Vietnam War study guide

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Give the dates of the three phases of the Vietnam Conflict.

1.the French phase (1945- 1954 2. American phase (1964-1973) 3.Civil war in Vietnam (1955 -1975)

Which amendment granted 18 year-olds the right to vote?

26th amendment

Agent Orange

A chemical herbicide used to clear out forests and tall grasses - clear leaves and vegetation for military operation

The idea that if one country fall to communism, others around it will follow.

Called the "Domino theory" : A foreign policy during the 1950s to 1980s that states if one land in a region came under the influence of communism, then surrounding countries would follow.

1965 Aerial bombing campaign of North Vietnam after Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

Operation Rolling Thunder: demonstration of America's near total air power during the Vietnam War.

Vietnam was a colony of what country prior to WWll?


The Vietnam War was the first war to be


What document revealed the U.S. had been secretly bombing Cambodia & Laos?

The Pentagon Papers

National Guardsmen fired into a crowd of protesting students, killing 4 students in Ohio

Kent State university

Which countries were part of Indochina?

Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam

What was the Ho Chi Minh trail?

a trial used to supply the Viet Cong.

U.S. soldiers killed civilians in this Vietnamese village sparking outrage at home.

My Lai

Who was the leader of South Vietnam during the war?

Ngo Dihn Diem

After the TET offensive, American public opinion was more...

against the war

What did some young men do to avoid the draft?

Burn their draft cards

What did some young men do to avoid the draft?

Burned their draft cards. Moved to Canada, Attended college


An intensely burning explosive used to destroy jungle growth

Location of the Democratic Convention in this city in 1968, violent riots took place.


The U.S. got involved in Vietnam because of what foreign policy?

Containment of Communism: stated that communism needed to be contained and isolated, or it would spread to neighboring countries.

The result of the discrepancy in government and television reports concerning the Vietnam War?

Credibility gap: the government told Americans that they were winning the war against Vietnam, but when the war was televised for the eyes of the Americans they saw a completely different story.

What type of fighting tactics did the VietCong use to fight the U.S.?

Guerilla warfare: a form of unconventional warfare in which a group of small combatants attempts to take down larger, better-armed force through the use of ambushed, hit-and-run, sabotage, etc.

Congress granted LBJ power to go to war with North Vietnam by passing the...

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

How did a South Vietnamese Buddhist monk protest Ngo Dinh Diem's persecution of Buddhists?

He set himself on fire.

The communist leader of North Vietnam was..

Ho Chi Minh

Networks of jungle paths used by N. Vietnam to transport supplies to the Vietcong?

Ho Chi Minh Trail : a network of paths running through Laos and Cambodia by which North Vietnam was able to supply to its troops and the Vietcong in the South Vietnam

What were the problems of fighting in Vietnam?

Identifying the enemy, Jungle/Location provided cover and a place to transport enemy supplies!

Conducted by U.S. soldiers, these resulted in the uprooting of Vietnamese civilians with suspected ties to Vietcong and burning their villages.

Search and destroy missions

What event caused a negative shift in U.S. public opinion during the Vietnam War?

The Tet Offensive

Why did the U.S. become involved in Vietnam?

The U.S wanted to try to stop the spread of communism.

What event sparked significant protests in the United States during the 1960s?

Vietnam War

Shifting the burden of actual combat from American troops to S. Vietnamese forces.


Americans who strongly felt that Johnson wasn't doing enough to escalate and win the war were known as ____.


How did American citizens react to the Tet Offensive?

they were discouraged

The Vietcong were Communist rebels in South Vietnam.

they were helped by the North Vietnamese

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