Unit 9 — Integumentary System

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Fluid loss in adults can be determined by the _____ of body structure ______ using the rule of _____. This rule divides the body into ____ areas, each ____% of total body area plus the ____ area of __%. Burns are classified to their severity as _____, _____, or ____-degree burns.

%, bunted, nines, 11, 9, genital 1, first, second, third

About ___% of the body's blood is in the skin. When body organs need greater _____ supply, the nervous system ______ dermal vessels to get more _____ into circulation. This skin function is _____ ______.

5, blood, constricts, blood, blood reservoir

The ABCD(E) rule: A = _______: two sides of the pigmented spot or mole do not ______ B = _____ ______: outline of lesion exhibit _______ or _____ outline C = _____: pigmented spot contains _____ colors. D = ______: spot is larger than ___mm in diameter (size of a pencil ______) E = ______: spot _____ with time.

Asymmetry, match, border irregularity, indentations, squiggly, color, several, diameter, 6, eraser, evolution, changes

Epidermis thickness depends if the area is considered ___ or ___ skin. Thick skin covers areas of _____ like the ____, _____, and _____ __ ____. Thin skin covers the rest of the _____ and the stratum _____ is absent. The thickest skin on the body is the ______ _____.

Thick, thin, abrasion, palms, fingertips, soles of feet, body, lucidum, upper back

___ in 5 Americans develop skin cancer at some point. The major cause is the ____ and ____ radiation. List the 3 types of skin cancer from least to most dangerous.

1, sun, UV, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma

The skin's surface area is ___-___ square meters...it ultimately depends on ____ ____. The skin is basically a ___ for body contents and it is _____(stretchy). It contains ______ glands, ____ glands, ____ and _____. It weighs about ___-___ lbs which makes up _____% of total body weight. The skin protects the against ______ and ____ and ____ _____.

1.2, 2.2, body sie, bag, pliable, sweat, oil, hair, nails, 9, 11, 7, infection, water, heat loss

On the scalp, there are ______ hairs. In a man's beard, there are ______ hairs.

100,000, 30,000

The skin has ___ layers. The outermost = the _____. The one below that is the ____. The epidermis is made of ______ cells. The _____ makes up the bulk of the skin. It is ____, leather layers composed ____ ____ tissue. It is the only layer that is ______ aka has blood vessels. The nutrients get to the epidermis by _____ through tissue fluid from ____ _____ in the dermis.

2, epidermis, dermis, epithelial, dermis, tough, dense connective, vascular, diffusing, blood vessels

Burns are critical if any of the following conditions exist: Over _____% of the body has second degree burns Over ____% of the body has third-degree burns There are third-degree burns on the ____, ____, and/or ____ - facial burns can have burned _____ passageways which can sweet and cause _______. - burns on _____ are bad bc ___ tissue Can severely limit its mobility

25, 10, face, hands, feet, respiratory, suffocation, joints, scar

There are ___ phases of hair growth. The first stage, ____ _____ phase, ranges from _____ to _____. This phase varies bc scalp hair will have a _____ phase than eyelashes or eyebrows which have a ______ phase. The second stage, _____ phase, is when hair cells, follicle base, and hair bile ______. The third stage, _____ phase, is when the follicle ______ and new hair _____ to replace the ____ hair. Remember all hairs grow at _______ rates. On average, we lose ____ scalp hairs _____. Eyebrow hairs are in their active phase only for ___-___ months which explains why eyebrows are never as ____ as our scalp hair.

3, active growth, weeks, years, longer, shorter, regressive, shrivel, resting, regenerates, grows, old, individual, 90, daily, 3, 4, long

The determination of skin color depends on ___ factors: _____, ____, and ______. However, only ____ is made in the skin.

3, melanin, carotene, hemoglobin, melanin

There are ___ or ___ layers of the epidermis depending on where on the body. An acronym to remember the layers from ______ to ____ is ________ aka _____ _____ _____ _____ ______. List the layers now.

4, 5, deepest, surface, BSGLC, boys shouldn't grab little cats, basale, spinosum, granulosum, lucidum, corneum

The epidermis has ____ cell types. List them.

