US History Unit 2 Quiz 3

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A serious dispute between the large and small states under the Articles was over the problem of: control of the slave trade representation relations between the governors and the state legislature

government of new territories

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 provided for the: extension of slavery into the territories government of new territories extension of railroads in the west establishment of a military government

Daniel Shays

A rebellion of debt-ridden farmers was led by: Patrick Henry Daniel Shays Daniel Webster Peter Zenger

adoption of the Declaration of Independence

All of the following events were accomplishments of the Articles of Confederation except: successful conclusion of the Revolutionary War signing of the Treaty of Paris of 1783 passage of the Northwest Ordinance adoption of the Declaration of Independence


Approximately how many Loyalists left the United States? 25,000 50,000 100,000 250,000

Northwest territory

Ill feelings arose between the states because of claims to the: Mississippi valley Florida territory Northwest territory Louisiana territor


In a separate treaty, Great Britain returned Florida to ____________________. Spain France Portugal Great Britain

a unanimous vote of the states to amend the Articles

One weakness of the Articles of Confederation was that they provided for: a weak Bill of Rights a city-manager system separate states with appointed governors a unanimous vote of the states to amend the Articles


The Articles of Confederation went into effect in: 1776 1778 1781 1783

benefited eastern speculators at the expense of western farmers

The Ordinance of 1785: benefited eastern speculators at the expense of western farmers provided for the formation of five new states protected the Indians from unlawful seizure of their lands allowed Congress to levy taxes


The Virginia Plan called for a Congress of two houses in which the total number of delegates would be divided among the states according to the free population of each state. True False


The first state to have suffrage for all men over twenty-one years of age was _________________________. Maryland Virginia Vermont New Hampshire


The slave owner who freed his slaves in his will was _________________________________________. Jefferson Washington Jackson Adams


Those who favored the Constitution were called Anti-Federalists. True False

collect taxes

Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress had no power to: borrow money declare war collect taxes make treaties

states were superior to the national government

Under the Articles of Confederation, the: national government was superior to the states states were superior to the national government national government and the states were equal


Under the Land Ordinance of 1787, a territory could be admitted to the Union when it had _________________ free inhabitants. 60,000 5,000 20,000

amendment proposed by two-thirds of both houses and ratified by three-fourths of the states amendment ratified by special conventions in three-fourths of the states amendment proposed by special convention, called for by two-thirds of state legislatures, and ratified by three-fourths of state legislatures

What are the three ways the Constitution can be amended? amendment proposed by three-fourths of both houses and ratified by two-thirds of the states amendment proposed by two-thirds of both houses and ratified by three-fourths of the states amendment ratified by special conventions in three-fourths of the states amendment ratified by special conventions in one-half of the states amendment proposed by special convention, called for by two-thirds of state legislatures, and ratified by three-fourths of state legislatures amendment proposed by special convention, called for by three-fourths of state legislatures, and ratified by two-thirds of state legislatures

The president can veto legislation passed by Congress. Congress may override a veto by a two-thirds vote or impeach the president for misconduct. The Supreme Court may declare laws unconstitutional.

What is the system of checks and balances? Congress may override a veto with a three-fourths vote. The president can veto legislation passed by Congress. The Supreme Court may override a veto by a three-fourths vote. Congress may override a veto by a two-thirds vote or impeach the president for misconduct. The president can only veto legislation passed by Congress with less than a two-thirds vote in both houses. The Supreme Court may declare laws unconstitutional.


What type of government is run by the people who live under it? democracy autocracy bureaucracy aristocracy

Pennsylvania Massachusetts

Which TWO states abolished slavery during the Revolutionary War? Pennsylvania New Hampshire Maryland Virginia Massachusetts

to prevent one branch of the government from becoming too powerful

Why was the system of checks and balances included in the Constitution? to prevent one branch of the government from becoming too powerful to keep the president of the United States from vetoing legislation to slow down the process of government so it doesn't move too fast

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