Vocabulary Lesson 23: Words, ba 5 approved words [vl1-vl21], Vocabulary 22 - 26

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(adj.) 1. proceeding from the will or from one's own choice or consent 2. unconstrained by interference 3. done by design or intention 4. of, or relating to, subject to, or regulated by the will 5. having power of free choice 6. provided or supported by voluntary action 7. acting or done of one's own free will without valuable consideration or legal obligation


(adj.) 1. showing or suggesting a lofty and courageous spirit 2. showing or suggesting nobility of feeling and generosity of mind


(adj.) careful to consider all circumstances and possible consequences


(adj.) having a wavy surface, edge, or markings


(adj.) marked by extreme calm, impassivity, and steadiness


(adj.) of acute mental vision of discernment : keen


(adj.) speaking in or characterized by a high-flown often bombastic style or manner


Relating to a demon


Relating to angels


Relating to different sexes


(adj.) 1. a) a thick or opaque with or as if with roiled sediment b) heavy with smoke or mist 2. a) deficient in clarity or purity b) characterized by or producing obscurity (as of mind or emotions)


(adj.) 1. a) easily accomplished or attained ; shallow, simplistic b) used or comprehended with ease c) readily manifested and often lacking sincerity or depth 2. mild or pleasing in manner or disposition 3. a) ready, fluent b) poised, assured


(adj.) 1. a) exhibiting physical turbulence b) characterized by agitation or tumult 2. causing unrest, violence, or disturbance


(adj.) 1. existing or occurring in large amounts 2. a) marked by great plenty (as of resources) b) amply supplied


(adj.) 1. full of excessive talk 2. given to fluent or excessive talk


(adj.) 1. of or relating to conversation 2. a) used in or characteristic of familiar and informal conversation b) using conversational style


(adj.) 1. of or relating to more than two nationalities 2. a) of, or relating to, or involving more than two nations b) having division in more than two countries


(v.) transitive verb 1. to increase in a number especially greatly or multiples 2. a) to find the product of by multiplication b) to use as a multiplicand in multiplication with another number transitive verb 1. a) to become greater in number b) breed propagate 2. to perform multiplication


(n.) 1. a person who voluntarily undertakes or expresses a willingness to undertake a service 2. a volunteer plant


(n.) 1. a station where factors reside and trade 2. a) a building or set of buildings with facilities for manufacturing b) the seat of some kind of production


(n.) 1. a style of speaking especially in public 2. the art of effective public speaking


(n.) 1. a technical and not necessarily intrinsically outrageous violated (such as improper reception of a sacrament) of what is sacred because consecrated to God 2. gross irreverence toward a hallowed person, place, or thing


(n.) 1. a whole made up of complicated or interrelated parts 2. a) a group of culture traits relating to a single activity (such as hunting), process (such as use of flint), or culture unit b) a group of repressed desires and memories that exerts a dominating influence upon the personality ; an exaggerated reaction to or preoccupation with a subject or situation c) a group of obviously related units of which the degree and nature of the relationship is imperfectly known d) the sum of factors (such as symptoms) characterizing a disease or condition 3. a chemical association of two or more species (such as ions or molecules) joined usually by weak electrostatic bonds rather than covalent bonds 4. a building or group of buildings housing related units


(n.) 1. a) a Christian rite (such as baptism or the Eucharist) that is believed to have been ordained by Christ and that is held to be a means of divine grace or to be a sign or symbol of spiritual reality b) a religious rite or observance comparable to a Christian sacrament 2. capitalized a) communion b) blessed sacrament 3. something likened to a religious sacrament


(n.) 1. a) great size or extent b) spatial quality, size, quantity, number 2. the importance, quality, or caliber of something 3. a number representing the intrinsic or apparent brightness of a celestial body on a logarithmic scale in which an increase of one unit corresponds to a reduction in the brightness of light by a factor of 2.512 4. a numerical quantitative measure expressed usually as a multiple of a standard unit 5. the intensity of an earthquake represented by a number on an arbitrary scale


