Unit 4 Topic questions

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The XYZ Office Supplies Company sells calculators in bulk at wholesale prices, as well as individually at retail prices. Next year's sales depend on market conditions, but executives use probability to find estimates of sales for the coming year. The following tables are estimates for next year's sales. What profit does XYZ Office Supplies Company expect to make for the next year if the profit from each calculator sold is $20 at wholesale and $30 at retail.


A company sells concrete in batches of 5 cubic yards. The probability distribution of X, the number of cubic yards sold in a single order for concrete from this company, is shown in the table below. The expected value of the probability distribution of X is 19.25 and the standard deviation is 5.76. There is a fixed cost to deliver the concrete. The profit Y, in dollars, for a particular order can be described by Y = 75X - 100. What is the standard deviation of Y?


Of all the fish in a certain river, 20 percent are salmon. Once a year, people can purchase a fishing license that allows them to catch up to 8 fish. Assume each catch is independent. Which of the following represents the probability of needing to catch 8 fish to get the first salmon?


In a certain board game, a player rolls two fair six-sided dice until the player rolls doubles (where the value on each die is the same). The probability of rolling doubles with one roll of two fair six-sided dice is 16. What is the probability that it takes three rolls until the player rolls doubles?


According to a recent survey, 81 percent of adults in a certain state have graduated from high school. If 15 adults from the state are selected at random, what is the probability that 5 of them have not graduated from high school?


According to a recent survey, 31 percent of the residents of a certain state who are age 25 years or older have a bachelor's degree. A random sample of 50 residents of the state, age 25 years or older, will be selected. Let the random variable B represent the number in the sample who have a bachelor's degree. What is the probability that B will equal 40 ?


A recent study reported that 45 percent of adults in the United States now get all their news online. A random sample of 8 adults in the United States will be selected. What is the probability that 6 of the selected adults get all their news online?


A raffle for a charity fund-raiser is being planned. Each of 2000 raffle tickets will be sold for 1. The holders of 32 winning tickets will each win a prize. The table shows the prize values and the number of prizes for each value. The random variable W represents the value of the prize won for a single ticket minus the cost of the ticket. What is the expected value of W?


A player pays $15 to play a game in which a chip is randomly selected from a bag of chips. The bag contains 10 red chips, 4 blue chips, and 6 yellow chips. The player wins $5 if a red chip is selected, $10 if a blue chip is selected, and $20 if a yellow chip is selected. Let the random variable X represent the amount won from the selection of the chip, and let the random variable W represent the total amount won, where W=X−15. What is the mean of W?


A blind taste test will be conducted with 9 volunteers to determine whether people can taste a difference between bottled water and tap water. Each participant will taste the water from two different glasses and then identify which glass he or she thinks contains the tap water. Assuming that people cannot taste a difference between bottled water and tap water, what is the probability that at least 8 of the 9 participants will correctly identify the tap water?


A summer resort rents rowboats to customers but does not allow more than four people to a boat. Each boat is designed to hold no more than 800 pounds. Suppose the distribution of adult males who rent boats, including their clothes and gear, is normal with a mean of 190 pounds and standard deviation of 10 pounds. If the weights of individual passengers are independent, what is the probability that a group of four adult male passengers will exceed the acceptable weight limit of 800 pounds?


The distribution of time needed to complete a certain programming task is approximately normal, with mean 47 minutes and standard deviation 6 minutes. Which of the following is closest to the probability that a randomly chosen task will take less than 34 minutes or more than 60 minutes to complete?


In a certain school, 17 percent of the students are enrolled in a psychology course, 28 percent are enrolled in a foreign language course, and 32 percent are enrolled in either a psychology course or a foreign language course or both. What is the probability that a student chosen at random from this school will be enrolled in both a foreign language course and a psychology course?


The distribution of colors of candies in a bag is as follows. If two candies are randomly drawn from the bag with replacement, what is the probability that they are the same color?


One student from a high school will be selected at random. Let A be the event that the selected student is a student athlete, and let B be the event that the selected student drives to school. If P(A∩B)=0.08 and P(B|A)=0.25, what is the probability that the selected student will be a student athlete?


