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After three months of riding the 8:30 bus to work, Cindy has actually started to feel affection for the gruff and scowling old bus driver. Cindy's reaction best illustrates a. the fundamental attribution error. b. the mere exposure effect. c. mirror-image perceptions. d. the bystander effect. e. the social exchange theory.

the mere exposure effect.

An increased liking for an unfamiliar stimulus following repeated experience with it is known as a. social facilitation. b. companionate love. c. the mere exposure effect. d. the foot-in-the-door phenomenon. e. mirror-image perceptions.

the mere exposure effect.

Which of the following would be the best advice to give parents who are concerned about the frequent aggressive outbursts of their 6-year-old son? a. "Encourage your son to express his anger by slugging a punching bag." b. "Make a point of rewarding and praising your son whenever he is socially cooperative and altruistic." c. "Be consistent in spanking your child after every outburst, so he'll realize that aggression never pays." d. "Encourage your son to watch the devastating consequences of violence portrayed on TV." e. "Don't be concerned about your child's aggressiveness, unless the behavior pattern

"Make a point of rewarding and praising your son whenever he is socially cooperative and altruistic."

The Plattsville blood bank is desperately in need of blood donors. Which of the following students would most likely contribute to the blood bank, if asked? a. Ardyce, who has just fallen head-over-heels in love b. Grigory, who is busy studying for a history test c. Sigrid, who unexpectedly lost her part-time job and has time on her hands d. Fred, who is depressed because he just learned he got a D on a chemistry test

Ardyce, who has just fallen head-over-heels in love

Which of the following people would be most likely to help Gita study for her history exam? a. Gita's older brother, who probably has nothing better to do that evening b. Gita's father, who always points out how differently men and women think and act c. Gita's mother, who is excited about the unexpected bonus she just received from her employer d. Gita's younger sister, whose boyfriend just canceled their date for the next evening

Gita's mother, who is excited about the unexpected bonus she just received from her employer

The value of social conformity is most likely to be emphasized in a. England. b. France. c. Japan. d. the United States. e. Canada.


Olivia, a 17-year-old high school student, is quiet, relaxed, reflective, and politically liberal. Research suggests that she would most likely become a good friend of a. Cody, who is relaxed and talkative. b. Thor, who is politically liberal and assertive. c. Philip, who is reflective and quiet. d. Pancho, who is talkative and assertive.

Philip, who is reflective and quiet.

Which of the following describes a stereotype? a. Vladimir is especially attracted to Latin-American women. b. Peter feels very uncomfortable interacting with Blacks. c. Robin is convinced that university professors are usually impractical and forgetful. d. Cyril never hires people over age 50 to work in his restaurant. e. Patrick argues that raising the minimum wage leads to increased illegal immigration.

Robin is convinced that university professors are usually impractical and forgetful.

Which of the following is true of violent male criminals? a. They have relatively low levels of serotonin and high levels of testosterone. b. They have relatively high levels of dopamine and low levels of testosterone. c. They have relatively low levels of serotonin and low levels of testosterone. d. They have relatively high levels of serotonin and high levels of dopamine.

They have relatively low levels of serotonin and high levels of testosterone.

How does our explanation of strangers' behavior differ from that of our own behavior? a. We explain strangers' behavior in terms of informational influence and our own behavior in terms of normative influence. b. We explain strangers' behavior in terms of situational constraints and our own behavior in terms of personality traits. c. We explain strangers' behavior in terms of environmental influences and our own behavior in terms of hereditary influences. d. We explain strangers' behavior in terms of normative influence and our own behavior in terms of informational influence. e. We explain strangers' behavior in terms of personality traits and our own behavior

We explain strangers' behavior in terms of personality traits and our own behavior

Professor Lindsten emphasized that aggressive behavior often involves the interactive influence of personal frustration, exposure to aggressive models, and heightened levels of arousal. The professor's emphasis best illustrates a. attribution theory. b. the reciprocity norm. c. social facilitation. d. a biopsychosocial approach. e. social exchange theory.

a biopsychosocial approach.

