Video and audio content HTML

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Play different media types

<source> element. Ex: <video> <source src="rabbit320.mp4" type="video/mp4"> <source src="rabbit320.webm" type="video/webm"> </video>

audio element

An HTML5 element that displays an audio clip within the Web page body. <audio src="wav.mp3" controls> unto <audio>

poster attribute

used to display an image of a video before the video starts. Ex: A splashscreen/thumbnail

autoplay attribute

Audio begins playing automatically once the web page has loaded. Ex: <video autoplay> what </video>


Compressors and decompressors that make a video web friendly Ex: H.264

What do type attributes contain?

MIME types, a media file which describes the kind of file

fallback content

The code placed before the closing video tag. Ex: <video> None</video>

Container formats

The formats for files that hold multiple types of media files, such as video and audio. Ex: WebM for Firefox and Chrome MP4 for Internet Explorer and Safari Ogg for Firefox and Chrome(older)

<video> element

Used to display a video file on a web page Ex: <video src="what.mp4" controls >

controls attribute

adds video controls, like play, pause, and volume.

loop attribute

audio tracks continue to replay once completed

The audio element doesnt support the ________ attribute

poster attribute

preload attribute

this specifies how the author thinks that the media (large file) should be loaded when the page loads. "none" does not buffer the file "auto" buffers the media file "metadata" buffers only the metadata for the file

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