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A critical stenosis is determined by a diameter reduction of 50%. In a circumferential stenosis this corresponds to a ___ area reduction. A. 100% B. 75% C. 60% D. 25%

B. 75%

Which of the following modes is used in venous plethysmographic testing? A. AC mode B. DC mode C. B-mode D. M-mode

B. DC mode

The rate of outflow following the release of a venous tourniquet is termed: A. MVC B. MVO C. PI D. RI


Which of the following is a true statement? A. vasodilatation causes high resistant waveform to be produced B. vasodilatation results from inflammation C. vasodilatation causes flow reversal to increase D. vasodilatation causes little forward flow in diastole

? (mod 2)

Pulse volume recording can asses: A. an increase in limb volume during systole B. an increase in limb volume during diastole C. a decrease in limb volume during systole D. PVR does not register volume changes

? (mod 3)

In the intracranial circulation, what is the most important collateral pathway with an occluded ICA? A. anterior communicating artery B. vertebral artery C. posterior cerebral artery D. basilar artery

? (mod 4)

Which of the following becomes an extracranial to intracranial collateral route in the presence of significant ICA disease? A. circle of Willis B. basilar artery to the two posterior cerebral arteries C. bilateral anterior communicating arteries D. supraorbital and ophthalmic arteries via ECA branches

? (mod 4)

Which of the following is not related to atherosclerosis? A. cerebral aneurysm B. atheroma emboli C. subclavian steal D. carotid dissection

? (mod 4)

The primary normal finding on a cold immerson PPG exam for Raynaud's syndrome is: A. loss of reflecive wave in PPG waveform B. return to baseline amplitude in 5 minutes or less C. a low amplitude with reflective wave present D. tardus parvus waveform

? (mod 6)

Which is the most common treatment for ischemic rest pain in the foot? A. bypass graft B. increased exercise C. lifestyle changes D. aspirin therapy

? (mod 6)

What is the most likely cause of stenosis in a hemodialysis access graft? A. atherosclerosis B. arteritis C. fibromuscular dysplasia D. thrombus

? (mod 8)

Which of the following is an abnormal spectral Doppler interpretation? A. "filling in" of the spectral window B. high resistant ECA signal C. peak systolic velocities less than 125 cm/sec D. low resistant signal from the vertebral artery

A. "filling in" of the spectral window

hydrostatic pressure in a supine patient is approximately: A. 15mmHg B. 52 mmHg C. 75 mmHg D. 102 mmHg

A. 15 mmHg

Ohm's law is analogous to: A. Poiseuille's law B. Snell's law C. Bernoulli Principle D. piezoelectric effect

A. Poiseuille's law

A resistive index of less than 0.7 in a renal allograft indicates: A. a normal exam B. renal infarction C. transplant rejection D. renal stenosis

A. a normal exam

Laminar flow describes flow in: A. a rigid tube B. a curved tube C. both a rigid and a curved tube D. neither a rigid or curved tube

A. a rigid tube

What risk factor for arterial disease cannot be controlled? A. age B. hypertension C. hyperlipidemia D. diabetes

A. age

Which of the following is the least likely cause of edema in the lower extremities? A. arterial occlusion B. venous insufficiency C. cellulitis D. deep vein thrombosis

A. arterial occlusion

Where is the carotid siphon located? A. at the carotid bifurcation B. at the proximal portion where the carotid first originates C. distally, in the cranium D. at the level where the external carotid artery enters the face

A. at the carotid bifurcation

The radial and ulnar veins untie to form which of the following? A. brachial vein B. deep palmar veins C. axillary vein D. innominate vein

A. brachial vein

Vasoconstriction and dilatation typically occur in which vessels? A. capillaries B. venules C. collaterals D. large arteries

A. capillaries

Which of the following is not caused by valvular incompetence? A. cellulitis B. stasis dermatitis C. leg swelling D. ulceration

A. cellulitis

Which of the following causes the biggest change in blood velocity in a vessel? A. change in the radius of the vessel B. change in the viscosity of the blood C. change in the direction of flow in the blood D. change in the length of the vessel

A. change in the radius of the vessel

Which of the following would be an abnormal finding when performing a duplex exam of the lower extremity veins above the calf level? A. continuous venous flow B. vein is compressible C. spontaneous signal D. phasic signal is seen

A. continuous venous flow

A patient with arterial thoracic outlet syndrome might exhibit any of the following symptoms except: A. focal pain in the temporal area B. arm pain C. pins and needles sensation D. cyanosis of the arm in certain positions

