Visual C#

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Horizontal Tab. Move the Screen Cursor to the next tab stop


(also called reserved words) are reserved for use by C#.

Delimited Comments

/* */ comments that are split over several lines.

Body of a Class Declaration

A left brace, {, begins each class declaration's body. A corresponding right brace, }, must end each class declaration.


A class name is an identifier, a series of characters consisting of letters, digits and underscores (_) that does not begin with a digit and does not contain spaces.


A collection of data organized for ease of access and manipulation. ex) relational database

Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

A collection of software tools

Single-line Comment

A comment that begins with // is called a single-line comment, because it terminates at the end of the line on which it appears.


A group of related files, such as the Visual C# code and any images that might make up an app.


A group of related records.


A keyword that indicates that main will not return a value after it completes its task.


A tab containing the window's name appears along the IDE window's left, right or bottom edge.

Internet of Things

A thing is ant object with an IP address, a unique identifier that helps locate that thing on the Internet, and the ability to send data automatically over the Internet.

Object-Oriented Programming

Allows you to implement an object-oriented design as a working system


American Standard Code for Information Interchange. Character set, the popular subset of Unicode that represents uppercase and lowercase letters of the English alphabet, digits and some common special characters.


An expression that can be either true or false

Big Data

Applications deal with massive amounts of data and this field is growing quickly, creating lots of opportunity for software developers.


Backslash. Used to place a backslash character in a string.


Blank lines and space characters make code easier to read. Whitespace is ignored by the comiler.

Class Name Convention

By convention, all class names begin with a capital letter of each work they include. ex: SampleClassName, also know as CamelCase

Case Sensitive

C# is case sensitvie, uppercase and lowercase letters are distinct, so a1 and A1 are different.


Carriage return. Position the screen cursor to the beginning of the current line; does not advance to the next line. Any character output after the carriage return overwrite the characters previously output on that line.


Class Console provides standard input/output capabilities that enable apps to read and display text in the console window from which the app executes.

.NET Framework Class Library

Collectively, .NET's predefined namespaces.


Contain get accessors for reading the values of variables, and set accessors for storing values into them.

Internet Protocol (IP)

Created a true "network of networks," the current architecture of the Internet. The combined set of protocols is now called TCP/IP

Data Hierarchy

Data items that become larger and more complex in structure as we progress from the simplest data, called bits, to richer data items, such as characters, fields, and so on.

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Devoted to developing web technologies. One of its primary goals is to make the web universally accessible to everyone regardless of disabilities, language or culture.


Digits, letters, and special symbols


Directs the user to take a specific action.


Displays an image


Displays one line of text in the console window. Unlike WriteLine, after displaying its argument, Write does not position the screen cursor at the beginning of the next line in the console window, the next character the app displays will appear immediately after the last character that Write displays.


Double quote. Used to place a double quote character (") in a string ex: Console.Write("\"in quotes\""); displays "in quotes"

Visual App Development

Dragging and dropping predefined building blocks into place.


Dynamic Link Library extension

Synchronous Programming

Each task in a program must finish executing before the next task can begin.

Visual Studio Community

Enables you to write, run, test, and debug C# programs quickly and conveniently

Assembly Language

English-like abbreviations to represent elementary operations.

Class Declaration

Every app consists of at least one class declaration that's defined by you, the programmer. Ex: class Welcome1


Files that are compiled that are packaging units for compiled C# code.

Machine Language

Generally consists of numbers (ultimately reduced to 1s and 0s).


Houses the programs statements that actually perform the task. Hides the statements from the user.

Instance Variable

How attributes are specified

Record Key

Identifies a record as belonging to a particular person or entity and distinguishes that record from all others.' ex) an employee id number would be the key to a payroll record.

Visual Programming

In addition to writing program statements to build portions of your apps, you'll also use Visual Studio to conveniently drag and drop predefined GUI objects like buttons and text-boxes into place on your screen.

World Wide Web

Is a collection of hardware and software associated with the Internet that allows computer users to locate and view multimedia-based documents.


Just as characters are composed of bits, fields are composed of characters or bytes. ex) a person's name

String Interpolation

Lets you insert values in string literals to create formatted strings. ex: string person = "Paul"; Console.WriteLine($"Welcome to C# Programming, {person}!"); Displays: Welcome to C# Programming, Paul!


Method that displays a line of text in the console window. ex: Console.WriteLine("Hello World");

Unified Modeling Language (UML)

Most widely used graphical scheme for modeling object-oriented systems

Asynchronous programming

Multiple tasks can be performed at the same time.


Named collections of related classes.

Information Hiding

Objects may communicate with one another, but they're normally not allowed to know how other objects are implemented. Implementation details are hidden within the objects themselves. It is crucial to good software engineering.