Deindividuation refers to a. lack of critical thinking due to a strong desire for social harmony within a group. b. the tendency to overestimate the impact of personal dispositions on another's behavior. c. the failure to give aid in an emergency situation observed by many onlookers. d. a loss of self-awareness and self-restraint in group situations that foster arousal and anonymity. e. the enhancement of a group's prevailing attitudes through group discussion.

a loss of self-awareness and self-restraint in group situations that foster arousal and anonymity.

A situation in which the individual pursuit of self-interest leads to collective destruction is known as a. a social trap. b. the self-serving bias. c. deindividuation. d. groupthink. e. ingroup bias.

a social trap.

Politicians who publicly oppose a tax increase that they privately favor best illustrate that a. people often fail to notice the influence they exert over others. b. a pooling of efforts toward a common goal contributes to social loafing. c. the presence of others interferes with individual performance on difficult tasks. d. actions may sometimes be inconsistent with attitudes. e. group discussion enhances a group's prevailing attitudes.

actions may sometimes be inconsistent with attitudes.

Cultural diversity best illustrates our a. superordinate goals. b. gene complexes. c. attributions. d. adaptive capacities. e. group polarization.

adaptive capacities.

A soldier who intentionally kills a dangerous enemy combatant most clearly illustrates a. diffusion of responsibility. b. the just-world phenomenon. c. group polarization. d. aggression. e. groupthink.


Ostracism has been observed to intensify a. self-disclosure. b. aggression. c. hindsight bias. d. deindividuation. e. conformity.


Following the 9/11 terrorist attack on New York, people across the country donated their time and money to assist the devastated community. This behavior best illustrates a. altruism. b. deindividuation. c. the bystander effect. d. the just-world phenomenon. e. social exchange theory.


The frustration-aggression principle suggests that anger results when a. false stereotypes influence perceptions of others. b. an attempt to achieve some goal is blocked. c. there are striking differences of opinion among group members. d. self-awareness and self-restraint are reduced.

an attempt to achieve some goal is blocked.

Prejudice is best defined as a. an unjustifiable attitude toward a group and its members. b. a fearful suspicion of people one has never met. c. the tendency to favor members of one's own group. d. a perceived incompatibility of actions or goals. e. the belief that victims of misfortune deserve their fate.

an unjustifiable attitude toward a group and its members.

People with more symmetrical faces are perceived as more a. deindividuated. b. prejudiced. c. aggressive. d. attractive. e. intelligent.


The chameleon effect involves a. scapegoating. b. automatic mimicry. c. cognitive dissonance. d. the fundamental attribution error. e. social facilitation.

automatic mimicry.

Attitudes are ________ that guide behavior. a. norms and roles b. superordinate goals c. belief-based feelings d. dispositional attributions e. mirror-image perceptions

belief-based feelings

Magazine computer ads seldom feature endorsements from Hollywood stars or great athletes. Instead, they offer detailed information for consumers to develop more positive opinions about the company's products. This advertising strategy best illustrates a. the reciprocity norm. b. central route persuasion. c. normative social influence. d. deindividuation. e. the foot-in-the-door phenomenon.

central route persuasion.

Fernando's favorable attitude toward capital punishment began to change when he was asked to offer arguments opposing it in a class debate. His attitude change is best explained by ________ theory. a. cognitive dissonance b. social exchange c. scapegoat d. equity e. the two-factor

cognitive dissonance

During a test, Abe impulsively copied several answers from a nearby student's paper. He felt very uncomfortable about having done this until he convinced himself that copying answers is not wrong if classmates are careless enough to expose their test sheets. Which theory best explains why Abe adopted this new attitude? a. frustration-aggression theory b. attribution theory c. social exchange theory d. cognitive dissonance theory e. two-factor theory

cognitive dissonance theory

Casandra, who is attractive and likable, has just telephoned Mike and asked him for a date. According to the two-factor theory of emotion, Mike is likely to experience the most intense romantic feelings for Casandra during their telephone conversation if he has just a. awakened from a short nap. b. finished eating a delicious meal. c. completed a series of aerobic exercises. d. been studying his history lecture notes.

completed a series of aerobic exercises.

The foot-in-the-door phenomenon refers to the tendency to a. neglect critical thinking because of a strong desire for social harmony within a group. b. perform simple tasks more effectively in the presence of others. c. comply with a large request if one has previously complied with a small request. d. lose self-restraint in group situations that foster anonymity. e. experience an increasing attraction to novel stimuli as they become more familiar.

comply with a large request if one has previously complied with a small request.