For flights from a particular airport in January, there is a 30 percent chance of a flight being delayed because of icy weather. If a flight is delayed because of icy weather, there is a 10 percent chance the flight will also be delayed because of a mechanical problem. If a flight is not delayed because of icy weather, there is a 5 percent chance that it will be delayed because of a mechanical problem. If one flight is selected at random from the airport in January, what is the probability that the flight selected will have at least one of the two types of delays?


Mating eagle pairs typically have two baby eagles (called eaglets). When there are two eaglets, the parents always feed the older eaglet until it has had its fill, and then they feed the younger eaglet. This results in an unequal chance of survival for the two eaglets. Suppose that the older eaglet has a 50 percent chance of survival. If the older eaglet survives, the younger eaglet has a 10 percent chance of survival. If the older eaglet does not survive, the younger eaglet has a 30 percent chance of survival. Let X be the number of eaglets that survive. Which of the following tables shows the probability distribution of X ?

0.35, 0.60, 0.05

The probability that a new microwave oven will stop working in less than 2 years is 0.05. The probability that a new microwave oven is damaged during delivery and stops working in less than 2 years is 0.04. The probability that a new microwave oven is damaged during delivery is 0.10. Given that a new microwave oven is damaged during delivery, what is the probability that it stops working in less than 2 years?


The transaction history at an electronic goods store indicates that 21 percent of customers purchase the extended warranty when they buy an eligible item. Suppose customers who buy eligible items are chosen at random, one at a time, until one is found who purchased the extended warranty. Let the random variable x represent the number of customers it takes to find one who purchased the extended warranty. Assume customers' decisions on whether to purchase the extended warranty are independent. Which of the following is closest to the probability that x>3; that is, the probability that it takes more than 3 customers who buy an eligible item to find one who purchased the extended warranty?


A company is considering purchasing the mineral rights to two different mountains. The probability that it will purchase the mineral rights to the first mountain is 0.55. The probability that it will purchase the mineral rights to the second mountain is 0.4. Assuming the decisions to purchase the mineral rights to each mountain are made independently, what is the probability that it will purchase the mineral rights to exactly one of the two mountains?


In a parking lot with 200 cars, 50 cars are white, 30 cars are red, and 20 cars are silver. One car will be selected at random from the parking lot. If each car in the parking has only one color, which of the following cannot be the probability that the selected car will be green?


A student is applying to two different agencies for scholarships. Based on the student's academic record, the probability that the student will be awarded a scholarship from Agency A is 0.55 and the probability that the student will be awarded a scholarship from Agency B is 0.40. Furthermore, if the student is awarded a scholarship from Agency A, the probability that the student will be awarded a scholarship from Agency B is 0.60. What is the probability that the student will be awarded at least one of the two scholarships?


In the 1830s, land surveyors began to survey the land acquired in the Louisiana Purchase. Part of their task was to note the sizes of trees they encountered in their surveying. The table of data below is for bur oak trees measured during the survey. Which of the following differences in cumulative relative frequencies gives the proportion of trees that are 12 inches to 16 inches, inclusive, in diameter?

0.726 - 0.325

At a sporting event, cheerleaders will throw 50 bundled T-shirts into the crowd. The T-shirt sizes consist of 10 small, 15 medium, and the remainder either large or extra large. Suppose Ana catches a T-shirt. What is the probability that she will catch a T-shirt that is not a size small?


An online customer service department estimates that about 15 percent of callers have to wait more than 8 minutes to have their calls answered by a person. The department conducted a simulation of 1,000 trials to estimate the probabilities that a certain number of callers out of the next 10 callers will have to wait more than 8 minutes to have their calls answered. The simulation is shown in the following histogram. Based on the simulation, what is the probability that at most 2 of the next 10 callers will have to wait more than 8 minutes to have their calls answered?


A police officer is using a radar device to check motorists' speeds. Prior to beginning the speed check, the officer estimates that 40 percent of motorists will be driving more than 5 miles per hour over the speed limit. Assuming that the police officer's estimate is correct, what is the probability that among 4 randomly selected motorists, the officer will find at least 1 motorist driving more than 5 miles per hour over the speed limit?


