Unit 6: Cities and Urban Land Use(eric souza)

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Definition: The definition of a megalopolis is a large and densely populated city or group of towns that make up an urban complex (Megalopolis) Example:New York City and surrounding areas including Long Island are an example of a megalopolis.


Definition: The definition of a threshold is the entrance or start of something. An example of threshold is the doorway of a house. (threshold) Example:An example of threshold is the transition from high school to college.

Central Business District (CBD)

Definition: The downtown or nucleus of a city where retail stores, offices, and cultural activities are concentrated; building densities are usually quite high; and transportation systems converge. (Central Business District (CBD)) Example:High concentration of offices, banks, financial institutions, and so on


Definition: The growth in population in metropolitan central cores, following a period of absolute or relative decline in population. Central Place. Settlement in which certain products and services are available to customers. Urban Form. (Reurbanization) Example: Philadelphia

World Cities

Definition: The hierarchy of cities from smallest to largest is hamlet, village, town, city, metropolis, and megalopolis (World Cities) Example:The three main World Cities are New York City, London, and Tokyo. Other cities are rated and ranked based on their economic, cultural, and political importance to the areas they serve


Definition: The maximum distance people are willing to travel to use a service. Hi range services are usually located in cities. Rank-Size Rule. A pattern of settlements in a country, such that the nth largest settlement is 1/nth the size of the largest settlement. (range) Example:In the study of urban geography, an agglomeration is an extended town area consisting of the built-up area of a central place and any suburbs linked by continuous urban area. Ex: The "Denver Metro Area" is an agglomeration of Denver and its surrounding suburban towns

mixed-use neighborhoods

Definition: by encompassing areas of a city or town that contain both housing and commercial/retail spaces (mixed-use neighborhoods) Example:In a mixed-use neighborhood, housing and commercial/retail are more seamlessly integrated and economic forces usually determine which businesses will survive

smart growth

Definition: planned economic and community development that attempts to curb urban sprawl and worsening environmental conditions. (smart growth) Example:Plan A involves expanding the town outward into new open space. The developer would buy up farmland to make space for a large housing development on one side of town. ... This plan is an example of "smart growth," a type of urban planning designed to promote better quality of life for everyone.


Definition: relating to a city or town or its governing body (municipal) Example:The definition of a municipality is a local area with its own government, or the government of such an area. An example of a municipality is the government of an incorporated village. "Municipality." YourDictionary.


Definition: the action of annexing something, especially territory. (Annexation) Example:Annexation occurs when one state claims sovereignty over a territory, and that claim is recognized. This makes it different than a formal treaty that transfers territory from one state to another. For example, the United States gained a huge chunk of land in 1803 called Louisiana. However, it wasn't annexed.

boomburbs(not in amsco)

Rapidly growing suburban cities (boomburbs)


Definition: A process of change in the use of a house, from single-family owner to abandonment. Example: Forclosure. Application:Very Important because Filtering affects urban areas. Gentrification. (Filtering) Example:Brewing coffee involves passing hot water through the ground coffee and a filter


Definition: very successful commercially. (Blockbusting) Example:When real estate agents alert the members of a neighborhood that it is "changing" and that they should sell their property.

satellite city

Definition: when an established town near a very large city grows into a city independent of the larger one (satellite city) Example:Piraeus

metacities(not in amsco)

A place with 20 million or more residents. (metacities)


Definition: A "megacity" is a city that has a very large, and growing, population. ... They are characterized by high natural population growth, as well as high rates of immigration. They generally suffer from extreme pollution and poverty and will usually feature widespread slum settlements to house the working masses (Megacities) Example:Tokyo, Japan is a Megacity and is the most populated city in the world, boasting a population of 38 million. ... Jakarta has a population of 31 million. Paris, France is one of the smaller Megacities in the world, but nevertheless it is a Megacity. Paris has a population of 12 million

Multiple Nuclei Model(harris and Ullman)

