labor and conservatives do not


On some matters related to education and religion, conservatives want less government intrusion than liberals. For example, many parents choose to send their children to private schools, which are often associated with a religious denomination. However, they still must pay local taxes that support the public schools. A number of states provide vouchers—diversions of public funds—to these families to defray the costs of these private schools. Conservatives argue that the freedom to choose the educational environment and curriculum of their children is fundamental. They also argue that private schools create competition for public schools which provides an incentive for public schools to improve to keep their students. This free market approach to education is very different from the free public education value cherished by liberals, who worry that funds diverted from public schools will weaken an already challenged system. Conservatives are likewise more opposed to government interference in the practice of their religious beliefs, even when that practice may clash with federal nondiscrimination law. For example, some businesses that provide services for weddings, such as caterers and bakeries, have refused to work with same-sex couples on the grounds that doing so violates their religious beliefs. They do not deny service to same-sex couples on non-wedding related items—only those that support same-sex marriage. The Supreme Court narrowly ruled in Masterpiece Cake Shop v. Colorado Rights Commission (2017) on First Amendment grounds that the state could not compel a merchant to serve homosexual customers preparing for a same-sex wedding.


People who believe in more regulation on industry, stronger gun control, and the value of diversity are generally seen as liberal. But when the government acts to establish these goals, Jefferson might say, it is not necessarily acting liberally in relation to the rights of the people.


The Democratic Party, though redefined as "liberal" economically in the New Deal era, still held somewhat conservative views and dominated in the South into the 1970s and 1980s. As the party took on more liberal social views, supporting the right to abortion, same-sex marriage, and affirmative action, followers of Roosevelt and their children have shifted to the Republican Party.


The working-class southerner may side with the Democratic Party on economic issues such as worker pay and employee benefits, but these same working class voters want tighter immigration enforcement, and they tend to vote with traditional values in mind


Two schools of thought prevail on how Millennials view the September 11 attacks. One is that the attack on U.S. soil calls for aggressive homeland security and counterterrorism measures. Events that threaten national security have led Millennials to patriotism and trust in government, although in smaller percentages than older groups. Another point of view is that the event should serve as a wake-up call that the United States should be less involved in the Middle East. Some studies report that 53 percent of Millennials believe the United States ultimately provoked the attacks.


Two types of social environemnts

Religious Institutions, Civiv Institutions

Traditional Christian voters, family values groups, and others who oppose abortion and same-sex marriage and support prayer in school have adopted the conservative label and have aligned themselves with the ________. However, policies that restrict abortion, censor controversial material in books or magazines, or seek to more tightly define marriage actually require more, not less, law and regulation. For supporters of these policies, then, the conservative label is not necessarily accurate.


_____________ were once the party that used the __________ __________ to _______ enslaved people, to ______ railroads, and to create _________ ________ transformed during various eras in the nation's history also. Republicans came to desire less ________________ ___________ in business, __________ __________ defining federalism, and a ____________ to assure __________ in hiring and college ____________.

Republicans, federal government, free, build, state colleges, less government involvement, strong lines, blindness, equality, admissions

Enlightened Self-Interest

Sacrifices some individual freedom for the greater good and expects the government to help promote the public good Individuals can be in tension with other social values Americans share such as respect for the common good and protection of the public interest

On voting, the silent generation:

Seniors are most reliable voters; the retired and elderly show up consistently to vote in the highest percentages

Conservative ideologies favor which economic theory?

Supply-side theory with its limits on government regulation and reduced taxation


The belief in the fundamental worth of and importance of the individual -It is rooted in the enlightenment philosophy that helped shape American government in which "inalienable rights" of individuals precede government--they are not bestowed by government. -Individual liberties are enshrined in and protected by the Bill of Rights -The value that encourages people to pursue their own best interest

Who favors free trade?

