United States Government Study Guide

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Which of the following quotes best reflects the principle of natural rights in the Declaration of Independence?

"All men ...are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Which of the following quotes best reflects the principle of popular sovereignty in the Declaration of Independence?

"He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected."

Which of the following quotes from the Declaration of Independence reflects the principle of popular sovereignty?

"We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America...do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies... declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States."

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called the Internet and mobile technology the

"town square of the 21st century," and it played a key role in the 2011 protests of Egypt

The U.S. Senate contains

100 members and is considered more stable and immune to passing popular whims

The qualifications for U.S. president are

35 years of age, U.S. citizen, and resident for previous 14 years under Article II of the Constitution

The U.S. House of Representatives contains

435 members and is considered more likely to represent local constituent interests

Which of the following examples of legislation could originate only in the House of Representatives?

A bill that increases taxes in order to build a new interstate highway

In the compound republic of America, the power surrendered by the people is first divided between two distinct governments, and then the portion allotted to each subdivided among distinct and separate departments. Hence a double security arises to the rights of the people. The different governments will control each other, at the same time that each will be controlled by itself.—Madison, Number 51 Based on the quote, which of the following statements would Madison have likely supported?

A government must have enough power to govern however, its power must also be limited by creating multiple branches within it.

The word "reserved" refers to powers that

Belong only to state governments

The existence and monitoring of independent regulatory agencies depends on the


An American with a political ideology that is primarily moderate, yet more liberal on some issues is most likely to be a member of the

Democratic Party

Which of the following is true about state court systems? -The Constitution outlines a judicial plan that each state must follow. -State courts usually conduct all their different types of trials in one court. -Each state government organizes its court system under its state constitution. -State court systems are responsible for trying state and federal cases for the first time.

Each state government organizes its court system under its state constitution.

A law that limits the content of popup advertisements on the Internet would be enforced by the

Federal Communications Commission

The regulatory agency that monitors and regulates banking activity is the

Federal Reserve System

Elections in Iraq during Saddam Hussein's rule were

Fraudulent elections indicating decreased levels of democratization

The Sixth Amendment was interpreted in

Gideon v. Wainwright to mean states must pay for counsel if the defendant cannot afford it

Imagine the police arrested a man for owning and keeping a handgun in his home, which police confiscated. The city he lives in has a law banning citizens from having firearms in their homes. Which of the following could happen?

He could provide gun registration and purchase paperwork in court to challenge the arrest under the District of Columbia v. Heller decision.

"Each representative who wishes to speak on the bill will be allowed five minutes." A statement like this one would be the work of the

House Rules Committee

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."—First Amendment, U.S. Constitution Imagine you hear a radio ad that says a candidate for mayor of your city bribed local organizations to gain their votes. Which of the following is true?

If the accusation is true, the First Amendment protects the maker of the radio advertisement.

"All men having power ought to be mistrusted."—James Madison Imagine you are a representative to a state legislature meeting, debating the proposed Constitution. You have just read this quote in a newspaper essay. Which of the following is the best description of how you would respond?

If you were an Anti-federalist, you would use the quote to support your argument that a confederation of sovereign states is the best form of government.

Which of the following statements is true about the U.S. Senate?

Its members have six-year terms, with one-third of the total members up for re-election every two years

Which statement best describes why the ruling of Gibbons v. Ogden is significant?

It clarified the meaning of the supremacy clause to say that state governments can regulate commerce in territories they border.

Which of the following is a true statement about the Articles of Confederation? -It provided three branches of government, so it reflected the principle "separation of powers." -It created a strong legislative branch, a weak executive branch, and no judicial branch. -It reflected the principle "separation of powers" by leaving most power to the states. -It directed most of the significant powers of government to the executive branch.

It created a strong legislative branch, a weak executive branch, and no judicial branch.

How does the Constitution distribute power?

It divides the central government into three branches and shares power with the state governments.

How did the invention of television change the nature of political communication?

It gave the public audience the ability to see what officials looked like and see the effects of their actions.

Which of the following is a true statement about Freedom House?

It is a non-governmental organization based in the United States that monitors and promotes democratization around the world.

