Unit 8 APUSH

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Election of 1960

-Arrest of Dr. King in Alabama --> leader, so governor puts him in state prison, but there is a rumor that he will be ordered in prison -JFK calls Mrs. King to express sympathy and support -Uses influence to drop charges on King - Dr. King Sr (MLK's father) publicly switches from Republican to Democrat - Nixon (Rep) vs JFK (dem) --> Nixon refuse to help due to southern whites, JFK helps which helps him win election - Blacks go from majority democratic --> SUPER majority democratic

Truman Challenges

-Cold War Setbacks --> BIGGEST WAS CHINA -Civil Rights fight continues (didn't do anything wrong but didn't solve the problem) -The recession and inflation of 1946 -Transition to a peacetime economy --> wages frozen for 4 years, so after war people now want a raise (pay employees more=prices go up) -Wave of postwar strikes leads to Taft Hartley Act passed over Truman's veto 1. Outlaw closed shops- can no longer force someone to join a union 2. 90 day cooling off period when government can delay a strike --> management hears of strike and goes to court --> cannot strike for 3 months --> management able to prepare (AMERICAN LABOR UNIONS HATE LAW = declining influence of labor unions) Other: The Second Red Scare (afraid of nuclear war) -First red scare- afraid of bolsheviks taking over American after WW1 -HUAC investigated communists, McCarthy Committee -Witch hunt, guilt by association, black lists were tactics used by committees -Richard Nixon --> 1. Whitaker Chambers 2. Alger Hiss (FBI gave Nixon info because he would have to owe him later when he was high up in politics) -Julius and Ethel Rosenberg (Did they actually do it??) --> Arrested and tried for selling atomic secrets to USSR, GUILTY -Thousands of lives destroyed, but few communists caught -American Civil Liberties Hunt -McCarran Internal Securities Act (forced to sign papers saying that they were not communist)

Why a Cold War?

1. Communism vs Capitalism -Communism: no private property and each according to its own needs -Capitalism: private property and each according to its abilities 2. Democracy vs. Dictatorship -Democracy: elect government -Dictatorship: government makes decision on "peoples behalf" 3. Atheism vs Religion (freedom to or not believe) 4. Historical Mistrust -USSR: USA invaded Russia during Red/White war, USA withheld diplomatic recognition until 1934, Munich Pact excluded USSR (Hitler want Sudentland, Munich peace conference gives it to him --> decide future of Eastern Europe without USSR) -USA: USSR pact with Hitler (on Hitlers side till he screwed them over), USSR invaded neighbors (violate yalta agreements), Stalin's purges --> second worst person next to Hitler

Eisenhower's Cold War

1. Formation of Warsaw Pact (NATO opposite) --> don't mess with Eastern Europe 2. Hungarian Rebellion crushed by USSR -Hungary remains in Warsaw -USA accepts Hungarian refugees --> sign to the world that USA believes in FREEDOM 3. Suez Canal Crisis -Britain and France own canal, Egypt tries to take over. In response, GB and France hire Israel to get back Canal -Egypt reaches out to USSR to help them, which leads to the USA forcing Israel, France, GB to give Suez Canal back to Egypt in order to avoid possible Middle East War w/ USSR backing Egypt -Eisenhower Doctrine "We will support democracy in the Middle East at all costs" (Israel is the only democracy), forces GB and France by saying that they owe USA for the Marshall Plan 4. Geneva Conference foundation of Vietnam --> Vietnam wins independence from France, split into North (USSR) and South Korea (USA) 5. Sputnick (satellite in outer space, has no real purpose) -USSR wins round one of space race --> Russians can do something that USA cant -NDEA ($ into educating math and science) and NASA (space agency solely responsible for space efforts, no longer military creating satellites and other stuff) passed by Congress -Fear grips USA: "missile gap" --> If USSR can put a satellite in space, how far are they from nuclear missiles? USA couldn't even get a satellite without blowing up 6. Cuba has a Communist Revolution -Fulgencio Batista (Dictator backed by US Gov/ mafia) overthrown by Fidel Castro (promises to kick US and mafia out of Cuba, Cuba people extremely poor) -Cuba is an ally to US organized crime -Castro turns to USSR for aid and assistance (need friend so turn to USSR --> HAPPY because so close to US, biggest F YOU of Cold War) 7. Kitchen Debates - try to show that they are nice to eachother -Khrushchev visits USA - NY (speak in front of UN "we will bury you"), DC (meet Eisenhower) -VP Nixon visits USSR --> photo op turns into full on argument about which country is better, to lighten mood Nixon grabs a Pepsi from the fridge and claims that Pepsi is why USA is better, Kruschev says "maybe you're right" 8. U-2 Crisis -USSR and USA plan conference to discuss Cold War (talk about nuclear disarmament in Paris) -CIA approaches Eisenhower with plan to step up spying with U-2 planes so Eisenhower will know what is going on with USSR during peace conference -U-2 pilots supposed to kill themselves by crashing the plane and taking a cyanide tablet if needed, but when U-2 plane shot down by Russia, the pilot decides he doesnt want to kill himself and is captured by Russia -USA embarrassed when caught lying to the world when the U-2 plane was shot down, used pilot as proof 9. Berlin Wall built -USSR tired of East Berlin escapees so builds wall to contain

