U.S. National Government Week 3 Reading Questions

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As the Constitution was originally written, how were Senators chosen?

Each sate got to choose their two senators.

What right is guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment?

The right to bear arms

According to WDB, the American version of representative democracy was based on what two major principles?

The separation of powers and federalism.

According to Amendment X, powers not delegated to the United States government are reserved to what two groups?

They are reserved for the sates or the people.

What religious test does the Constitution put into place for officeholders?

Under article VI it says "no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States."

What exception is given to the guarantee of habeas corpus?

When it is a case of rebellion or Invasion of the public safety.

According to the Constitution, all bills for raising revenue must begin where?

All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives.

According to Madison in Federalist #51, how would government be different if angels were to govern men?

Neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary.

According to Madison in Federalist #51, for ambition to be made to counteract ambition, what two things must be connected?

The interests of the man must be connected with the constitutional right of the place.

According to Madison in Federalist #48, in a republic, which branch is the most dangerous? He claims it has an "impetuous vortex" and threatens "usurpations."

The legislative branch.

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