Definition: A Multiple-Nuclei Model city is a city that does not have one central area, but instead has several nodes that act as regional centers for economic or residential activity within one larger city. (Multiple Nuclei Model(harris and Ullman)) Example:Los Angeles, with its many distinct neighborhoods, is a prototypical example of this type of city

census block

Definition: A census block is the smallest geographic unit used by the United States Census Bureau for tabulation of 100-percent data. The number of blocks in the United States, including Puerto Rico, for the 2010 Census was 11,155,486. Census blocks are grouped into block groups, which are grouped into census tracts (census block) Example:Statistical areas bounded by visible features such as roads, streams, and railroad tracks, and by nonvisible boundaries such as property lines, city, township, school district, county limits and short line-of-sight extensions of roads

Census Tract

Definition: A census tract, census area, census district or meshblock is a geographic region defined for the purpose of taking a census. Sometimes these coincide with the limits of cities, towns or other administrative areas and several tracts commonly exist within a county (Census Tract) Example:A notable example is census tract 202.2 which is most of Delta Township, Eaton County

peripheral model

Definition: A model of North American urban areas consisting of an inner city surrounded by large suburban residential and business areas tied together by a beltway or ring road. Example: Peripheral. Application: Very Important because Peripheral Model affects urban areas. Public Housing. (peripheral model) Example:Our nation's captial is a prime example of the peripheral model in action. Every city has essential functional buildings such as banks, airports, malls, city halls, etc.

Central Place Theory

Definition: A theory that explains the distribution of services, based on the fact that settlements serve as centers of market areas for services; larger settlements are fewer and farther apart than smaller settlements and provide services for a larger number of people who are willing to travel farther. (Central Place Theory) Example: Examples for low order goods and services are: newspaper stalls, groceries, bakeries and post offices. Examples for high order goods and services include jewelry, large shopping malls and arcades. They are supported by a much larger threshold population and demand

central place

Definition: A theory that explains the distribution of services, based on the fact that settlements serve as centers of market areas for services; larger settlements are fewer and farther apart than smaller settlements and provide services for a larger number of people who are willing to travel farther. (central place) Example:Examples for low order goods and services are: newspaper stalls, groceries, bakeries and post offices. Examples for high order goods and services include jewelry, large shopping malls and arcades. They are supported by a much larger threshold population and demand.


Definition: A theory that explains the distribution of services, based on the fact that settlements serve as centers of market areas for services; larger settlements are fewer and farther apart than smaller settlements and provide services for a larger number of people who are willing to travel farther. (settlement) Example: new york

zoning ordinances ordinances

Definition: A zoning ordinance is a written regulation and law that defines how property in specific geographic zones can be used. Zoning ordinances specify whether zones can be used for residential or commercial purposes, and may also regulate lot size, placement, bulk (or density) and the height of structures (zoning ordinances) Example:typically delineate acceptable areas within a town for residential construction, commercial construction, industrial construction and agricultural space. They may also require things like sidewalks, street lights, crosswalks and bridges

Squatter Settlement

Definition: An area within a city in a less developed country in which people illegally establish residences on land they do not own or rent and erect homemade structures. Underclass. (Squatter Settlement) Example: A squatter settlement, due to its inherent "non-legal" status, has services and infrastructure below the "adequate" or minimum levels. Such services are both network and social infrastructure, like water supply, sanitation, electricity, roads and drainage; schools, health centres, market places etc


Definition: An extended urban area, typically consisting of several towns merging with the suburbs of one or more cities (conurbation) Example:One example of a conurbation is the expansive concept of the New York metropolitan area (the Tri-state region) centered on New York City, including 30 counties spread among New York State, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania, with an estimated population of 21,961,994 in 2007.


Definition: An increase in the percentage and in the number of people living in urban settlements. Urban area. a geographical area constituting a city or town. Urbanized area. In the United States, a central city plus its contiguous built-up suburbs. (Urban) Example:Manhattan is an example of an urban environment. The definition of urban is relating to a city or of a city with a population of at least 50,000 people. An example of urban is the nature of Manhattan.