GRIT attempts to reduce conflict through a. third-party mediation. b. intimidation. c. conciliation. d. pacifism. e. superordinate goals.


Solomon Asch asked people to identify which of three comparison lines was identical to a standard line. His research was designed to study a. the mere exposure effect. b. the fundamental attribution error. c. social facilitation. d. deindividuation. e. conformity.


In one study, researchers found that police officers judge Black faces that appear more typical of their race to be more a. childlike. b. unattractive. c. familiar. d. criminal. e. altruistic.


The invention and transmission of dating and courtship customs best illustrate a. personal space. b. cultural influence. c. the priming process. d. the reciprocity norm. e. self-disclosure.

cultural influence.

After an exciting football game in which the home team loses by one point, a crowd of fans throws bottles and begins to tear up the field. This behavior is best understood in terms of a. the just-world phenomenon. b. obedience. c. the bystander effect. d. social facilitation. e. deindividuation.


Participants in the Milgram obedience studies were ordered to a. play the role of the prison guards. b. write an essay supporting a position they didn't believe in. c. deliver electric shocks to a learner for giving incorrect answers. d. participate in a team tug-of-war by pulling on a rope as hard as they could. e. pretend to give an incorrect answer to a simple question.

deliver electric shocks to a learner for giving incorrect answers.

Aleksis has recently begun to bully and hurt his younger brother. If this behavior continues, it is likely that Aleksis will a. experience a substantial loss of self-esteem. b. develop an increasing dislike for his brother. c. experience a sense of deindividuation. d. develop a great sense of admiration and respect for his brother. e. experience intense guilt later in life.

develop an increasing dislike for his brother.

When the participants in Milgram's study were later surveyed about taking part in the research, most reported that they a. did not believe they were actually delivering shock to the "learner." b. had actually enjoyed shocking the "learner." c. did not regret taking part in the experiment. d. did not believe the study should be repeated. e. had actually believed that Milgram would stop the experiment before shocks were

did not regret taking part in the experiment.

Refusing to hire qualified job applicants because of the color of their skin is to engage in a. stereotyping. b. deindividuation. c. discrimination. d. the fundamental attribution error. e. confirmation bias.


The Y chromosome is the most well-known genetic marker identifying those who are most likely to a. form stereotypes. b. engage in aggression. c. experience cognitive dissonance. d. commit the fundamental attribution error. e. discriminate against others.

engage in aggression.

Noncompetitive contact between members of two different ethnic groups is likely to reduce prejudice when the contact is between individuals with a. ingroup bias. b. implicit prejudice. c. equal status. d. mirror-image perceptions. e. normative social influence.

equal status.

Orville thinks his girlfriend derives more benefits from their relationship than he does, even though he contributes more to the relationship. Orville most clearly believes that their relationship lacks a. self-disclosure. b. romantic love. c. equity. d. superordinate goals. e. passionate love.


According to Milgram, the most fundamental lesson to be learned from his study of obedience is that a. people are naturally predisposed to be hostile and aggressive. b. even ordinary people, who are not usually hostile, can become agents of destruction. c. the desire to be accepted by others is one of the strongest human motives. d. people value their freedom and react negatively when they feel they are being coerced to do something. e. we are most likely to conform to the opinions of others when faced with a unanimous opinion.

even ordinary people, who are not usually hostile, can become agents of destruction.

At a conscious level, Aaron doesn't think he's prejudiced. Yet he automatically feels uncomfortable in situations where he has to interact with people of different races from his own. Aaron's experience best illustrates the distinction between a. equity and self-disclosure. b. situational and dispositional attributions. c. explicit and implicit attitudes. d. normative and informational social influence. e. social facilitation and social loafing.

explicit and implicit attitudes.

Muzafer Sherif's study of conflict in a Boy Scout camp indicated that conflict between two groups of boys could be reduced most effectively by a. bringing the members of both groups into close contact. b. having one group make conciliatory gestures to the other group. c. allowing leaders of the two groups to communicate. d. exposing the groups to tasks that required their joint cooperation. e. encouraging a friendly competition between the groups.

exposing the groups to tasks that required their joint cooperation.