Which of the following is true about the legislative branch of government?

It is divided into two separate houses.

Which of the following statements about judicial review is correct? -It is the power of the judicial branch to determine whether a law is acceptable under the Constitution, as established by the case Marbury v. Madison. -It is the power of the judicial branch to determine a proposed bill is acceptable under the Constitution, as established by the case McCulloch v. Maryland. -It is the power of the executive branch to determine whether a court decision is acceptable under the Constitution, as established by the case Marbury v. Madison. -It is the power of the executive branch to determine whether a court punishment is acceptable under the Constitution, as established by the case McCulloch v. Maryland.

It is the power of the judicial branch to determine whether a law is acceptable under the Constitution, as established by the case Marbury v. Madison.

What makes a parliamentary government different from the United States?

Its legislature has authority over the executive branch, with the ability to select and remove executive leaders.

Which of the following is a true statement about judges in the U.S. court system? -All judges are appointed at both the state and federal levels of the court system in the United States. -Judges are appointed at the federal level, and the system for selecting judges differs by state government. -All judges are elected at the both the state and federal levels of the court system in the United States. -Judged are elected at the federal level, and the system for selecting judges differs by state government.

Judges are appointed at the federal level, and the system for selecting judges differs by state government.

McCulloch v. Maryland

McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) is one of the first and most important Supreme Court cases on federal power. In this case, the Supreme Court held that Congress has implied powers derived from those listed in Article I, Section 8. The "Necessary and Proper" Clause gave Congress the power to establish a national bank.

Which of the following Supreme Court cases is matched to its outcome and significance?

McCulloch v. Maryland—clarified the meaning of the supremacy clause

Which of the following situations exhibits a reasonable limit placed on the First Amendment in the interest of the common good?

News reporters traveling with troops overseas must not reveal their location or the soldier's identities.

Was the Articles of Confederation based on the principle of separation of powers?

No, because it did not create a separate judicial branch.

Can the U.S. Supreme Court provide advice to the other branches regarding Constitutional interpretation?

No, the process of judicial review is limited to specific cases and controversies per the Constitution.

An example of a cabinet department is the

Office of Health and Human Services

The purpose of the State of the Union address is to provide the opportunity for the

President to address Congress and the nation about the legislative goals to be accomplished

Which of the following restrictions to individual rights could most reasonably protect the common good?

Requiring a permit in advance to hold an assembly, such as a parade or concert, in a public area

"We did not act quickly enough after the killing began. We should not have allowed the refugee camps to become safe havens for the killers. We did not immediately call these crimes by their rightful name—genocide."—President Bill Clinton Which of the following geographic areas of people was President Clinton giving a speech to when he made these remarks?


Which of the following is not a constitutional role of the president? Commander in Chief Chief Executive Speaker of the House Head of State

Speaker of the House

If the majority party in the House is the Democratic party, then the

Speaker will be a member of the Democratic party

What is the meaning of the idea "federalism?"

State governments and a central government share power and responsibility.

"The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age." Which of the following reflects the source and impact of this quote?

The 26th amendment protects the right to vote for all legal adults. Before this amendment, young adults could be in college or even serving the military in combat but not be eligible to choose their leaders for a few years.

Which of the following is a true statement? -The Anti-federalists believed that a pure democracy was possible, whereas the Federalists did not. -The Federalists believed that a pure democracy was possible, whereas the Anti-federalists did not. -The Anti-federalists demanded more written protection than the Federalists did for individual rights. -the Federalists demanded more written protection than the Anti-federalists did for individual rights.

The Anti-federalists demanded more written protection than the Federalists did for individual rights.

Which of the following is a true statement? -The Constitution encourages the people to form political parties at the federal level. -The Constitution makes no mention of political parties or their role in policymaking. -George Washington encouraged people to form political parties at the federal level. -George Washington did not mention political parties or their role in policymaking.

The Constitution makes no mention of political parties or their role in policymaking.

How do the House and Senate differ in the powers related to impeachment?

The House can impeach federal officials and then the Senate would conduct the impeachment trial.

Which of the following is a check on the power of the judicial branch?

The House of Representatives impeaches a justice.