A. focal pain in the temporal area

Periorbital circulation consists of what vessels? A. frontal, nasal, and supraorbital B. nasal, frontal, and temporal C. frontal, supraorbitial, and temporal D. lacrimal, frontal, and nasal

A. frontal, nasal, and supraorbital

Which artery in the lower extremity functions as an important collateral pathway in the presence of a superficial femoral or popliteal artery occlusion? A. genicular artery B. peroneal artery C. planter arteries D. post tibial artery

A. genicular artery

A loose fitting cuff will affect the results of a segmental pressure test by: A. giving abnormally high pressures B. giving abnormally low pressures C. it will not affect the results D. causing the cuff to shift

A. giving abnormally high pressures

Where is the highest vascular pressure found in the body? A. heart B. aorta C. ivc D. capillaries

A. heart

Chronic thrombus can be characterized as: A. hetero, firm, and hyperechoic B. homo, firm, and hypo C. homo, soft, and hyper D. hetero, soft, and hypo

A. hetero, firm, and hyper

Which of the following is not a symptom of acute DVT? A. hyperpigmentation B. limb swelling C. erythema D. increased temperature

A. hyperpigmentation

As intraluminal pressure increases, what happens to transmural pressure? A. it increases and the shape of the vein becomes more circular B. it increases and the shape of the vein becomes more flattened decreases and the shape of the vein becomes more flattened D. it decreases and the shape of the vein becomes more circular

A. it increases and the shape of the vein becomes more circular

The units of measure expressing systolic pressure is: A. mmHg B. kHz C. MHz D. cm/sec

A. mmHg

Boyd's perforator's connect the GSV to the: A. popliteal vein B. posterior tibial vein C. lesser saphenous vein D. common femoral vein

A. popliteal vein

A Brescia-Cimino fistula for dialysis acess is created most commonly from what two vessels? A. radial artery to cephalic vein B. brachial artery to median cubital vein C. radial artery to basilic vein D. ulnar artery to cephalic vein

A. radial artery to cephalic vein

Phlegmasia cerulea dolens is a potential limb-threatening condition caused by: A. reduced venous outflow and arterial inflow secondary to vein thrombosis B. artertial spasms secondary to arterial embolus C. reduced venous outflow and arterial inflow secondary to tissue hypoxia D. venous spasms secondary to venous thrombosis

A. reduced venous outflow and arterial inflow secondary to vein thrombosis

A severe neurological deficit which does not reverse itself is classified as a: A. stroke B. stenosis C. transient ischemic attack D. resolving ischemic neurological deficit

A. stroke

The Adson maneuver is utilized to evaluate: A. thoracic outlet syndrome B. subclavian steal C. stenosis D. trauma

A. thoracic outlet syndrome

The most severe sequelae of arterial disease is: A. tissue loss B. ischemic rest pain C. arteritis D. claudication

A. tissue loss

What does the number 2000 represent in the formula for Reynolds number? A. turbulent flow B. forward flow C. retrograde flow D. monophasic flow

A. turbulent flow

The amount of fluid moving past a point at a specific time is known as: A. volumetric flow rate B. fluid viscosity C. velocity D. pressure

A. volumetric flow rate

If the viscosity of blood increases, what happens to resistance? A. no change B. decreases C. increases D. increases by a factor of 4

C. increases

Which of the following vessels could be used as a bypass graft conduit? A. ulnar artery B. brachial artery C. internal mammary artery D. lumbar artery

C. internal mammary artery

The advantage of a 4-cuff method from a 3-cuff method for segmental pressures is: A. it can isolate disease in the profunda femoral artery B. it can differentiate aortic disease from disease in the common iliac arteries C. it can differentiate aorto-iliac disease from femoral arterial disease D. it an differentiate femoral artery disease from profunda femoral disease

C. it can differentiate aorto-iliac disease from femoral arterial disease

What happens to pressure at the level of a hemodynamically significant stenosis? A. it does not change from proximal or distal to the stenosis B. it increases C. it decreases D. there is no relationship between pressure and a hemodynamically significant stenosis

C. it decreases

Turbulent flow is seen in what area of a stenotic vessel? A. proximal to the stenotic lesion B. at the site of the stenotic lesion C. just distal to the site of the stenotic lesion D. in the laminar "jet stream" flow

C. just distal to the site of the stenotic lesion

A limitation of both duplex and transcranial Doppler imaging is: A. cannot identify intracranial disease B. plaque characteristics cannot be assessed C. may over or underestimate the severity of the disease D. collateral flow cannot be identified