A complex electronic device contains three components, A, B, and C. The probabilities of failure for each component in any one year are 0.01, 0.03, and 0.04, respectively. If any one component fails, the device will fail. If the components fail independently of one another, what is the probability that the device will not fail in one year?


An experiment was conducted in which planks of wood painted red and green were shown to pigeons to investigate a pigeon's ability to select a certain color. Pigeons could accurately select the color of the plank of wood 20 percent of the time. A simulation was conducted in which a trial consisted of a pigeon being shown eight planks of wood and its number of successes being recorded. This process was repeated many times, and the results are shown in the histogram. Based on the results of the simulation, which of the following is closest to the probability that there were at most three successes in a trial?


The distribution of life span, in minutes, for batteries of a certain size, where most life spans cluster around the center of the distribution but with some very low and some very high life spans In Clara's chart, the letters a,b,c,d,and e represent the number of observations falling in each interval. Which of the following list of counts for a,b,c,d,and e, respectively, is the best indicator that the variable can be modeled with a normal approximation?

1, 7, 34, 7, 1

A large store has a customer service department where customers can go to ask for help with store-related issues. According to store records, approximately ¼ of all customers who go to the service department ask for help finding an item. Assume the reason each customer goes to the service department is independent from customer to customer. Based on the approximation, what is the probability that at least 1 of the next 4 customers who go to the service department will ask for help finding an item?


For a certain dog breed, the number of puppies in a litter typically varies from 2 to 6. The following table shows the probability distribution of the random variable N, where N represents the number of puppies in a litter. Also shown are the squared deviations, or distances, from the expected value of 4.5 for the distribution. What is the variance of the distribution?


At a certain bakery, the price of each doughnut is $1.50. Let the random variable D represent the number of doughnuts a typical customer purchases each day. The expected value and variance of the probability distribution of D are 2.6 doughnuts and 3.6 (doughnuts) 2, respectively. Let the random variable P represent the price of the doughnuts that a typical customer purchases each day. Which of the following is the standard deviation, in dollars, of the probability distribution of P?

1.5 root 3.6

At a large regional collegiate women's swim meet, an official records the time it takes each swimmer to swim 100 meters for all swimmers who compete in only one stroke category. The following table shows the mean times and corresponding standard deviations for the collegiate women at the swim meet for each of the four stroke categories. For each of the 4 stroke categories, consider a random variable representing the time of a randomly selected swimmer in that category. What is the standard deviation of the sum of the 4 random variables?

1.67 seconds

The following table shows the probability distribution for the number of books a student typically buys at the annual book fair held at an elementary school. Let the random variable B represent the number of books a student buys at the next book fair. What is the expected value of B ?


A company ships gift baskets that contain apples and pears. The distributions of weight for the apples, the pears, and the baskets are each approximately normal. The mean and standard deviation for each distribution is shown in the table below. The weights of the items are assumed to be independent. Let the random variable W represent the total weight of 4 apples, 6 pears, and 1 basket. Which of the following is closest to the standard deviation of W ?

1.97 ounces

A middle school chess club has 5 members: Adam, Bradley, Carol, Dave, and Ella. Two students from the club will be selected at random to participate in the county chess tournament. What is the probability that Adam and Ella will be selected?


Ten percent of all Dynamite Mints candies are orange and 45 percent of all Holiday Mints candies are orange. Two independent random samples, each of size 25, are selected - one from Dynamite Mints candies and the other from Holiday Mints candies. The total number of orange candies in the two samples is observed. What are the expected total number of orange candies and the standard deviation for the total number of orange candies, respectively, in the two samples?

13.75 and 2.905

Ninety percent of the people who have a particular disease will have a positive result on a given diagnostic test. Ninety percent of the people who do not have the disease will have a negative result on this test. If 5 percent of a certain population has the disease, what percent of that population would test positive for the disease?