Which of the following explains the outcome and significance of the District of Columbia v. Heller case?

The Supreme Court decided in favor of Heller, that the Second Amendment allows law-abiding U.S. citizens to own and carry handguns in the district.

Which of the following describes the selection of federal judges?

The president nominates someone to fill a vacancy, and the Senate confirms the choice.

How might several countries all described as federations differ in practice?

The state governments may vary in amount of power shared with the central government.

A person is accused of robbing a convenience store in California, speeding and eluding police while carrying stolen goods in Oregon, and resisting arrest in Washington State. Which of the following is correct? -The trial would begin in each state court of original jurisdiction and go separately to state appellate courts if any of the charges are appealed. -The trial would begin in an U.S. District Court for the circuit and go to the U.S. Court of Appeals if either party challenges the verdict. -The trial would only begin and end in the federal circuit court system in each state where the crimes are alleged to have happened. -The trial would begin in a state-level appellate court and go to the federal court of appeal if the verdict is challenged.

The trial would begin in an U.S. District Court for the circuit and go to the U.S. Court of Appeals if either party challenges the verdict.

The Democratic-Republican party was founded based on

Thomas Jefferson's leadership and the Anti-Federalist ideology

The federal court of original jurisdiction is the

U.S. District Court

The majority of federal cases in the United States are settled by

U.S. District Courts

District of Columbia v. Heller

U.S. Supreme Court case that upheld that the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to possess a firearm

The U.S. Supreme Court accepts

about one percent of cases requested for review

A committee that will only exist temporarily to create a certain type of bill would be a

ad hoc committee

"To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers." U.S. Constitution Article I, Section 8 The quote above is

also known as the "elastic clause" because it gives Congress flexibility in the types of legislation it passes

The principle of federalism is clearly evident in the U.S. Constitution through the

amendment process

"The powers of government are too heavily weighted on the side of the national government and against the state governments." The author or speaker of this quote would have been

an Anti-federalist arguing against ratification of the Constitution in favor of a weaker national government

The Central Intelligence Agency operates as

an independent agency responsible for gathering intelligence about foreign nations

"We can either settle for a country where a shrinking number of people do really well while a growing number of Americans barely get by, or we can restore an economy where everyone gets a fair shot, and everyone does their fair share, and everyone plays by the same set of rules. What's at stake aren't Democratic values or Republican values, but American values. And we have to reclaim them."—President Barack Obama, State of the Union, 2012 In this quote, President Obama

appeals to Americans' sense of fairness to increase support among different parties for his agenda

The president exerts the most influence over

appointments to federal agency positions

Examples of how Congress oversees the power of the executive branch is its power to

approve presidential appointments and conduct investigations

Which of the following lists the qualifications for U.S. House of Representatives as described in Article I of the Constitution?

at least 25 years old, at least seven years a U.S. citizen, and a resident of the state chosen to represent

Which of the following lists the qualifications for U.S. Senate as described in Article I of the Constitution?

at least 30 years old, at least nine years a U.S. citizen, and a resident of the state chosen to represent

Jurisdiction means the

authority to hear and rule on a certain type of case

The Declaration of Independence was written because the American colonists

believed King George III violated the social contract

Of the following, turnout among young voters is likely to be highest among

black educated females

The President of the United States

can appoint officials to the federal bureaucracy with the approval of the Senate

The U.S. Census is most likely to result in

changes in policy and representation in Congress

The veto power of the president under the U.S. Constitution best reflects the principle of

checks and balances

A country with a government that deliberately places socialist principles into action is

communist, like China

Which of the following cases would be heard first in a state trial court?

damages related to a car accident

"New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress."—U.S. Constitution Based on this quote, the power to create new U.S. states is a

delegated power

The unblocking of popular social media websites in Myanmar is an indication that

democratization is taking place

The amendment process is

difficult and a limit to the federal government's power

During a jury trial,

each side in a criminal or civil case will present evidence to support their position

The term "voter turnout" refers to the portion of

eligible voters who cast a ballot in an election

Which of the following does Article III of the U.S. Constitution give Congress the power to do?

establish lower courts

The Constitution gives the legislative branch the power to

establish postal service

Which of the following is an example of a concurrent power?