(n.) 1. a) something exhibited to view as unusual, notable, or entertaining b) an object of curiosity or contempt 2. glasses 3. something (such as natural markings on an animal) suggesting a pair of glasses


(n.) 1. an act of kindness 2. a) something that produces good or helpful results or effect or that promotes well-being b) useful aid 3. a) financial help in time of sickness, old age or unemployment b) a payment or service provided for under an annuity, pension plan, or insurance policy c) a service (such as health insurance) or right (as to take vacation time) provided by an employer in addition to wages or salary 4. an entertainment or social event to raise funds for a person or cause


(n.) 1. an act of offering to a deity something precious; especially : the killing of a victim on an altar 2. something offered in sacrifice 3. a) destruction or surrender of something for the sake of something else b) something given up or lost 4. loss 5. sacrifice hit


(n.) 1. contradictory doubleness of thought, speech, or action 2. the quality or state of being double or twofold 3. law : the technically incorrect use of two or more distinct items (such as claims, charges, or defenses) in a single legal action


(n.) 1. disposition to do good 2. a) an act of kindness b) a generous gift 3. a compulsory contribution or tax levied by certain English kings with no other authority than the claim of prerogative


(n.) 1. one that directs 2. a) a member of the clergy (as of the Protestant Episcopal Church) in charge of a parish b) an incumbent of a Church of England benefice in full possession of its rights c) a Roman Catholic priest directing a church with no pastor or one whose pastor has other duties 3. the head of a university or school


(n.) 1. religion : the invocation of a blessing 2. something that promotes goodness or well-being 3. often capitalized, Christianity : a Roman Catholic or Anglo-Catholic devotion including the exposition of the eucharistic Host in the monstrance and the blessing of the people with it 4. an expression of good wishes


(n.) 1. the power of choosing or determining 2. an act of making a choice or decision ; a choice or decision made


(n.) 1. the state of being many 2. a great number 3. a great number of people 4. populace, public


(v.) 1. a) to write (a letter) to a person b) to mark with the name and address of the intended recipient c) to impart orally d) to adapt in expression so as to have particular applicability 2. a) to regulate the activities or course of b) to carry out the organizing, energizing, and supervising of c) to dominate and determine the course of d) to train and lead performances of


(v.) 1. to be present in large numbers or in great quantity 2. to be copiously supplied


(v.) 1. to involve as a consequence, corollary, or natural inference 2. archaic : to fold or twist together 3. a) to bring into intimate or incriminating connection b) to involve in the nature or operation of something


(v.) 1. to set right 2. to purify especially by repeated or fractional distillation 3. to correct by removing errors 4. to make (an alternating current) unidirectional


(v.) 1. to violate the sanctity of : profane 2. to treat disrespectfully , irreverently, or outrageously


A beginner


A new word


A person who is unwilling to commit to an opinion about something


A specialist in the dental care of children


Adj. 1. (a) of or relating to time as opposed to eternity (b) of or relating to earthly life (c) lay or secular rather than clerical or sacred 2. of or relating to grammatical tense or a distinction of time 3. (a) of or relating to time as distinguished from space (b) of or relating to the sequence of time or to a particular time: chronological


Adj. 1. existing in possibility : capable of development into actuality potential benefits 2. expressing possibility; specifically : of, relating to, or constituting a verb phrase expressing possibility, liberty, or power by the use of an auxiliary with the infinitive of the verb (as in "it may rain")


Adj. 1. having equal effects or capacities 2. of egg protoplasm : potentially capable of developing into any tissue


Adj. 1. having or wielding force, authority, or influence : powerful 2. achieving or bringing about a particular result : effective 3. (a) chemically or medicinally effective a potent vaccine (b) rich in a characteristic constituent a potent drink 4. able to copulate —usually used of the male