C. may over or underestimate the severity of the disease

Which of the following is not a branch of the external carotid artery? A. facial B. maxillary C. ophthalmic D. occipital

C. ophthalmic

The deep Palmar arch is located: A. distally over the metacarpals B. over the metatarsals C. over the proximal aspect of the palm D. distally to the dorsalis pedis artery

C. over the proximal aspect of the palm

A patient with symptoms of claudiacation would most likely present with: A pain in toes when sleeping B. decreasing pain with prolonged exercise C. pain in calf when walking 2 blocks and then subsides with rest D. red, hot, painful leg

C. pain in calf when walking 2 blocks and then subsides with rest

Resistive index is calculated using what spectral Doppler measurements? A. peak systolic velocity and mean velocity B. brachial pressure and systolic velocity C. peak systolic velocity and end diastolic velocity D. end diastolic velocity and mean velocity

C. peak systolic velocity and end diastolic velocity

A penile/brachial index of 0.62 would indicate: A. normal penile study B. venous leak C. penile arterial insufficiency D. external iliac artery disease

C. penile arterial insufficiency

During arterial mapping of the radial artery, you should do all of the following except: A. determine if there is a calcified wall B. measure the peak systolic velocities proximal and distal C. perform reactive hyperemia on the arm D. measure the diameter of the vessel

C. perform reactive hyperemia on the arm

Which of the following veins would have the most valves? A. IVC B. common femoral vein C. posterior tibial veins D. common iliac veins

C. posterior tibial veins

What is described as "force per unit area"? A. work B. power C. pressure D. watt

C. pressure

The primary concern involving patients with acute DVT is: A. possible venous valve damage B. lack of blood flow to the limb C. pulmonary embolism D. rupture of the soleal sinus

C. pulmonary embolism

Which of the following is not characteristic of a venous Doppler flow profile? A. phasicity B. continuous C. pulsatile D. respiration

C. pulsatile

A normal subclavian vein Doppler signal should exhibit which of the following patterns? A. spontaneous, phasic, pulsatile B. spontaneous, non-phasic, non-pulsatile C. spontaneous, phasic, non-pulsatile D. continuous, non-phasic, non-pulsatile

C. spontaneous, phasic, non-pulsatile

Which of the following Doppler waveforms from the popliteal vein would suggest congestive heart failure? A. spontaneous, non-phasic flow B. spontaneous, phasic flow C. spontaneous, pulsatile flow D. absence of flow

C. spontaneous, pulsatile flow

Blood will move from the left ventricle of the heart into the aorta when: A. the pressure within the aorta is higher than the pressure in the left ventricle B. the pressure in the left atrium exceeds the pressure in the left ventricle C. the pressure in the left ventricle is higher than the pressure in the aorta D. the pressure in the aorta is higher than the pressure in the left atrium

C. the pressure in the left ventricle is higher than the pressure in the aorta

What is the relationship between power and the cross-sectional area of the sound beam? A. they are not related B. they are directly proportional C. they are inversely proportional D. power=intensity/area

C. they are inversely proportional

A pulsatile mass in the neck could be an indication of: A. carotid embolism B. basilar aneurysm C. tortuous common carotid artery D. subclavian steal syndrome

C. tortuous common carotid artery

All of the following intracranial vessels can be evaluated using the transtemporal window except: A. anterior cerebral artery B. posterior cerebral artery C. vertebral artery D. middle cerebral artery

C. vertebral artery

The pressure at a stenosis is less than the pressure proximal and distal to the stenotic area. This is defined in: A. Reynolds number B. Poiseuille's equation C. conservation of energy law D. Bernoulli Principle

D. Bernoulli Princple

Which of the following vessels has the lowest resistance? A. capillaries B. iliac veins C. venules D. IVC


Which would reveal a halo appearance on a sonographic image? A. stenosis B. thoracic outlet syndrome C. trauma D. arteritis

D. arteritis

Reactive hyperemia is used as a substitute for treadmill stress testing in cases in which the patient: A. has an ischemic ulcer B. has Raynaud's syndrome C. has rest pain D. cannot ambulate

D. cannot ambulate

The transorbital approach for transcranial Doppler is used to study the: A. basilar arteries B. anterior cerebral artery C. middle cerebral artery D. carotid siphon

D. carotid siphon

The initial treatment of cerebrovascular disease is: A. endarterectomy B. pharmacological intervention C. thrombolytic therapy D. control and reduction of risk factors