The business community, manufacturing firms, and economic conservatives

Equal Opportunity

The condition in which people, although not guaranteed equal rewards, expect to have comparable chances to compete for those rewards

Public Policy

The domestic, economic, social, and foreign policies on which our society is based


The health insurance program for seniors managed by the government-- to include everyone, paid for in part by a tax increase for the wealthiest citizens

Fiscal policy

The part of economic policy that is concerned with government spending and taxation

Rule of Law

The principle of a government that established laws that apply equally to all members of society and prevents the rule and whims of leaders who see themselves as above the law -The President's oath, as required in Article II, Section 1, Clause 8-- assures that even the president must obey and protect the laws of the nation


The process of an ever-expanding and increasingly interactive world economy

The way to determine sampling error is to measure the results in two or more polls

The same basic poll with two similar samples revealed that 55 percent of the first sample opposed a particular congressional bill, while 58 percent of the second sample opposed the law. This poll has a sampling error of 3 percent. A margin of error of plus-or-minus 4 percent or less is usually considered satisfactory.

Political Culture

The set of attitudes that shape political behavior Cornerstones of Political Culture in America (shared values by everyone): -Individualism -Equal Opportunity -Free Enterprise -The Rule of Law -Limited Government

Polls lead to "horse race" journalism:

The tendency of the media to cover campaigns by emphasizing how candidates stand in the polls instead of where they stand on the issues.

Lifecycle Effects

The variety of physical, social, and psychological changes that people go through as they age

Keynesian economics

Theory based on the principles of John Maynard Keynes, stating that government spending should increase during business slumps and be curbed during booms. When demand is too low, the government should put more money into the economy by reducing taxes and/or increasing government spending, even if doing so requires borrowing money. If demand is too high, the government should take money out of the economy by taxing more (taking wealth out of citizens' pockets) and/or spending less

Wedge Issues

Used by political groups in strategic ways to gather support for an issue, especially among those who have yet to develop strong opinions. Sharply divide the public --Both sides feel they are right: no room for acceptance of competing ideas

Public Opinion Polls:

Used by pollsters to gauge attitudes on issues or support for candidates in an election in a cross-section population


Voters who generally oppose government intervention or regulation: -High regard for civil liberties -Oppose censorship -Want lower taxes -Dislike government-imposed morality -Found in both Republican and Democratic parties -Conservative on economic issues: government spending, raising the minimum wage -Liberal on moral or social issues -Pro-choice -LGBTQ rights

Non Response Bias

When those elected for a sample chose to not participate in a poll or survey, and end up changing the outcome

___________ entrance into the workforce to help industrial output of needed war materials redefined the _____ of women in society and helped shape political attitudes about _______

Women's, role, gender

Variety of physical, social and psychological changes people go through as they age:

Young: college affordability Middle Aged: stable economy Seniors: Healthcare, social security

_________ people have less ________ views than ________ people. People aged ______ are frequently aligned with their ______.

Younger, consistent, older, 18-24, parents


a lack of opinion on an issue, or an opinion so weakly held that it does not enter into a person's calculations about voting or taking some other political action, even though the person may express an opinion to a pollster

Keynesian economcis also recogizes a multiplier effect:

a mechanism by which an increase in spending results in an econimic growth greater than the amount of spending. That is, output increases by a mutiple of the original change in spending that caused it.

Random-digit dialing

a method used by pollsters to make telephone polling more reliable and efficient in which a computer randomly calls possible numbers in a given area until enough people respond to establish a representative sample

Trade Balance (surplus)

a nation that exports more than it imports

sampling error (margin of error)

a statistical calculation of the difference in results between a poll of a randomly drawn sample and a poll of the entire population

Sin taxes

a tax on items considered undesirable or harmful, such as alcohol, gambling, or tobacco.

Increased _______ to ________ and resources has _________ relative ___________ influence. And, roughly _____ of children ___________ their parent's _________ affiliation or values

access, information, reduced, parental, 1/3, misperceived, political

When researchers examine voters with ________ degrees—people with master's and doctoral degrees— they find they more frequently vote ________ and hold more liberal attitudes. The highest percentage of people with advanced degrees (46.1%) consider themselves ______.

advanced, Democratic, moderates

People who are adversely affected by the economy will vote _____ members of the ______ party

against, incumbent


all people in the poll

People are more honest with the ____________ of a paper questionnaire than a live telephone call