Adj. Following one after the other in order


Adj. Lasting for a limited time


Adj. Marked by or exhibiting a fawning attentiveness


Adjective 1. (a) of, relating to, or resembling water (b) made from, with, or by water 2. medical: of or relating to the aqueous humor


Adjective 1. existing or occurring at the same time: exactly coincident 2. satisfied by the same values of the variables simultaneous equations


Adjective 1. performed with or showing art or skill 2. (a) using or characterized by art and skill (b) adroit in attaining an end usually by insinuating or indirect means


Adjective Of, relating to, or being a female that has not borne offspring


Adv. In the exact words : word for word


Affected by an abnormal dread of being in closed or narrow spaces


An unreasonable fear


City of brotherly love






Decrease in size of a body part


Dentistry dealing with irregularities of the teeth


Fear of being seen


Fear of blood


Fear of hieghts




Frequently entering into casual sexual relationships with women


Goodwill to fellow men


Government by technical experts




Includes the Latin base MUS. MUS means "mouse" in Latin. It is so named because the ancients thought that it looked as if a little mouse ran up and down the arm when the biceps were flexed.


Noun 1. (a) a conduit for water; especially : one for carrying a large quantity of flowing water (b) a structure for conveying a canal over a river or hollow 2. a canal or passage in a part or organ






Noun 1. (a) obsolete: one skilled or versed in learned arts 2. (a) one who professes and practices an imaginative art (b) a person skilled in one of the fine arts 3. a skilled performer; especially : artiste 4. one who is adept at something con artist strikeout artist


Noun 1. (a) the act or process of equating (b1) an element affecting a process: factor (b2)a complex of variable factors (c) a state of being equated; specifically : a state of close association or identification bring governmental enterprises and payment for them into immediate equation — R. G. Tugwell 2. (a) usually formal statement of the equality or equivalence of mathematical or logical expressions (b) an expression representing a chemical reaction quantitatively by means of chemical symbols


Noun 1. a container (such as a glass tank) or an artificial pond in which living aquatic animals or plants are kept 2. an establishment where aquatic organisms are kept and exhibited


Noun 1. a minute detail of conduct in a ceremony or in observance of a code 2. careful observance of forms (as in social conduct)


Noun 1. a proclamation having the force of law 2. order, command


Noun 1. a reference source in print or electronic form containing words usually alphabetically arranged along with information about their forms, pronunciations, functions, etymologies, meanings, and syntactic and idiomatic uses 2. a reference book listing alphabetically terms or names important to a particular subject or activity along with discussion of their meanings and applications 3. a reference book listing alphabetically the words of one language and showing their meanings or translations in another language 4. a computerized list (as of items of data or words) used for reference (as for information retrieval or word processing)


Noun 1. an act of puncturing 2. a hole, wound, or perforation made by puncturing 3. a minute depression


Noun 1. religion: the invocation of a blessing 2. something that promotes goodness or well-being 3. often capitalized, Christianity : a Roman Catholic or Anglo-Catholic devotion, including the exposition of the eucharistic Host in the monstrance and the blessing of the people with it 4. an expression of good wishes


Noun A brief popular epigram or maxim (a famous saying)


Noun An instance of injustice or unfairness


Of a different opinion


Preach the Gospel


Palm reader


Political supremacy of women


Rod-shaped DNA-containing structures


Rule of the majority




Symphony orchestra


The study of the hand


To recognize something by symptoms


Tooth pain


Verb 1. to declare or make legally invalid or void 2. to reduce to nothing : obliterate 3. to make ineffective or inoperative


Verb 1. to determine by reasoning or deduction deduce the age of ancient artifacts She deduced, from the fur stuck to his clothes, that he owned a cat.; specifically, philosophy : to infer (see infer 1) from a general principle 2. to trace the course of


Verb 1. to make null; especially : to make legally null and void 2. to make of no value or consequence


Verb 1. to persuade to disobedience or disloyalty 2. to lead astray usually by persuasion or false promises 3. to carry out the physical seduction of


Verb To hide under a false appearance

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