Early Events (Truman)

The opening events of the Cold War define truman's excellence and high rating as president 1. Berlin Blockade and Berlin Airlift -USSR tests Truman's will, Truman responds with airlift (carrying supplies to survive) -13 month standoff --> USA wins 2. Point Four Program and Truman Doctrine -USA pledges to aid anyone fighting in communism -USA helps defeat communists in civil wars in Greece and turkey ( 2 wins for USA) -George Kennan and containment (treat as if contagious disease, not making Hitler mistake again) 3. Formation of NATO -USA, Canada, Western Europe sign pact to fight communism -MC: What is death of GWNP?? NATO --> entangling alliance (attack on one is attack on all) 4. Marshall Plan -US provides $12 billion in aid to rebuild Western Europe (Humanitarian --> right thing to do) - Best weapon against communism is economic prosperity (if not desperate, wont need communism) 5. USSR joins USA In A-bomb 6. USSR joins USA developing the H-bomb 7. China falls to Communism -Chiang Ka Shek and nationalists lose to Mao Zedong and communists despite $4 billion in US aid -Nationalists flee China and established Nationalist China (Taiwan) -Taiwan represents China in UN until 1970's when Nixon opens door to Red China (mainland) -After Setbacks in Berlin, Greece, Turkey, and victory in China --> USSR shifts focus to Asia -LOW POINT OF COLD WAR FOR TRUMAN 8. Korean War -North Korea (USSR) attacks South Korea (USA) -USSR boycotting UN --> USA goes to UN and decides to defend South Korea (USSR cant veto) -Phases of war: A. North Korea dominates and nearly wins (caught South Korea off guard) B. MacArthur achieves victory with landing at Inchon (Amphibious, caught them off guard) C. China enters war despite MacArthur's promise to Truman (Truman fears war expansion, so tells MacArthur not to go too close to the yellow river --> MacArthur disobeys and China get in war, North Korea/China winning) D. USA launches counter-offensive --> STALEMATE (Back and forth dying with no winning) E. MacArthur proposes use of nuclear weapons and refuses to obey Truman's orders... Truman pissed, nuclear weapons would lead to WW3 (tired of stalemate) --> MacArthur fired (MacArthur popular- MAN, Truman unpopular- PUSSY) -WAR DOESNT ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING BUT TO SHOW USSR THAT TRUMAN DOCTRINE IS REAL AND THAT WE WILL FIGHT FOR EVERY INCH OF LAND

The story of Emmett Till Shocks America

Young man from the North on vacation visiting his family in Mississippi --> beaten and lynched for saying hello to a white girl by the KKK -Mother got publicity to make it a national event --> awakens the nation's conscience

Montgomery Bus Boycott 1955

- Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. -Parks refused to get in back of bus and is arrested; college educated, works as seamstress, sec of NAACP, Brown v. Board inspired Parks -King: fresh out of seminary school in AL, father is King Sr. (one of most famous black men in America), look to King as leader -The role of Television- brings story to nation -Christ, Thoreau, Gandhi influence inspired King -Story causes bus boycotts throughout south (Hurt bus companies: poor people ride in bus, majority of poor were black) -Dr. King National star --> evolved into leader -Boycott has three demands: Sit wherever they want, bus driver disciplined, and black bus drivers

Triumphs of Eisenhower

- Cold War Victories --> accept Hungarian refugees, Eisenhower doctrine and handling of Suez, response to Sputnick -Civil Rights successes despite reluctance to act --> send troops to Little Rock -Warren appointment (very good Supreme Court justice, best justice debate between Warren and Marshall) -Interstate Highway Act (largest construction project in US history... greatest world highway system... built for civil defense (get people out of cities in event of nuclear attack) BIGGEST SINGLE ACCOMPLISHMENT OF EISENHOWERS PRESIDENCY

Harry Truman triumphs

-Cold War Victories: Marshall Plan, Truman Doctrine, NATO, Berlin Airlift (MC: which was not a triumph of the Cold War for Truman?) -Civil Rights Landmarks: Jackie Robinson, Executive order integrating military, CR act of 1947 (GREATEST WAS EXECUTIVE ORDER) -The election of 1948: most shocking election of 20th century- split 3 ways -Henry Wallace: Progressives (liberals): oppose Cold War -Strom Thurmond: Dixiecrats (Southerners): pissed because of Truman's integration of army and CR act of 1947 -Harry Truman: what's left of dem. Party --> HOW HE WINS: Truman worked very hard, chartered a train that made over 100 stops (whistle stop campaign) in order to win the farm vote & Republican complacency (did too little because they assumed that they would win) Other: -GI Bill of Rights: government $ for veterans to attend college -Benefits: *Reduces unemployment during transition to peacetime economy (traditionally, economy very bad after war, this eases that transition by creating jobs) *More skilled and talented workers gives US edge in technology --> beginning of college education going from rare to common -Truman's Fair Deal: -Extends benefits of New Deal -Ex: housing (gov loan $ to vets to buy a house), Social Security Benefits (add disability and death benefit), helping hand continues to help

