Unit 6

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A philosophical, ethical and religious movement in the antebellum period that was related to Romanticism was what?

Rapid growth of the Catholic population

Among the fears that fed the anti- foreign or nativist movement of the period of 1840s-1850s was what?

In the divinity of man and nature

As a movement, what did the New England Transcendentalists believe?

The Molly Maguires

Attempting to deal with prejudice and poverty, the Irish immigrants organized what secret union for Irish Pennsylvania coal miner?

The Pony Express and clipper ships

Both speedy service and a brief existence characterized with activities?


Catherine Beecher urged women in the 1840s to enter what job category?

Improving conditions in prisons and mental institutions.

Dorothea Lynda Dix is important to the history of American reform movements primarily because of her work in what?

Samuel Slater

He textile industry and cloth production as an industrial activity were introduced into the U.S. through the machinery plans brought here by what individual?

interchangeable parts

In addition to the cotton gin , Eli Whitney's major contribution to America's technology was what?


In the 19th Century what was Oliver Wendell Holmes referring to when he said "if it was thrown into the sea, humans would be better off and the fish would be worse off"?

A dense population, water resources, commercial shipping, and poor agricultural prospects

In the years before the Civil War, New England became the first industrial center of the U.S. because of the presence of what factors?

Sugar cane production increased the most from 1839 to 1859

Of the three main commodity products, Tobacco, Sugar Cane , and Rice in the south between 1839 and 1859, which product increased the most ?


Rural people originally objected to what invention that distributed the environment and has been called "The machine in the Garden" by historian Leo Marx?


The American plunge into the Industrial Revolution in the years before the Civil War was brought about by what industry?


The movement in the antebellum period when scholars lectured on science, religion and politics is called what?

The know nothings

The political party whose platform read "Americans must rule America; and to this end, native-born citizens would be selected for all state, federal or municipal offices of government employmen.." were called what?

"Domestic Feminism", birth control, "cult of domesticity", and child-centered families.

The shrinking size of American families in the 1840s-1850s was related to what factors?

Declaration of Sentiments

The statement "we hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal" is a central feature of what document?

A distinctive American culture developed beyond the reach of "Old world" institutions.

The statement,"Europe stretched to the Alleghenies, America lies beyond" best illustrates what interpretations of the development of the America character?

The National Road that went from Maryland to Illinois.

The word Cumberland is another name for?


Washington Irving and his works such as Rip Van Winkle and the Legend of Sleepy Hollow is the best representative of what literary school?

It linked the Great Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean via the Hudson River, made buffalo a more important trans-shipment port for Western produce than New Orleans, New England farmers were forced off their farms because of the competitions the canal brought, and it bound the upper Mississippi valley to the East in commercial union.

What best characterizes the Erie Canal?

Bloomer: popularized trousers on women Stone: kept her maiden name after marriage Lyon: founder of the first female seminary that is now Mt. Holyoke College Beecher: responsible for feminizing the teaching profession Stanton: American suffragist and abolitionist

What characteristics best applies to each: Amelia Bloomer, Lucy Stone, Mary Lyon, Catherine Beecher and Elizabeth Cady Stanton?

They possessed better means, pushed inland to purchase small farms in the Midwest, introduced Kindergartens, Christmas trees, and beer to American culture, often settled in German colonies, maintained the German Language and customs, they were strong supporters of the abolitionist movement.

What facts are true concerning German immigrants of 1850s?

Most were under the age of 35, frequently young sons sent to earn the fares of the older family members who would follow, settled in Northeastern cities moving from an agricultural to an urban environment, were resented for their catholic faith, their dedication to the parish church and the education of their children in parochial schools, and the Irish moved easily and successfully into the Urban political machines that supplied their families with coals, food, and help with the law.

What facts are true regarding Irish Immigrants of the 1840s and 1850s?

Canal and railroad commerce comprised 40% of the total amount of commerce in monetary value, moving products by navigable rivers and protected in land waterways was the most important part of domestic commerce in both tonnage and dollar amounts, the railroads trailed both canals and coastal waterways in economic importance in 1852, and although canal commerce in tonnage it only exceeded railroad tonnage by 2% In the amount of money earned.

What facts are true regarding domestic commerce in 1852?

They supplied much of the labor for building the canals and railroads, established Catholicism as a mainstream religion in the U.S. became the bulwark of the Democratic Party in the major cities, and they were responsible for politicians "twisting the Lions tail" to get political support from the Irish

What facts are true regarding the Irish immigrants?

Samuel Slater

What individual brought the first textile machines to the U.S. and is called the "Father of Factory System"?

Each characterize the Irish in America.

What is commonality of each: they were often hated by other workers and signs that said "No Irish Need Apply" were common place , New York became the largest Irish city in population in the world , opposition to them was often based more on their Catholicism than their ethnicity, and they became attracted to politics and began to control political machines like Tammany Hall?

Each apply to the Irish as an immigrant group in the U.S.

What is the commonality of each: They came in large numbers in the 1940s because of potato famine, the ancient order of Hibernia society aiding the downtrodden, often the men would come first saving up money to bring their families later and nearly 2 million came to the United States between 1830 and 1860?

Characteristics of the "Loco Foco" movement in the Democratic Party.

What is the commonality of each: it differed from mainstream Democrats over questions of banking and the currency, broke with Jackson because they did not feel his banking policy was inflationary, was an urban faction that traced its roots to the Working Men's Party in New York , and the origin of the name came from self igniting friction matches which they used to illuminate a meeting after the Tammany Stalwarts had turned out the gas lights?

Each are characteristics of the communitarian movement New Harmony.

What is the commonality of each: it was founded by English industrialist Robert Owens; was widely publicized in the U.S. including Congress; emphasized the material equality of all of its members; failed after two years of operations?

Each are examples of German influence on American culture.

What is the commonality of each: with the exception of Wisconsin they tended to settle in widely scattered MidWestern rural communities, their political views formed the basis of isolationist sentiment throughout the Midwest, they were strong supporters of public education and introduced kindergarten to the U.S. schools , they mixed well with other Americans and they helped break down the Puritan "blue laws"?

Hudson River School of Painters.

What was the 19th Century school of art featuring landscape paintings called ?

Burned over District.

What was the area in up-state New York where many of the religious communitarian movements originated called?

the Canal Era

What's the commonality of each: The cost of transporting goods from Buffalo to Albany went from $90 a ton to $8 a ton, merchandise was carried on barges pulled by draft animals walking on a tow path, the three states who led way with each having more than 750 miles in canals were New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio?

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