4, keratinocytes, melanocytes, dendritic/langerhan cells, tactile/merkel cells

By age ___, the number of active hair follicles have decreased by ____ and keeps falling...resulting in hair ______. Hair loses its _____ in old age. ____ hairs and _____ ______ _____ begins to show.

50, 2/3, thinning, gloss, gray, male pattern baldness

Sweat glands secrete ____ml of sweat _____. On hot days, our body can sweat up to ____L or ____ gallons of water _____. This _____ off the body. This body function is _____ _____ _____.

500, daily, 12, 3, daily, body temp regulation

During the ___ and ___ months, a fetus is covered in a coat of colorless hairs called a _____ ____. This is shed by the ___ month and then replaced by _____ _____.

5th, 6th, lanugo coat, 7th, vellus hairs

There is no way to avoid skin _____. But to slow the process, shield your skin from ______ radiation (____ rays) and ______ radiation (rays that ____) which both from from the sun. Skin that is protected form the sun will remain _______. Wear protective ______ and apply sunscreens with SPF of ____ or higher.

Again, UVA, aging, UVB, burn, unwrinkled, clothing, 15

The 2 types of sweat glands are _____ and _____. Sweat glands are most number in the ______, _____, _____, _____, and _____. The _____ sweat gland is more numerous in general. The sweat gland connected to hair follicles is ______. The sweat gland that functions start at puberty are ______. The sweat gland whose function is to cool the body off is ______. Apocrine sweat glands are most number in the _____ and _____ regions. Eccrine are the most numerous on the _____, _____, and _____. Apocrine glands also produce an _____ which is due to ______ on the skin that ______ substances in sweat aka bacteria _____.

Apocrine, eccrine, back, neck, palms, soles, forehead, eccrine, apocrine, apocrine, eccrine, axillary, pubic, forehead, back, neck, odor, bacteria, decomposes, waste

The skin cancer that comes from the basal layer of the epidermis is _____ _____ ______. This type is the least _____/______ and most ______(makes up nearly ____% of cases). These cancer cells can move into the ____ and ______. Lesions occur most often in ___-exposed areas of the _____ and ____ of the head. The lesions are ____, ___-shaped _____ that have a central _____. They are ___-growing and ______ rarely occurs before it is noticed. The treatment/cure = ____ excision.

Basal cell carcinoma, malignant/dangerous, common, 80, dermis, hypodermis, sun, face, top, shiny, dome, nodules, indent, slow, metastasis, surgical

The deepest epidermis layer is the stratum _____. It is attached to the underlying _____. It consists of a ____ layer of ____ cells which continually renews the ____ population that represents the ____ keratinocytes. However, ___-___% of basal cells are ______.

Basale, dermis, single, stem, cell, youngest, 10-25, melanocytes

Dry and oxidized sebum = a ______ Bacterial infection of sebaceous glands....inflamed = ______ Overactive sebaceous glands in infants = _______/_____ _____....oily scales on ______ Blocked sebaceous gland = a ______

Blackhead, acne, seborrhea/cradle cap, scalp, whitehead

The yellow/orange pigment in skin is called ______. This can be found in plants such as _____, ____ _____, and _____. Carotene accumulates in the stratum ______ and in the ____ tissue of the _______. Carotene's color is most obvious in the ____ and ____....aka where the the stratum corneum is the _______. This color is most intense when large amounts of _____-rich foods are eaten. Carotene can be converted to vitamin _____ which is essential for normal _____ and _____ Health.

Carotene, carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, corneum, fatty, hypodermis, palms, soles, thickest, carotene, a, vision, epidermal

The 3 types of protective barriers of the skin are ______, ______, and _____. The chemical barrier includes ____ and skin ______. Melanin prevents ______ damage from the sun. The skin secretions also called the ____ _____ have a ___ pH to stop bacteria ______...it is your own body's ____ _____. Also, _____ in your sweat and _____ in sebum kill bacteria. Skin cells also secrete natural antibiotics called ________. The biological barrier includes the ______/_____ cells of the epidermis, macrophages/____, and _____. The dendritic cells fight of ____ invaders and do _______. Physical barriers needs its own thing....

