VA Training
What should you do if you have a question about releasing VA patient information to an outside party, including family members of a Veteran?
Contact the facility Release of Information Office if your supervisor is unable to answer your question
Is written authorization required in order to fax the discharge summary for a VA patient who is being discharged to a patient's current primary care provider who is outside of the VA system?
Yes, if the patient was treated for drug abuse, alcoholism, sickle cell anemia or HIV
A female supervisor berates a male trainee on three separate occasions in counseling sessions. The supervisor's comments were loud enough for other trainees and employees to hear, intimidating, threatening, and laced with profanity. Can this be viewed as gender based workplace harassment?
Yes, if the supervisor targeted the employee because of his gender
Employees and trainees are strongly encouraged to report instances of workplace harassment, fraud, waste, abuse or acts of discrimination to a supervisor or another appropriate management official. What will happen if you report a violation?
You will be protected from retaliation from VA staff
Which of the following statements is true concerning medical or dental student supervision?
All medical and dental student notes must be accompanied by an addendum or accompanying independent note by the attending or appropriately supervised resident.
All employees have important roles and responsibilities in the CBI program. Why is CBI important for you? Check the one best answer.
All of the above
The I CARE principles of Integrity, Commitment, Advocacy, Respect, and Excellence reflect VA's:
All of the above
VA employees and trainees are prohibited from receiving gifts or favors from prohibited or restricted sources. Which of the following is a prohibited or restricted source?
All of the above
Which is an example of communication patterns which may lead to adverse events and close calls?
All of the above
Which is/are ways to help patients avoid accidental opioid overdose?
All of the above
Which of the following are VA customers?
All of the above
Which of the following are examples of behavior constituting sexual harassment?
All of the above
Which of the following are signs of possible neglect?
All of the above
Which of the following best describes a protected disclosure?
All of the above
When must all notes and health records be completed?
Before you complete your rotation and leave
You are seeing a patient in a VA clinic and would like to let the patient's non-VA healthcare provider, Dr. Jones, know about her abnormal lab test before the patient leaves so the provider can adjust the patient's non-VA medications. What is the correct approach?
Call the patient's provider with the results; signed authorization is not required
What should you do as you enter or leave a patient's room, or between patient contacts?
Cleanse your hands using an alcohol-based rub and/or antibacterial soap and water wash
What should you do if you are directed to help fight a fire with a portable fire extinguisher?
Direct the spray in a sweeping motion toward the base of the fire or flame
Who is eligible for care within the Veterans Health Administration?
Only those who served in the active duty military
It is the policy of the VA to maintain a safe and healthful work environment which includes providing trainees with the appropriate equipment to enable them to safely perform their jobs. What should you do if you do not have or do not believe that you have the proper materials to safely perform your job?
Request the necessary equipment/materials from your VA supervising practitioner or the unit supervisor in your area
Which one of the following is true regarding patient information?
Information transmitted to your school or educational program may never contain specific patient identifiers.
Select the true statement below:
ONLY MRI -safe medical equipment
In order to prevent accidental needle stick injury and potential exposure to infectious agents, what should you do with needles and needle-containing devices?
Place in a marked puncture proof container
An 84 year old man is admitted from his son's home for dehydration. He has a history of moderate to severe dementia and is very underweight. He has a large bed sore. His hair is unkempt, his teeth are in poor condition, and his clothing is disheveled and dirty. What should you do?
Report the findings and possibility of abuse/neglect to your supervisor
What action should you take if you receive a needle stick injury or a cut that has been exposed to blood or other body fluid?
Report to the occupational health office for evaluation and possible initial prophylaxis treatment
From the choices below, which is the only permissible option if you need to electronically save the names, SSNs and/or other data regarding your patients?
Store it on a VA system in a file that is restricted to only people who are authorized to view the information.
If you have a question regarding a compliance concern, or you suspect illegal or unethical documentation or business procedures are being used in your VA medical center, who should you notify first?
Patient safety goals are a priority of the VA and which accrediting body?
The Joint Commission
The Department of Veterans Affairs is a cabinet level organization and as such is under the responsibility of which of the following? A.
The executive branch of the federal government
Which of the following best describes higher level residents and trainees?
They have increasing levels of responsibility, but are still supervised
What is the signature injury in Veterans who served in the Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF)/Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)/Operation New Dawn (OND)? A.
Traumatic brain injury
In VA, treatment of pain is a high priority.
The Office of Compliance and Business Integrity program is responsible for internal oversight of VHA revenue operations.
The resident and trainee education programs operate under standard guidance or policies from the Office of Academic Affiliations. These can be found in written VA Handbooks available online and/or in your VA service or departmental office.
