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This term refers to the policy of using the U.S. government to guarantee loans made to foreign countries by American business people.

dollar diplomacy

the US gained control of the land it needed to build the panama canal by?

encouraging and supporting panamanian independence

Teddy Roosevelt's approach to foreign policy reflected the proverb "Speak softly and carry a big stick" because

his negotiations were always backed by the threat of military force

The U.S. gained control of the land it needed to build the Panama Canal by?

invading and attacking Columbia

the open door policy was designed as a way for the US to further?

its trade interests

In 1891, _____ becomes Hawaii's queen and proposes a new constitution.


San Juan Hill

Location of an important American land victory in Cuba

After the war, the United States paid 20 million dollars to Spain for the annexation of this land.

Philippine Islands

This is a sensational style of writing that exaggerates the news to lure readers.

yellow journalism

what statement best reflects an anti-imperialist attitude?

"if not necessary to own people trade with them"


A country whose affairs are partially controlled by a stronger power.

Which country's residents became citizens of the U.S. in 1917?

Puerto Rico

Who was the "hero" of San Juan Hill?

Teddy Roosevelt

In 1890, _____ causes a crisis by threatening Hawaiian sugar growers with economic disaster.

The McKinley Tariff

Francisco Villa

A Mexican rebel who crossed into New Mexico and killed 18 Americans

Which nation was not affected by the Spanish-American War?


the Treaty of Paris ended what war?

Spanish-American War

The Roosevelt corollary built upon what other doctrine?

The Monroe Doctrine

Soon after this was destroyed, the United States declared war on Spain.

U.S.S. Maine

Foraker Act

gave the US direct control over and power to set up a government in Puerto Rico

What did NOT stimulate U.S. imperialism?

need for a new source of cheap labor

In 1890, urged by such leaders as U.S. Navy Admiral _____, the United States constructs many new battleships, transforming the nation into the world's third largest naval power.

Alfred T. Mahan

Which nation was the focus of John Hay's "Open Door notes"?


Valeriano Weyler

General sent from Spain to Cuba to restore order in 1896

Platt Amendment

Legislation that severely restricted Cuba's sovereignty and gave the US the right to intervene if Cuba got into trouble

The Panama Canal was built during his presidency

Theodore Roosevelt

How did Theodore Roosevelt win the 1906 Nobel Peace Prize?

negotiating an end to war between Russia and Japan

Alfred T. Mahan

us navy captain who encouraged the us to look outward for military bases, raw materials, markets

Emilio Aguinaldo

Filipino who was lead both the Philippine revolution against Spain and then the United States

In 1894, President _____ formally recognizes the Republic of Hawaii.

Grover Cleveland

This volunteer cavalry unit fought in a famous land battle near Santiago, Cuba.

Rough Riders

Boxer Rebellion

1899 rebellion in Beijing, China started by a secret society of Chinese who opposed the "foreign devils". The rebellion was ended by British troops.

George Dewey

A United States naval officer remembered for his victory at Manila Bay in the Spanish-American War, U.S. naval commander who led the American attack on the Philippines

Pearl Harbor

Base in hawaii that was bombed by Japan on December 7, 1941, which eagered America to enter the war.

In which nation did the Boxer Rebellion take place?


who previously owned the land that the Panama Canal was on?


In 1898, _____ proclaims Hawaii an American territory.


This nation gained its independence in the Spanish-American War.


Emiliano Zapata

Mexican revolutionary who led a revolt for agrarian reforms

Its construction ranks as one of the world's greatest engineering feats.

Panama Canal

William Seward

Secretary of State who was responsible for purchasing Alaskan Territory from Russia. By purchasing Alaska, he expanded the territory of the country at a reasonable price.

This Cuban poet and journalist launched a Cuban revolution in 1895.

José Martí

Panama Canal

Ship canal cut across the isthmus of Panama by United States, it opened in 1915.

During his presidency, the United States and Mexico came close to war.

Woodrow Wilson

What was included in the de Lome letter?

criticisms of President McKinley

what conflicts were U.S. military troops not involved?

the Russo-Japanese War

Dollar Diplomacy

the use of a country's financial power to extend its international influence.

the open door policy was what?

where all countries have equal trading rights in china

the name for sensational and often irresponsible news headlines and stories is what

yellow journalism


A policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.

