U.S. History Module 4

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The most important of the measure passed by Congress over the veto of President Johnson was the

Military Reconstruction Act

The __________ ________________of 1820 allowed Americans to avoid a discussion of slavery in national politics.

Missouri compromise

Almost every __________ representative voted to pass the Wilmot Proviso during the first vote in the House of Representatives.


Which of the following was NOT one of the motivations Congress had for ensuring black suffrage?

Pushing the issue was another way Congress could assert power over the President

During the Election of 1864, Abraham Lincoln's nomination was almost blocked by the ___________ Republicans.


Who advocated limited voting rights for blacks be granted at the state constitutional conventions for the former states of the Confederacy?

Radical Republicans in Congress

Lincoln believed the government was dealing with __________, and therefore the burden Reconstruction lay with the President.

Rebellious individuals

Congress believed the government was dealing with __________, and therefore the burden Reconstruction lay with the legislative branch.

Revolting states

After General Joseph E. Johnston was seriously wounded at the Battle of Seven Pines, who took command of the Army of Northern Virginia?

Robert E. Lee

In the early years of the war, to whom was the command of Union forces offered by Winfield Scott?

Robert E. Lee

Which U.S. Lieutenant Colonel stormed John Brown's fort and took him prisoner during his raid on Harper's Ferry?

Robert E. Lee

Which of the following is true of the Compromise of 1877? [choose all that apply]

Rutherford B. Hayes became President there was an agreement to pull military support out of the South it signaled the end of Reconstruction since Republican governments collapsed and white Democrats gained control of the South

Which of the following was NOT true concerning General Winfield Scott's nomination in the election of 1852?

Scott narrowly lost to Franklin Pierce in the Electoral College

The Battle of __________ nearly annihilated the Union army in the West, but the Confederate high command's hesitation allowed the Union army to regroup.


The southern strategy to counter the Anaconda Plan was:

Stalemate the North until Lincoln was forced to negotiate

Republican governments were able to establish what in the South during Reconstruction?

State school systems

Which politician hoped to see the Continental Railroad go through the northern part of the United States and helped organize the Kansas-Nebraska Act so that the railroad could pass through them?

Stephen A. Douglas

Which of the following was NOT an example of how the South suffered from a lack of strong leadership?

The Confederate Congress and Jefferson Davis refused to work with each other to pass legislation

Which amendment to the Constitution did John C. Calhoun claim protected southerners' rights to take their slaves into western territories?

The Fifth Amendment

The Crittenden Compromise would have essentially extended which previous compromise?

The Missouri Compromise

Even before the war ended, preparing for Reconstruction set off an intense power struggle between

The President and Congress

Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution abolished slavery?

The Thirteenth

The Free Soil Movement was committed to what cause?

The containment of slavery

Which of the following best describes the most lasting environmental impact of the Civil War?

The destruction of the Southern landscape

At Chancellorsville, Robert E. Lee felt that he had "lost" his "right arm" when this officer was shot by his own men by mistake:

Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson

After the Union took control of eastern Tennessee, Lincoln believed he had finally found a competent commander and promoted which Union general to be general in chief?

U. S. Grant

On April 9, 1865,General Robert E. Lee of the Confederacy surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia to

Ulysses S. Grant

The western theater of the American Civil War focused on this city that was essential for the Union to gain control of the Mississippi River


After Lincoln's declaration of war, to which state did the rest in the upper South look for leadership?


Andrew Johnson, Lincoln's running mate in the election of 1864, belonged to which political party?

War Democrats

Which state seceded from Virginia to remain loyal to the Union after Virginia decided to join the Confederacy?

West Virginia

Which major American political party faded from the political scene in the 1850s?


Whose famous "March to the Sea" left a 250-mile strip of destruction across Georgia?

William Tecumseh Sherman

What was the Lecompton Constitution?

a document passed by the Kansas constitutional convention making Kansas a slave state

What contributed to the Panic of 1857? [choose all that apply]

a drop in Europe's demand for grain overproduction in northeastern manufacturing

When delegates from __________ walked out of the Democratic Convention in 1860, the Democrat Party officially split over the issue of slavery.