Chemical, physical, biological, melanin, secretions, UV, acid mantle, low, multiplication, hand sanitizer, dermcidin, bactericide, defensins, dendritic/langerhan, WBC, DNA, bacterial, diapedesis

The dermis is made of strong, flexible _____ tissue. The cells that make it up are ______ and ______/_____. The dermis contains ____ matrix that binds the entire body together. It's our "_____". The dermis has ____ ____, ______ _____, and _____ ______. Other things that reside in the dermis are _____ ______, ____ glands, and _____ glands. It has ___ layers: ______ layer and _____ layer. There is an _____ boundary between them.

Connective, fibroblasts, macrophages/WBC, fluid, hid, nerve fibers, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, hair follicles, oil, sweat, 2, papillary, reticular, indistinct

The physical barrier of the skin includes the _____ of the skin and the _____ of keratinized cells. The stratum _____ has _____ to keep things in and out. However, some substance do penetrate the skin: Lipid-soluble substances = ____, ____ _____, _____ ____, ____, ___, ___, and ______ Oleoresins = _____ such as _____ _____ and ____ _____ Organic solvents = ______, ___-_____ ______, and ____ _____. These are known ________. Can shut down ______ and cause ____ damage. Salts of heavy metals = ____, ____ — can shut down _____ and cause _____ damage. Selected drugs = _____, _____ patches, _____ _____ patches, and ______ patches.

Continuity, hardness, corneum, lipids, oxygen, carbon dioxide, vitamin a, d, e, k, steroids, plants, poison ivy, poison oak, acetone, dry-cleaning fluid, paint thinner, carcinogens, kidneys, brain, lead, mercury, kidneys, brain, dramamine, nicotine, birth control, pain

The layer above the lucidum is the stratum ______. It is the _____ layer and is ___-___ cell layers thick. The corneum is also called the _____ layer. It accounts for ____ of the epidermal thickness. The ____ and _____ ______ of cells in this layer protect the skin from _____ and ______. The ____ between its cells nearly ____ this layer. This allows for protection from hostile external _____. The dead cells do not _____, but slough off the skin surface. Shingle-like cell remnants the corneum are called _____/_____ cells. They are part of ____ (cells shed from the ____) and of ____(cells shed from ___ skin). The average perosn sheds ______ dead cells every ______and ____ lbs in a lifetime.

Corneum, outermost, 20, 30, horny, 3/4, keratin, plasma membranes, abrasions, penetration, glycoproteins, waterproofs, environment, fragment, cornified/horny, dandruff, scalp, dander, dry, 50,000, minute, 40

We have ____ _____ receptors in our skin so we can sense touch. This skin function is called _____ ______. Some examples are: _____ _____, _____ ______, ______ ______, and ____ _____ ______. The _____ ____ muscle is the muscle responsible for goosebumps.

Cutaneous sensory, cutaneous sensation, tactile corpuscles, tactile discs, lamellar corpuscles, hair follicle receptors, arrector pili

When blood and skin of Caucasians appear blue is is called ______. This is normally due to poorly ______ hemoglobin. It can happen during ____ failure and severe _____ disorders. In dark-skinned, the skin doesn't appear _____ bc of the dark effect of the _____, but it IS apparent in their ____ _____ and ____ membranes.

Cyanosis, oxygenated, heart, respiratory, cyanotic, melanin, nail beds, mucous

We need sunlight to produce vitamin ______. This skin function is _____ ______

D, metabolic functions

Excessive sun exposes _____ the skin. This causes _____ fibers to clump which results in _____ skin. This damage temporarily depresses the _____ system and can alter _____ of skin cells which leads to skin _____. Dark-skinned people get skin cancer ____ often than fair-skinned bc of melanin's natural _____. If dark-skinned ppl do get skin cancer, it is in areas of less _____ aka the _____ or _____ beds.

Damages, elastic, leathery, immune, DNA, cancer, less, sunscreen, pigment, sole, nail

The star-shaped cells in the epidermis are called ______/_____ cells. They come fromm the _____ _____ and then move to the epidermis. Their purpose is to ingest ______ substances and are key activators in our ______ system.