According to a survey about how workers get to work in Wyoming, 77 percent of workers get to work by driving alone, 11 percent get to work by carpooling, 4 percent get to work by walking, and 8 percent get to work by other means of transportation. Suppose a sample of 200 Wyoming workers is selected at random. Let the random variable D represent the number of workers in the sample who get to work by driving alone. What is the expected value of D ?


A recent report indicated that 22 percent of the households in a certain community speak a language other than English at home. A reporter will randomly select a household from the community until the first household that speaks a language other than English at home is selected. Let random variable Q represent the number of attempts needed until the first household that speaks a language other than English at home is selected. The random variable Q has a geometric distribution with p=0.22. Which of the following is closest to the variance of the random variable?


A mathematics competition uses the following scoring procedure to discourage students from guessing (choosing an answer randomly) on the multiple-choice questions. For each correct response, the score is 7. For each question left unanswered, the score is 2. For each incorrect response, the score is 0. If there are 5 choices for each question, what is the minimum number of choices that the student must eliminate before it is advantageous to guess among the rest?


According to a recent survey, 47 percent of the people living in a certain region carry a certain genetic trait. People from the region will be selected at random one at a time until someone is found who carries the genetic trait. Let the random variable G represent the number of people selected to find one person who carries the genetic trait. On average, how many people from the region will need to be selected to find one person who carries the genetic trait?


Let X represent the number on the face that lands up when a fair six-sided number cube is tossed. The expected value of X is 3.5, and the standard deviation of X is approximately 1.708. Two fair six-sided number cubes will be tossed, and the numbers appearing on the faces that land up will be added. Which of the following values is closest to the standard deviation of the resulting sum?


Data were collected on the ages, in years, of the men and women enrolled in a large sociology course. Let the random variables M and W represent the ages of the men and women, respectively. The distribution of M has mean 20.7 years and standard deviation 1.73 years. The distribution of W has mean 20.2 years and standard deviation 1.60 years. Of all of those enrolled in the course, 54 percent are men and 46 percent are women. What is the mean age of the combined distribution of both men and women in the course?

20.47 years

A machine is used to fill bags with a popular brand of trail mix. The machine is calibrated so the distribution of the weights of the bags of trail mix is normal, with mean 240 grams and standard deviation 3 grams. Of the following, which is the least weight of a bag in the top 5 percent of the distribution?

246 grams

Students at a local elementary school were shown a painting and asked which emotion—joy, happiness, love, or anger—they felt by looking at the painting. The students were classified by their age. The following table summarizes the responses of the students by age-group. One student from the school will be selected at random. What is the probability that the student is in the age-group of 6 to 8 years given that the selected student responded joy?


A box contains 10 tags, numbered 1 through 10, with a different number on each tag. A second box contains 8 tags, numbered 20 through 27, with a different number on each tag. One tag is drawn at random from each box. What is the expected value of the sum of the numbers on the two selected tags?


The random variable W has a geometric distribution with p=0.25. Approximately how far do the values of W typically vary, on average, from the mean of the distribution?


The probability that a particular electrical component operates successfully is 3/4. An electrical system consists of three such components that operate independently. The system will function successfully if at least one of the three components operates successfully. What is the probability that the system will function successfully?


The seniors at three high schools were surveyed about their plans after graduation. The following table shows the responses, classified by high school. One senior from the high schools will be selected at random. What is the probability that the senior selected will not be from High School B given that the senior responded with a choice other than college?


A magazine has 1,620,000 subscribers, of whom 640,000 are women and 980,000 are men. Thirty percent of the women read the advertisements in the magazine and 50 percent of the men read the advertisements in the magazine. A random sample of 100 subscribers is selected. What is the expected number of subscribers in the sample who read the advertisements?


According to 2015 census data, 42.7 percent of Colorado residents were born in Colorado. If a sample of 250 Colorado residents is selected at random, what is the standard deviation of the number of residents in the sample who were born in Colorado?


Ali surveyed 200 students at a school and recorded the eye color and the gender of each student. Of the 80 male students who were surveyed, 60 had brown eyes. If eye color and gender are independent, how many female students surveyed would be expected to have brown eyes?


