US History Test 3

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****be able to explain the Truman doctrine****


What did America do to respond to the Berlin blockade?

-America and the rest of the allies began the Berlin airlifts -used planes to drop goods into Berlin (2.8 million tons of food and water and goods) -call it "Operation Vittles" -Soviets eventually back down and re-open it

Why does America not originally see Kroea as important

-America does not see Korea as a place of vital importance -america was more focused on protecting japan and the Philippines -america in 1949 begins to withdrawal troops from southern korea

who was involved in the Yalta agreement?

-Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin -going to decide what to do with Europe when war ends

why are they soviets concerned with Poland?

-During WWI Poland is occupied by soviet union -polish government (before Hitler) has spent whole war in Exile in London -soviets have set up new communist government -soviet union really wants to make sure Polish government remains communist -Russia was invaded in both wars through Poland -they want it to act as a buffer and strengthen their boarder

why did we want to make sure Europe remained capitalist and an open market?

-Europe is main market for US goods -we wanted to make sure Europe remained capitalist and open -cold war was fought over money -you can see the relations fall apart in the Yalta agreement

Who is George Kennan and what did he do?

-He is a diplomat from Russia -George Kennan gets concerned and writes the long telegram -gives his view of stalin and political atmosphere in soviet union and makes suggestions about how things need to go

what does the Marshall plan do?

-Marshall plan funnels billions of dollars into europe -gives it to France, Britain, Germany, all in an effort to get their economy strong again -this sounds like FDR -if we can pump a lot of money, they will get strong enough to manage on their own -we are going to have substaties for factory workers -food is huge, can send wheat bread and chocolate to europe

why does McCarthy gain a huge following behind him?

-McCarthy has a huge popular following behind him -McCarthy is loud and has a huge personality, and says what people are thinking -people think US is weak and communist will take over, because government is saying that its true

what does McCarthy set up? What does it do?

-McCarthy sets up senate committee that investigates anyone accused of connection to communists -however, he is light on what these connections have to be -fabricates accusations -he gets away from this because he is so popular, and people listen to him -also by the time we figure out that what he said is not true he has lost the election

What does Nixon do regarding Alger Hiss?

-Nixon goes up to new york and serves Alger Hiss's apartment and found papers in a hollowed put pumpkin in his house that proves he leaked to soviets -Hiss is found guilty of lying under oath, so gets a few years

what is Roosevelt's view of the Yalta agreement?

-Roosevelt decided on Yalta Agreement -Roosevelts view is that Stalin, while a threat, that America could not go in and dictate the shape Europe would take after the war -but roosevelt died

why do we have strong unions at this time?

-Roosevelt signed the Wagner act, so the unions are protected

why is the marshall plan not really fair to the soviets?

-Soviet union was devastate by WWII

why does the television become popular?

-TV becomes popular bc we have a huge economic boom

why is the TV important in the downfall of McCarthyism?

-TV was a new medium, and not everyone had one yet -they were common enough that people could all watch this on one -the army McCarthy hearings are big news, and everyone watches this -people can finally see him bullying witnesses, and telling outrageous stories -slowly he is going to lose support, because people look at him as a lunatic -senate is going to discredit him and he looses his power -McCarthy is brought down by television

what information does Truman have regarding the Manhattan project?

-Truman does not know about the Manhattan project when he takes office -Truman does not have enough time to consider it as Roosevelt did -Truman felt that because Roosevelt had known for a long time that it would be foolish of him to go against what he thought roosevelt's plan was

why does truman not want to declare war? what does he do?

-Truman does not want to declare war bc he must go before congress -he thinks congress will shut him down -Truman goes to United Nations security council -says we have one country trying to invade another one, and says we need to go in as a peace keeping mission

Why does Truman like Kennan's idea?

-Truman likes George Kennan's ideas -Truman is going to create the Truman Doctrine

what does truman present this action as? who really will fight this?

-Truman presents this as a police action, not a war -American troops make up 88% of troops deployed to Korea -it is US doing the bulk of the fighting

what are truman's feelings in regards to Korea?

-Truman says we cannot allow this -Truman equates fighting Kim KK Sung to fighting hitler

What is Truman's stance about Russia?

-Truman takes different stance about Russia -Truman sees world as black and white -Truman believe that if soviets get what they want, they have won and US has lost -Truman goes into WWII peace treaties, believing that while america cant get 100% of wants, it should get at least 85% -not as willing to compromise

what is the USA's political views vs. the Soviet Unions?

