US history space exploration

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Gus Grissom

2nd American in space, because of him the shuttle doors cannot be opened from inside, dies in Apollo 1 fire

John Glenn

3rd American in space, first to orbit, American hero, oldest man to go to space

Christa McAuliffe

American teacher who died in the Challenger explosion

1970's Space events

Apollo 13 explosion in space but no one dies, first space station, first space craft to orbit another planet, first US space station, Apollo 13-17, voyager launched, Salyut 1, Skylab, Soyuz 11

New nine

Armstrong, Borman, Conrad, Lovell, Stafford, White, and Young all apart of the new nine, astronauts meant to get to the moon

What were the goals of the Gemini program

Astronauts to space walk and see what effect long space flight has on astronauts

1980's Space events

Challenger explodes after liftoff killing all people in it including a teacher, launch of Hubble space telescope

2000's Space events

Columbia disaster

What were 2 dangers assorted with space exploration

Death and getting lost in space

Roger Chaffee

Died in Apollo 1 fire

Elliot See

Died in plane crash going to one of the talks to be astronauts

Alan Shepard

First American in space in 1961, American hero and sat in capsule for 6 hours; played golf on the moon

Ed white

First American to walk in space; in fire of Apollo 1

Mariner 4

First Mars flyby

Sally Ride

First female American astronaut


First living creature (dog) in space, sent by soviets

Apollo 7

First manned Apollo mission. Tested Command + Service module orbiting around the Earth.

Robert Goddard

First to create a missile large enough to carry a capsule


Inter continual ballistic missiles developed by USSR (Soviets)

1990's Space events

John Glenn goes up as the oldest man in space, longest record space flight


LEM-Apollo 11 module that landed on the moon

Hubble telescope

Large space telescope able to see farther than any other telescope at the end of the 20th century.

John F. Kennedy

President who gives speech declaring America will go to the moon

Jules Verne

Sci-fi writer, one of the pioneers of space exploration

H.G. Wells

Sci-fi writer; predicted we would go to the moon

Nikita Khrushchev

Soviet leader during space race

What were 3 results of the space race

Soviets put the first living creature in space, Soviets put the first human in space, US landed on the moon

What was the job of a astronaut

To command, pilot, or serve as member of a space craft and return back to earth

What were the goals of the Apollo program

To get to the moon

Should space exploration be supported and continued

Yes, I believe it should continue and be supported if they are going in order to discover new and important things for us, if they are just going to collect rocks I do not believe that is important enough to send all that money on

Apollo 13

aborts mission after explosion of oxygen tanks Astronauts return safely, known as NASA's "finest hour"

Apollo 1

caught on fire on launch pad during training, Grissom, Chaffee, White all died

Soyuz 11

disaster when it lost air pressure during recently, 3 men died

Mercury 7

first group of American astronauts, was meant to go to space and possible orbit, included Scott Carpenter, Gordon Cooper, John Glenn, Gus Grissom, Wally Shirra, Alan Shepard, & Deke Slayton

1960's Space events

first man in space, first Americans in space, Mercury program, Gemini program, Kennedy's moon speech, first American in orbit, first space walk, first moon orbit, Apollo 1 fire, first manned Apollo mission, first moon landing and first men walk on moon, Apollo 1-12, Soyuz 1

Yuri Gagarin

first man to go to space, Soviet

Neil Armstrong

first man to walk on the moon in Apollo 11

Apollo 11

first mission to land on the moon, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon


first space satellite in orbit around earth, sent by soviets, this raised fears of nuclear war for America


foam from booster rocket hit and broke the wing, no one knew, completed week in space and on the way home the damaged wing caused it no longer to be fire proof, fire from entering atmosphere entered space craft and it exploded


in 1986 it was going to take a mission up to space including a school teacher, it was cold that morning and one of the O rings malfunctioned and let fuel into the space craft and it exploded


mission to explore Jupiter and Saturn, discovered active volcanoes on Jupiter's moon and intricacies of Saturn's rings, 2nd one explored Uranus and Venus

Deke Slayton

never got into space on mercury bc of a heart murmur, flew in the last Apollo

Chuck Yeager

pilot who breaks sounds barrier

Michael Collins

piloted Command Module Columbia in Apollo 11 while Armstrong and Aldrin landed on the moon

Wehrner Von Braun

refined the rockets that took us to the moon

Buzz aldrin

second man to walk on the moon in Apollo 11


spacecraft to carry astronauts into deep space and home


the first American space station

Salyut 1

the first space station; launched by soviets

Valentina Tereshkova

the first woman to fly in space

What was the goal of the Mercury program

to put an American in orbit around the Earth


used to keep items in place in the spacecraft when in space, said to be one cause of Apollo 1 fire


waterproof fabric that is able to breath by letting water vapor pass through it, space suits made of this

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