Sanford B. Dole

American businessman who became president of the new government of Hawaii after the queen was pushed out

Many anti-imperialists worried that imperialism might threaten the American democratic system. How might this happen?

Anti-imperialist worried that imperialism might threaten the American democratic system because their ideas and very strong and could greatly impact America and other nations. They could make other countries weaker and the government could become more powerful. Once they become powerful, they may bend rule or do what is best to get even more control.

At the turn of the century, which of these nations could be best described as an independent, though bullied, trading partner of the United States?


Which nation was not affected by the Spanish-American war?


To which nation did the Treaty of Paris of 1898 guarantee independence from Spain?


Which nation did the Platt Amendment make a U.S. protectorate?


what were the countries that came under some form of US control as a result of the Spanish-American war

Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines

Its criticism of the American president caused American resentment toward Spain to turn to outrage.

De Lôme letter

American troops were sent into Mexico to try to capture this Mexican revolutionary leader.

Francisco "Pancho" Villa

This general forced Cubans to relocate to reconcentration camps where thousands of them died.

General Valeriano Weyler

He was the naval commander who led the American forces that steamed into Manila Bay and destroyed the Spanish fleet.

George Dewey

In your opinion, should the United States have become involved in the affairs of Colombia, Nicaragua, and Mexico during the early 1900s?

I think that the United States made a poor decision when they became involved in the affairs of Columbia, Nicaragua, and Mexico during the early 1900s. These countries did not hold anything against the United States and didn't cause any trouble. The United States would have had a lot less on their hands if they were to stay out of their affairs. Also, becoming involved in these affairs, I think that the United States went in thinking of all the more power they would have. The United States seemed to have taken advantage of these countries, in order to stay in control. In the end, the United States shouldn't have become involved in the affairs of Columbia, Nicaragua, and Mexico.

He led American forces into Mexico in pursuit of a Mexican revolutionary leader.

John J. Pershing

Yellow Journalism

Journalism that exploits, distorts, or exaggerates the news to create sensations and attract readers

In 1887, white business leaders force King _____ to change Hawaii's constitution to grant voting rights only to wealthy landowners.


List the three reasons behind U.S imperialism

Need for new markets, desire for military strength, cultural superiority

In your opinion, did Sanford B. Dole and other American planters have the right to stage a revolt in Hawaii in 1893?

No, they didn't have the right to stage a revolt. They did it out of greed because they only wanted wealthy landowners to vote and the Queen was going to open it up to everyone.The rights of Native Hawaiians should have outweighed the business but it didn't become the business produced sugar and made money.

General John J. Pershing led a force of fifteen thousand soldiers in an attempt to capture who?

Pancho Villa

In 1887, U.S. military and economic leaders pressure Hawaii to allow the United States to build a naval base at _____.

Pearl Harbor

For which nation's independence did Emilio Aguinaldo fight?


In which nation did the United States use the same sort of concentration camp practices that it had condemned Spain for using in Cuba?


Which nation attempted to achieve its independence by going to war against the United States?


What did the United States insist that Cuba include in its constitution?

Platt Amendment

Which nation was directly affected by the Foraker Act?

Puerto Rico

who surrendered Hawaii to the United States in 1883?

Queen Liliuokalani

Also known as "big stick" diplomacy, this official American policy stated that disorder in Latin America could force the United States to send its military into Latin American nations to protect American economic interests.

Roosevelt Corollary

In 1898 Theodore Roosevelt resigned his post as Assistant Secretary of the Navy to organize the Rough Riders. Why do you think Roosevelt was willing to take this risk? How do you think this decision affected his political career?

Roosevelt was willing to take this risk because he knew that something good would come out of it. The Rough Riders were successful with their victory from battle and he was known as a hero. This affected his political career greatly because it showed that not only could he do his job at assistant secretary but he could also make something and succeed, making him a favorable person.

Roosevelt Corollary

Roosevelt's 1904 extension of the Monroe Doctrine, stating that the United States has the right to protect its economic interests in South And Central America by using military force

Theodore Roosevelt was declared the hero of this, even though he and his units played only a minor role in its capture.

San Juan Hill

In 1893, with the aid of the U.S. ambassador, white business groups overthrow the Hawaiian government and establish a provisional government with _____ as president.