What would you do before performing a moderately invasive procedure, such as the insertion of a central intravenous catheter?
Wash and disinfect your hands before putting on sterile gloves and again after the procedure
Which of the following text page/emails is not a violation of privacy/confidentiality?
"The patient we discussed earlier is being discharged today. Can you call me about him?"
What is every person screened for before they may enter an MRI Suite?
metallic objects, electronic devices, medical conditions, and implants
To appropriately complete a consult request
select a progress note with consult in the title......
Which of the following is not personal protection equipment available to you at the VA at no cost to you?
sweaters for use in air conditioned areas
Patient satisfaction with VA care and services is often reported to be at what percentage?
The Bar Code Medication Administration (BCMA) scanner indicated that the patient wrist band bar code and the bar code on an IV solution that is about to be administered do not match. How would you classify the procedure if stopped?
A close call
Workplace harassment need not result in severe physical or psychological harm to be a violation. Elements of workplace harassment based on your race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age or disability include which of the following?
All of the above
What are symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?
All the above
What should you do if you have a question about a Privacy issue or would like to report a Privacy violation?
Contact the facility Privacy Officer if your supervisor is unable to answer your question
Who is the responsible for the patient's safety?
Inadequate or incomplete documentation does not affect a third party insurance claim.
The best way to dispose of opioid medication is to crush the pills and flush them down the toilet.
A patient has been getting care as an inpatient at VA hospital following a myocardial infarction and now is discharged to the care of a Non-VA provider as an outpatient. Which of the following information may be disclosed to a non-VA provider without a signed authorization for purposes of treating the patient?
Family history of coronary artery disease
In the event of a fire or other emergency which of the following should you do?
Follow the instructions of your supervisor, the unit supervisor in your area, or other VA staff member
While at a VA facility residents and trainees are subject to what level of supervision?
Have a named supervising practitioner and operate under their supervision at all times
Log-off or lock the computer and remove your PIV card before leaving to maintain security
It is done only during your break time or after your duty hours for a brief time and it is legal and ethical
When is it permissible to access non-VA websites for personal use using VA computers?
It is done only during your break time or after your duty hours for a brief time and it is legal and ethical
What should you do if you leave your computer to go to another area?
Log-off or lock the computer and remove your PIV card before leaving to maintain security
Buprenorphine and Methadone are FDA approved for the treatment of Opioid Use Disorder and are also good pain relievers.
You may solicit employees in your office to chip in for a wedding gift for another Federal employee.
Which of the following statements is true regarding patient information?
When sending a fax, you must confirm that the fax was received at its destination
You do not need to get your supervisor's approval to accept a gift from a Foreign Government if the value is below $375.
How does VA assess the satisfaction of Veteran care?
All of the above
What is a trainee's supervising practitioner ultimately responsible for?
A. The care of the patient
To qualify as actionable sexual harassment, the harasser's conduct must be which of the following?
You are seeing a patient in a VA clinic and would like to let the patient's non-VA healthcare provider, Dr. Jones, know about her abnormal lab test before the patient leaves so the provider can adjust the patient's non-VA medications. What is the correct approach?
(Not: Have the patient complete VA Form 10-5345 (Request for and Authorization to Release Medical Records of Health Information) and then call the patient's provider with the results OR Write: "consent to the release of the results of my blood work to Dr. Jones" on VA letterhead, have the patient sign, and then call the patient's provider with the results)
While at the VA you believe you are being repeatedly subjected to demeaning comments, willful interference with work assignments, and intimidation by a VA employee, patient, or trainee based on your race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability or in retaliation for participating in prior EEO activity. This behavior is/or may be described best by which of the following?
A reportable violation as it has resulted in a hostile work environment
Which of the following health risks is associated with military service in Vietnam?
All of the above
Which of the following must you know as a trainee at a VA facility?
All of the above
Which of the following suicide warning signs must be reported to your supervising practitioner?
All of the above
Part of computer or information security is the use of individual access codes. In an emergency it is permissible to do which of the following?
Ask someone to sign off so that you can sign on using their terminal
Which is the best way to deal with a patient who you suspect is developing an opioid use disorder?
Discuss options that are available for support and treatment
Contaminated or soiled materials such as gloves, drapes, and sponges are potential sources to spread infectious agents. What should you do with all used or contaminated materials?
Dispose of them in appropriately labeled containers
Email and text messaging are an effective means of communication. Which of the following best describes transmission or discussion via email and/or text messaging of identifiable patient information?
Prohibited unless Federally approved encryption software is used
What should you do if you have been exposed to blood or other body fluid?
all of the above