D. control and reduction of risk factors

The radial artery terminates at the ___. A. digital artery B. superfiical palmar arch C. brachial artery D. deep palmar arch

D. deep palmar arch

Which imaging system is calibrated using a tissue equivalent phantom? A. plethysmography B. strip-chart recorder B. CW Doppler D. duplex

D. duplex

Which of the following best describes the effects of exercise on blood flow in a non-diseased vessel? A. exercise increases resistance B. exercise decreases capacitance of the vessel C. exercise decreases blood flow D. exercise causes arteriole vasodilatation

D. exercise causes arteriole vasodilatation

The resistance of movement of one layer of blood against another layer or the vessel wall is known as: A. inertia B. viscosity C. velocity D. friction

D. friction

What is the longest vein in the body? A. IVC B. SVC C. femoral vein D. greater saphenous vein

D. greater saphenous vein

A brachial systolic pressure difference of ___ from one arm to the other, indicates occlusion/stenosis on the side of the lower pressure. A. greater than 50 mmHg B. greater than 40 mmHg C. greater than 30 mmHg D. greater than 20 mmHg

D. greater than 20 mmHg

Normal recovery time for a photoplethysmography venous reflux study should be: A. immediate B. less than 5 seconds C. less than 15 seconds D. greater than 20 seconds

D. greater than 20 seconds

At what anatomic level does the axillary artery become the brachial artery? A. elbow B. wrist C. sternum D. head of the humerus

D. head of the humerus

Venous stasis is not caused by: A. extrinsic compression B. hormones C. surgery D. hypotension

D. hypotension

If resistance increases, what happens to pressure? A. no change B. decreases C. decreases by 1/2 D. increases

D. increases

The movement and direction of blood flow is known as: A. work B. pressure C. potential energy D. kinetic energy

D. kinetic energy

After an endarterectomy stenosis can occur due to proliferation of intimal cells. This is referred to as: A. paraganglioma B. fibromuscular dysplasia C. intimal thickness D. neointimal hyperplasia

D. neointimal hyperplasia

Which of the following is a rapid growth of the intima following carotid endarterectomy? A. fibromuscular dysplasia B. Takayasu's arteritis C. atherosclerosis obliterans D. neointimal hyperplasia

D. neointimal hyperplasia

What is a bruit? A. an occlusion B. a stenosis C. flow turbulence D. a noise

D. noise

All of the following are methods of pressure measurements except: A. tcPO2 B. ausculatory C. continuous wave Doppler with flow meter D. palpatory

D. palpatory

Non-invasive testing technique that measures volume changes in the limb is referred to as: A. photopethysmography B. segmental pressure C. PPG reflux D. plethysmography

D. plethysmography

Pulse volume recording is a form of which of the following methods/techniques? A. segmental pressures B. photoplethysmography C. impedance plethysmography D. pneumoplethysmography

D. pneumoplethysmography

A sonographic yin-yang appearance is seen in: A. arteriovenous fistula B. hematoma C. hemodialysis graft D. pseudoaneurysm

D. pseudoaneurysm

Venous ulcers are typically: A. deep, regular-shaped, and painful B. deep, red, and scaly C. shallow, moist, and located at bony prominances D. shallow, moist, and above the medial malleolus

D. shallow, moist, and above the medial malleolus

Patient positioning for a venous PPG refill study should be: A. supine with head elevated B. reverse Trendelenberg C. supine with legs externally rotated D. sitting with legs dangling

D. sitting with legs dangling

Where does an acute DVT usually originate? A. only in the femoral vein B. in the superficial venous system C. in the post tibial veins D. soleal sinus of the calf

D. soleal sinus of the calf

A complication described as erythema, mild scaling, and brown discoloration of the skin is known as: A. lymphedema B. cellulitis C. stasis ulceration D. stasis dermititis

D. stasis dermititis

Total energy is equal to which of the following? A. sum of potential energy + hydrostatic pressure + kinetic energy B. average of potential energy +hydrostatic pressure + kinetic energy C. ratio of potential energy to kinetic energy D. sum of potential energy + kinetic energy

D. sum of potential energy + kinetic energy

What medication is a thrombolitic agent? A. heparin B. aspirin C. warfarin D. tPA

D. tPA

Power is expressed in units termed Watts. What are the units for Intensity? A. decibels B. W/cm2 C. m/s D. joules