Kennedy's ________ was one of an unfortunate number of assassinations during the 1960s: presidential candidate and brother Robert Kennedy and civil rights leaders Medgar Evers, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King Jr.. These assassinations were in the same decade known for ________--of racial segregation and discrimination, of the United States' involvement in the conflict in Vietnam, and the draft of young men to defend the interests of the country in Vietnam

assassination, protests,

Proper Sampling techniques

assure an accurate poll with a random and fair representation of the population

People who attend church are more likely to _______ or _________ in politics in other ways than those who don't attend church

attend, vote, participate

How much a dollar is worth depends on how many printed dollars are ______ and how much people both in the United States and around the world _____ those dollars

available, want

Pollsters phrase survey questions to:

avoid skewing the results, wording should be objective and not emotionally charged, question order can impact the results

Social Environemnts

beyond family and schools also influence political socialization

The 12 Federal Reserve banks serve as the _______ for money traveling from the government printing press to the commercial _____ in your hometown. The U.S. government loans these printed dollars to the commercial banks and charges ______.

channel, banks, interest

People from Asian countries, for example, tend to put the needs of the community above individual needs: --For this reason, these cultures are called ________, while the culture of the United States is called ________. Collectivistic values have had an influence on American culture, especially in the workplace, where collaboration, a collectivistic ideal, has been shown to lead to better results than those of individuals working in isolation.

collectivistic, individualistic

Social ________ is no doubt a factor in influencing individual's thinking, as people want ___________ by others in the group. "Self-conscious emotions encourage individuals to _______ ______ of groups with which they closely _______."

conformity, acceptance, adopt, norms, identify

The term _______ describes those who believe in following tradition and having reverence for authority


The South is more influenced by

conservative Christian values than are the Northeast and West

Social security Act

created a tax on workers and employers. That money provided monthly pensions for retired people.

In general, U.S. influence in the world is seen as "___________"— promoting the ___________ of ____________. The more people in other countries are exposed to the United States' political culture, the more they may wish to have a democratic political culture themselves.

democratizing, principles, democracy

Citizens in different generations can learn ________ lessons from the ______ event

different, same

The United States is the ________ economic power affecting globalization, with U.S. ____________ and __________ spread throughout the world which may heighten ___________ between the American _______ and local ________

dominant, businesses, products, tension, values, values

After World War II, the Russians (Soviets at the time) replaced the Axis powers as the new ______, and the United States stood up to ___________ and the Soviet annexation of or influence on vulnerable nations. The Vietnam War was one of the final major efforts that placed large numbers of American GIs on the battlefield to defeat communism.

enemy, totalitarianism,

Random Sample

every single member of the universe must have an equal chance of selection into the sample

Some civic institutions with _________ political views bring _________ people together, while other civic institutions bring together people from a _______ of ___________ and _______ and help them learn how to work out their _________. Both are types influence political socialization: one __________ already held beliefs while the other socializes a person to accept ____________

extreme, like-minded, variety, backgrounds, viewpoints, differences, reinforced, socializes, diversity

World War II brought the nation together against _____, creating a sense of united purpose and a belief in _______ of the government

facism, reliability

The government must figure out a way to ______ the enforcement of new laws. Each new policy requires the _______ branch to _______ it, which means either creating an additional agency to oversee the law or giving more responsibilities to an existing one.

finance, executive, enforce,

Modern-day conservatives often invoke Jefferson and argue that the government should do less and thus allow people more freedom. Many conservatives today call themselves "_______ ________" because they want to see less taxation and less government spending overall

fiscal conservatives

Those who adhere to the free enterprise approach are known as

free-market advocates

The Fed also determines the rates for government bonds, or securities:

government IOUs—and when to sell or purchase these


government services Congress has promised by law to citizens--major contributors to both annual defecits and the overall debt

Monetary Policy

how the government manages the supply and demand of its currency and thus the value of the dollar

Political ______ impact what public _____ will be made

ideologies, policies

The largest share of federal revenue comes from the

income taxes on individuals

Sometimes an economy can grow too fast or too much causing _______. The Fed can raise the _______ rate, ________ the flow of dollars and ultimately placing more national money into the reserve, resulting in a _______ in prices of consumer goods.