Micropolitan Statistical Area

Definition: An urbanized area of between 10,000 and 50,000 inhabitants, the country in which it is found, and adjacent counties tied to the city. Multiple Nuclei Model. A model of the internal structure of cities in which social groups are arranged around a collection of nodes of activities (Micropolitan Statistical Area) Example:Claremont-Lebanon, NH-VT

Borchert's Model of Urban Evolution

Definition: Borchert's epochs refer to five distinct periods in the history of American urbanization and are also known as Borchert's model of urban evolution. Each epoch is characterized by the impact of a particular transport technology on the creation and differential rates of growth of American cities (Borchert's Model of Urban Evolution) Example:Sail-Wagon Epoch (1790-1830), cities grow near ports and major waterways which are used for transportation

Concentric Zone Model(burgess)

Definition: Burgess' concentric zone model is a description of the process of urban growth that views the city as a series of circular areas or zones, each characterized by a different type of land use that developed from a central core. (Concentric Zone Model(burgess)) Example:Older, Smaller-Area, Compact Cities like London, Chicago... ... Sector Model: Soon after Burgess generalized about the concentric zone form of the city, Homer Hoyt re-cast the concentric ring model

pedestrian cities

Definition: Cities shaped by the distances people can walk. Example: the earliest urban centers. Streetcar Suburbs. Communities that grew up along rail lines, often creating a pinwheel shaped cities. (pedestrian cities) Example:European cities are some of the finest examples of pedestrian friendly living forms. Venice is the best example of this because cars were never allowed to enter the city - the entire city is composed of all pedestrian streets. Venice also has the most complete, most varied and beautiful continuous urban fabric.

Latin American City Model

Definition: Combines elements of Latin American Culture and globalization by combining radial sectors and concentric zones. Includes a thriving CBD with a commercial spine. (Latin American City Model) Example:The Latin American City Model combines elements of Latin American Culture and globalization by combining radial .

primate city

Definition: Explanation: The term "primate city" is used to refer to a city that functions as by far the largest city in the country it inhabits. It may have a population between a third and a half of that of the whole country. (primate city) Example:Classic examples of primate cities include Bangkok in Thailand and Seoul in South Korea.

Sector Model (Hoyt)

Definition: Focuses on residential patterns explaining where the wealthy in a city choose to live. He argued that the city grows outward from the center, so a low-rent area could extend all the way from the CBD to the city's outer edge, creating zones which are shaped like pieces of a pie. (Sector Model (Hoyt)) Example:the electric streetcar allowed low-income areas to extend from the CBD to the outer edge of the city.

Galactic City Model

Definition: Galactic city model is a circular city model that has become popular with post-industrial cities. Galactic model has a commercial and economic central area which is often called the central business district or CBD is at the center of the city (Galactic City Model) Example: The best example of Galactic model is the city of Detroit in the United States of America. An aerial view of the city actually showcases how there is a central business district with high rise building and the urban sprawl that surrounds the central area of the city.

Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)

Definition: In the United States, a central city of at least 50,000 population, the county within which the city is located, and adjacent counties meeting one of several tests indicating a functional connection to central city. (Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)) Example:Some MSAs, such as Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, contain multiple cities with populations exceeding 50,000. The most populous MSA in the country, New York-Newark-Jersey City, spans portions of three adjacent states, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.A

New Urbanism

Definition: New Urbanism is an urban design movement which promotes environmentally friendly habits by creating walkable neighborhoods containing a wide range of housing and job types (New Urbanism) Example:Every city since the dawn of mankind is an example of increasing urbanization, but two examples are 19th-century London and modern-day Zhangzhou.


Definition: Residential communities, located outside of city centers, that are usually relatively homogeneous in terms of population. Urban growth boundary. geographical boundaries placed around a city to limit suburban growth within that city. (suburb) Example:An example of a suburb is a series of gated communities outside of a large city. "Suburb." YourDictionary. LoveToKnow.

residential zones

Definition: Residential zone means an area of single-family or multifamily dwellings where businesses may or may not be conducted in such dwellings. (residential zones) Example:"Residential zone" includes hospitals, nursing homes, and similar institutional facilities

Social area analysis

Definition: Social area analysis essentially involves a statistical procedure to identify from a sometimes quite large database of socio-economic data the most salient underlying variables. (Social area analysis) Example:Social area analysis and factorial ecology have also been quite important in marketing research.