A manufacturer makes lightbulbs and claims that their reliability is 98 percent. Reliability is defined to be the proportion of nondefective items that are produced over the long term. If the company's claim is correct, what is the expected number of nondefective lightbulbs in a random sample of 1,000 bulbs?


In a certain game, a fair die is rolled and a player gains 20 points if the die shows a "6." If the die does not show a "6," the player loses 3 points. If the die were to be rolled 100 times, what would be the expected total gain or loss for the player?

A gain of about 83 points

A fair coin is flipped 10 times and the number of heads is counted. This procedure of 10 coin flips is repeated 100 times and the results are placed in a frequency table. Which of the frequency tables below is most likely to contain the results from these 100 trials?


For a roll of a fair die, each of the outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 is equally likely. A red die and a green die are rolled simultaneously, and the difference of the outcomes (red - green) is computed. This is repeated for a total of 500 rolls of the pair of dice. Which of the following graphs best represents the most reasonable distribution of the differences?

C = -6 to 6 and is a normal bell

Which of the following graphs represents a binomial distribution with n = 20 and p = 0.25?

C to the left

A store owner reports that the probability that a customer who purchases a lawn mower will also purchase an extended warranty is 0.68.

For all customers who purchase a lawn mower, 68% will also purchase an extended warranty.

In a certain region, 94 percent of the people have a certain characteristic in their blood. Suppose a group of 45 people from the region are selected at random. Let the random variable B represent the number of people in the sample without the characteristic. Random variable B follows a binomial distribution with a mean of 2.7 people. Which of the following is the best interpretation of the mean?

For all groups of 45 people, the average number of people without the characteristic is 2.7.

A company that ships crystal bowls claims that bowls arrive undamaged in 95 percent of the shipments. Let the random variable G represent the number of shipments with undamaged bowls in 25 randomly selected shipments. Random variable G follows a binomial distribution with a mean of 23.75 shipments and a standard deviation of approximately 1.09 shipments. Which of the following is the best interpretation of the mean?

For all possible shipments of size 25, the average number of undamaged shipments is equal to 23.75.

A fair die with its faces numbered from 1 to 6 will be rolled. Which of the following is the best interpretation of the probability that the number landing face up will be less than 3 ?

For many rolls of the die, the long-run relative frequency of a number less than 3 landing face up is 1/3.

In which of the following should the random variable X not be modeled with a geometric distribution?

In a bag of 30 different colored candies, about 20% are red. One candy will be selected one at a time without replacement, and its color will be recorded. Let X represent the number of candies selected before red is selected.

Let S represent the number of randomly selected adults in a community surveyed to find someone with a certain genetic trait. The random variable S follows a geometric distribution with mean 4.66. Which of the following is a correct interpretation of the mean?

In repeated sampling from the distribution of S, the average of the values will approach 4.66.

Mateo plays on his school basketball team. From past history, he knows that his probability of making a basket on a free throw is 0.8. Suppose he wants to create a simulation using random numbers to estimate the probability of making at least 3 baskets on his next 5 free throw attempts. Which of the following assignments of the digits 0 to 9 could be used for the simulation?

Let the digits from 0 to 7 represent making a basket and the digits 8 and 9 represent not making a basket.

The distribution of random variable R has mean 10 and standard deviation 4. The distribution of random variable S has mean 7 and standard deviation 3. If R and S are independent, what are the mean and standard deviation of the distribution of R−S ?

Mean 3 and standard deviation 5

The probability that a randomly selected visitor to a certain website will be asked to participate in an online survey is 0.40. Avery claims that for the next 5 visitors to the site, 2 will be asked to participate in the survey.

No, because 0.40 represents probability in the long run over many visits to the site.

A high school science teacher has 78 students. Of those students, 35 are in the band and 32 are on a sports team. There are 16 students who are not in the band or on a sports team. One student from the 78 students will be selected at random. Let event B represent the event of selecting a student in the band, and let event S represent the event of selecting a student on a sports team. Are B and S mutually exclusive events?

No, because P(B∩S)=5/78.