-USA is uber democracy and capitalism -Soviet Union is uber communist

how do US and Great Britain respond to Russia's request about Poland?

-Us and great Britain say no -this expands the reach of the soviet union

how does the Korean war go?

-When US enters war the push North Korea almost all the way up to China -Chinese enters and pushes american troops back down -we go back and forth until we stand still at 38th parallel -now becomes war of who can last the longest

what is the cold war?

-a battle for supremacy between the Soviet Union and USA

how is a larger income connected to the GI Bill?

-after WWII GI bill was created by government to cut down on soldiers coming back and having no options -provides money to soldiers to go to college -now anyone can go to college -more high school graduate going to college in any other country in the world

after the war ends, the house of un-american activities committee was still there, what happened to it?Who is responsible for this?

-after war ends committee is still there -Richard Nixon gets put on this committee, and wants to make his name -he uses this committee to begin to look at way communists are infiltrating society -looks at hollywood

what edge does US have on Korea

-america has a whole bunch of airplanes and bombs

at the end of four years of fighting the korean war, what happens?

-at end of four years, we sign a peace treaty, and go back to half and half (so nothing changes)

why didn't americans at the time question the decision to drop the bomb?

-at the time America didn't question this decision too much -many believed that this was the right military decision to prevent the death of more americans

what was the manhattan project?

-atomic bomb is product of the manhattan project -secret effort to come up with the ultimate weapon -scientists working in 5 or 6 labs across the country -congress did not know about the manhattan project

what was the average age to get married?

-average age of marriage goes down (guy: 23 women: 19) -dad would work, mom would stay and raise kids

because the average income tripled during this time period, what was the effect?

-average income tripled during this time period -huge decrease in poverty (dropped about 60%) -60% americans achieve middle class status -jobs shift away from pure industrial jobs, into service jobs (accountants, doctors, shop keepers) -part of this is connected to GI Bill

what was the change in marriage trends a result from?

-baby boom is huge boom in population that occurs after WWII -government pushes and supports strong nuclear families -sees it as protection for american morals (against communism)

what did Nixon believe about hollywood?

-believed that hollywood had been infiltrated by jews, communists, and eastern bankers -believes that hollywood elite are using movies to spread liberal propaganda

who responds to USSR in speeches?

-churchill talks bout iron curtain across europe -truman says speech given by stalin is end to liberties

what kind of tipped off the Truman doctrine?

-civil war in Greece started this off (monarchy seems to be losing it to communist, truman says we will step in and back the greek government)

what is the multiple untruth tactic that McCarthy used?

-dosent just tell one lie -layers lies to create dense convoluted argument -difficult to refute quickly -to work through takes months, and the longer that he can keep the conspiracy going the longer he has

why were elementary teachers fired?

-elementary school teachers were fired bc they taught US history that included things that made capitalism look bad (guilded age)

during the war how do USA and USSR feel about each other?

-even during WWII they didn't trust each other -when the war ends all that tension has to go somewhere

what is the federal employee loyalty program

-federal government put this in -allowed them to look into people who are suspicious in government

what sort of speeches does McCarthy give?

-gives speech where he waves a piece of paper with names of 200 known communists in government still with jobs -and that reason they still have their jobs is that democratic leadership is soft on communism

what is the big deal about Alger Hiss?

-government has been saying that there are spies and now we found one

what was the house of un-american activities committee

-had actually been started during WWII -started to look into race issues during the war -wanted to keep soviets focused on War

what did Keenan mean by his long telegram?

-he means you should use political and economic means to stop communism -as we move into border states, make sure communism does not look good -says let soviet union be what its going to be, but don't let it spread bc it will destabilize the world

what did the Marshal plan do for America?

-if you were a country, and america came in and brought u food and rebuild ur roads, and Soviets didn't really do much, you are going to like the Americans -creates a huge good will feeling towards america -aiding us in making sure America and capitalism comes off as the good guys, while communism does not

what did the soviets do in response to the Marshall plan?

-in response, they cut off any aid going to western Berlin -soviets had part of Berlin, and other three allied powers had the rest -soviets blocked off all the roads that turned into western Germany and no one can get into Berlin anymore -didnt just isolate it, but shut down power plants, bc they wanted people to suffer so they would need communism to come in

why was it possibly not necessary to drop the atomic bomb?

