UNIT TWO - Urinary System 2 ASN

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What is the correct order of the structures of the male urethra, from the bladder to the exterior? 1) collecting duct 2) spongy urethra 3) descending limb 4) membranous urethra 5) prostatic urethra


If Jack's kidney stone did not "pass" on its own but got stuck and completely blocked the flow of urine in that location

Back would have increased pain caused by urine backing up and stretching the lining of the kidney and ureter

T or F: The fibrous capsule is a layer of adipose tissue that surrounds the kidney

F; the fibrous capsule is a strong sheet of dense fibrous connective tissue. There is a layer of adipose tissue superficial to the fibrous capsule, called the perineal fat capsule

T or F: the ureter, blood vessels, and nerves penetrate the kidney on its medial surface

T; the ureter, blood vessels, and nerve supply penetrate the kidney at its concave medial surface at the hilum

Identify the correct direction of urine flow from formation to exiting the kidney a) cortex, medulla, renal pelvis, ureter b) medulla, cortex, renal pelvis, ureter c) ureter, renal pelvis, medulla, cortex d) cortex, medulla, ureter, renal pelvis

a; filtration occurs in the renal cortex, processing of the filtrate occurs within the renal tubules. Urine exits the renal pyramids into the renal pelvis, where it will be conveyed to the urinary bladder by the ureter

The entry point for the renal artery and the exit for the renal vein and ureter is the a) minor calyx b) hilum c) collecting duct d) renal sinus e) major calyx


The ureters a) drain urine from the bladder b) along with the opening to the urethra, form the trigone c) open into the anterior aspect of the urinary bladder d) do not contain muscle


Where does filtration of the blood occur within the kidneys? a) renal medulla b) renal cortex c) renal pyramids d) renal pelvis

b; filtration takes place within the renal corpuscles located in the renal cortex

Where are the renal columns located? a) renal cortex b) renal medulla c) renal pyramids d) renal pelvis

b; the renal columns are located between the renal pyramids in the renal medulla

In which of the following ways are the stomach and bladder similar? a) the transitional epithelium of each controls the release of materials from these organs b) each of these organs has a muscle layer made of four distinct bands of smooth muscle c) both have internal folds called rug, which disappear when the organs are full d) all of the answer choices describe similarities between the stomach andbladder


Which region of the kidney is the most superficial? a) renal medulla b) renal column c) renal cortex d) renal pelvis

c ; the renal cortex is the most superficial region of the kidney. Renal corpuscles are found in the renal cortex. They are microscopic structures, so they can't be observed on a kidney specimen. The renal corpuscles are responsible of the bumpy texture of the renal cortex that can be visualized.

The location of the kidneys a) is superior to the diaphragm b) is inferior to the stomach c) is lateral to the spleen d) is posterior to the abdominal cavity


Which of the following events is the last step to occur before urine is released? a) urine levels in the bladder exceeds 200 millimeters b) interneurons stimulate conscious awareness of the urge to urinate c) parasympathetic messages in the spinal cord are sent to the bladder to stimulate muscle contraction d) conscious relaxation of the external urinary sphincter occurs


Which of the following statements regarding the ureters is FALSE? a) the ureters are lined with transitional epithelium, which allows for the ureter to become distended when fluid volume increases b) peristaltic contractions in the muscle layer of the ureters propel urine toward the bladder c) the ureters have a retroperitoneal location d) sphincter muscles regulate the passage of urine from the ureters to the bladder


Which structure is found separating the renal pyramids? a) ureter b) renal pelvis c) renal papillae d) renal columns

d; the renal columns are extensions of cortical tissue located in between the renal pyramids

Smooth muscle in the wall of the urinary bladder is called the

detrusor msucle

The spongy urethra a) is lined proximally by transitional which changes to pseudo stratified columnar epithelium and distally by stratified squamous epithelium b) is found only in males c) extends from the membranous urethra to the external urethral orifice d) is the longest portion of the urethra e) all of the choices are correct


Which muscle is responsible for stopping the micturition reflex and allowing a person to stop voiding?

external urethral spincter

Name the strong transparent covering that encases the kidney

fibrous capsule; the fibrous capsule is a thin strong sheet of connective tissue that encapsulates the kidney

Where does the ureter penetrate the kidney?

hilum; the ureter, renal blood vessels and nerve supply all enter the kidney at the hilum

In a male, the external urethral sphincter

is inferior to the prostate

Jack has blood in his urine (hematuria). Where in Jack's urinary tract did this blood originate?

left ureter; Jack's pain was originally felt in his left lumbar area; when a kidney stone moves from the renal pelvis into the narrower ureter, the sharp edges of the stone can contract, scrape, and abrade the epithelial lining, causing bleeding

The onset of incontinence in the elderly is due to

loss of muscle tone in the urethral sphincters

As males age, they often experience a difficulty with urinating that females do not. Why does this difference exist?

males have a prostate gland that swells and narrows the urethra, whereas females do not

The external urethral sphincter of the urinary bladder is under the voluntary control of the perineal branch of which nerve?

pudendal nerve

Jack's kidney stone causes pain that does in peristaltic "waves" or contractions. Peristalsis also occurs in

the digestive system (contraction of the diaphragm in breathing) ; peristalsis (contraction of circular and longitudinal muscles) helps move chyme through th eGI tract

What enables voluntary control over urination

the external urethral sphincter; this is the only aspect of micturition under conscious control

The organ of the urinary system responsible for the temporary storage of urine before elimination is

the urinary bladder

The inner mucosa of each ureter is lined by

transitional epithelium

The triangular area bounded by the urethral openings and the entrance to the urethra constitutes the


Which structure of the urinary system transfers urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder?


The three layers of the muscular layer of the urinary bladder are collectively known as which of the following? a) detrusor muscle b) internal urethral sphincter c) ductus deferens d) trigone e) external urethral sphincter


Which of the following is FALSE regarding the urinary bladder? a) it receives urine from the ureters only when the urethral sphincter muscles guarding the entrances to the bladder are open b) it is lined by transitional epithelium to allow for cycles of dissension and relaxation of the bladder wall c) the detrusor muscle is a muscle made of three separate layers that contracts to force urine into the urethra and out of the body d) the trigone is a section shaped like a funnel that channels urine into the urethra when bladder contractions occur and the internal urinary sphincter opens


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