US History 3rd Nine Weeks 11th Grade

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Martin Luther King, Jr.

-Born into a Christian Middle Class Family and he was well educated. -He believed Violence was not the answer. -In 1964 He was given the Noble Peace Prize -He led the 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott -He was known for his "I have a Dream" speech

Common traits between Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X

-Both of their Fathers were Baptist Preachers. -They both fought for black's civil rights. -They both grew up in religious homes. -They were both arrested many times. -They both became ministers -They were both assassinated at the age of 39

Malcolm X

-He was born into a poor Christian Family and hardly educated. -He believed blacks should fight back with violence -1965 He went on a holy spiritual journey through the Middle East and West Africa -He indemnified himself as a black nationalist -As a teenager he made a living by committing small crimes.

Executive Order 9981

Abolished segregation of the Armed Forces

What is Joseph McCarthy best remembered for?

Accusing people of being communist on national television.

What is W.E.B. DuBois best known for?

Author who was a civil rights leader. Demanded equality.

Voting Rights Act of 1965

Banned Literacy test for voting

24th Amendment

Banned Poll Taxes

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Banned discrimination based or race or gender.

How did the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan mark a change in U.S. foreign policy?

Fight Communism at any cost

How did President Franklin D. Roosevelt reassure the American people during the Great Depression and WWII?

Fireside Chats

How did WWI (Treaty of Versailles) and the Great Depression contribute to the start of WWII?

Germany losing land and respect led to Germany invading surrounding areas. The lack of money and resources from Britain and France allowed them to take over.

What is the name of the 1st African American to play in Major League Baseball?

Jackie Robinson

Why did Americans move to the Sunbelt?

Jobs in Technologies.

Why was rationing necessary during WWII?

Lack of supplies (They were all sent over seas)

Compare and contrast Medicare and Medicaid.

Medicare = Care for the Elderly Medicaid = Aid for the Poor

How did the Korean war begin?

N. Korea invaded S. Korea

Why were some people critical of the 1950's lifestyle?

No individualism or creativity

What was the Cuban Missile Crisis? How did President John F. Kennedy respond to the Cuban Missile Crisis?

Nuclear standoff between U.S. and the USSR over warheads in Cuba. Kennedy resonded by blocking off Cuba and talked it out with Russia

What is the name and date of the event that brought the U.S. into WWII?

Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941

What vaccine did Jonas Salk develop during the 1950's?


Who was most affected by the GI Bill? What benefits did the GI Bill provide?

Returning soldiers, They received loans for homes, and payments for college

What was the decision in and impact of the Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court Case?

Segregation was illegal in public schools.

What was the decision in and impact of the Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court case?

Segregation was legal. Separate but equal.

What led the Federal Government to push for more education in math and science during the 1950's?

Space Program

What was the newest and most popular for of entertainment for the Americans on the 1950's?


How did the war with Japan come to an end?

The Atomic Bomb(s)

What is the name and date of the event that sparked the Space Race between U.S. and the Soviet Union?

The launch of Sputnik, October 4, 1957

How did the Tuskegee Airmen decrease opposition to integrating the Armed Forces?

Their services and accomplishments showed they were just as valuable as any other servicemen.

What happened to U.S. and Filipino soldiers who were left behind on the Bataan Peninsula when the Japanese conquered the Philippines?

They were forced to march 60 miles without food or water, many of them died.

What is the name of the NAACP lawyer who eventually became the 1st African American Supreme Court Justice?

Thurgood Marshall

Describe the purpose and outcome of the Berlin Airlift.

To circumvent the blockade and bringing in supplies to Berlin. It worked.

Why were the phrases "In God We Trust" and "Under God" added to the U.S. dollar bill and Pledge of Allegiance during the 1950's?

To show we were better that the atheist communists and that we had God on our side.

List some of the ways Americans contributed to the war effort at home.

Victory Gardens, War Bonds, Working in Factories

Why did Americans experience a time of prosperity after WWII ended?

We bought things and Consumerism took over

19th Amendment

Women's suffrage

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