US History - Quizzes

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The first significant battle of the Civil War took place at

Bull Run

Before 1860 southerners had

Controlled the presidency most of the time Been a majority on the Supreme Court Provided the leadership of the House Provided the leadership of the Senate

European monarchists and conservatives were distressed at the idea of Southern secession leading to the breakup of the United States.


Lincoln's cabinet advised him not to withdraw the federal troops from Fort Sumter.


Southern moderates were convinced that secession was not inevitable if Abraham Lincoln was elected president in 1860.


The Battle of Shiloh began with the Union on the attack.


The Republican platform of 1860 called for the abolition of slavery.


The delegates at the Southern secession conventions voted unanimously in favor of withdrawing from the Union.


The siege at Fort Sumter lasted for ten days.


The president of the Confederacy was

Jefferson Davis

South Carolina attacked Fort Sumter when

Lincoln announced his plan to peacefully resupply the fort.

One of the major problems faced by Union armies during the campaigns of 1862 was

McClellan's reluctance to fight.

John Bell won all of the following states in the election of 1860 except


The Crittenden Compromise

Promised to protect slavery in all territories South of 36 30'

By the fall of 1860, all of the following national organizations had split into Northern and Southern factions except

Republican Party

At the Battle of the Seven Days, Confederate armies prevented George McClellan from capturing which vital Southern city?


Although Stephen Douglas came in second in the popular vote in 1860, he carried only one state.


Constitutional Union Party presidential candidate John Bell had no chance of winning the election of 1860.


The 1860 Democratic platform endorsed popular sovereignty.


The Democratic Party split into two factions before the election of 1860.


The South's voluntary embargo of cotton exports suggested to British and French diplomats that the Union blockade was at least partly effective.


In the famous naval battle of 1861, the Northern ship Monitor faced the Southern ironclad, the


Which of the following states entered the Union during the Civil War?

West Virginia

The main plank of the Republican Party's 1860 platform called for

exclusion of slavery from the territories.

The Confederate economy suffered from

extremely high rates of inflation.

Over the course of the Civil War, a larger proportion of the North's male population of military age served in the military than did in the South.


Seceded states did not seize federal property within their borders.


Southern Democrats embraced Stephen A. Douglas as a possible presidential nominee in 1860.


The Constitution of the Confederate States of America

guaranteed slavery in both the states and the territories.

Abraham Lincoln was nominated for the presidency by the Republican Party in 1860 because?

he was a moderate whose career exemplified the opportunities possible in a free-labor system.

Lincoln opposed the Crittenden Compromise because he feared that it would

lead to southern filibustering to take Cuba and other southern lands.

According to the theory of secession,

no state had given away its fundamental sovereignty and therefore each could withdraw from the union.

All of the following statements regarding Abraham Lincoln's election in 1860 are true except he

only carried one southern state.

Many of the civilized Native Americans in Indian Territory (Oklahoma)

owned slaves and thus sided with the Confederacy.

The Confederate war effort was financed primarily by

treasury notes

The 1860 Republican platform was designed to appeal to many groups in the North.


The Union war effort was financed primarily by

war bonds

The reputation of General Ulysses S. Grant was established in 1862

with his stirring victories at Forts Donelson and Henry in Tennessee.

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