Dendritic/langerhan, bone marrow, foreign, immune

Extreme stretching of the skin tears the _____ and leaves white _____. These are called ____/____ _____. A fluid-filled pocket that separates the _____ and ______ layers is called a _______. They are caused by ____-term but acute trauma such as _____ or repeated _____.

Dermis, scars, striae/stretch marks, epidermal, dermal, blister, short, burns, friction

First-degree burns: only the ______ is damaged; symptoms = localized _____, ____, ____. Will heal in ___-___ days — ex: ____. Second-degree burns: the _____ and upper _____ are injured. Symptoms = ____-degree + ______. It heals with little to no ______ in __-__ weeks. Third-degree burns: involves the entire ______ of the skin. The burned areas appears ____, ____, or _____. It is not painful bc _____ _____ are destroyed. Skin _____ is advised. First and second-degree burns are called ______-______ burns and a third-degree burn is a _____-______ burn.

Epidermis, redness, swelling, pain, 2, 3, sunburn, epidermis, dermis, first, blisters, scarring, 3, 4, thickness, white, red, black, nerve endings, grafting, partial-thickness, full-thickness

Factors that cause hair thinning/hair loss can be high _____, _____, severe _____ trauma, ____-deficient diets, ____, and creation drugs. Some drugs like excessive vitamin ____, some _______ and blood ______, anabolic ______, and _______.

Fever, surgery, emotional, protein, location, a, antidepressant, thinners, steroids, chemotherapy

What type of hair you have has to do with ______ and ______ such as asians having ____ hair. Your hair type depends on the shape of the _____. When the shaft if flat, you get _____ hair. When the shaft is oval, you get _____ and ____ hair. When the shaft is perfectly round, you get _____ and _____ hair.

Genetics, ethnicity, straight, shaft, kinky, wavy, silky, straight, coarse

The longer-term treatment of a 3rd-degree burn involves a skin _____. To prepare for a skin graft, the burn skin (______) must be removed aka called _______. They will put you in a medically induced ______ bc the of the extensive ______ of the skin graft. To prevent infection and fluid loss, the area is flood with _______ and covered temporarily with either a ______ skin, _____ skin (usually a ____), _____ skin, or living bandage from a _____ sac. Healthy skin is transplanted to the _____ site. Unless the skin is an ______ (taken from the patient), there is a good chance the body will _____ the non-patient's skin. Even if the graft is successful, major ______ tissue often forms.

Graft, eschar, debrided, comma, pain, antibiotics, synthetic, animal, pig, cadaver, fetus, autograft, reject, scar

Layer above the spinosum is the stratum _____. It is a thin layer of only ____ cell layers. The keratinocytes' ______ changes and the process of ______ begins. This is a process where the cells begin to fill with ______. The cells _____ and the nuclei and other organelles start to ______.

Granulosum, 5, appearance, keratinization, keratin, flatten, disintegrate

If you have poor nutrition, you will have poor _____ growth. If there is an increased localized ___ flow, there will be an increase in local _____ growth. This may be bc of _____ physical _____/_____. The average growth rate of hair is ______mm per ____. But, excessive hairiness is called _____ and it is only found in _____. This may result from the _____ gland or an ______ tumor secreting large amounts of ______. The gland or tumor would be ____ removed asap.

Hair, blood, hair, chronic, irritation/inflammation, 2.5, week, hirsutism, women, adrenal, ovarian, testosterone, surgically

What are included in skin appendages? (5)

Hair, hair follicles, nails, sweat glands, sebaceous (oil) glands

The pinkish hue of skin reflects the crimson color of ______. White skin has ____ amounts of melanin making the epidermis ______ which allows hemoglobin's ____ to show through.

Hemoglobin, small, transparent, color

The subcutaneous tissue just deep to the skin/under the dermis is called the ______. It is also called the _____ _____ and mostly consists of _____ tissue aka fat. It is not part of the skin, but shares its ____ function. It stores _____ and _____ the skin to the underlying structure like ____ so the skin can ____ over those structures. Bc of the fatty composition, the hypodermis is also a _____ absorber and an ____ to reduce heat loss.