inflation, raise, dicount, slowing, drop

Citizens' attitudes toward government and toward one another are ________ by the way they _________ core __________ values.

influenced, interpret, American

In homes where politics is _________ discussed, values may immediately ___________ from parent to child. However, those discussions also ________ for the child how to _______ politics into adulthood, which exposes them to ______ views and information that can cause _______ shifts.

intensely, transfer, model, discuss, varied, ideological

The sample size and margin of error have an

inverse relationship

"Kitchen Table" Politics

issues that concern the average person that might be discussed by the family around the kitchen table

Liberal ideologies favor

keynesian economics

When America was first founded, many believed that a complete and total _____________________ would be most beneficial. However, times have changed. Today, even most ___________________________________ believe in a _____________________ and some controls that keep _______ the ______ we breathe

laissez faire system, beneficial, strict free-market advocates, minimum wage, clean, air

Commercial banks will borrow ________ sums when the _______ rate is lower and ______ their interest rates accordingly in order to loan more money to its customer-borrowers. When banks can offer lower interest rates to consumers, people purchase ______ cars and houses. When more homes or cars are purchased, employment ______ as more car sales associates, realtors, and housing contractors are needed; and ______ is generated for lumber, bricks, rubber, and gasoline.

larger, discount, drop, more, rises, demand

Since the 1930s, the term _____ has usually meant being open to allowing the government to act flexibly and expand beyond established constraints


In the Northeast,

liberal democrats dominate and more liberal policies prevail

In the early United States, a "______" government was one that did _______.

liberal, little

When ______ have been in charge of drafting _______ laws, Congress has created ________ to encourage people to purchase _____________ cars, appliances, solar panels, doors, and windows for their homes in order to protect the enviornment.

liberals, tax, incentives, energy-efficient

Most people have three desores for government finances:

lower taxes, no national debt, and enhanced government services

Republicans have enjoyed Southern ____________ in the last several __________ elections, but there are still many southern voters who remain _________, reflecting __________ of party __________ and the ________ of southern _______

majorities, national, Democrat, generations, loyalty, growth, cities

Undecided voters "broke"

make their final decision

The national income tax is a progressive tax:

meaning one's tax rate increases, or progresses, as one's income increases

If a government closely _______ how much currency makes its way into circulation, the value of a dollar will remain relatively ______. __________ tend to prefer _________ policy adjustments to regulate the economy over _______ policies, which they tend to regard as ______ government spending and unnecessary ________.

monitors, high, Conservatives, monetary, fiscal, wasteful, interference

Trade deficit

nation imports more than it exports

Some Conservatives on the far right argue a flat tax:

one that taxes citizens at the same rate


open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.

Governmental laws and policies balancing ______ and ________ are based on the U.S. Constitution and have been _____________ __________ over _________.

order, liberty, interpreted differently, time

Civic Institutions

organizations, networks, associations, groups, and movements that are independent of government and that sometimes come together to advance their common interests

Mandatory spending

paying those who are legally "entitled" to these funds

Generation Z

people born between 1995 and 2010

Done scientifically, ________ is the most reliable way to assess public opinion


Framing a question

posing it in a way that emphasizes a certain perspective

Citizens argue the _______ side of __________ of __________ by pointing to the efforts of an individual that lead to success. Others will agree that the ________ rags-to-riches story is impressive but not always ___________ without some level of government _______ to step in and, by law and policy, _________ the natural forces of society and the market.

practical, equality, opportunity, occasional, possible, support, influence

Mass _______ was a feature of the political culture of the time and influenced the political socialization of both participants and observers as an active democracy engaged members of society over life and death matters


As an economic issue, conservatives tend to view labor as an element of the free market that should not be regulated by the government. Wages, according to this view, should be determined by supply and demand. Liberals, in contrast, view labor as a unique element in the marketplace because of the complexities of human behavior. For example, workers with higher wages tend to be more motivated to do a good job and remain with an employer longer than workers with lower wages, factors not considered in the supply-and-demand model.


Conservatives tend to be more supportive of government surveillance efforts, especially when the nation may be under threat. Liberals tend to favor stricter limits on government surveillance.


