US History Unit 1

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The Delegates who created the Constitution wanted which of the following?

-stronger national government -government made of three branches

US Constitution

-supreme law of US -1789 -shows national frame of government -We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.


-turning point of the war -September 19th, 1777 -British plan fails -French join the American cause -Guerila warfare (small groups)

Valley Forge

-turning point of war part 2 -Winter 1777-1778 -Washington and men caught in Pennsylvania -Loss of 1,200-2,000 soldiers -Frederick Von Steuben (Russian military officer, helps colonist soldiers, creates training manual reorganizes camp)

Terms for Senate and House

Senate- 6 years, 1/3 change House- 2 years

Why were people who had government bonds upset that taxes were not being collected?

They were upset because without tax revenue they were unlikely to be paid back

The Articles of Confederation

1st attempt -states founded own constitution with 3 branches -congress creates confederation or loose alliance -powers not given to congress, reserved to states -congress could/couldn't do stuff (other slide)

Who decided American Colonies future

56 delegates in Philadelphia

Battle of Bunker Hill

-deadliest battle of the war -June 17th, 1775 -"Don't shoot unless you see the whites of their eyes!" -General Israel Putnam (colonists) -General Thomas Gage (British) -L but moral victory

What could congress do under the Articles of Confederation

-declare war -negotiate with foreign countries -establish post system -establish interstate disputes

Advantages/Disadvantages of American Colonies

Advantages: -strong military leaders (George Washington, Nathaniel Hale, John Paul Adams, Nathaniel Greene) -knew terrain well (Guerilla warfare tactics) Disadvantages: -untrained, very little supplies for militia

Advantages/Disadvantages of Great Britain

Advantages: -superior military -advanced weaponry and troops -elite navy Disadvantages: -knew very little about terrain so allied with Native Tribes (Iroquois) -diminished military leadership

Hamilton vs. Jefferson

Alexander Hamilton: -wanted a very strong national government acting in interests of commerce and industry -wanted representatives to serve life terms -led federalists THEY HEAVILY DISAGREED ON NATIONAL BANK Thomas Jefferson: -antifederalist -states rights -feared tyranny -argued that the Constitution expressly enumerates all the powers belonging to the federal government and reserves all other powers to the states

Continental Congress 2nd Meeting

May 10th, 1775 Response to: Lexington and Concord and British military response -created continental army, Olive Branch petition and unified -George Washington appointed commander in chief

Articles of Confederation Positives and Difficulties

Positives: -Northwest land ordinance (regulate the settlement of the Northwest Territory, which eventually was divided into several states of the Middle West) Difficulties: -negotiating with foreign countries -little trade success -security and safety -interstate commerce -economic depression and shay's rebellion

Continental Congress 1st Meeting

September 5th, 1774 Response to: Intolerable Acts -closed Boston to merchant shipping -established British military rule in mass -British officials immune to criminal prosecution -required colonists to quarter British troops

Shay's Rebellion

Shays's Rebellion was a rebellion among farmers in Massachusetts that began in 1786. The rebellion is important because it is seen as one of the major factors that led to the writing of the new Constitution


Source- author, newspaper, authority of person Occasion- time and place, what happened Audience- who is reading Purpose - why was it written Significance- subject, message/ideas

3/5 Compromise

Stated that the national government should count slaves as a fraction of a person for taxes and state population/representation.

Virginia Plan

States with large populations favored the Virginia Plan, which called for a 2-house legislative branch with representatives in proportion with state population


system of controlling resources/production to maximize profit

Lexington and Concord

-1st battle of war on April 19th, 1775 -war breaks out 1 year before Declaration of Independence

American Revolution what is going on in the world

-Britain in 140 million pound debt after F&I war - look to colonies to maintain empire and cover war cost -proclamation line of 1763 increased military presence - sugar act of 1764, stamp act of 1765, Townsend Act of 1767 -Boston Massacre of 1770 (arising from the resentment of Boston colonists toward British troops quartered in the city, in which the troops fired on the mob and killed several persons) -Boston Tea Party (December 1773), Intolerable Acts (Spring 1774) -First continental congress (Fall 1774) -Shot heard 'round the world


-December 26th, 1776 -surprise attack the day after Christmas -crossing the Delaware on Christmas -gave a morale boost to the American Forces -Washington loses New York, New Jersey and eventually Philadelphia

Philadelphia, Independence Hall

-Olive branch rejected by King George -Thomas Paine's common sense -Inspiration: John Locke and natural rights


-September 28th-October 19th, 1781 -final battle of war -Lord Cornwallis is trapped by American land forces and French naval forces -surrenders

Members of Electoral College

Electors should be prominent and educated since they elect the President

Cause of French and Indian war

English were expanding into lands that were owned by the French or Native Americans.

Olive Branch Petition

The Olive Branch Petition was a final attempt by the colonists to avoid going to war with Britain during the American Revolution. It was a document in which the colonists pledged their loyalty to the crown and asserted their rights as British citizens.

Proclamation Line of 1763

The Proclamation line of 1763 prohibits trespassing over the West Appalachian mountains by colonists since Indian/French live on other side Colonists wanna go West. French/Indians are there. War. "We wanna tax"

In order to help regulate international trade, delegates were sent to Philadelphia to revise the Articles of Confederation. Instead, they wrote the ____?

US Constitution

Stamp Act

an act of the British Parliament in 1765 that exacted revenue from the American colonies by imposing a stamp duty on newspapers and legal and commercial documents. Colonial opposition led to the act's repeal in 1766 and helped encourage the revolutionary movement against the Crown.

Great Compromise

congress should be composed of 2 houses 1- smaller senate--> states represented equally 2- house--> based on population

What could congress not do under the Articles of Confederation

everything they couldn't do the states could -tax -no executive to enforce laws -no judiciary/court to settle legal Q's

Federalists vs Anti-federalists

federalists- they wanted a strong federal government that would unite the states as one nation. Many Federalists were educated, wealthy men like those who had drawn up the Declaration of Independence. anti- afraid of a strong government, wanted powerful state governments who could protect rights of people. Opposed the creation of a national government that would have power over the states. They believed that each state should have the right to decide its own laws. They also thought the Constitution gave the president and Congress too much power.

Checks and Balances

how branches are tied together, each branch has certain powers it can check the operations of the other two. Congress can make laws, the President may veto any act of Congress, Congress can override a Presidential vote by a 2/3 vote in each house

Declaration of Independence

statement adopted by the Second Continental Congress meeting at the Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on July 4, 1776. -based off natural rights 1. All men have equal rights and the God-given rights is to be safeguarded that is, the rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. 2. If the government fails in its duty the government must be overthrown and a new government must be set up by the people who have a right to revolt. 3. Another revolution may be justified only when the subsequent revolution follows. " a long train of abuses and usurpation's".

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