Sanford B. Dole

John Hay

Secretary of State under McKinley and Roosevelt who pioneered the open-door policy and Panama canal

USS Maine

Ship that explodes off the coast of Cuba in Havana harbor and helps contribute to the start of the Spanish-American War

How did American rule of Puerto Rico harm Puerto Ricans? How did it help Puerto Ricans? Do you think the benefits outweighed the harmful effects? Why or why not?

The American rule of Puerto Rico hurt them Puerto Ricans because they were not an independent nation and those like Luis Munoz Rivera were determined to fight for it. However, we also helped them by providing protection for the people and the property and eventually allowing them to have a say in government. I believe the benefits outweighed the harms because it could be possible that they would have affairs with other countries and might go back to strict rule, but instead they were safer than they could have been.

Manifest destiny greatly influenced American policy during the first half of the 19th century. How do you think manifest destiny set the stage for American imperialism at the end of the century?

The Manifest Destiny greatly influenced American policy because it showed people what they needed. People were having economic problems so they moved to the west, it allowed for expansion and was an attraction for the people. It set imperialism because expanding gave people more power, there were more markets, more merchants, and more space. The power grew leading to imperialism.

How was U.S. policy toward China different from U.S. policy toward the Philippines? To what can you attribute the difference?

The Philippine policy was similar to the Puerto Rican one, the US choose a governor, who would choose upper house of legislature and the Filipinos chose the lower house. The China policy was the Open Door Policy, because America didn't want European countries to take more control after their victory. I feel that America realized how similar the Philippine situation was to Spain and Cuba, since they had control over them, they treated them the same way as the Puerto Rican because it was fair. Also for the Chinese, they really needed some protection from the Europeans so American decided that policy for them.

How did U.S. foreign policy at the turn of the century affect actions taken by the United States toward China?

The U.S. government believed it had the right to intervene to keep foreign markets open to the United States. The Open Door notes were a nonmilitary attempt to get trading rights in China.

What do you think were the similarities and differences between Roosevelt's Big Stick policy and Wilson's missionary diplomacy?

The key difference between Woodrow Wilson's moral diplomacy and Teddy Roosevelt's "big stick" diplomacy was that position with Latin America. Roosevelt helped Latin America by keeping European countries out of the affairs and protecting their economy (concerning America). Wilson wanted nothing to do with Latin America, his diplomacy had the moral responsibility to deny their recognition.

John J. Pershing

US general who chased Villa over 300 miles into Mexico but didn't capture him

In 1897, _____, who favors the annexation of Hawaii, takes over the presidency from Cleveland.

William McKinley

Who said "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war"?

William Randolph Hearst

Treaty of Paris

agreement signed by British and American leaders that stated the United States of America was a free and independent country

Open Door Notes

messages sent by Secretary of State John Hay in 1899 to Germany, Russia, Great Britain, France, Italy, and Japan, asking the countries not to interfere with U.S. trading rights in China

This term refers to the policy of denying recognition of Latin American governments that the United States viewed as oppressive, undemocratic, or hostile to U.S. interests.

missionary diplomacy

Jose Marti, a Cuban poet and journalist in exile in New York,organized a guerrilla campaign to destroy American-owned property in Cuba in order to?

provoke U.S. intervention in Cuba

The Boxer Rebellion was attempt by Chinese revolutionaries to?

remove foreign influence from China

Queen Liliuokalani

the Hawaiian queen who was forced out of power by a revolution started by American business interests

the rapid growth of industry in the US helped fuel imperialism because

the US was producing too many goods for its own people to buy

What do you think were the unstated editorial policies of yellow journalism?

to create news rather than document it, to sensationalize events by distorting truth, to exploit the public's fears, to manipulate the public's perception of events; to write articles that sell newspapers to advance the newspaper publisher's political views.

Rough Riders

volunteer soldiers led by Theodore Roosevelt during the Spanish American War

all of the following were imperialists powers except?


"Remember the Maine!" became a rallying cry for US intervention in Cuba True or False?


Who was president when the US and Mexico almost went to war?

Woodrow Wilson

Jose Marti

led the fight for Cuba's independence from Spain from 1895 through the Spanish-American War

what was the purpose of the Foraker Act?

to end military rule and set up civil government in Puerto Rico

During the Spanish-American War, did the US treated Filipinos in much the same way the Spanish had treated the Cubans?


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