For a school fund-raiser, 600 raffle tickets were sold by students at the school, of which 88 were sold by one student, Audrey. Of the 600 tickets sold, 30 were randomly selected to receive prizes, and 7 of the 30 tickets selected were tickets sold by Audrey. To investigate how likely it was by chance alone that at least 7 of the 30 selected tickets could have been sold by Audrey, students in a statistics class ran a simulation. One trial of the simulation is described by the following steps. Step 1: From 600 chips, assign 88 red and the rest blue. Step 2: Select 30 chips at random without replacement. Step 3: Record the number of red chips in the selection of 30. The results of 1,000 trials of the simulation are shown in the histogram.

No, because the simulation suggests that Audrey selling at least 7 of 30 selected tickets would occur about 13.8% of the time.

Let random variable U represent the field goal percentage (percentage of shots made) for players in a basketball league. The following table shows the probability distribution of the random variable U. Fatima claims that the distribution of U is uniform with a median of 0.4 field goal percentage. Is Fatima's claim supported by the table?

No, the distribution is skewed to the right with a median of 0.4 field goal percentage.

Let random variable Y represent the number of interviews conducted for job openings at a certain company. The following table shows the cumulative probability distribution of the discrete random variable Y. Khaleed claims that the distribution of Y is skewed to the left with mean equal to 8 interviews. Is Khaleed's claim correct?

No, the distribution is uniform with mean equal to 8 interviews.

According to a report for veterinarians in the United States, 36.5 percent of households in the United States own dogs and 30.4 percent of households in the United States own cats. If one household in the United States is selected at random, what is the probability that the selected household will own a dog or a cat?

Not enough information is given to determine the probability.

Let random variable R represent the the number of visitors to a certain museum during a given day. The following table shows the probability distribution of the random variable. Which of the following claims about the distribution of random variable R is best supported by the histogram?

On a given day, it is equally likely for the museum to have less than 300 visitors as it is to have more than 300 visitors.

The quality control manager at a factory records the number of equipment breakdowns each day. Let the random variable Y represent the number of breakdowns in one day. The standard deviation of Y is 0.28. Which of the following is the best interpretation of the standard deviation?

On average, the number of breakdowns per day varies from the mean by about 0.28.

Let the random variable Q represent the number of students who go to a certain teacher's office hour each day. The standard deviation of Q is 2.2. Which of the following is the best interpretation of the standard deviation?

On average, the number of students going to an office hour varies from the mean by about 2.2 students.

For which of the following probability assignments are events A and B independent?

P(A∩Bc)=0.1, P(A∩B)=0.1, and P(Ac∩B)=0.4.

The continuous random variable N has a normal distribution with mean 7.5 and standard deviation 2.5. For which of the following is the probability equal to 0 ?


The table shows data that were collected from people who attended a certain high school basketball game and indicates the team each person rooted for and whether each of these people purchased food during the game. A person who attended the game will be selected at random. Which of the following correctly interprets mutually exclusive events represented by the table?

Rooting for the home team and rooting for the away team

Data will be collected on the following variables. Which variable is most likely to be approximated by a normal model?

The distribution of life span, in minutes, for batteries of a certain size, where most life spans cluster around the center of the distribution but with some very low and some very high life spans

Joslyn performed an experiment using a die with its faces numbered from 1 to 6. She rolled the die and recorded whether the 5 landed face up. She repeated the process many times and kept a cumulative record of the total number of rolls and the total number of 5s landing face up. The following table shows part of her record. Suppose Joslyn could roll the die 10,000 times and keep a record of the total number of 5s landing face up in the 10,000 rolls. What would such a record illustrate?

The law of large numbers

Data were collected on the number of days per week that members visit a certain fitness center. The values varied from 0 to 7, and a distribution of relative frequencies for the values was created. Let the random variable X represent the number of days per week that a member visits. The mean of X is 3.12. Which of the following statements is the best interpretation of the mean?

The long-run average resulting from repeated sampling of members of the fitness center will approach 3.12 days per week.