What did the Thirteenth Amendment make illegal?

all forms of involuntary servitude

Lincoln's Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction, issued in late 1863, also known as the Ten Percent Plan

allowed Confederate states to form a loyal government when 10% of those who voted in 1860 took an oath of allegiance to the Union

General Winfield Scott proposed the __________ __________, a system that called for the North to encircle and divide the Confederacy.

anaconda plan

To justify their stance on Reconstruction, Radical Republicans in Congress began to argue

argue that the Southern states should be treated as conquered territories

As African Americans began to establish new churches after the war, the denomination many former slaves decided to join was


To restrict the civil rights of freed blacks, many southern states adopted "__________ __________" that placed blacks into a situation that closely resembled slavery.

black codes

The Kansas-Nebraska act allowed the voters to decide on the slavery question?

by popular sovereignty

How did the governments of the North and South attempt to finance the Civil War?

by printing money not backed by gold or silver

The term __________________ refers to those people who came from the North to the South, either to aid in Reconstruction or as political and economic opportunists.


Many historians frame the Civil War as the ________________ of American history, because nothing was the same since this crisis.


During the Civil War, Lincoln had a difficult time balancing the need to manage the war with the ___________ _______________ of the people.

civil liberties

Under the "forfeited rights theory," the_____________, not the President, had the authority to reconstruct the South.


In the early days of the Civil War both sides saw a large response of volunteer soldiers, later both sides passed ______________ laws that required men to serve in the military.


Although Samuel Tilden received the majority of the popular vote and seemed ahead in the Electoral College, what created controversy regarding the outcome of the election?

contested Electoral votes from South Carolina, Florida, and Louisiana

During the Election of 1864, Abraham Lincoln faced a political challenge from the _______________, Democrats who wished to make peace with the Confederacy.


In 1868, a conservative resurgence known collectively as ___________ _________________ began in earnest in the South in 1868.

counter reconstruction

Although the entrenched views of women remained, the war offered women more opportunities outside of the __________ sphere, including supporting the war effort as nurses or taking jobs such as clerks or managers.


Because slave owners had done their best to keep slaves illiterate, many believed that __________ was what African Americans needed to advance in society.


One of the most important impacts of the Civil War was the shift in power away from the states and toward the _______________ government in the United States.


Which of the following is NOT true of the blacks in the South under military rule?

former slaves overwhelmingly ran for political office

In Lincoln's speech at the dedication of the military cemetery at Gettysburg he stated that the outcome of the war would be a "new birth of _____________."


The ___________ _______________ claimed that no law was binding if local governments refused to enforce it.

freeport doctrine

Which state had to be readmitted to the Union twice, after members of the state legislature refused to seat twenty-eight black members who had been fairly voted into office.


While Lee was trying to circle Washington D.C. to approach the city from the north, he met Union troops outside the small Pennsylvania town of __________ and engaged them for three days there.


Grant supported the use of "hard money" to pay off the nation's war debt, which meant they would be paid in __________ rather than greenbacks.


The first and most extreme scandal of Grant's administration involved James Fisk and Jay Gould's attempt to corner the ___________ market.


Why did Lincoln employ the pocket veto against the Wade-Davis Bill?

he didn't want to commit to a reconstruction plan until the war was officially over

What was Andrew Johnson's opinion of the planter elite of his native South?

he held them in contempt, believing they were bad for the region

What was Abraham Lincoln's attitude toward slavery before 1860?

he wanted to limit its expansion into the territories

What is NOT one of the reasons the Republicans nominated Abraham Lincoln over William H. Seward?

he was more politically experienced than Seward

Which of the following describes some of the duties of the Freedman's Bureau? [Choose all that apply.]

help freedmen negotiate contracts Give medical care to recently freed slaves Set up schools for recently freed slaves

The excuse for President Andrew Johnson's impeachment trial was

his firing and replacement of the Secretary of War in opposition to the Tenure of Office Act

Moral arguments by leading religious leaders over slavery in both the North and the South made compromise on the subject nearly _____________.


The North's advantage in __________________ during the Civil War was probably its most important asset in spite of the issues of corruption and low quality manufactured goods.


What was the result of the Second Battle of Bull Run?

it ended in a Union defeat, much as the First Battle of Bull Run had done

Although the battle between the ironclads CSS Virginia and USS Monitor (Monitor and the Merrimack) was inconclusive, it was important because it

it signaled the beginning of modern naval warfare

When the Republicans took a massive majority in the midterm election of 1866,

it spelled the end of Johnson's effectiveness as President.

Due to an impassioned speech he gave right before his execution, John Brown became known as a __________ to the antislavery cause.