establishing an air force

Which of the following is an example of an implied power?

establishing an air force

Because of the principle of "rule of law,"

even the president can be arrested and placed on trial

The first three articles of the U.S. Constitution

explain the powers delegated to the national government

Article Four of the U.S. Constitution

explains the powers reserved to the state governments

Over time in U.S. history, court decisions and legislation have

extended civil liberties to more and more people

Canada has ten provinces that share power with the central government. Which of the following terms best describes this characteristic of Canada? unitary monarchy federation democracy


Interest groups

form based on people's shared issues, viewpoints, or experiences

Some Americans prefer appointment of judges rather than elections because they believe appointment

frees judges from the pressures of public support and re-election

According to the Constitution, the president has the power to

grant pardons for federal crimes

Expressed powers are

granted to the national government by the U.S. Constitution and delegated powers of the national government

The power to declare war is

granted to the national government, not states

The "elastic clause" in the U.S. Constitution

grants Congress the power to make laws needed to operate the national government

A jury trial

happens at the trial or district court level

"Candidate Florent is obviously the better man for the job. No one can match his education and experience." This quote shows that the reporter

has a bias in favor of Florent

The president's cabinet includes

heads of the executive departments

Trial by jury is an important right for a defendant on trial because it

helps protect the not guilty from wrongful conviction

The Supreme Court extended the right of privacy implied by the 14th and Fourth Amendments to include protection from use in a trial of evidence that was seized

illegally, in the case Mapp v. Ohio

The foreign policy position most associated with aggression and war is


Petitions to the U.S. Supreme Court have

increased over time and are primarily accepted by writ of certiorari

The Mexican government has struggled to control the production and trade of illegal drugs. As a result, the United States has

increased security along the coasts and border areas with Mexico to try to stop the entry of illegal drugs

Canada and Mexico are similar to the United States because all three countries are described as

indirect democracies and federations

A criticism of the American system of federalism is that it is

inefficient in responding to crises involving multiple levels of government

The two main roles of any special interest group are to

inform the public and persuade lawmakers

The wording of the Constitution is

intentionally vague to allow the document to survive changes in society

The "Coalition for the Homeless" has served as a valuable resource of information and assistance to those in poverty as well as lawmakers and other interested people in New York City. "Coalition for the Homeless" is a(n)

interest group promoting programs that help needy people

When Judge Sanders makes his ruling, he is expected to base his decision on the

interpretation of law

People who see the United States as acting as the "World's Police" focus on U.S. policies that reflect


An independent regulatory agency

is part of the executive branch

Interpreting the phrase "We the People" in the Preamble to the Constitution to mean

only legal citizens explains the need for the 14th amendment

"The United States in Congress assembled shall never engage in a war, nor grant letters of marque or reprisal in time of peace, nor enter into any treaties or alliances, ...unless nine States assent to the same. Nor shall a question on any other point be determined, unless by the votes of the majority of the United States in Congress assembled."—Articles of Confederation This quote best reflects the principle of

limited government by restricting the powers of the federal government

Expressed powers are those that are

listed in the Constitution and belong to the national government

The Declaration of Independence reflected the idea of individual rights because it

listed specific grievances and complaints against colonial rule

Which of the following tends to increase when a country is becoming more democratic? resources poverty literacy crime


Interest groups can influence public policy because they

lobby the members of legislative committees to convince them to vote a certain way on bills

Most legal disputes are resolved in

local trial courts

A joint committee is

made up of members from both the House and Senate to address a common concern

An example of a shared or concurrent power is the power to

make laws

The legislative branch has the power to

makes laws

The president is responsible for

making sure the laws are carried out

With regard to the Electoral College,

many states now mandate that their electors go to the candidate who wins the popular vote, fueling the argument that the Electoral College should be abolished

Justices on the U.S. Supreme Court

may serve for life

Which of the following best describes the membership of a joint committee, such as the Joint Economic Committee?

members from both the House and Senate

The two major political parties in the United States compete the most with one another for the votes of


People who take a "layer cake" view of federalism believe that

national and state governments are exclusively sovereign in their areas

People who take a "marble cake" view of federalism believe that

national and state governments cooperate to meet citizen needs

Which of the following is an example of a delegated power?

national government creates a treaty with a sovereign nation

The Declaration of Independence states that people have

natural rights that people are born with and that no government can take away

How did most Americans hear about politics before the invention of the radio?


