unit 8: let's make a game
)the ability for one thing to morph into poly, meaning many things) refers to how the same method, or procedure, can cause different behaviors in two different objects
EDVAC Computer
1944; binary computer 1st generation
a command that asks for information and receives a response
a reserved location in memory that had a data type specified along with it, allowing computer programs to store and update information as they processed instructions.
a type of expression that cannot be evaluated or reduced further. for instance, 1+2 is an expression that can be reduced to the value of 3
a type of procedure that performs a specific task
a type of texture that is mapped to, or placed on, the surface of polygons
a unit of information containing the object's position, rotation, and scale values.
a value that can be changed during a programs execution and is a storage location associated with a symbolic name. for example, x is the symbolic name and x can be equal to a value that can change. unlike in math, a variable in programming does not have to be part of an equation or formula
a value that cannot be altered by the program when it runs
a way of writing names in code with no spaces or punctuation between words, while capitalizing each word, which makes your run-together text look a lot like the humos of a camel
actions an object can do
all related sub-parts, or children, of an object inherit the properties of their patent, meaning that a change to a parent object automatically applies to all of its children
any item that can be used in a game projects, including 3D models, audio files, animations, and programming files
any legal combination of values, operators, and symbols that returns a result, used for math operations and in conditional logic extensively
area in which the game action occurs
data modeling
building programs out of data objects with state and behavior which can interact with each other according to the parameters set
categories that have similar procedures for was of coding, can be arranged into hierarchical relationships of parents and children
zero transform
center at the origin, half sunken into the plane.
data related to the objects outlines that is used to detect if the object has collided with something else
data types
defines the attributes of the inputs and signals the computer so that it knows whether to expect alphanumeric characters or integers to be entered, or some other type of data. can be stored in a variable
each object is self-contained, or encapsulated, so as you create more objects, they each have their own behaviors and states within your larger code
project/console view
has an exhaustive list of all available assets within the project. had two tabs at the top so you can toggle between project view or console view. project view shows you the file structure for everything that has been created in the project. console view displays errors, warnings, and any other messages. this information helps with debugging and testing your code.
scene editor (3D) view
in this view you can see your game and physically manipulate the assets in your scene. using your mouse and a few keyboard keys, you can move, scale, rotate, and place objects.
in unity contains the environments, obstacles, menus, and other pieces for each level of your game. scenes are always marked by a Unity icon.
information passed to a method
items that have states (properties like position and color) and behaviors (actions that object can do).
object-oriented programming
language designed to make programming feel more intuitive and to imitate more closely the way we view and interact with the real world
part of an integrated development environment that troubleshoots errors in your code
assembly languages: 2nd generation
required detailed knowledge of computers hardware and spare time to write
control structure
sets of instructions that could easily be referenced with a single word and reused again and again without rewriting
control structures
sets of instructions that could easily be referenced with a single word and reused again and again without rewriting all the instructions
hierarchy view
similar to the project view, but shows you only what is in your current scene, or level. useful for selecting by specific objects, or groups of objects, within the level.
the first few lines of the script template that tell the computer what other classes you want to reference
there are a set number of operators which we can use in a programming language to perform fundamental operation on one or more values, or operands. mainly, the are mathematical operators, which perform common mathematical operations, and relational operators, which compare values to determine their relationships to one another
two digits; 0 and 1
used to calculate how far a game object would translate during a specific period of time
inspector view
you can see information on the properties and components of any object you have selected, such as its current position, collision (how the object will behave when it crashes into another object), mesh data (its 3D modeling map), or materials.