Initially prejudiced heterosexuals are likely to develop more accepting attitudes toward homosexuals following the experience of a. social facilitation. b. mirror-image perceptions. c. face-to-face contact. d. deindividuation. e. norms of reciprocity.

face-to-face contact.

When shown computer-generated faces, people generally prefer slightly ________ faces. Women are most likely to perceive a man with a slightly ________ face as having placed a personal ad seeking a "special lady to love and cherish." a. neutral; masculinized b. feminized; feminized c. masculinized; feminized d. masculinized; neutral e. masculinized; masculinized

feminized; feminized

Which of the following processes most obviously operates in groupthink? a. social facilitation b. cognitive dissonance c. group polarization d. self-disclosure e. social loafing.

group polarization

Nora, Ko, Ian, and May each think that Ms. Akey may be a slightly better teacher than Mr. Schwenke. After discussing why each of them believes this to be so, they all conclude that Ms. Akey is definitely a much better teacher than Mr. Schwenke. This episode provides an example of a. social facilitation. b. obedience. c. group polarization. d. deindividuation. e. modeling.

group polarization.

Professors Maksoud, Struthers, and Vasic each tend to think that obtaining a university degree is easier today than it was when they were students. After discussing the matter over coffee, they are even more convinced that obtaining a degree is easier today. This episode provides an example of a. the fundamental attribution error. b. social facilitation. c. group polarization. d. deindividuation. e. the foot-in-the-door phenomenon.

group polarization.

The NASA executive who made the final decision to launch the space shuttle Challenger was shielded from information and dissenting views that might have led to a delay of the tragic launch. This best illustrates the dangers of a. social facilitation. b. deindividuation. c. the mere exposure effect. d. groupthink. e. the bystander effect.


Freire did very poorly on his last arithmetic test. The tendency to make the fundamental attribution error might lead his sixth-grade teacher to conclude that Freire did poorly because a. he is unmotivated to do well in school. b. the test covered material that had not been adequately covered in class. c. his parents had an argument the evening before the test. d. he was not given enough time to complete the test. e. he was tired and didn't try very hard on the test.

he is unmotivated to do well in school.

Only when experimental participants were informed that a woman was raped did they perceive the woman's behavior as inviting rape. This best illustrates that victim-blaming is fueled by a. the mere exposure effect. b. the bystander effect. c. the foot-in-the-door-phenomenon. d. hindsight bias. e. deindividuation.

hindsight bias.

Research on the relationship between aversive events and aggression indicates that a. hot temperatures often lead people to react to provocations with greater hostility. b. aversive events often distract people from acting on their hostile intentions. c. frustration inevitably leads people to act aggressively. d. aversive events lead to hostility in males but not in females.

hot temperatures often lead people to react to provocations with greater hostility.

Attribution theory was designed to account for a. the process of revealing intimate aspects of ourselves to others. b. the impact of both heredity and environment on social behavior. c. social facilitation and social loafing. d. the loss of self-awareness that occurs in group situations. e. how people explain others' behavior

how people explain others' behavior

Prejudice can be not only subtle but also automatic and unconscious. This is best illustrated in studies of a. deindividuation. b. implicit attitudes. c. group polarization. d. mirror-image perceptions. e. obedience.

implicit attitudes.

Since 1960, Americans have experienced a(n) a. increase in the incidence of depression and a decrease in marriage rates. b. decrease in the incidence of anxiety disorders and an increase in work hours. c. increase in the incidence of depression and an increase in work hours. d. decrease in the incidence of depression and a decrease in work hours. e. increase in the incidence of anxiety disorders and a decrease in marriage rates.

increase in the incidence of depression and an increase in work hours.

People are especially likely to demonstrate the fundamental attribution error in cultures that value a. individualism. b. sexual stereotyping. c. the reciprocity norm. d. superordinate goals. e. collectivism.


When the task of correctly identifying an individual in a slide of a four-person lineup was both difficult and important, participants in an experiment were especially likely to conform to others' wrong answers. This best illustrates the impact of a. the fundamental attribution error. b. informational social influence. c. the mere exposure effect. d. normative social influence. e. ingroup bias.

informational social influence.