Hypodermis, superficial fascia, adipose, protective, fat, anchors, muscles, slide, shock, insulator

What make up most of the epidermal cells are ______. These produces ____. Keratinocytes are made from the deepest part of the epidermis called the stratum _____. Keratin (what it produces) is a ____ ____ that gives the epidermis its ______ properties bc it is what ______ up our cells...keratin also makes up our _____. Old keratinocytes are pushed up by ____ ones. By the time they reach the surface, they are ____. As they push up higher and higher, they fill with ______. ______ of dead keratinocytes rub off every ____. This means we get a new epidermis every ___-___ days. This process happens faster in _____ people. Also, keratin produces faster in places with _____ like the ____ and the ____. Persistent friction causes a _____ aka the thickening of the ______.

Keratinocytes, keratin, basale, fibrous protein, protective, toughens, nails, new, dead, keratin, millions, day, 25, 45, younger, friction, hands, feet, callus, epidermis

When exposing our skin to sunlight, _____ secrete chemicals stimulating _______. Prolonged sun exposure causes _____ buildup. This helps protect the _____ of viable skin cells from ____ radiation by absorbing ____ and dissipating the radiation energy as _____. The speeding up of melanin _____ results from faster repair of ____ that suffered ______ (light damage). This response causes the skin to _____ which people call _____.

Keratinocytes, melanocytes, melanin, DNA, UV, rays, heat, synthesis, DNA, photodamage, darken, tanning

The layer above the granulosum is the stratum _____. It is also called the ____ layer bc it is a _____ band of cells. This layer is only visible in _____ skin and is ____-____ cell layers thick. It is basically extra layers of dead _______.

Lucidum, clear, translucent, thick, 2, 3, keratinocytes

The most common balding type is called _____ _____ _____. This is _____ determined and ____-influenced. The treatment is to take drugs that stimulate hair _____. They used to prescribe drugs that inhibit _______ production but they also lose their ____ _____.

Male pattern baldness, genetically, sex, regrowth, testosterone, sex drive

Other than apocrine and eccrine, the 2 specialized sweat glands are _____ and _____. Both of these specialized glands are _____ sweat glands. The mammary glands secrete _____ and the ceruminous glands secrete ______ aka ___ ____. The purpose of cerumen is to deter ____ and blocks the entry of _____ material.

Mammary, ceruminous, apocrine, milk, cerumen, ear wax, insects, foreign

_____ make hair pigment. The various proportions of _____ create difference colors. For red hair, the pigment is called ______. When the hair is gray/white, it means _____ production decreases and ____ bubbles replace ____ in the hair shaft. When your hair turns white, is (to a degree) ______.

Melanocytes, mealnin, pheomelanin, melanin, air, melanin, genetic

The spider-shaped epithelial cells are called _____. They make _____ aka pigment. Melanocytes are found in the ______ layer of the epidermis. Melanin production is ______ controlled. Melanin accumulates in granules called ______. They form a pigment ______ to protect the nucleus of ______ from ____ radiation.

Melanocytes, melanin, basale, genetically, melanosomes, shield, keratinocytes, UV

The most dangerous skin cancer is ______. This is a cancer of the ______. It is highly _____ and resistant to ______. It is the least ____ with only making up ___-___% of cases — but it increases in the US by __-__% annually. Melanoma can begin anywhere there is ______, but there is more pigment in _____ than any other places. Melanoma can be spontaneous and ____ develop from preexisting moles. They are ____ patches that _____ very fast. The treatment/cure = early _____ and then wide _____ excision with ________. However, there is poor survival chance if the melanoma is over ____mm thick.

Melanoma, melanocytes, metastatic, chemotherapy, common, 2, 3, 3, 8, pigment, moles, 1/3, black, metastasize, detection, surgical, immunotherapy, 4

The body eliminates ______-containing wastes such as _____, _____, and ____ ____ in sweat, but most of that is secrete in our ______. Sweat is basically ____ and _____ but it does have _____ amounts of uric acids and ammonia in it. This skin function is _______.