What were the results of the civil war that occurred in Kansas before 1856? [choose all that apply]

millions of dollars in property damage 200 deaths

When white terrorists started race riots in this state in 1875, President Grant refused to send federal troops to restore order, marking the end of the military component of Reconstruction:


During the sectional crisis, Northerners feared Southerners were conspiring to __________ slavery and spread the authority of the slaveocracy to the territories and the North.


The Election of 1856 revealed that the __________ states controlled the majority of the Electoral College.


Which of the following was NOT one of the provisions of the Enforcement Acts passed in response to the rise of the KKK?

one made it a federal offense to interfere with a citizen's right to life, liberty, and property

Unlike Lincoln's Proclamation of Amnesty, Johnson's Proclamation excluded from pardon all southerners who:

owned taxable property over $20,000

The first resource that a war consumes is a nation's


Stephen Douglas' stance on__________ __________ in the territories to settle the question of the status of slavery appealed to Southerners and to some Northerners who wanted to keep the Union together.

popular sovereignty

In 1856, antislavery extremist John Brown carried out a deadly reprisal in Kansas and murdered five pro-slavery settlers in what is known as the __________ __________.

pottawatomie massacre

Stephen A. Douglas tried to work with politicians from both the North and the South because he hoped to gain the Democratic nomination for __________ in 1856.


In the Election of 1876, both the Republicans and Democrats favored

relaxing radical Reconstruction policies and a return of state rule in the South

Through their plot to kill President Lincoln and others, the conspirators sought to [choose all that apply]

revive the Confederate cause throw the federal government into confusion

What are some of the reasons why the Civil War was so deadly? [choose all that apply]

rifling in guns and artillery meant greater accuracy and more distance in firing generals used old strategies with new technology that could inflict greater destruction medical knowledge had not advanced to meet the needs of caring for injuries and diseases brought about by new technologies

Which of the following was NOT a result of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

sectionalism in the United States ended for a short time

Many believed that the Civil War would be

short, lasting no longer than the end of the summer of 1861

During the sectional crisis, Southerners feared Northerners wanted to destroy their __________-__________ system.

slave labor

The Republican Party began as both an anti-_______ and an anti-___________ party.

slavery immigration

The goal of the Radical Republicans was to completely change Southern


President James Buchanan argued that the President did not have authority over the actions of __________, but that he did have the authority to ensure all individuals followed federal laws.


The Confederate bombardment of Fort __________ caused Abraham Lincoln to issue a proclamation of war.


What was the fear of the Radical Republicans regarding Lincoln's plan for reconstruction?

that he would act without them, overstepping his executive authority

The most important and influential secret society that arose in the South to oppose Radical Reconstruction was

the Ku Klux Klan

What event in 1873 shifted the focus of the Republicans to economic matters and created a depression that lasted for six years?

the Panic of 1873

Why did Confederate attempts to raise revenue by tariffs not work?

the blockade severely limited trade in the South

Which of the following did NOT contribute to the Sectional Crisis in the United States?

the end of Millard Fillmore's presidency

Which of the following was NOT a result of John Brown's raid at Harper's Ferry?

the people of the North grew more distrustful of all

Because of the South's inefficient transportation system in the Civil War,

the people of the South often went hungry

What was the attitude toward secession in border states?

the people were divided on how to proceed

Which Lincoln-Douglas debate became the most famous?

the second

What was the major characteristic of American political parties by the late 1850s?

they had their base of support wholly in one section of the United States

Before the 1850s, which of following was true of the Democratic Party?

they represented people in both the North and the South

In the nineteenth century, which of the following was true of attitudes of many in the North? [choose all that apply]

they saw the South as a backward portion of the United States who practiced something that was a scar on the American character they were not willing to risk the Union to end the institution of slavery hey wanted the end of slavery, but did not advocate racial equality

As the Civil War raged on, Southern planters not only lost control of their slaves, they also lost the support of poor whites who believed

they were paying the price to support the power of the planter aristocracy

Lincoln's suspension of the writ of habeas corpus was unprecedented and it allowed those suspected of conspiring with the Confederacy

to be jailed without the benefit of a trial or without being charged.

Which of the following was NOT one of Grant's decisions regarding the war in Virginia?

to make slow, cautious movements in the hopes that the Confederacy would fall elsewhere

From the beginning of the war, the stated goals of the Union were [choose all that apply]

to preserve the Union to put down the rebellion

John Brown was hoping to launch slave __________ when he took the federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry, Virginia.