-japan basically was stuck and they knew that -US government admitted that maybe this was not a military necessity

what did Kennan say in his long telegram?

-labels stalin as unstable, and says Russians are scared of outside world and will attack it -says that communism will spread and that only option is to create policy of containment

what does Joseph McCarthy do?

-looks at idea of being strong against communism to increase power and image -jumps in wth both feet that there are communist spies in the government

what are levittown's

-man named Levitt and coins idea of mass producing hoes -henry ford's assembly line with houses -starts at staton island -bulldozes lots of land, and trucks dump pies of building materials every 60 yards -then comes workers each with specific last -they built 180 houses a week (36 per day) -they were all identical -another layer of constructioning conformity

what happened with the hollywood ten

-members of committee pulled in hollywood ten (ten screen writers and producers who would admitted to have communist leanings) -they turned this into a public circus, and that they are being targeted unfairly and persecuted and this could happen to anyone -america is all about conformity, so they did not support the hollywood ten -they refused to admit to having connections, and they were all blacklisted

why is it that most people that take advantage of the GI bill are white?

-most people who go to college are white -due to most schools not being integrated -black soldiers can technically use GI bill but only at black colleges and universities (not large or spread out so unable to take advantage of bill)

why is there a new wave of consumerism?

-new wave of consumerism -going to spend money on things that bring entertainment -ex: television

What does North Korea look like?

-north is communist, south is not really democratic but anti-communist

what is Japan's argument regarding peace talks with Truman? How does Truman respond?

-offer Truman that we will surrender if Emperor can maintain control and set own peace terms -issued a threat that if they do not agree to unconditional surrender, they will use a weapon like the world has never seen

what starts the downfall of McCarthy?

-one of mccarthy's aids is drafted into the army -he goes up the army -Eisenhower was just elected as president (he use to be a military general) -Eisenhower starts working behind the scenes to discredit McCarthy -McCarthy sets up hearings with he army but they are televised this time

What did Nixon do when he pulled in a series of hollywood elite?

-pull in series of hollywood elite -one was Ronald Reagan (B level movie star) -friendly witness, who said idk what ur talking about, and not naming names

why is korean war important?

-reason korean war is important, is because this is the first time we see Truman doctrine in effect -first time we see idea of containment being done on a global level -not just about Europe

what does the Truman doctrine say?

-says US is going to provide political, military, and economic assistance to any state experimenting communist threat from without and from within -built on believe that no one would choose to be a communist, and that everyone wants to be like US -any sort of communist uprising in country has to be as a result of stalin -goes into effect in 1947 -America will back any government that is anti-Communist

what did scientists suggest we do about dropping the bomb?

-scientists were saying lets not bomb japan itself, but bomb a smaller island so they can see the bomb and get scared, but Truman says no it will just elongate the war

what did the society of conformity lead to? What was a possible fix to it?

-see depression develop as response to conformity -roads begin to curve (you will not notice houses are the same ) -idea is to alleviate depression

what did allies decide to do differently after WWII

-the allies decided that one of the things that we needed to do was make sure that we get Europe to recover economically as quickly as possible -faster Europe gets back on its feat the more stable it will be -the allies also want Europe to recover in order to avoid another depression -Europe by WWII is our main market for exports -if they are poor they are not buying our stuff

why did the soviets not like the Marshall plan?

-the soviets saw this Marshal plan and did not like it -believed that america was posing an economic threat to them

the committee is staging a witch hunt in hollywood, but kind of hits a dead, then what happens?

-then a report comes out from a reporter from time magazine -guy from time, has given state department records to soviets -got records from Alger Hiss -Hiss denies this

What does the soviet Union do to disregard the Yalta Agreement?

-things are okay until they aren't -the Soviets allow the vote to go on in almost all countries -they didn't allow Poland to have a free election -soviets don't live up to the Yalta agreement -also continue to occupy northern Iran which has lots of oil

what did the fear of being called a communist encourage?

-this encourages conformity -if you wanted to avoid being accused, the best thing you could do is completely conform -1950s become an age of conformity

what makes the matter of the fear of spies in the government worse?

-to make matters worse, about a month after hiss trial, rosenburgs were found sending information about atomic bomb to the soviets -get another wave of mass panic -Rosenburgs are found guilty and sentenced to death -judge was not impartial -we know that Ethel Rosemburg was probably not guilty, but she was a communist member

how does truman see the bomb?

