US Economic Imperialism

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In what ways did landowner "enslave" peasant workers?

Landowners paid their workers with money vouchers that could only be used at their own store. The store was expensive, while wages were low. This caused the workers the be in debt to the landowners.

How did foreign countries gain control of Latin American industries?

Latin America was often unable to pay back loans, thus foreign lenders threatened to collect the debt by force or taking over facilities they funded, therefore controlling Latin American industries.

What is a Mestizo?

A Mexican and Spanish baby

What is a Creole?

A Spanish baby born in Mexico. They cannot be in the government.

Political Imperialism?

A policy in which a nation extends its power and influence by gaining political control of another nation or territory.

Sphere of Influence?

A region where one country has control or influence over that area but the area does not officially belong to that country.

Economic Imperialism?

Acquisition by a government or territory of economic power over other nations or territories, often by force The economic policies implemented benefit the imperialist nation

What is a Mulatto?

An African mixed with a Spanish baby


An autonomous (free) territory that is protected diplomatically or militarily against other nations by a stronger state in exchange for concessions .

Why did President Monroe issue that Monroe Doctrine?

He did it to protect the Americas from foreign interference and to keep them from trying to reconquer Latin America.

What is the hierarchy of the people in Mexico?

Peninsulares, Creoles, Mestizos/Mulattos, and "enslaved" Mexicans and Africans.

What is peonage?

Peonage is when the landowners "enslaved" workers with debt.

Why did Latin American nations remain poor and unindustrialized after they gained independence?

Since they imported manufactured goods from Europe they had no reason to develop their own manufacturing industries.

What is a Peninsulares?

The Spaniards from Spain

How did the United States expand its influence in Latin America in the early 1900's?

The US helped Panama become and independent country from Colombia and in return Panama let the US build a canal through their country to make travelling from coast to coast half the distance.

Colonial Imperialism?

The control or governing influence of a nation over a dependent country, territory, or people.

How did advances in technology affect Latin American trade?

The exports grew because of new transport technology, and other tech increases. The exports of meats, fruits, vegetables, and other perishable goods soared.

How was land distributed during colonial times?

The land was distributed unevenly. The government took the natives land and sold it for high prices. Only the wealthy could afford to buy land.

Who were the "enslaved"?

The native Mexicans and Africans.


The policy or practice of acquiring full or partial control over another country or area, occupying it with settlers and exploiting it economically.

Cultural Imperialism?

The practice of promoting and imposing a culture, usually of a politically powerful nation over a weaker society It can be promoted in many ways: Through military power Promotion of a particular attitude A formal policy

How did the Spanish-American War make the United States the dominant imperial power in Latin America?

The war let the US put a puppet government in place in Cuba and gain control of Spain's remaining colonies; Guam, the Philippines, and Puerto Rico.

What political problems did independent nations face as a result of European colonial rule?

They gained little democratic experience and the people lacked a voice in the government.

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