Conservatives tend to believe that if the states pass laws in these areas of personal privacy, the federal government does not have authority to overrule them since the right to privacy is not explicit in the Constitution.


Conservatives tend to believe that private companies can do a better job providing social services, including health care, than the government. They push for privatization of Medicare and Medicaid as a way to reduce mandatory spending and to energize the private sector. In their view, privatizing health care would increase competition among providers, which in turn will lead to generally lower health care costs


Critics of "horse race" journalism argue voters need more substance beyond which candidate is in the lead, such as how a candidate views major issues that affect social policy or government spending


In the Progressive Era (1890-1920), the federal government expanded its activity, going outside the confines of traditional government. Then, in the 1930s, Democratic President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) proposed a "liberal" plan for emergency legislation amidst the Great Depression. His New Deal agenda was new and revolutionary. The government took on new responsibilities in ways it never had. The government acted in a liberal way, less constrained by tradition or limitations that guided earlier governments.


Liberals tend to think that the government should not regulate private, personal matters, while many modern social conservatives believe the government needs to protect core values even if doing so intrudes on some individual freedoms.


Many in this generation became politically aware around the time of the Great Recession (2007-2012). Studies show that growing up in an economic recession can greatly shape attitudes toward government redistribution of wealth—welfare and Social Security. Nearly 70 percent of Millennials accept the idea of government intervention in a failing economy, 10 percent more than the next older cohort. Pessimistic views formed during a sudden economic downturn tend to be long-lasting. Such experiences could increase the chances these citizens vote for a Democratic presidential candidate by 15 percent.


Many laborers, however, feared that American firms would outsource their labor requirements, which they have done. The auto industry suffered a major blow over the past decade and the automakers in Detroit closed plants and laid off workers. The free traders responded that the Mexican economy has grown, and Mexico has bought more goods and services from the United States.


President initiates the budget process with the Office of Management and Budget. Congress passes the annual budget in consultation with the Congressional budget office


Reputable pollsters seek ways to avoid bias in sampling techniques and the wording of their questions. However, many polls are funded by political parties and special interest groups who want the poll results to tip a certain way. Interest groups will use those results to move their agendas forward, claiming that the data generated by their polls represent fact. "The numbers don't lie," they might say. Parties may use information to convince the public that their candidate is popular and doing well among all voters or various blocs of voters. Unless you know about the organization doing the polling, the methods it used, the wording of the questions, and the context of the poll, you will not be able to evaluate a poll's veracity, or truthfulness.


Some studies show women and men answer differently to male or female callers. Race, or percieved race, can mater as well


The executive branch has sometimes been influenced by public opinion and at other times has tried to use the power of the "bully pulpit" to shift public opinion.


The judicial branch may be influenced by the general mood of the nation. Different studies have drawn varying conclusions about why.


The legislative branch is sometimes responsive to public opinion polls, especially the House of Representatives where lawmakers face reelection every two years.


The reality is that typically both parties vote to spend more than the federal government takes in, increasing the national debt, while they argue about philosophical differences on parts of the budget that make up a fraction of the total.


Though blogs and the Twitter-verse constitute a massive sample, the people active on social media may have very different views from those who are not active on social media, so the sample is not representative.


Voters do not want to be perceived negatively, so they may give the interviewers a socially acceptable response, or what they perceive as the acceptable response and yet act or vote in a different way


Willingness of people to participate in polls is declining


iberals and conservatives have joined in opposing the National Security Agency's collection of bulk data. Both ideologies support the requirement that requests for information need to be approved by the court authorized under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), but both liberals and conservatives worry about the easy access the government may have to personal information


Public _______ of government ________, regular __________ of the public _______, _______________ law ______________, a free ________, whistleblower ___________, and public ____________ all preserve the ______________ and prevent government officials from _______________ the law for personal gain, corruption, or power

records, spending, auditing, purse, independent, enforcement, press, protections, opinion, rule of law, disregarding

Many times, a state legislature will pass a controversial bill with a marginal vote only to see the citizenry rise up and repeal it through a _______.


