U.S History Exam

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"hands off"


"hands off" government letting business do what they want with no regulations

Social Darwinism

"survival of the fittest" represents


"total power"

Limit European influence in the Western Hemisphere (North and South America)

A major purpose of the Monroe doctrine (1823) was to


A nation usually demands the greatest conformity from its citizens during times of

established that individuals are responsible for their actions

An important outcome of the Nuremburg Trials held at the of WW2 was that they

Expansion of Slavery

As the united states acquired more land between 1803 and 1850, controversy over these territories focused on the

supporting industry in its effort to suppress unions

During the 19th century, the United States government reacted to union attempts to organize labor by

Growth of American industry

During the late 1800s, a large labor supply, an abundance of natural resources and the construction of the new railroads contributed most directly to the

providing free land to settlers

Homestead Act (1862) helped the development of the West by

Exercise Judicial Review (john marshal)

In Marbury v Madison (1803), the justices of the supreme court established their power to

the number of women in the workforce increased

In the US, one result of WW2 was that

Mexican War

In which war was the Manifest destiny used to justify United States government actions?

increase profits by minimizing competition

Industrialists of the late 1800s used pools and trusts to

expansion of the power of the Federal Government

John Marshall's decisions as Chief Justice of the United States resulted in

John D. Rockefeller


elected officials rewarding their supporters with government jobs

The completion of the erie canal in the early 19th century aided the economic development of the united states by

suffered a direct military attack

The immediate cause of the US entry into WW2 was that the united states

prevent governmental abuse of power

The main purpose if the bill of rights is to

resumption of traditional foreign policy principles

The return to "normalcy" in the 1920s referred mainly to a

Belief in Manifest Destiny

The slogan "fifty four forty or right" , the annexation of Texas, and the Mexican war all relate to the

provided a constitutional basis for segregation laws

The supreme court decision is Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) had a major impact on United States history because the decision

rights of the accused

The supreme court decisions in Mapp v. Ohio, Gideon v. Wainright and Miranda v. Airzona all expanded

followed a policy of judicial activism, leading to broad changes in American Society

The supreme court under chief justice earl warren had a major impact on the United States in that this court

changed the public policy through broad interpretation of the constitution

The supreme court under chief justice john marshall was similar to the court under chief justice earl warren in that both

attain new sources of raw materials and new markets

US interest in overseas expansion in the late 19th century was based mainly on the desire to

became involved in controversial social issues

United States supreme court rulings in cases such as Brown v Board and Roe v Wade indicated that the court

Earl Warren expanded rights of the accused while John Marshall expanded federal government

What did Earl Warren and John Marshall do

Congress cannot mandate a national religion

Whats one impact of the first amendment on American society

free speech can be limited if it poses a clear and present danger to society

Which doctrine emerged from the United States supreme court decision in Schenck v. United States (1919)

small farmers

Which group did not fare well during the Coolidge prosperity in the 1920s?

during wartime, limitations on civil rights have been upheld by judicial action

Which idea is illustrated by the Supreme court cases schenck v. United States and Korematsu v. United States?

several southern states seceded from the Union

Which situation was the most immediate result of the Abraham Lincoln's election to the presidency in 1860?

Manifest Destiny

Which term did Americans use in the 1840s to describe the idea that the United States should posses the entire continent

the united states had a shortage of labor

Why did the US follow a policy of open immigration during much of the 1800s?

disillusionment resulting from World War 1

a major reason for the united states neutrality in the 1930s was the nations

desire to increase foreign trade and military security

a major reason the united states built the panama canal

trail of tears

a tragic event in the american history moved native american tribes to present day Oklahoma. The route that the Natives took is called the

increased job opportunities in industry

between 1881 and 1921, one major cause of the increasing number of immigrants to the united states was the

grapes of wrath

book that describes the dust bowl and how it affected the great plains (1930s)

reformers argued that an educated, literate population was necessary for a successful democracy

during the 19th century, what was the major reason than an increasing number of states established public schools and passed compulsory education laws

the rise of craft union membership

during the late 19th century, labor-management relations were influenced by

found that jobs for unskilled laborers were more widely available

immigrants to the united states during the early 1900s had an advantage over the immigrants of today in that most of the early immigrants

adopting a series of neutrality laws

in the 1930s, the US responded to the rise of the totalitarian powers in Europe by

Social Darwinism

in the late 1800s, which idea was used most often to justify the elimination of business competition

child labor factories were most opposed by

labor unions

raise revenue and protect domestic manufacturing

most tariffs in the 19th century were intended to

expansion of the railroads

one factor that furthered industrialization in the United States between 1865 and 1900 was the

invest in war effort

posters that were published about the war were to encourage americans to

regulate the amount of money in circulation

president woodrow wilson supported creation of the federal reserve system in 1913 to

United states interests were threatened

prior to the US entry into WW2, US foreign policy changed from isolationism to involvement mainly because

Secession of the Southern states from the union

reasons for the _________ caused increasing sectionalism, disagreements over states' rights issues, breakdown of compromise, election of 1860

the "new immigrants" to the United States between 1890 and 1915 came primarily from

southern and eastern Europe

allow business to function without restrictions

supporters of laissez-faire economics believe that government should


tax on an imported good

settle disputes over the spread of slavery

the Missouri compromise (1820), the compromise of 1850, and the Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854) were all efforts to

tried to restrict criticism of and opposition to government policies

the alien and sedition acts of 1798 were similar to the Espionage and Sedition acts passed during world war 1 because they both

opposed the principle of open immigration

the chinese exclusion act, the gentlemen's agreement, and the national origins act all show that at times the united states

restrict the flow of immigration

the passage of the immigration acts of 1921 and 1924 indicated that the United States wished to

limit the power of big business

the sherman antitrust act and the clayton antitrust act were similar in that both were designed to

emerged as a major world power

the spanish american war (1898) marked a turning point in United States foreign policy because the US

changed public policy through broad interpretation of the Constitution

the supreme court under chief justice john marshall was similar to the court under chief justice earl warren in that both

supreme court to determine the constitutionality of laws

the term "judicial review" refers to the power of the

tactics of big business leaders

the term "robber barron" was used to criticize

The formation of business monopolies

the theory of social darwinism was often used to justify the

federal government provided free land to the railroad companies

what factor aided the building of transcontinental railroad

strike breakers and lockouts

what tactics were used by big business during the late 1800s to limit the power of labor unions?

to maintain freedom of the seas

what was a major reason for united states entry into world war 1

improved wages and hours

what was the main benefit that labor unions of the late 19th century gained for their members?

availability of factory jobs

what was the major cause of african american migration from the rural south to northern cities during world war 2

expanding citizen participation in government

what was the major goal of the political reforms enacted during the progressive era (1900-1929)

immigration has been a result of circumstances abroad as well as in the United States

which statement about immigration to the United States is most accurate?

President Roosevelt authorized the action as a military necessity

which statement is accurate concerning the forced relocation of Japanese Americans during world war 2

mexican war

which war goes with manifest destiny

Spanish-American War

which war is most closely associated with the emergence of the united states as a world power

jacib riis

who published photographs of slums to address the horrible conditions

the navy needed a faster way to move ships between the atlantic and pacific ocean

why did the construction of the panama canal become more important to the united states after the spanish-american war?

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