US history Vietnam war

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What objective did American military leaders hope to achieve in north Vietnam with military campaigns such as operation rolling thunder

Johnson hoped that this new strategy of intensive bombing would convince north Vietnam to stop reinforcing the Vietcong in south Vietnam. Cause them to surrender

Why did the United States ultimately decide to support the French rather than Ho Chi Minh's forces in the indochina war

President Harry s. Truman believed that if he supported Vietnamese independence he would weaken anti communist forces in France

What was the tet offensive

Series of small bottles that happen through south Vietnam

What was eisenhowers purpose in using that analogy

That the fight in Vietnam involved more than the future of just one country

During the Vietnam War, what was the impression people had of african American soldiers

The casualty rate for African Americans was 20% higher than any other causalty rate for any of race and most Africans were left to do the combat and couldn't get into any higher positions they had to offer

What impact did defense spending for the vietnam war have on education in the us

War spending left no money for textbooks school lunches and prenatal care

According to Soviet propaganda, what was to blame for the poverty and inequalities prevalent in Third World countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America?

Western capitalism created poverty and inequalities in the third world whereas communism promoted equality

How was the Peace Corps different from other foreign aid initiatives such as the Alliance for Progress?

its emphasis on public service and volunteering and educating/ also donating money

To which countries did the term third world originally apply

Developing nations in Latin America, Africa, Asia that did not align themselves with the U.S. or the Soviet Union

Why was the Selective Service System criticized as another example of social injustice?

It resulted in recruitment of people from poor or working-class backgrounds. Too many African American casualties

What was Dien Bien Phu?

( military base ) The battle in which the Vietnamese communists got their independence from the French colonial forces/ when the French realized they could no longer hold onto the Vietnamese

What strategy did president Johnson's advisors Robert McNamara and general west Moreland insist was nesscessary to winning the war in Vietnam

Americanization- adding more troops and having them partake in a more active role in combat

What best describes the main difference between many American troops stationed in vietnam before 1965 and those stationed there after that date

Before 1965 men volunteered to fight but after a huge majority were drafted to fight

How did Clark Clifford's Vietnam policy differ from that of his predecessor Robert McNamara?

Clifford started seeing how adding more troops could really damage the economy and believed the war was unwinnable and sought to reach a peace agreement.

Why did South Vietnam fall to the communists after the Paris Peace accords?

North Vietnam refused to sign the treaty until U.S. troops left South Vietnam.

During the vietnam war what contributed to low morale among us troops and on the home front

North Vietnam troops were replenished by china and the Soviet Union

How did U.S. policy in Vietnam change following the Tet Offensive?

Policy makers thought the war unwinnable and began to negotiate for peace.

What was the Americanization strategy recommended by Robert McNamara and William westmore

The U.S. needed to increase its military presence in Vietnam and do more fighting in order to win the war

In what way was the United States' decision to support the French in Indochina a departure from its usual foreign policy?

The U.S. was not in favor of colonization

What military strategy did President Nixon employ in Vietnam early on in his presidency?

the "Vietnamization" of combat operations/ us forces would withdraw as ARVN troops assumed more combat duties

What is the Domino Theory?

the idea that if a nation falls under communist control, nearby nations will also fall under communist control

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