-truman used bomb as a retaliation of all the harm japan has done

once germany surrenders, who do we turn our attention to?

-we decide that after Germany surrenders, we turn all our attention to Japan -Soviets start to turn to Japan as well -Japan is on brink of surrender

Where do we drop the two bombs? what is the damage?

-we drop the bomb on Hiroshima -kill 80,000 civilians -20,000 died later of radiation poisonings -3 days later, drop second bomb on Nagasaki where we killed more than 100,000 civilians

was teure a communist threat?

-we know after WWI we had a scare, they weren't a threat at that time -about 43,000 communists in US during fifties -FBI had their names on a list and were tracking them -FBI was very good and didn't miss many -large portion had communist leanings before war and weren't connected to Soviet union but for government it all was

so why did we drop the atomic bomb?

-we were afraid of the Russians -show the soviets that we had this weapon, and that we are willing to use it

in the federal employees loyalty program we weren't looking for spies, what were we looking for?

-werent really looking for spies -instead, wanted to look for anything that may suggest that you are not 100% committed to US -if you don't agree with current political administration, that maybe you were up to no good -if your loyalty was called into question, you could lose your job

what does Berlin look like?

-western Berlin remains capitalist but eastern Berlin is communist -we use economic means to contain the soviets, got good will and good publicity

what happened when the scientist detonated the test bomb in the New Mexico dessert

-when they do they understand what the bomb actually is -several scientists write and say we cannot use this bomb -warned that this works well if US is only one with the bomb, but soon other countries will have this bomb too and people will live in fear

what happens when US begins to remove troops from Korea?

-when we do Kim II Sung, wants to expand power, and crosses into southern korea -when he crosses that line, america turns all attention to korea

what sort of questions would federal employees be asked?

-would ask employees do you support racial integration: if you do, bad thing (communists about equality), ask do you listen to Paul Roker's records? he had communist leadings -would try to determine if you were gay, meant that you had a higher probability of being black mailed by soviets

what is the only reason that the United Nations passed Truman's request?

-wouldnt have been able to pass this if it wasn't for the fact that Soviets were not there bc they were boycotting the United Nations

Why did the US know that the Soviets would never accept help from the Marshall plan?

-you had to apply to be a member of the Marshall plan, and in order to apply you had to demonstrate economic need -Soviets would have to demonstrate that their economy was weak and that they needed help -would have to admit that capitalism was effective, and communism was not

what two things do they agree on in the Yalta agreement?

1. poland and all the boarder states have right to free democratic election 2. divide up Germany -each side takes portion of germany that they occupy -Berlin is also divided among all four groups

Kin II Sung

North Korea

what happens to Roosevelt before Germany surrenders?

Roosevelt dies

Syngman Rhea

S. Korea

after the war who were the only two superpowers in the world

Soviet union and United States

what does Stalin announce in Moscow?

Stalin gets up in Moscow, and says communism cannot exist peacefully with capitalism -we don't know what he meant by this statement -what we do know is how america interpreted this statement

who takes office after Roosevelt

Truman becomes president

How did the US respond to Stalin's announcement?

US took it as an unofficial declaration of war

what does the Truman doctrine become?

becomes the cornerstone of foreign policy (Shapes everything america does)

how do Nixon and McCarthy use communism to break down democrats?

both McCarthy and Nixon go with this claim -we know that for at least 18 years, democrats had a lock on political power -Republicans like nixon and McCarthy use communism to break down democrats

how did the cold war start?

essentially, the atomic bomb

where does the idea of isolationism come from

george Keenan

what is the government producing?

government are producing videos and movies to add to the atmosphere that communism is bad and could happen at any time

Who is Joseph McCarthy?

senator that does not have power or much going for him

what did a lot of people working in the government believe?

that if you were communist, you were controlled by soviet union -fear that people were working in government trying to poison america -government everywhere put laws in to root out this activity -44 of them put in laws to investigate suspicious people

During WWII what was Korea occupied by? Who occupied it when the war ended?

the Japanese -when the war ends, soviets end up occupying Northern Korea, and US occupies southern korea

what was true about the idea of the cold war?

the cold war was already permitting society

what is at the heart of everything going on in society?

the red scare -effects way people act, purchases, way people are able to see their jobs -whats interesting was that it was mostly coming from the government

was there a big move to the suburbs?

yes, big move to the suburbs -1/3 of americans live in the suburbs in 50s -GI Bill provides education, and mortgage at low interest rate

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