Accepting others' opinions about reality is to ________ as the desire to gain approval is to ________. a. deindividuation; social facilitation b. social facilitation; deindividuation c. informational social influence; normative social influence d. normative social influence; informational social influence e. ingroup bias; outgroup bias

informational social influence; normative social influence

A sense of social identity is most likely to promote a. social facilitation. b. the bystander effect. c. ingroup bias. d. deindividuation. e. cognitive dissonance.

ingroup bias.

Most children believe their school is better than the other schools in town. This best illustrates a. the just-world phenomenon. b. scapegoating. c. the fundamental attribution error. d. the reciprocity norm. e. ingroup bias.

ingroup bias.

Groupthink can be prevented by a leader who a. is directive and makes his or her own position clear from the start. b. invites outside experts to critique a group's developing plans. c. tries to maintain high morale among group members. d. emphasizes the importance of the issue under discussion. e. make sure that all conflicts are resolved through consensus.

invites outside experts to critique a group's developing plans.

After watching a large number of violent pornographic movies, Ollie will probably be a. more likely to believe that such movies should be banned. b. less likely to believe that women are seriously harmed by rape. c. more likely to favor long prison sentences for convicted rapists. d. less likely to believe that women enjoy aggressive sexual treatment from men.

less likely to believe that women are seriously harmed by rape.

Our explanations of our own admirable actions are ________ likely to involve situational attributions than our explanations of our own shameful actions. Our explanations of our own actions performed long ago are ________ likely to involve dispositional attributions than our explanations of our own very recent actions. a. equally; less b. more; more c. less; more d. more; equally e. more; less

less; more

Which of the following is true of non-Western cultures, as compared with Western cultures? They have a. similar divorce rates and consider passionate love as more important for marriage. b. higher divorce rates and consider passionate love as less important for marriage. c. lower divorce rates and consider passionate love as less important for marriage. d. higher divorce rates and consider passionate love as more important for marriage.

lower divorce rates and consider passionate love as less important for marriage.

Women are attracted to healthy-looking men, but especially to those who seem to be a. submissive. b. insecure. c. mature. d. less attractive than themselves. e. more attractive than themselves.


Haley thinks Keith's silence indicates that he's angry, so she avoids talking to him. Unfortunately, Keith thinks Haley's quietness signifies that she's angry and wants to be left alone. This situation best illustrates a. mirror-image perceptions. b. the reciprocity norm. c. superordinate goals. d. scapegoating. e. deindividuation.

mirror-image perceptions.

Parents who discipline their children with beatings are often teaching aggression through the process of a. social facilitation. b. deindividuation. c. modeling. d. cognitive dissonance. e. attachment theory.


On average, Internet-formed friendships and romantic relationships are ________ likely than relationships formed in person to last beyond two years. When conversing online with someone for 20 minutes, participants in one study felt ________ attraction toward that person than they did for someone they talked with face to face. a. more; equal b. less; more c. more; more d. less; equal e. more; less

more; more

Kentaro hates to wear ties but wears one to his sister's wedding to avoid his family's disapproval. Kentaro's behavior exemplifies the importance of a. the mere exposure effect. b. informational social influence. c. normative social influence. d. social facilitation. e. the reciprocity norm.

normative social influence.

Mr. Maslova attends faculty meetings simply to gain the approval of the school principal. Mr. Maslova's behavior exemplifies the importance of a. ingroup bias. b. informational social influence. c. social facilitation. d. normative social influence. e. deindividuation.

normative social influence.

Frans avoids talking with food in his mouth because other people think it is crude and inappropriate. This best illustrates the impact of a. individualism. b. altruism. c. stereotypes. d. norms. e. deindividuation.


Cross-cultural research on gender relations indicates that a. the majority of the world's children without basic schooling are boys. b. in most countries men and women share equally in the duties of child-rearing. c. people perceive their fathers as more intelligent than their mothers despite gender equality in intelligence scores. d. there is little evidence that females are more likely to be aborted than males. e. women are more likely than man to engage in multi-tasking behaviors and are more

people perceive their fathers as more intelligent than their mothers despite gender equality in intelligence scores.