Definition: Sparsely settled places away from the influence of large cities. Live in villages, hamlets on farms, or in other isolated houses. Typically have an agricultural character, with an economy based on logging, mining, petroleum, natural gas or tourism (ecotourism). (Rural) Example:Three generations of the Rogers family have farmed their wheat fields in rural Kansas. Rural means relating to farming or country life. An example of rural is a land of farms

urban sprawl

Definition: Sprawl is often characterized as consisting of low-density development. The exact definition of "low density" is arguable, (urban sprawl) Example:but a common example is that of single family homes on large lots. Buildings usually have fewer stories and are spaced farther apart, separated by lawns, landscaping, roads or parking lots.

suburbanization of business

Definition: Suburbanization is a population shift from central urban areas into suburbs, resulting in the formation of (sub)urban sprawl. As a consequence of the movement of households and businesses out of the city centers, low-density, peripheral urban areas grow. (suburbanization of business) Example:The preponderance of suburban growth is evident in high income world metropolitan areas. For decades, nearly all growth in nearly all cities has been in the suburbs. Some notable examples are London, Toronto, San Francisco, Portland, Tokyo, Zürich, and Seoul.

Colonial CBD (African cities)

Definition: The CBD is dominant; it is divided into a market sector and a modern high-rise sector. (Colonial CBD (African cities)) Example:Often three has CBDs: a remnant of the colonial CBD, an informal and sometimes periodic market zone, and a transitional business center where commerce is conducted from curbside, stalls, or storefronts.

Gravity Model

Definition: The Gravity Model is a model used to estimate the amount of interaction between two cities. It is based on Newton's universal law of gravitation, which measured the attraction of two objects based on their mass and distance (Gravity Model) Example:Well, Los Angeles is so large that it provides a huge gravitational force for El Paso. ... The gravity model can also be used to compare the gravitational attraction between two continents, two countries, two states, two counties, or even two neighborhoods within the same city

Southeast Asian City Model

Definition: The Southeast Asian City Model is similar to the Latin American (Griffin-Ford) City Model in that they each feature high-class residential zones that stem from the center, middle-class residential zones that occur in inner-city areas, and low-income squatter settlements that occur in the periphery. (Southeast Asian City Model)) Example:The Southeast Asian City Model, or McGee Model, was developed in 1967 by Terrance Garry McGee. Southeastern Asian cities are one of the fastest growing cities in the world. Most of them contain the world's tallest buildings and are developing with a high-rise development


Definition: The movement of people to, and the clustering of people in, towns and cities- a major force in every geographic realm today. Also when expanding cities absorb the rural countryside and transforms it into suburbs. Urban Morphology. The physical layout of a city; its physical form and structure (Urbanization) Example:Every city since the dawn of mankind is an example of increasing urbanization, but two examples are 19th-century London and modern-day Zhangzhou


Definition: The process of population movement from within towns and cities to the rural-urban fringe. counter urbanization. Net migration from urban to rural areas in more developed countries. (Suburbanization) Example: Chicago is an example of a U.S. city that has seen vast suburbanization as middle and upper-class residents move to nearby suburbs. Recently in developed countries, sociologists have observed suburbanization and counter urbanization, or movement away from cities.

rank-size rule

Definition: The rank size rule states that the largest city in a given country will have of the population of the largest city in that country. (rank-size rule) Example:The rank size rule states that the largest city in a given country will have of the population of the largest city in that country. If the largest city has a population 1,000,000, and we want to know the population of the fourth largest city, it will have of the population of the largest city


Definition: The small communities lying beyond the suburbs of a city. (Exurbs) Example:Philadelphia

edge cities

Definition: The term "edge city" is a relatively new term in the parlance of American urban geography (edge cities) Example:The city exists on the fringes of a larger city and acts as a regional hub for recreation, business, or other commercial activity for the suburban population of the larger city.

