US History 10 Chapter 3 (England & Its Colonies)

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Who defeated the French?


Who was France greatest rival in North America?


Who was a leader of the Great Awakening in America?

Jonathan Edwards

a member of the clergy who sought to revive the intensity and commitment of the original Puritan vision. He preached that church attendance was not enough for salvation; that people must acknowledge their sinfulness and feel God's love for them

Jonathan Edwards

A veteran military officer from an aristocratic English Family

Sir Edmund Andros

A 1739 uprising of slaves in South Carolina leading to the tightening of a already harsh slave law

Stone Rebellion

a trade law enacted by Parliament in 1764 in an attempt to reduce smuggling in the British colonies in North America

Sugar Act

ended the years was lost all claims to land (french) Britain and america won.

Treaty of Paris 1763

An energetic, self-confident politician. While in office the British army finally began winning battles.

William Pitt

Who assembled the largest army seen in North America during the French and Indian war causing the Iroquois to join with Britain against the French?

William Pitt

Why was James II unpopular in England?

Because of religious learning and he became catholic

Who was a leader of the Enlightenment in America?

Benjamin Franklin

embraced the notion of obtaining truth through experimentation and reasoning. An outstanding enlightenment figure

Benjamin Franklin

Who led the Stono Rebellion?

African Slave

the land from Southern main to New Jersey was put into one vast colony

Dominion of New England

an 18th Century intellectual movement that emphasized the use of reason and the scientific method as means of obtaining knowledge


a conflict in North Africa lasting from 1754 to 1763, that was part of a world wide struggle between France and Britain and that ended with the defeat of France and the transfer of French and the transfer of French Canada to Britain

French and Indian War

A financial expert who served as prime minister in 1763. He suspected that colonists were smuggling goods in to the country and prompted parliament to enact a law known as the Sugar Act

George Grenville

At age 22 he led a small band to established an outpost called Fort Necessity about 40 miles from Fort Duquesne.

George Washington

The transfer of the British monarchy from James II to William

Glorious revolution

revival of religious feeling that stirred colonial society in the mid-1700s

Great Awakening

Who did the French have a good relationship with and also trade with in the North American Empire?


During the period of salutary neglect, what happened to the colonial economy?

It grew by trading with foreign countries

A series of Laws enacted by parliament beginning in 1651 to tighten control of trade in its American colonies

Navigation Acts

What was the point of contention in North America? Most wanted area fought over in the fr. and in. war

Ohio River Valley

The legislative body of England


An Ottawa leader who recognized that the French loss was a loss for Native Americans He also led Native Americans to captured eight British forts in Ohio Valley and laid siege to two others


Who captured 8 British forts on the Ohio River, but was weakened by disease?


Why did the colonist hate George Grenville?

Prime Minster who ended policy of salutary Neglect. He cracked down on colonial smuggling thereby ending the policy of Salutary Neglect

An order in which Britain prohibited its American colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains

Proclamation of 1763

The French and Indian war was also called?

The Seven Year War

The triangular trade routes connected what areas for trade?

The west Indies, New England, and Africa

the difference in value between a country's imports and exports

balance of trade

What did Britain financial crisis do to the colonies?

brought on "unfair" taxes

How did they stop the smugglers?

by issuing the Writs of Assistance (blank search warrants)

A crop grown by a farmer for sale rather than for personal use

cash crop

What problems faced the British once the war was won?


Why did French colonist come to America?

for trade

Once the French and Indian War was over, did American colonist need Britain more or less?


An economic system in which nations seek to increase their wealth and power by obtaining large amounts of gold and silver


the voyage that brought enslaved Africans to North America

middle passage

During the French and Indian War, Native Americans fought on Which side?

mostly french, but both

Why was the relationship between the French and the Indians most peaceful?

mostly traded and there were French settlements

the transatlantic system of trade in which goods and people including slaves were exchanged between Africa, England, Europe and the West Indies

triangular trade

What did Enlightenment thinkers Stress?

reasoning and the scientific method to obtain knowledge

What was "awakened" by the Great Awakening?

religious feeling

An English policy of relaxing the enforcement of regulation in its colonies in return for the continued economic loyalty of the colonists; led to a governor appointed by the king serving nearly each colony

salutary neglect

Pontiac was finally defeated by what?

small pox

How did the British decide to solve many of these problems?

taxation on the colonies

After what event in England, did salutary neglect of the colonies begin?

the Glorious revolution

How did power in England change because of the Glorious Revolution?

the king was not there so it went back to a colony

What is the main goal of mercantilism?

to maintain gold and barrens of trade

Why did Britain enact the Sugar Act?

to reduce colonial smuggling

What were the important cash crops of the Southern colonies?

tobacco, rice and indigo

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