Nitrogen, ammonia, urea, uric acid, urine, water, slat, small, excretion

During adolescence, the skin and hair become _____ as the activation of _____ glands occur. Bc of this, ____ may appear. Acne generally subsides in early ______ and our skin reaches its best appearance in our ___-___. After those years, _______ assaults against our skin begins to show.

Oilier, sebaceous, acne, adulthood, 20-30s, environmental

Hair is on the entire skin except on the _____, _____, _____, _____, and _____ ______. The function of hair is to sense _____ on our skin. Hair on the scalp guards the head against ______ _____, ____ ____, and ______. The eyelashes shield the _____. Eyebrows catch ____. And nose hairs ____ stuff when we inhale and also _____ the air.

Palms, soles, lips, nipples, external genitalia, insects, physical trauma, heat loss, sunlight, eyes, sweat, filter, warms

The thin, superficial layer of the dermis is the ______ layer. This layer is made of connective tissue with interlacing _____ and _____ fibers with many ____ vessels. The _____ of the connective tissue allows phagocytes to look for ____ penetrating the skin. The papillary layer contains peg-like projection that indent the ____ above....they are called ______ ______. These contain _____ loops, _____ _____, and _____ _____ (aka _____/_____ ______). The tactile cells of the epidermis connect to the ______ _____ in the dermis. In thick skin (____ and _____), there are larger mounds called _____ ______. These then cause the overlying epidermis to form _____ _____. Together, the epidermal and dermal ridges are collectively called _____ ______ which enhance the ______ ability of fingers and feet. The friction ridge patterns are ______ determined and ____ to everyone. We have ____ pores along these ridges which leaves films of sweat called ______ on anything we touch.

Papillary, collagen, elastic, blood, looseness, bacteria, epidermis, dermal papillae, capillary, nerve endings, touch receptors, tactile/meissner's corpuscles, tactile corpuscles, palms, soles, dermal ridges, epidermal ridges, friction ridges, gripping, genetically, unique, sweat, fingerprints

Hair (also called _____) are flexible strands produced by hair _____ and consist of dead _______. Hair is ____ keratin. This had 2 advantages: it is _____/more _____ and individual cells don't ____ off.

Pili, follicles, keratinocytes, hard, tougher, durable, flake

Melanin is a ____ made of tyrosine _____ _____. It has __ forms and which form it is depends on an enzyme called ______. Melanin is passed from ______ to basal ______. It is specially made in _______.

Polymer, amino acids, 2, tyrosinase, melanocytes, keratinocytes, melanocytes

List the 5 functions of the skin

Protection, body temperature regulation, cutaneous sensation, metabolic functions, blood reservoir, excretion

Distribution of skin color is not _____. Populations nearer the equator tend to be _____-skinned bc greater _____ from the sun is needed. However, all humans have the same relative number of ______ so this means skin color instead depends on the kind and amount of _____ made and retained. Melanocytes of _____ people produce more and _____ melanosomes and their _____ retain it longer than _____ people. Local accumulations of melanin is called ______ or ____ ____ (aka ____).

Random, darker, protection, melanocytes, melanin, black, darker, keratinocytes, white, freckles, pigmented nevi, moles

Reddened skin; embarrassment/blushing, fever, hypertension, inflammation, allergies = _____/______ Pale skin; fear, anger, emotional stress, anemia, low blood pressure = _____/_____ Abnormal yellow tone; liver disorder....yellow bile pigment accumulates in blood = ______/____ ____ Bronze, metallic skin; Addison's disease, pituitary gland tumors = ______ - Addison's disease: the adrenal cortex produces inadequate amounts of _____ _____. - Tumors: inappropriately secrete _____-_____ ____ (MSH) Blood escaped circulation/vessels and clotted under the skin (hematomas) = ____-___-____ _____/______

Redness/erythema, pallor/blanching, jaundice/yellow cast, bronzing, steroid hormone, melanocyte-stimulating hormone, Black-and-blue marks/bruises

Synthetic skin is a technique to eliminate ______. It is a _______ epidermis bound to a spongy _____ layer made of _____ and ground cartilage. It is applied to the ______ area of the skin. The patient's dermal tissue ______ and _____ the artificial layer. The silicone sheet is then ______ off and replaced with _______ cells from the patient's skin. The body does not _____ this artificial skin and it results in limited _____. However, it is more likely to get ______ than an autograft.