Social facilitation refers to the tendency to a. neglect critical thinking because of a strong desire for social harmony within a group. b. perform well-learned tasks more effectively in the presence of others. c. experience an increasing attraction to novel stimuli as they become more familiar. d. lose self-restraint in group situations that foster anonymity. e. comply with a large request if one has previously complied with a small request.

perform well-learned tasks more effectively in the presence of others.

Instead of providing arguments in favor of a political candidate, ads may build political support by associating pictures of the candidate with emotion-evoking music and images. This strategy best illustrates a. the social-responsibility norm. b. deindividuation. c. peripheral route persuasion. d. informational social influence. e. central route persuasion.

peripheral route persuasion.

Those who feel socially pressured sometimes assert their freedom by doing the opposite of what is socially expected. This best illustrates a. the foot-in-the-door phenomenon. b. mirror-image perceptions. c. the chameleon effect. d. personal control. e. cognitive dissonance theory.

personal control.

A dispositional attribution is to ________ as a situational attribution is to ________. a. normative influence; informational influence b. high ability; low motivation c. personality traits; assigned roles d. politically liberal; politically conservative e. introversion; extraversion

personality traits; assigned roles

The two-factor theory of emotion specifically suggests that passionate love can be facilitated by a. the mere exposure effect. b. self-disclosure. c. equity. d. group polarization. e. physical arousal.

physical arousal.

What determined whether college freshmen who had been randomly paired for a Welcome Week dance liked each other? a. similarity in attitudes b. similarity in intelligence c. physical attractiveness d. self-disclosure skills e. similar socio-economic status

physical attractiveness

Poverty and unemployment are likely to be explained in terms of personal dispositions by ________ and in terms of situational influences by ________. a. the poor; the rich b. attribution theory; social exchange theory c. social psychologists; evolutionary psychologists d. political conservatives; political liberals e. men; women

political conservatives; political liberals

After the Greenway family accepted their neighbor's invitation to Thanksgiving dinner, Mrs. Greenway felt obligated to invite the neighbors to Christmas dinner. Mrs. Greenway's sense of obligation most likely resulted from the a. ingroup bias. b. foot-in-the-door phenomenon. c. reciprocity norm. d. fundamental attribution error. e. mere exposure effect.

reciprocity norm.

Animals that have successfully fought to get food or mates become increasingly ferocious. This best illustrates that aggression is influenced by a. superordinate goals. b. scapegoating. c. frustration. d. reinforcement. e. group polarization.


Gallup surveys indicate that Americans who frequently attend religious services are more likely than those who do not attend religious services to a. report that they are currently aiding the poor and infirm. b. demonstrate the bystander effect. c. violate the social-responsibility norm. d. base their altruistic acts on the principle of reciprocity. e. self-disclose to people they consider friends.

report that they are currently aiding the poor and infirm.

The set of prescribed behaviors associated with a particular social position is best described as a(n) a. ingroup bias. b. attribution. c. attitude. d. role. e. altruism.


Norms are best described as a. personality traits we inherit from our parents. b. a person's characteristic emotional reaction to stress. c. rules for socially acceptable behavior. d. buffer zones we like to maintain between ourselves and others. e. our deeply held beliefs about what is moral and ethical.

rules for socially acceptable behavior.

Following 9/11, some outraged people lashed out at innocent Arab-Americans. This venting of hostility can best be explained in terms of a. the mere exposure effect. b. the just-world phenomenon. c. the bystander effect. d. scapegoat theory. e. social facilitation.

scapegoat theory.

Natasha and Dimitri have a fulfilling marital relationship because they readily confide their deepest hopes and fears to each other. This best illustrates the value of a. passionate love. b. deindividuation. c. social facilitation. d. self-disclosure. e. the mere exposure effect.


People's physical attractiveness is unrelated to their a. feelings of popularity. b. level of earned income. c. frequency of dating. d. self-esteem. e. perceived friendliness.


In explaining our own behavior or the behavior of those we know well, we often resort to a. deindividuation. b. social facilitation. c. social loafing. d. situational attributions. e. self-disclosure theory

situational attributions.

Researchers Brad Bushman and Craig Anderson have noted that the correlation between viewing violence and behaving aggressively nearly equals the correlation between a. diffusion of responsibility and the bystander effect. b. attitude similarity and interpersonal attraction. c. self-awareness and deindividuation. d. smoking and cancer. e. testosterone levels and aggression levels.

smoking and cancer.

