Unit 7- Emotional & Behavioral Disorders
IDEA definitions
"Emotional disturbance" "Inability to learn" "must exhibit characteristics to a marked degree
Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders (2000) definitions
"More than temporary, expected responses to stressful events" "Consistently exhibited in two or more settings" Relates behavior to "appropriate age, cultural, or ethnic norms"
Students with emotional or behavioral disorders represent an underidentified population. Currently, fewer than ___% of all pupils in public schools are recognized as having emotional or behavioral disorders
Two widely used classification systems are pertinent to the field of education:
1) clinically derived 2) statistically derived
At least four dimensions of behavior are common to most definitions of emotional or behavioral disorders:
1) frequency 2) intensity 3) duration 4) age appropriateness
Instructional Delivery for EBS students
1) mnemounics 2) self-monitoring strategies 3) content enhancements
Over the years, three initiatives have strengthened the assessment process as it relates to students with emotional or behavioral disorders:
1) person-centered planning 2) strength-based assessment 3) functional behavioral assessment
During the 2011-2012 school year, the peak age for placement of EBS students was ___ years of age
16 years old
Currently, almost ___% of students with emotional or behavioral disorders receive a special education and related services in environments that segregate them from their typical peers for all or part of the school day
A particularly alarming statistic is that approximately ___% of students with emotional or behavioral disorders leave school before graduation—the highest dropout rate among all categories of students with disabilities
Which option is NOT included in the federal definition of emotional disturbance?
A longer than a temporary response to stressful events
_____ strategies typically include a variety of methods and instruments (for example, rating scales, interviews, classroom observations) gathered from multiple sources or informants (the student, teachers, parents, peers). Each strategy has its own unique advantages and disadvantages
Revised Behavior Problem Checklist (six scales)
Conduct disorder Social aggression Attention problems/immaturity Anxiety/withdrawal Psychotic behavior Motor tension excess
______ ______ ______ _______ teach educators how to effectively and proactively address pupils' violent, aggressive, and/or self-injurious behaviors. If the use of verbal mediation strategies in unsuccessful in defusing the acting-out behavior, teachers are also trained in the use of physical restraints and safety techniques.
Crisis prevention and management programs
Language and communication deficits including challenges with expressive, receptive, and pragmatic language, are fairly common among students with
Clinically derived characteristics
Groups behaviors into diagnostic categories and In the past, has focused primarily on adult disorders
Content enhancements
Includes graphic organizers, content diagrams, semantic maps, advance organizers, guided notes, and study guides.
Which example is NOT an appropriate suggestion for the physical environment strategy of classroom arrangement?
Interact briefly and frequently with students.
____ ______ _____ emphasizes the importance of thinking before acting to avoid and resolve interpersonal conflicts, resist peer pressure, and cope with emotions and stress.
Interpersonal problem-solving
Considering these controversial practices, it is clear that ______ can be very beneficial for students with EBD for several reasons.
PBS- positive behavioral supports
Functional behavorial assessment
PREVENTATIVE METHOD has historically been used with individuals with severe developmental disorders. Now, however, due to PL 108-446, it is a required component of the assessment process for students with disabilities who present behavioral challenges examines the circumstances surrounding the occurrence and/or nonoccurrence of the challenging behavior, seeking to identify variables and events that are consistently present in those situations
_____ ______ also increases the risk of children and youth developing anxiety disorders, conduct disorder, and alcohol dependency.
Parental depression
Four Common Types of Child Maltreatment
Physical abuse Child neglect (physical, educational, emotional) sexual abuse emotional abuse
Transient Nature of Problematic Behavior
The resulting acting out behavior, though disturbing, may be transient and may disappear altogether after sufficient time to grieve has elapsed
wraparound planning for transition into adulthood
This model incorporates a family-centered approach designed to actively involve the student and his or her family in planning integrated services.
Statistically derived characteristics
Uses techniques to establish "dimensions" behavior and Describes behavior in terms of two definitions: externalizing and internalizing behavior
Self-monitoring strategies, such as ____ and ____, can be used to assist students with emotional or behavioral disorders
assignment checklists and self-monitoring checklists
Typical and Atypical Behavior
atypical behaviors are not common at ANY age ex: tourettes kid barking
Researchers have identified two broad-based intervention approaches that have substantial support:
behavior modification and cognitive-behavior modification.
Disorders that likely have a genetic influence include the following:
bipolar schizophrenia OCD tourettes
The highest percentage of students who are identified has having EBD is seen in
black or African American students
Positive behavioral support
can be described as a systematic, evidence-based, problem-solving intervention strategy for dealing with problematic behaviors
This means that transition planning needs to be _______ and ______ Transition services need to go well beyond just preparing these students for employment. Rather, there is a need to view transition in terms of postsecondary educational opportunities, independent living choices, and community participation in addition to vocational possibilities.
comprehensive and broad based.
Symptoms of _______ ______ include physical aggression, difficulty controlling anger, open disobedience, and oppositionality.
conduct disorder
The action zone seating method
consists of seats across the front of the classroom and down the center. Research reviewed by Savage (1999) suggests that students seated in the action zone attend more to tasks, participate more, have higher levels of achievement, and demonstrate more positive attitudes
In-School Services
crisis management programs First Step to Success
Teachers often use ___ ____ _____ to document student behavior that may be a sign of emotional or behavioral disorders
data collection sheets
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA), or PL 108-446, uses the term ______ _____ to describe the population referred to in this chapter as individuals with emotional or behavioral disorders.
emotional disturbance
Statistically Derived Classification Systems
externalizing disorders and internalizing disorders.