Disamenity Zones

Definition: The very poorest parts of cities that in extreme cases are not connected to regular city services and are controlled by gangs and drug lords. Favelas. Poor slums in the disamenity sectors of many Latin American cities (Disamenity Zones) Example:the very poorest parts of cities that in extreme cases are not even connected to city services (amenities) and are controlled by gangs and drugs (Favellas in Rio). Duck - a building whose form reflects its function.

urban planning

Definition: Urban planning is a technical and political process concerned with the development and design of land use and the built environment, including air, water, and the infrastructure passing into and out of urban areas, such as transportation, communications, and distribution networks (urban planning) Example: Amsterdam, Netherlands

residential density gradient

Definition: Very Important because Council of Government affects urban areas. Density Gradient. Definition: The change in density in an urban area from the center to the periphery. (residential density gradient) Example:The change in density in an urban area from the center to the periphery.

metropolitan area

Definition: Within the United States, an urban area consisting of one or more whole county unites, usually containing several urbanized areas, or suburbs, that all act together as a coherent economic whole. (metropolitan area) Example:Most metropolitan areas are anchored by one major city such as Paris metropolitan area (Paris) and New York metropolitan area (New York City).

Counter urbanization

Definition: a demographic and social process whereby people move from urban areas to rural areas. It first took place as a reaction to inner-city deprivation and overcrowding. Initial studies of counter-urbanization were carried out by human geographer Brian Berry. (Counter urbanization) Example:The main reasons for counter-urbanization are: More jobs in mining, forestry, and other rural-related jobs. More service and manufacturing jobs moving to nonmetropolitan areas since they don't need to be in a central location.

Urban Redlining

Definition: a discriminatory practice by which banks, insurance companies, etc., refuse or limit loans, mortgages, insurance, etc., within specific geographic areas, especially inner-city neighborhoods. (Urban Redlining) Example:While the best known examples of redlining have involved denial of financial services such as banking or insurance, other services such as health care (see also Race and health) or even supermarkets have been denied to residents.

brown fields

Definition: a former industrial or commercial site where future use is affected by real or perceived environmental contamination. (brown fields) Example: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines brownfields as "any land in the United States that is abandoned, idled or under used because redevelopment and/or expansion is complicated by environmental contamination that is either real or perceived." An example is the River District in Portland, Ore.


Definition: a part of a city, especially a slum area, occupied by a minority group or groups. (ghettos) Example:In some cases, the ghetto was a Jewish quarter with a relatively affluent population (for instance the Jewish ghetto in Venice). In other cases, ghettos were places of terrible poverty and during periods of population growth, ghettos (as that of Rome) had narrow streets and tall, crowded houses.

hexagonal hinterlands or market areas

Definition: a term that applies to a surrounding area served by an urban center. That center is the focus of goods and services produced for its hinterland and is its dominant urban influence as well. In the case of a port city, the hinterland also includes the inland area whose trade flows through the port. (hexagonal hinterlands or market areas) Example:Central places (settlements) are located on the plain to provide goods, services, and administrative functions to their hinterlands. Examples of these are hardware shops (goods), dry cleaners (services), and town planning departments (administrative)

food deserts

Definition: an urban area in which it is difficult to buy affordable or good-quality fresh food. (food deserts) Example:The bleakest food deserts are the actual deserts of the American West, in Nevada and Wyoming. City dwellers, particularly those in the biggest, most dense cities tend to live closest to supermarkets and have the best food access


Definition: barridas / barrios / favelas. illegal housing settlements, usually made up of temporary shelters that surround large cities. bid-rent theory / peak land value. the amount of land different land users are prepared to pay for locations at various distances from the city center. (favelas/barrios) Example: Brazils favelas e bairros


Definition: the lowest social stratum in a country or community, consisting of the poor and unemployed (underclass) Example:People who are at the bottom of a society having become victims of poverty trap. This class is largely composed of the young unemployed, long-unemployed, chronically-sick, disabled, old, or single-parent (usually the mother) families.


Definition: the process of renovating and improving a house or district so that it conforms to middle-class taste. (gentrification) Example:Magazines. The Scientist and the Spy: a story of industrial espionage.

eminent domain

Definition: the right of a government or its agent to expropriate private property for public use, with payment of compensation. (eminent domain) Example:Examples of a general public purpose are to build a dam, a highway or a national park.


Definition: when people move from cities to rural areas. Example: farming or camping can draw people to rural areas and away from crowded cities. Satellite City. when an established town grows into an independent city while near an existing city (Exurbanization) Example:Sydney the perimetropolitan region is the area bounded by the furthest extent of commuting to metropolitan jobs. These areas include Dural, Galston, Windsor, Richmond,Hornsby, Terry Hills, Berowa Heights, Picton and Camben

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