B. W/cm2

Which of the following is an uncontrollable risk factor for cerebrovascular disease? A. hyperlipidemia B. age C. smoking D. diabetes

B. age

A greater saphenous vein that is left in its native position when used as a bypass graft is known as: A. protheic graft B. an insitu graft C. a reversal graft D. a cryopreversed graft

B. an insitu graft

A cuff used for pressure measurements that is too narrow will result in: A. a normal pressure measurement - cuff size is not a factor B. an overestimation of the pressure C. an underestimation of the pressure D. no pressure recording

B. an overestimation of the pressure

What vessels form the popliteal vein? A. anterior and posterior tibial arteries B. anterior tibial vein and tibioperoneal trunk C. lesser saphenous vein and the anterior tibial vein D. lesser and greater saphenous veins

B. anterior tibial vein and tibioperoneal trunk

Which of the following is the most common site for atherosclerosis development? A. the post arterial wall B. arterial bifurcations C. calcified arteries D. brachial arteries

B. arterial bifurcations

During systole, a nonrigid arterial wall will expand. This is known as: A. capacitance B. compliance C. continuity D. compression

B. compliance

Static pressure transformed to dynamic pressure is stated in: A. Bernoulli principle B. Conservation of energy law C. Poiseuille's law D. Reynolds number

B. conservation of energy law

If resistance increases, what happens to flow? A. no change B. decreases C. decreases by 1/2 D. increases

B. decreases

A longitudinal tear of an arterial wall is known as: A. a berry aneurysm B. a dissection C. fusiform aneurysm D. pseudoaneuysm

B. dissection

Using the following info which vessel segment is diseased? highest brachial 150 high thigh 172 above knee 165 below knee 122 ankle 109 A. aorto-iliac B. femoral-popliteal C. profunda femoris D. post tibial

B. femoral-popliteal

Virchow's triad includes trauma or endothelial change, venous stasis, and _____. A. hyperactivity B. hypercoagulability C. hypothyroidism D. hypertension

B. hypercoagulablity

If a pressure gradient increases, what happens to flow? A. no change B. increases C. increases by a factor of 4 D. decreases

B. increases

Doppler waveforms from the intracranial vessels are similar to those obtained from the: A. subclavian artery B. internal carotid artery C. external carotid artery D. brachial artery

B. internal carotid artery

Upon inspiration, what occurs in the upper extremity veins? A. intrathoracic pressure is increased causing a decrease in flow B. intrathoracic pressure is decreased causing an increase in flow C. intrathoracic pressure is increased causing an increase in flow D. intrathoracic pressure is decreased causing a decrease in flow

B. intrathoracic pressure is decreased causing an increase in flow

What layer of the arterial wall is the thickest, and has connective tissue and smooth muscle to give it strength? A. intima B. media C. adventitia D. capillary

B. media

Vascular compromise occurs during expiration with which condition? A. lymphedema B. median arcuate ligament syndrome C. Takayasu arteritis D. thoracic outlet syndrome

B. median arcuate ligament syndrome

While performing segmental pressures on a lower extremity, you note a pressure gradient between 2 cuffs of 15mmHg. What does this finding indicate? A. cuff artifact B. normal results C. stenosis in the arterial segment proximal to the lowest cuff D. total occlusion of the arterial segment

B. normal results

Which of the following would cause a decrease or absence of respiratory phasicity in CFV Dopper signal? A. venous incompetence B. patient in supine postition C. common femoral artery occlusion D. dehydration

B. patient in supine position

Which of the following most influences hydrostatic pressure? A. systolic blood pressure B. person's height C. diastolic blood pressure D. diameter of the artery or vein

B. person's height

Which of the following is not considered a component of the calf muscle pump? A. venous valves B. phasic blood flow C. deep and superficial veins of the lower extremity D. contracting leg muscles

B. phasic blood flow

Which vein may not normally have a spontaneous Doppler signal? A. popliteal B. post tibial C. external iliac D. femoral

B. post tibial

The soleal sinuses drain into which vein? A. gastrocnemius B. posterior tibial C. greater saphenous D. popliteal

B. posterior tibial

What must be present in order for flow to occur? A. stenosis B. pressure gradient C. kinetic energy D. potential energy

B. pressure gradient

An important symptom to indicate abnormal vasospasm of digital arteries when exposed to cold is: A. finger swelling B. prolonged pallor of the digits C. hand coolness D. rubor

B. prolonged pallor of the digits

What type of aneurysm most likely results from trauma? A. saccular B. pseudoaneurysm C. fusiform D. berry