Democratic government, a fundamental principle in America is meant to

represent the people's views through elected representatives

The Fed can regulate the amount of cash commercial banks MUST keep in their vaults, known as a

reserve requirement

In the liberal view of social policy, the government should provide a ____ net for people in need and pay for it with ______ taxes.

saftey, higher

Young people spend so much time in front of a ___________—on their computers, phones, and other digital devices—that they spend _______ ______ with their _________ members, and for this reason the __________ of the _________ on political socialization may be ________ somewhat

screen, less time, family, influence, family, weakening

In regards to Free Enterprise, liberals tend to

see government regulation as necessary to assure fairness and safety, and labor union leaders and hourly workers tend to side with the Democratic Party

The Federal Reserve board is the board of _______ "governors" appointed by the president and approved by the Senate for staggered 14-year terms. One governor serves as the chairman for a four-year term. This agency sets _______ policy by buying and selling _____________________, ____________________ required at commercial banks, and setting ________________.

seven, monetary, securities or bonds, regulating money reserves, interest rates

Entitlements include

social secuirity, Medicare, Medicaid, block grants, financial aid, food stamps, money owed on bonds, and the government's many contractual obligations

The largest entitlement program is

social security

Republicans tend toward fiscal conservatism; Democrats tend to spend federal dollars more liberally on ______ programs to help the ________ or to support the ______.

social, disadvantaged, arts

Most Americans are moderate:

somewhere in between liberal and conservative, never fully in one camp or the other Some may think conservatively on some issues and have liberal beliefs on others

Political Action Committee (PAC)

special interest groups, and partisan organizations all have a vested interest in getting a response from a poll that supports their cause.

The rule of law assures ________ and _________: The U.S Constitution ______ a presidential election every four years under the rule of law unlike many dictatorships where most decisions are made by the _______ leader including when or if there will be an election

stability, certainty, dictates, current

In regards to Free Enterprise, conservatives tend to want the government to

stay out of the way and want fewer burdensome regulations on businesses. -For this reason, small business owners and corporate leaders tend to vote with the Republican Party

Challenges to new policies quickly come from those who oppose the law. Opponents often file ______ to _______ the law in the ______.

suit, overturn, courts

Social welfare

support for disadvantaged people to meet their basic needs

Import taxes

taxes of goods entering the country, also known as a tariff. Require foreign firms to raise prices on their goods once they arrive in the United States.

In school, topics come up in classes that may allow a _________ to ________ students _____________, but there is no solid __________ that the _____- experience makes one more ____________________

teacher, influence, politically, evidence, K-12, conservative or liberal


the degree to which an issue is important to a particular individual or group.

The Federal Reserve Board sets the dicount rate:

the interest rate at which the government loans actual dollards to commercial banks

One way to gauge the accuracy of a pre-election poll is to measure "candidate error":

the percentage point difference in the poll's estimate and the candidate's actual share of the vote after the election.

political socialization

the process by which people gain their political attitudes, opinions, and beliefs

When there are too many dollars in circulation, inflation:

the rising proces and devlauation of the dollar occurs

The psychology behind the errors in recent polls is at least in part explained by social desirability bias--

the tendency for respondents and declared voters to tell posters what they think the pollsters want to hear

Internet polling is problematic because

there is no way to assure a random sample

Political and perhaps personal events occurring when a person is 18 are about ________ _____ as likely to influence partisan voting preferences as similar events occurring when a voter is 40 years old Events occurring during this period are 3x as impactful than if after 40: (WWII, Vietnam, 9/11, Covid Pandemic)

three times

Because such large numbers of people attend college and because so many post-college forces influence one's beliefs, how the ___________ experiences tilts voters is _______ to determine precisely. ____________ school, however, is a different story.

undergraduate, difficult, determine, graduate

Social desirability bias affects the predictions of ______ _____.

voter turnout

Manipulating the sample to compensate for this is known as ________ or _________: making sure ____________ groups are properly __________- in a _________.

weighting, stratification, demographic, represented, sample

There is more variation in political attitudes _________ a given generation or age bloc than ________ generations

within, between

Democrats have won a majority of the

younger voters


—a list of potential policy ideas, bills, or plans to improve society.

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