Central High School 1957 - Little Rock Arkansas

-Federal judges orders desegregation of Central High School (previously all white) -NAACP chapters picks 9 (Little Rock 9) - Ernest Green --> Senior at central (missed first two months), finally went to school and received over 200 death threats -Governor Faubus orders national guard to defy federal judge (orders that the 9 children will not attend school and orders national guard to prevent them from going to Central) -President Eisenhower reluctantly orders US army to enforce federal court order

Greensboro, NC

-Greensboro sit in movement -NC A&T students try to order lunch at Woolworth's Lunch Counter (illegal- violated Jim Crow) leads to sit in movement -SNCC founded and led by Stokely Carmichael (coordinate sit ins) -Students keep getting arrested until they cannot fit them into jail anymore) -teaches legality and morality are not the same

Eisenhower Elected

-Ike promises he will go to Korea --> first thing he does is visit Korea -Ultimate Brinkmanship: Ike insists USA will use nuclear weapons if USSR does not agree to truce and divide Korea along pre war lines and end war -USSR unstable because Stalin died -JF Dulles Sec of State (massive retaliation policy) -MAD: Mutually Assured Destruction: Doctrine of Cold War, both have bombs and will use of necessary --> Leads to paranoia because of possible nuclear war

Challenges of Eisenhower

-McCarthy committee continues *Ike fails to defend George Marshall --> Eisenhower's success is credited to Marshall (general in Europe), While he was running for president, McCarthy accused Marshall of being communist and Ike didn't defend him in a speech --> ruined Marshalls reputation *McCarthy finally collapses due to US Army Hearings and the Schine Affair --> McCarthy's right hand man, Roy Cone, was secretly gay. His bf was drafted into NATO army in Europe, so Cone convinced McCarthy to hold hearings to Communism in US army (NOT BELIEVABLE --> LOST ALL CREDIBILITY AND KICKED OUT OF SENATE) -Civil Rights progress slow due to Eisenhower's reluctance and beliefs: things happen but not DUE to Eisenhower -Cold War Paranoia grips america

Brown v. Board of Education

-The appointment of Earl Warren as Chief Justice --> attorney general of CA (famous for internment --> knows it was wrong and doesnt want to be known as a racist), made deal with Eisenhower to become Chief Justice if drop out of presidential nomination -Overturn Plessy Decision 9-0, "separate but equal is inherently unequal" --> gives Warren opportunity to say that racism is wrong, and unanimous decision, the Supreme Court cannot be ignored -prescribes no overall remedy --> gets white southerners to agree on court by only helping Linda Brown -opens door for fight for CR

Truman and Civil Rights Progress

1. Truman integrates the military (biggest civil rights accomplishment) by executive order -WWII last segregated war - Korea first integrated war -Bejamin Davis 1st african american general/west point grad 2. Jackie Robinson integrates Major League Baseball - Unwritten rule to not let Blacks play baseball (HUGE SPORT) --> serve as symbol, if Jackie can do it, others can do it -Truman uses subtle pressure to support decision after request of Branch Rickey (owner of Dodgers) --> behind the scenes, Truman told owners that if they didnt give Jackie a chance, he would take away the Anti Trust exemption (owners pay less taxes) -Branch Rickey made Robinson turn his cheek when called names --> needed to succeed for his race 3. Truman signs Civil Rights Act of 1947 -Law does nothing of substance but is symbolic of Truman's support for CR -First time congress pass law in area of civil rights since reconstruction -makes FEPC permanent 4. Truman stands up to States Rights/ Dixiecrat Party in the election of 1948 and wins majority of southern states -Southern whites upset with Truman because of integration of army and pro civil rights act of 1947 -Pulls off one of the greatest political miracles of the 20th century - Dem split 3 ways and still managed to win

1950s Age of Conformity

Biggest Challenge was not Ike's fault nor was there anything he could or should do.... TV SHOWS/MOVIES- show perfect 1950's family (Stereotypical mother and father) -Leave it to Beaver -Father knows best -PLEASANTVILLE -man in the grey flannel suit: pressure of advertising taking over America -Roots of a social revolution sprout... -Catcher in the Rye: character doesnt fit into society, beginning of changes -Rock and Roll Born (rebellious form of music) --> Elvis considered sexually suggestive -The Beatniks --> Jack Kerouac (ON THE ROAD), Alan Ginsburg (HOWL)

Civil Rights during Eisenhower's Presidency

Eisenhower believes in CR, but does not believe that is the role of the federal government; thinks CR is a state issue

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