Who were the primary targets of the KKK in the South during Reconstruction? [choose all that apply]

white Republicans African-Americans

How did the federal government react to secession?

with indecisiveness

Why did the Sectional Crisis occur in the 1850s?

Because the failure of the second party system resulted in the rise of an entirely sectional issue (the spread of slavery to the territories)

The first major land battle of the Civil War was __________.

Bull Run

Some historians argue that the Confederates lost the Civil War at what part of the Battle of Gettysburg?

Cemetery Ridge

The Battle of __________ marked the last significant victory of Lee's career.


Which of the following individuals advocated for giving freed blacks land taken from Confederate leaders under the Confiscation Act of 1862?

Charles Sumner

Which of the following was NOT included in the Wade-Davis Bill?

Confederate states had to wait five years to send representatives to Congress after they had been readmitted to the Union

In the 1870s, Democrats in the South reorganized the party platform as a _______________ movement.


Which third party formed in 1860 to try to bridge the gap between the two radicalized views on slavery?

Constitutional Union Party

The __________ ________________stirred up the slavery debate again in 1854.

Continental railroad

Which of the following was the highest cause of death for Union and Confederate soldiers in the Civil War?


Which two 1860 Presidential candidates were the only real choice for Northern voters?

Douglas and Lincoln

What high profile Supreme Court case did the Republicans call the "greatest crime in the annals of the republic" and the Southerners hail as a great pro-slavery victory?

Dred Scott v. Sanford

Which of the following is NOT true concerning the Republican Party in the election of 1856?

For their candidate, the party nominated Abraham Lincoln, a little-known politician from Illinois

Which two (2) nations did the Confederate government hope would support their efforts against the Union? [choose 2]

France Great Britain

After watching six waves of Union soldiers cross more than a mile of open land and cut down by Confederate artillery at the Battle of __________, Robert E. Lee wrote, "It is well that war is so terrible—we should grow too fond of it."


The _________ __________ Movement became a powerful force in the 1850s and eventually contributed to the rise of the Republican Party.

Free soil

What does the Fourteenth Amendment guarantee?

Full and equal benefit of all laws for everyone born in the United States (excluding non-taxed Indians)

Which of the following is NOT true concerning Stephen A. Douglas' bid for Senate reelection in 1858?

He lost his reelection bid in a tough campaign against Abraham Lincoln

Which of the following was NOT an example the South had during the war?

It had a strong navy that made trading with foreign countries difficult for the Union

What did Southerners believe to be true about the Panic of 1857?

It proved that the southern slave-based economic system was superior to the northern free-labor economy

What did Northerners believe to be true about the Panic of 1857?

It was the result of the tariff of 1857, a bill that Southern Democrats pushed through

Which President, sympathetic to the Southern stance within the sectional division, supported the Lecompton Constitution and the Dred Scott case?

James Buchanan

Which politician hoped to see the Continental Railroad go through the southern part of the United States and helped convince Congress to make the Gadsden Purchase?

Jefferson Davis

After the southern delegates walked out of the Charleston convention, they later met in Richmond to nominate their own Democratic candidate. Who was he?

John C. Breckenridge

__________ was a Confederate extremist who shot Lincoln in the back of the head on April 14, 1865.

John Wilkes Booth

Which of the following is true regarding the Election of 1860?

Lincoln won a landslide in the Electoral College without Southern support

Which of the following was NOT a reason emancipation became a natural part of the Civil War?

Lincoln's administration had called for emancipation before any of the Upper southern states had seceded

The single bloodiest day in American military history occurred at the Battle of __________.


How many African Americans served in the Union army during the Civil War?


How many candidates were nominated to run in the 1860 election?


Approximately how many American soldiers died in the Civil War?


After Lincoln declared war against the states in the Deep South that had seceded, he called for what? [choose all that apply]

75,000 troops a blockade of southern ports

Which of the following best describes the Sanitary Commission?

A Northern institution primarily run by women that helped stop the spread of disease by promoting good hygiene and nutrition and by providing medical attention

Which of the following was NOT a reason the Confederate economy was in shambles by 1863?

A drought had caused the crops to fail for three consecutive years

__________ __________ was the Republican candidate in the 1858 Senatorial race in Illinois.

Abraham Lincoln

Grant was able to win a sweeping victory in the Electoral College over Horatio Seymour due to the help of which voting bloc?


In Uncle Tom's Cabin, Harriett Beecher Stowe portrayed slavery as morally wrong and a threat to the __________ __________.

American Family

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