Objects or Classes

Objects, or more precisely the classes objects come from, are essentially reusable software components. ex) date objects, time objects

Syntax Error

Occurs when the compiler encounters code that violates C#'s language rules. Also called: compiler errors, compile-time errors, or complication errors.


Programming language that has roots in the C, C++, and Java programming language.


Programs were developed to execute high level language programs without the need for compilation, although more slowly then compiled programs.


Several related fields

Web Services

Software components stored on one computer that can be accessed by an app on another computer over the Internet.

Operating Systems

Software systems that make using computers more convenient for users, developers and system administrators.


Specifies the grammatical rules for writing code in that language.


Supports many of the world's languages, as well as emojis.


Technology that helps Internet-based applications perform like desktop applications, a difficult task, given that such applications suffer transmission delays as data is shuttled back and forth between your computer and server computers on the Internet.

Using Directive

Tells the computer where to look for a class that's used in this app. ex: Using System;

Syntax-color Highlighting

The code coloring scheme used by the IDE is called syntax-color highlighting and helps you visually differentiate code elements.


The information-carrying capacity of communication lines, on the internet has increased tremendously, while hardware costs have plummeted.


The new class absorbs the characteristics of an existing class, possibly customizing them and adding unique characters of its own.


The parenthesis after the identifier Main indicate that it's building block called a method. A method is able to perform a task and return a value when it completes a task.

Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

The part of the central processing unit that performs arithmetic computations and logical operations.


The programs guide the computer are referred to as


The project types that users can create in Visual C# and other languages.

Transmission Control Protocol

The protocol, set of rules, for communicating over the ARPANET. Ensured that messages, consisting of sequentially numbered pieces called packets, were properly routed from sender to receiver, arrived intact and were assembled in the correct order.


The smallest data item in a computer can assume the value 1 or 0. Short for Binary Digit.

Computer Programmers

These programs guide the computer through actions specified by people called


Translator programs that convert assembly-language programs to machine language.


Translator programs that convert high-level language programs into machine language.


Typically contains descriptive text.

Class Declaration's File Name

Usually the class name followed by the .cs file-name extension, though this is not required.

Error List Window

When an error occurs, the IDE underlines the error's location with a red squiggly line and provides a description.

Pascal Case

When the first letter is capitalized.

Entry Point

Where the app begins execution ex: static void main()


Windows that facilitate user-computer communication.

Event Driven

You can write programs that respond to user-initiated events such as mouse clicks, keystrokes, timer expirations and touches and finger swipes.


You must build an object from a class before a program can perform the tasks that the class's methods define.

Functional Programming

You specify what you want to accomplish in a task, but not how to accomplish it.

Generic Programming

You write code that handles a collection "in the general" and C# handles the specifics for each different type of collection, saving you a great deal of work.

Newline Character

\n displays a character on a newline


a location in the computer's memory where a value can be stored for latter use. Variables are declared with a name and a type before they're used.

.NET Framework Class Library

a vast collection of prebuilt classes that enable you to enable to develop apps quickly.

If Statement

allows an app to make a decision based on the value of a condition.

High-level Languages

developed in which statements could be written to accomplish substantial tasks. ex) C#, C++, Java

Reading a Number into a Variable number1

ex) number1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); ReadLine waits for the user to type a string of characters at the keyboard and press the Enter key. Then the returned string is used as an argument to type int's Parse method, which converts this sequence of characters into data type int.


executable extension

Computer Programs

hardware processes data under the control of sequences of instructions.

Class Keyword

introduces a class declaration and is immediately followed by the class name


is called an escape character. It indicates to C# that a 'special character' is in the string. When a backlash appears in a string of characters, C# combines the next character with the backlash to form an escape sequence.

IntelliSense Winfow

lists various items that start with or contain the letters you've typed so far. Also displays a tool tip containing a description of the first matching item.


string person = "Paul"; is a variable declaration statement the specifies the name(person) and type(string) of a variable used in this app.

Scripting Languages

such as the popular web languages JavaScript and PHP are processed by interpreters.

Method Call

tells a method of the object to perform its task

Moore's Law

the capacities of computers have approximately doubled inexpensively.

Character Set

the computer's character set is the set of all the characters used to write programs and represent data items.

HyperText Markup Language (HTML)

the technology for sharing information via "hyperlinked" text documents.

Console Apps

these input and output text in a console window, which in Windows is known as the Command Prompt.


wrap attributes and methods into objects created from those classes. An object's attributes and methods are intimately related.


you insert comments (//) to document your apps and improve their readability. The C# compiler ignores comments, so they do not cause the computer to perform any action when the app executes.

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