Which language or communication characteristic is NOT relatively common in individuals with emotional or behavioral disorders?
Acknowledges that students engage in inappropriate behavior for multiple reasons. Determines consistent antecedents and consequences associated with the occurrence or nonoccurrence of certain behaviors.
functional behavior assessment
biological insults such as the following may also influence the development of emotional or behavioral disorders:
injury infection lead poisoning poor nutrition exposure to toxins such as alcohol
cultural competence
is a set of of congruent behaviors, attitudes, and policies that come together in a school and among professionals that enables to school and the professionals to work effectively in cross-cultural situations
In the late 1990's, Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General was published which was a huge milestone because
it addressed that children and adults need to have their mental health taken care of
A _______ approach is essential because of the transient nature of behavior, developmental variations, and the variability of cultural and social standards of normalcy.
only a few behaviors are universally recognized as abnormal in every cultural group and across all social strata. Examples of behaviors that appear to deviate from nearly all cultural norms are
muteness, serious self-injury, eating one's feces, and murder
In fact, the co-occurrence of disorders may be the ____ rather than the exception
disturbed behavior
occurs in many settings, is habitual, and is part of the individual's behavior pattern ex: stealing
attention problems/immaturity
often associated with attention deficit disorder. Also includes short attention span, diminished concentration, distractibility, impulsivity, passivity, undependability, and childishness.
Social agression
often exhibit behaviors similar to those seen in conduct disorder except that the behaviors are performed in front of others. Also includes stealing, substance abuse (in front of others), unexcused school absences, gang membership, and lyin
Motor tension excess
often exhibit behaviors such as overactivity, including restlessness, tension, and "jumpiness."
often exhibit internalizing disorders and behaviors related to poor self-confidence and self-esteem, hypersensitivity to criticism and rejection, generalization fearfulness and anxiety, and reluctance to try new behaviors because of fear of failure
Conduct disorder
often exhibit physical aggression, difficulty controlling anger, open disobedience, and oppositionality.
Psychotic behavior
often exhibit symptoms such as speech disturbance, bizarre ideation, delusions, and impaired reality testing.
Many of these students perform ___ or more years below grade-level expectations
Technology and Individuals With Emotional or Behavioral Disorders
pager, a MotivAider (a handheld device that vibrates to provide reminders), an MP3 player, an iPod Touch, and student response systems to self-monitor their behavior often used as a reinforcer in behavior intervention plans for individuals with emotional or behavioral disorders. Students often find computers reinforcing, motivating, and/or engaging
A vision for the student's future is created by the IEP team (including parents and student) by identifying and analyzing the student's strengths, preferences, needs, and necessary supports.
person centered planning
PL 108-446 requires individualized education program (IEP) team members to consider using _____ _____ ______ when addressing behaviors that impede the learning of a student with a disability and/or the learning of others
positive behavioral supports
PsychoSocial risk factors
poverty malnutrition in childhood Environmental factors such as parental discord, a parent's mental illness or criminal behavior, over-crowding in the home, and large family size
to make a diagnosis with clinically derived classification systems
psychiatrists and other mental health professionals may observe an individual's behavior over time and across different settings and then compare these behaviors to diagnostic criteria provided in a classification system
Clinically Derived Classification Systems
rely on clinically derived classification systems, such as the DSM-5, to assist them in making psychiatric diagnoses. These systems group behaviors into diagnostic categories and provide criteria useful for making diagnoses. Clinically derived systems also include descriptions of symptoms, indicators of severity, prevalence estimates, and information about variations of disorders.
Students with emotional or behavioral disorders represent one of the more educationally ______ groups of students with disabilities
Symptoms of ____ ______ include engaging in behaviors such as stealing and substance abuse in the presence of others.
social agression
Internalizing disorders (high in females)
sometimes referred to as "overcontrolled" disorders, are characterized by social withdrawal, depression, compulsions, and anxiety. Children and youth with internalizing disorders are far less likely to be identified by their teachers and families as having an emotional or behavioral disorder because they do not create the "chaos" that often characterizes children and youth with externalizing disorders
Externalizing disorders (higher in males)
sometimes referred to as "undercontrolled" disorders, are characterized by aggressiveness, temper tantrums, acting out, and noncompliant behaviors. Externalizing disorders are disturbing to others and generally result in considerable disruption in the classroom
______ derived classification systems use sophisticated statistical techniques to measure and analyze patterns or "dimensions" of behavior.
Built on the assumption that all children have strengths and that deficits are not static but, rather, viewed as opportunities to learn.
strengths based assessment
For students who need a quiet, distraction-free place to study, the use of ____ _____ may be helpful. If study carrels are used, teachers should make sure their use is continuously monitored and be cautious not to overuse them as they may isolate or stigmatize students if used excessively
study carrels
If internalized disorders are left untreated, there can be very bad outcomes including
Person-centered planning
the IEP team, including the parents, the student, and other stakeholders, begins the IEP process by creating a "vision" for the student's future. The student's input is vital to the success of this process
Strength based assessment
the measurement of the emotional and behavioral skills, competencies, and characteristics that create a sense of personal accomplishment; contribute to satisfying relationships with family members, peers, and adults; enhance one's ability to deal with adversity and stress; and promote one's personal, social, and academic development.
disturbing behavior
they occur in a certain place and time and in the presence of certain individuals ex: underage kids drinking
Physical Environment Strategies and Interventions
time management transition management Proximity and Movement Management classroom arrangement
True or false? Specific praise is an example of a primary level-intervention.
Which of the following components should be a part of a transition program for a student with EBD?
vocational training, parental and student involvement, and interagency collaboration