Rejection, silicone, dermal, collagen, debrided, absorbed, replaces, peeled, epidermal, reject ,scarring, infected

The innermost layer of the dermis is the ______ layer. It is about ____% of the thickness of the dermis. This layer is made of coarse, dense, _____ ____ tissue. The matrix of the reticular layer has pockets of ______ cells (fat) and bundles of interlacing ______ fibers. The collagen fibers run _______ to the skin surface. ______ lines are externally invisible lines that run ______ in the skin of the head and limbs and run _____ around the neck and trunk. These lines are formed from separations/less _____ regions between ____ fibers. This is important to surgeons bc when an incision is made ______ to the cleavage lines, the skin gapes ____ and heals ______. An incision ______ makes the healing slower. Collagen fibers also bind _____ to keep the skin hydrated. The elastic fibers provide the _____-_____ properties of skin. ______ lines are dermal folds near _____ where the dermis is tightly secured to deeper structures. Examples of these are the deep creases on your _____ and they are also visible on your ______, fingers, soles, and _____. Since the dermis cannot ____ easily since it is more tightly secured, it folds, and then the skin _____.

Reticular, 80, irregular connective, adipose, collagen, parallel, cleavage, longitudinally, circularly, dense, collagen, parallel, less, quicker, perpendicular, water, stretch-recoil, flexure, joints, palm, wrists, toes, side, creases

The type of gland that secretes oil is a ______ gland. The fancy name for oil is ______. A sebaceous gland is a type of ______ gland. This means that the cells of the gland fill with product until they _____. Oil glands are always associated with _____ ______. Some functions of oil are: _____ and ____ the hair, prevents hair from becoming _____, slows _____ loss from the skin, and it is ______ meaning it kills bacteria. Oil is the body's natural ______.

Sebaceous, sebum, holocrine, burst, hair follicles, softens, lubricates, brittle, water, bactericidal, moisturizer

The following terms are parts of hair: Portion where keratinization (completely dead) is complete = ______. It projects from the ____ and extends ____ down the portion of hair in the skin. Where keratinization is still ongoing = ____. It is the remainder of the hair in the _______. Central core = ______. It is made of large cells and ____ spaces. It is the only part of hair that is _____ keratin. This part is absent in ____ hairs. Buckley layer surrounding the medulla = _____. It has several layers of _____ cells. The outermost layer of hair = ______. It is a ____ layer of _____ cells. It is also the most ________/_____ part of hair. The cuticle provides _____ and keeps inner layer compact. This is the part that ends to wear away at the top of the hair shaft bc of ______ which then results in _____ _____.

Shaft, skin, halfway, root, follicle, medulla, air, soft, fine, cortex, flattened, cuticle, single, overlapping, keratinized/dead, strength, friction, spilt ends

Older people have ____ rate of epidermal cell replacement, ______ skin, and are more susceptible to ______ and other injuries. As we get older, the lubricating substance in our skin becomes ______ thus making our skin ____ — this is the same with _____. Our skin also begins to lose its ______ as collagen and elastic fibers stiffen. Our ____ layer will diminish which can lead to an intolerance to the ____. Lastly, _____ ______ decline, thus, ____ distribution becomes similar between older men and women.

Slower, thinner, bruising, deficient, dry, hair, elasticity, fat, cold, sex hormones, fat

The layer above the stratum basale is the stratum ______. It is also called the _____ layer and is ___-____ cell layers thick. The keratinocytes in this layer appear to have ____ making them "____" cells. _____ and _____/_____ cells are also scattered among the keratinocytes. The most abundant cells in this layer are the _______ and ______ cells.