At a certain company, loan agents are paid based on the number of loans they close in a day. Based on company records, the number of loans X that a randomly selected loan agent closes on a randomly selected day has the probability distribution below. At the company, the daily salary of a loan agent is $150 plus $50 per loan closed. Let Y represent the amount of money made by a randomly selected loan agent on a randomly selected day. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

The mean daily salary is greater than $350 per day.

In 2014, 85 percent of households in the United States had a computer. For a randomly selected sample of 200 households in 2014, let the random variable C represent the number of households in the sample that had a computer. What are the mean and standard deviation of C ?

The mean is 170 households, and the standard deviation is 5.05 households.

The random variable X is normally distributed with mean 5 and standard deviation 25. The random variable Y is defined by Y = 2 + 4X. What are the mean and the standard deviation of Y ?

The mean is 22 and the standard deviation is 100.

The random variable X has mean 12 and standard deviation 3. The random variable W is defined as W=7+2X. What are the mean and standard deviation of W?

The mean is 31, and the standard deviation is 6.

If a probability distribution is symmetric, which of the following statements must be true?

The mean of the distribution is equal to the median of the distribution.

A certain factory that manufactures office chairs has a quality control process to identify defective chairs. The binomial random variable D represents the number of chairs in a sample of chairs that are defective. The mean of D is 10 chairs and the standard deviation is 3 chairs. Based on the distribution of D, which of the following would be an accurate interpretation of the value 0.1 ?

The probability of identifying a defective chair

The following table shows the classification of all 51 dogs from an animal shelter by whether the dogs lived mostly outdoors or mostly indoors before coming to the shelter and whether they tested positive or negative for a certain skin condition. One dog from the animal shelter will be selected at random. Based on the table, which of the following statements is correct?

The probability of selecting a dog that tested positive given that the dog lived mostly outdoors is less than the probability of selecting a dog that tested positive given that the dog lived mostly indoors.

A nonprofit organization plans to hold a raffle to raise funds for its operations. A total of 1,000 raffle tickets will be sold for $1.00 each. After all the tickets are sold, one ticket will be selected at random and its owner will receive $50.00. The expected value for the net gain for each ticket is -$0.95. What is the meaning of the expected value in this context?

The ticket owners lose an average of $0.95 per raffle ticket.

A carnival game allows the player a choice of simultaneously rolling two, four, six, eight, or ten fair dice. Each die has six faces numbered 1 through 6, respectively. After the player rolls the dice, the numbers that appear on the faces that land up are recorded. The player wins if the greatest number recorded is 1 or 2. How many dice should the player choose to roll to maximize the chance of winning?


A popular computer card game keeps track of the number of games played and the number of games won on that computer. The cards are shuffled before each game, so the outcome of the game is independent from one game to the next and is based on the skill of the player. Let X represent the number of games that have been won out of 100 games. Under which of the following situations would X be a binomial random variable?

Two players of equal skill level each played one game a day for 50 days and their skill level did not change from day to day.

Let W represent the number of attempted experiments to get one experiment that is not successful.

Values of W typically vary from 4 by about 3.5 attempted experiments, on average.

As a promotion, the first 50 customers who entered a certain store at a mall were asked to choose from one of two discounts. The first discount choice was 20% off all purchases made that day. The second discount choice was 10% off all purchases for the week. Of those who received the discounts, 28 chose the first discount and 22 chose the second discount. One customer will be selected at random from those who received a discount. Let F represent the event that the selected person chose the first discount, and let S represent the event that the selected person chose the second discount. Are F and S mutually exclusive events?

Yes, because P(F∩S)=0.

The mean and standard deviation of the sample data collected on continuous variable x are −0.25 and 0.03, respectively. The following table shows the relative frequencies of the data in the given intervals. Based on the table, do the data support the use of a normal model to approximate population characteristics?

Yes, because the distribution of relative frequencies is very close to the empirical rule for normal models.

The probability of winning a certain game is 0.5. If at least 70 percent of the games in a series of n games are won, the player wins a prize. If the possible choices for n are n=10, n=20, and n=100, which value of n should the player choose in order to maximize the probability of winning a prize?

n=10 only

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