Smith, a candidate running against the current senator, says, "the senator has voted against health care. She is not in line with the principles of our party." Jones, the senator, responds, "my esteemed opponent neglected to mention I only voted against a health care bill once, because it would have actually reduced citizen benefits." Smith is using

omission to reduce support for Jones

The origin of the term "genocide" and international laws to prevent it followed

World War II

Is the principle "separation of powers" evident in the U.S. Constitution?

Yes, it is shown because the first three articles describe the three branches of government.

Did the Declaration of Independence reflect the principle of individual rights?

Yes, it listed the grievances against the king for abuses of the colonists' rights.

The Department of State is

a cabinet department that is part of the executive branch under the Constitution

Which of the following cases would be heard first in an U.S. District Court?

a citizen of Mexico residing in Utah accuses a U.S. university of violating her civil rights

Gibbons v. Ogden

a landmark decision in which the Supreme Court of the United States held that the power to regulate interstate commerce, granted to Congress by the Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution, encompassed the power to regulate navigation

The term federalism describes

a legal division of authority between the national, state, and local governments

Which of the following cases would be heard in a U.S. District Court? -a person claiming her problems are because of state laws that are unfair -a person claiming he is innocent of crimes committed in various counties in his state -a person claiming her state court of last resort violated her rights under the Constitution -a person alleging his former business associate stole all his money and destroyed property

a person claiming her state court of last resort violated her rights under the Constitution

Democratization describes

a process through which a country's citizens gain greater access to and participation in government

Decision-making power in an autocracy is in the control of

a single individual

Which of the following best describes who has decision-making power in an oligarchy? -a single individual -all of the residents -all of the voting citizens -a small group of people

a small group of people

"A Bill to Raise the Tax Rate on Those Earning Over One Million Dollars Annually." A bill with a title like this one could

only originate in the House

Article II of the U.S. Constitution describes the

organization and duties of the executive branch

in the United States, each state

organizes and conducts its own elections, reflecting the powers given to the state governments

Individuals have a stronger voice in public policy when they

participate actively in interest groups or political parties

The grievances listed in the Declaration of Independence were

presented as evidence for the king's breaking of the social contract

The power to issue professional licenses such as those for doctors is a

reserved power

The state of Florida passes a law requiring high school students to take an online course as a graduation requirement. This is an example of a

reserved power granted to the state governments

The Tenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution

reserves to the states any powers not delegated to the national government

The "necessary and proper clause" is a phrase in the U.S. Constitution designed to protect the principle of

rule of law

An example of how the Constitution safeguards individual rights is

separating the powers into branches

When people complain about "big government," they are referring to the

size and power of the federal bureaucracy

A person with conservative views believes that government should have a

weak role in people's daily lives and is more likely to support the Republican Party

It "is no gimmick, and nobody will ever be elected to major office again without presenting themselves well on it."—Nixon campaign consultant Roger Ailes, 1968 The quote is in reference to the


Third parties are similar to interest groups because they

tend to focus on a single issue

According to Article I of the U.S. Constitution, who has the power to "To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization"?

the Legislative Branch

According to Article I of the Constitution, who has the ability to approve foreign treaties?

the Senate only

Article Five of the U.S. Constitution supports the principle of federalism because

the amendment process requires both state and national support

One way the Constitution safeguards individual rights is through

the first 10 amendments, also known as the Bill of Rights

The U.S. Constitution reflects the principle of individual rights because

the framers added a Bill of Rights through the amendment process

The media are

the various means of mass communication, such as television and radio

Political parties influence public policy because they

try to get their members elected whom they expect to vote along the party platform on issues

Federalists believed that a bill of rights was

unnecessary due to the structure of government under the Constitution

Impeachment of a federal official is

when charges are brought against the official for evidence of treason, bribery, or other serious crimes

Most cases in the U.S. Supreme Court are accepted by

writ of certiorari

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