Which theory suggests that altruistic behavior is governed by calculations of rewards and costs? a. attribution theory b. social exchange theory c. cognitive dissonance theory d. the two-factor theory of emotion e. the reciprocity norm

social exchange theory

Katya donated money to a religious charity in order to boost her own feelings of self-esteem. Jennifer failed to contribute to the same charity because she was fearful of running out of money. Differences in their altruistic behavior are best explained in terms of a. the two-factor theory of emotion. b. the reciprocity norm. c. social exchange theory. d. attribution theory. e. the social responsibility norm.

social exchange theory.

After a light turns green, drivers take about 15 percent less time to travel the first 100 yards when another car is beside them at the intersection than when they are alone. This best illustrates a. the foot-in-the-door phenomenon. b. the mere exposure effect. c. the bystander effect. d. social facilitation. e. a situational attribution.

social facilitation.

Comedy routines that are mildly amusing to people in an uncrowded room seem funnier in a densely packed room. This is best explained in terms of a. the mere exposure effect. b. social facilitation. c. the bystander effect. d. ingroup bias. e. social exchange theory.

social facilitation.

Norman Triplett observed that adolescents wound a fishing reel faster in the presence of someone working simultaneously on the same task. This best illustrates a. the mere exposure effect. b. the bystander effect. c. social facilitation. d. group polarization. e. deindividuation.

social facilitation.

Compared with numerical majorities, numerical minorities, such as the Scots in Britain, are especially conscious of their a. superordinate goals. b. implicit attitudes. c. reciprocity norms. d. social identities. e. personal space.

social identities.

Class members are asked to work cooperatively in groups on major course papers. Every member of a group is to receive exactly the same grade based on the quality of the group's paper. This situation is most likely to lead to a. social loafing. b. social facilitation. c. deindividuation. d. the bystander effect. e. the fundamental attribution error.

social loafing.

University students were observed to pull harder on a rope when they thought they were pulling alone than when they thought three others were pulling with them on the same rope. This best illustrates a. social loafing. b. the chameleon effect. c. group polarization. d. social facilitation. e. deindividuation.

social loafing.

Culturally modeled guides for how to act in various situations are called a. social scripts. b. situational attributions. c. superordinate goals. d. mirror-image perceptions. e. social-responsibility norms.

social scripts.

After a year-long drought, the city of Pine Bluffs has banned all lawn sprinkling. Many residents believe, however, that continued watering of their own lawn will have little effect on total water reserves. Consequently, there is a disastrous drain on city water reserves caused by widespread illegal sprinkling. This incident best illustrates the dynamics of a. ingroup bias. b. social traps. c. the fundamental attribution error. d. the bystander effect. e. the just-world phenomenon.

social traps.

The text indicates that the clusters of teenage suicides that occasionally occur in some communities may be the result of a. suggestibility. b. the bystander effect. c. groupthink. d. deindividuation. e. social facilitation.


In Milgram's obedience experiments, "teachers" were MOST likely to deliver high levels of shock when a. the experimenter was perceived to be an ordinary college student like themselves. b. the "learner" was placed in a different room from the "teacher." c. they saw that other "learners" disobeyed the experimenter. d. they saw how "learners" who disobeyed the experimenter were punished. e. they were introduced to the "learner" before the experiment began.

the "learner" was placed in a different room from the "teacher."

If poverty causes high rates of crime, the high crime rates can be used to justify discrimination against those who live in poverty. This best illustrates a. the mere exposure effect. b. the bystander effect. c. the blame-the-victim dynamic. d. deindividuation. e. ingroup bias.

the blame-the-victim dynamic.

People are less likely to give aid if an emergency occurs in the presence of many observers. This is known as a. group polarization. b. social loafing. c. the bystander effect. d. the mere exposure effect. e. social facilitation.

the bystander effect.

Social psychologists have arranged for people to drop coins or pencils in elevators in order to study a. the foot-in-the-door phenomenon. b. the mere exposure effect. c. social facilitation. d. social loafing. e. the bystander effect.

the bystander effect.

Which of the following is most likely to help us empathize with others? a. the bystander effect. b. the chameleon effect. c. mirror-image perceptions. d. social facilitation. e. central route persuasion.

the chameleon effect.