B. pseudoaneurysm

In Poiseuille's equation, which of the following factors can have a minimal change in value but results in a large change in flow? A. length of the vessel B. radius of the vessel C. viscosity D. resistance

B. radius of the vessel

Which is a type of dialysis graft? A. curled synthetic B. straight PTFE C. cimino-ameil D. brescia swirled synthetic

B. straight PTFE

A congenital predisposition to develop venous thrombosis might include which of the following? A. family hx of atherosclerosis B. thrombophilia C. diabetes mellitus D. hypertension

B. thrombophilia

Normal direction of flow in the ipsilateral middle cerebral artery flow to the transducer using the temporal window is: A. away from the transducer B. towards the transducer C. not visualized with the temporal window approach D. dependent on the direction of the vertebral artery

B. towards the transducer

Using the transtemporal window, the normal flow in the ipsilateral posterior communicating artery is: A. away from the transducer B. towards the transducer C. not visualized with the temporal window approach D. dependent on the direction of the vertebral artery

B. towards the transducer

A contrast agent is introduced into the venous system in the lower leg by an injection into the foot. What is this procedure called? A. arteriogram B. venogram C. tomogram D. sonogram

B. venogram

The first and largest branch of each subclavian artery is the: A. common carotid artery B. vertebral artery C. axillary artery D. external carotid artery

B. vertebral artery

A patient presents to the vascular department with symptoms of vertigo, bilateral visual disturbances, and ataxia. You should suspect: A. a transient ischemic attack B. vertebrobasilar insufficiency C. reversible ischemic neurological deficit D. cerebrovascular accident

B. vertebrobasilar insufficiency

Venous valves: A. are more numerous above the level of the knee B. will decrease venous pressure, if competent C. help to maintain retrograde flow D. are not located in perforator veins

B. will decrease venous pressure, if competent

What is the size of the cuff used to obtain penile pressures? A. 3cm x 14cm B. 1.5 cm x 9 cm C. 2.5 cm x 9 cm D. 5cm x 12 cm

C. 2.5 cm x 9 cm

The recommended width of a cuff used for segmental pressure measurements is: A. 10% wider than the diameter of the limb segment B. 50% wider than the diameter of the limb segment C. 20% wider than the diameter of the limb segment D. 70% wider than the diameter of the limb segment

C. 20% wider than the diameter of the limb segment

In a stenotic vessel, where is the kinetic energy the greatest? A. prestenontic level B. poststenotic level C. at the level of the stenosis D. at the level of turbulence

C. at the level of the stenosis

Which of the following is not an upper extremity deep vein? A. innominate B. subclavian C. basilic D. ulnar

C. basilic

Which of the following is not a limitation of arteriography? A. the diameter stenosis measurement often under or overestimates the actual disease B. the patient is exposed to ionizing radiation C. both intracranial and extracranial vessels can be assessed D. the vessel boundary cannot be accurately outlined when disease is present

C. both intracranial and extrcranial vessels can be assessed

Which of the following is not a branch off the aortic arch? A. innominate B. left subclavian C. celiac axis D. brachiocephalic

C. celiac axis

Which vessel would have a high resistance profile? A. IVC B. internal carotid artery C. common femoral artery D. postprandial superior mesentaric artery

C. common femoral artery

Primary venous insufficiency is due to which of the following? A. chronic venous obstruction B. reduced arterial inflow C. congenital absence of defects of valves D. absence of perforating veins

C. congenital absence of defects of valves?

Arterial pressure measurements rely on the ability of the arterial wall to compress and occlude the vessel. Incompresssability of the artery, which results in the inability to obtain pressure, is most common in which of the following patients? A. cancer patients B. stroke patients C. diabetic patients D. ms patients

C. diabetic patients

Acute arterial occlusion is marked by the following symptoms except: A. pulselessness B. paralysis C. erythema D. pain

C. erythema

An overgrowth of collagen within the media layer of an artery, causing multiple stenoses is defined as: A. carotid body tumor B. neointimal hyperplasia C. fibromuscular dysplasia D. medial calcinosis

C. fibromuscular dysplasia

Patients at risk for developing deep vein thrombosis are those who: A. have atherosclerosis B. recently lost weight C. hap a hip surgery 9 months ago D. have metastatic disease

C. had hip surgery 9 months ago

A recording device that converts sonographic images to digital format for network review and storage is: A. strip-chart recorder B. Fast Fourier Transform C. PACS D. VHS


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