Spinosum, 8, 10, prickle, spikes, prickle, melanosomes, dendritic/langerhan, melanosomes, dendritic

The second most common skin cancer is _____ _____ ______. This cancer comes from ______ in the stratum ______. The lesions occur most on the ____, ____, ____, ___ ____, and _____. They are ___, scaly _____. They grow ______ and ______ if not removed. Treatment/cure = ______ removal and/or ______ therapy if caught early.

Squamous cell carcinoma, keratinocytes, spinosum, head, scalp, ears, lower lip, hands, red, papules, fast, metastasize, surgical, radiation

Another fancier name for sweat glands is ______ glands. There are no sweat glands on the _____ or ____ ______. We have ____ ____ sweat glands per person though. ____ people normally sweat less.

Sudoríferous, nipples, external genitalia, 3 million, older

The spiky hemisphere shaped cells in the epidermis are called _____/_____ cells. They are present at the epidermal-dermal _____. They are connected to _____ ____ _____. Together, they are called _____/______ _____ which are _____ _____ for touch. The tactile cells are in the ______ layer bc they are connected to these nerves in the _____.

Tactile/merkel, junction, sensory nerve endings, tactile/merkel discs, sensory receptors, spinosum, dermis

Between ___ to ___ our hair grows the fastest. But as our hair growth naturally slows, it leads to hair _______ and some digress of ______ aka baldness. The rarest baldness is called _____ ______. This is an ______ disease in which chunks of your hair ____ ___.

Teens, 40s, thinning, alopecia, alopecia areata, autoimmune, fall out

During infancy and childhood, the skin ______ and more ____ is deposited. We have approximately the SAME number of _____ glands, but the number of glands that function ____ in the first ____ years after birth. That number of active sweat glands is determined by the ______ where you live. People who grow up in hot climates have ____ active sweat glands than those who live in _____ areas.

Thickens, fat, sweat, increases, 2, climate, more, colder

Those with severe burns need ______ of extra food calories daily to replace lost _____ and allow ____ repair. No one can eat this much food tho, so patients are given _____ through _____ tubes and ____. After the initial crisis, _____ becomes the main threat. The leading cause of death in burn victims is a widespread ____ infection called ______. Burned skin is sterile for about ____ hours and after that bacteria, fungi, etc can easily _______ and multiply fast bc of the _____ tissues and bc the ____ system is suppressed for ___-___ days after a burn.

Thousands, proteins, tissue, nutrients, gastric, IVs, infection, bacterial sepsis, 24, invade, dead, immune, 1, 2

A burn is _____ damage inflicted by intense ______, _____, ______, or ______. The immediate threat is the major loss of _____ _____ containing _____ and ______. To counterattack this, ____ are used

Tissue, heat, electric, radiation, chemical, body fluids, proteins, electrolytes, IVs

When a baby is born, its skin is covered with _____ _____ — white, cheesy-looking substance produced by ______ glands. This is to protect the fetus' ____ bc they are always in _____ fluid. A newborn's skin is very _____ and often has white spots/pimple-ish things called ______ which are accumulations in the ______ glands. They are normally found on the _____ and _____. They disappear by week _____ after birth.

Vernix caseosa, sebaceous, skin, amnion, thin, milia, sebaceous, forehead, nose, 3

The 2 types of hair are called _____ and _____. Vellus hair is the pale, ____ ____ hair. ____ always have it and sometimes adult ______ have vellus hair. Men change from vellus to terminal bc of _____. Females' ____ and ___ hairs are vellus. Termainla hair is much ______ such a st he hairs of the _____, ____, and _____. The location of terminal hairs for both genders are the _____ and ____ regions (pits and bits). Only males get terminal hair on their ____, ____, ____, and ____. Terminal hair grows in response to _____ (male hormones)

Vuelos, terminal, fine body, children, females, testosterone, legs, arms, coarser, eyebrows, eyelashes, scalp, axillary, pubic, face, chest, arms, legs, androgens

The decrease of elasticity and loss of fat tissue in our skin as we get older, leads to _______. Also, the decreasing number of _______ and _____ cells increase the risk of _____ cancer in the elderly. Redheads and fair-skinned people show age-related changes ______.

Wrinkling, melanocytes, dendritic, skin, quicker

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