Group polarization refers to a. the lack of critical thinking that results from a strong desire for harmony within a group. b. a split within a group produced by striking differences of opinion among group members. c. the tendency of individuals to exert more effort when working as part of a group. d. the enhancement of a group's prevailing attitudes through group discussion. e. the failure to give aid in an emergency situation observed by many onlookers.

the enhancement of a group's prevailing attitudes through group discussion.

After they had first agreed to display a 3-inch "Be a Safe Driver" sign, California home owners were highly likely to permit the installation of a very large and unattractive "Drive Carefully" sign in their front yards. This best illustrates a. the mere exposure effect. b. the foot-in-the-door phenomenon. c. the fundamental attribution error. d. social facilitation. e. deindividuation.

the foot-in-the-door phenomenon.

The tendency for observers to underestimate the impact of the situation and to overestimate the impact of personal dispositions on another's behavior is called a. the bystander effect. b. the fundamental attribution error. c. deindividuation. d. ingroup bias. e. the mere exposure effect.

the fundamental attribution error.

A readiness to assume that enslaved people deserve the terrible treatment they receive best illustrates a. group polarization. b. the other-race effect. c. the just-world phenomenon. d. the frustration-aggression principle. e. scapegoat theory.

the just-world phenomenon.

Participants in a voter preference study favored the presidential candidate whose face blended some of their own facial features with those of the candidate. This best illustrates the impact of a. the mere exposure effect. b. deindividuation. c. the chameleon effect. d. social facilitation. e. self-disclosure.

the mere exposure effect.

Mr. Jones is a member of the faculty committee on academic standards at a local private school. He personally disagrees with the other committee members' proposed plan to begin accepting students with below-average grades. Mr. Jones is most likely, however, to vote in favor of their plan if a. the other committee members are unanimous in their opinion. b. he stated his personal opinion early in the committee's discussion. c. committee voting is done by private ballot. d. he has a high level of self-esteem. e. he personally dislikes the other committee members and wishes he were on a more

the other committee members are unanimous in their opinion.

The longer Chinese people have resided in a Western country, the less they exhibit a. social loafing. b. self-disclosure. c. the other-race effect. d. the fundamental attribution error. e. normative social influence.

the other-race effect.

White children are better at recognizing White faces than Black faces. This illustrates a. deindividuation. b. the fundamental attribution error. c. group polarization. d. the other-race effect. e. scapegoat theory.

the other-race effect.

A social trap is a situation in which a. people lose self-awareness in group situations that foster anonymity. b. there are insufficient resources to satisfy the needs of all group members. c. a lack of critical thinking results from a strong desire for group harmony. d. the pursuit of self-interest leads to collective harm. e. altruism violates a social-responsibility norm.

the pursuit of self-interest leads to collective harm.

Montel, a White university student, is on academic probation for poor grades. Ever since he received notice of his probation, Montel has become increasingly hostile toward racial minority students and staff on campus. His increasing hostility can best be explained in terms of a. ingroup bias. b. the mere exposure effect. c. the just-world phenomenon. d. the scapegoat theory. e. the reciprocity norm.

the scapegoat theory.

The participants in Philip Zimbardo's simulated prison study a. were assigned the roles of prisoner or guard on the basis of their personality test scores. b. found it very difficult to play the role of prison guard. c. were so endangered by their role-playing experience that the study was discontinued. d. became a cohesive unit when they pursued superordinate goals. e. were selectively chosen in order to maximize their effectiveness as prisoners or

were so endangered by their role-playing experience that the study was discontinued.

An explanation of aggression in terms of instinct would have the most difficulty accounting for a. unexpected and unprovoked outbursts of aggression. b. wide cultural variations in aggressiveness. c. aggression that is accompanied by anger and hostility. d. the use of nuclear weapons to kill millions of unseen victims.

wide cultural variations in aggressiveness.

Two friends quarreled over possession of a single orange without realizing that one of them simply wanted orange juice and the other simply wanted the orange peel to make a cake. This classic episode best illustrates that people sometimes fail to recognize a. the mere exposure effect. b. win-win solutions. c. the foot-in-the-door phenomenon. d. deindividuation. e. social traps.

win-win solutions.

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