vocations unit 3

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but this mindset overlooks what anyone in a happy and loving marriage knows, true freedom is the freedom to blind permanently to the one you love


dating couples should give each other the ------- to continue to listen to God's will, even if god doesn't will that the couple should be together for life.


Dating should always be built upon the solid principles of basic ______.


many states allow couples to divorce on almost any grounds, even for --- ---, and the divorce rate continues to grow

frivolous reasons

sadly, this can encourage spouses to --- --- when the going gets tough, instead of remaining committed to working through inevitable difficulties, that come with marriage.

give up

it is possible to be a divorced catholic in --- --- and the church encourages those who are divorcing to find spiritual support, in the sacraments

good standing

when a couple marries, the whole of their union becomes ---- than the individual parts


children also have emotional needs that must be met, such as the need for these 3 things .

human interaction, affection, basic feeling of security.

proximate means ?


what are the 3 questions the priest will ask the bride and bridegroom at their wedding?

1. have you come freely without reservation 2. will you love and honor each other for the rest of your lives 3. will you accept children lovingly from God

even the best husband or wife will never be ___ _____.

100 % perfect

what is annulment ?

A legal process whereby the evidence of a marriage is erased from the record, an alternative to divorce that makes it as though the marriage in question never took place

what is natural family planning ?

A morally acceptable way to time pregnancies based on the observation of a woman's naturally occurring times of fertility and infertility

because the ------ is at the center of our lives as Catholics, it only makes sense that it would be at the forefront of the one of the most important days of a couples' lives.


what is abortion?

The deliberate termination of a pregnancy by killing the unborn child

your family origin is important because it ______ who you are and how you ------ to the world

forms, relate

Dating is essentially

a process of discernment

however if the mother is critically ill and requires a medical procedure that indirectly results in the killing of the child, such procedure is not an ----- and is recognized by the church as necessary and morally acceptable.


the church encourages couple who are unable to bear children to --- or express their generosity in other ways such as working with the poor or venerable


what deeply affects one spouse also ---- the other


shared daily life also requires learning to --- each other's needs and being ready to put them ahead of one's own at times,


catholic weddings, with a few exceptions, take place in ---- ----.

catholic churches.

the actual minister of the sacrament of matrimony is called the ---- ---.

celebrating priest

coming to a deeper and richer understanding of the virtue of ----- is one important element for forming healthy relationships within our life of faith.


preparation for marriage begins during this time of our lives as we grow in awareness of we are and what kind of people we should be.


married couples are called to ----- the needs of each other's needs before their own and to be willing to make ---- ---- for the good of the other

consider, personal sacrifices

we must understand that marriage requires many things of us, including these 3 things.

discipline, generosity, and a full understanding of the meaning of love

in this sense, earthly marriage is like a school of understanding --- ---.

divine love

some families struggle with serious issues such as :

divorce alcoholism physical and sexual abuse

the most obvious ---- of parents toward their children involve fulfilling their children's physical and emotional needs


parents are also responsible for the ---- of their children.


they were imprisoned in the tower of London and ---- within 2 weeks of each other


most important, marriage preparation helps the engaged couple learn how to make their ----- the foundation of their marriage.


when a man and a woman marry, they make a ---- to remain faithful in good times and in bad


What is in vitro fertilization?

fertilization occurs in a petri dish and the resulting embryo are transferred to the woman's uterus morally wromg

what can be done

find support talk to whomever will listen pray take action

parents must remember that they are their children's ---- ---- especially when it comes to their faith life

first educators

all families have these 2 attributes.

flaws and weakpoints

along with the joys that come fro the ---- --- and --- --- a married couple share, living with another person requires learning to accept his or her small faults, foibles, and idiosyncrasies.

intimate friendship loving support

what is included in real love?

love for parents siblings friends other important people in your life

what is disparity of cult ?

marriage between a baptized and unbaptized catholic

what is a mixed marriage?

marriage between a catholic and a non- catholic

during the waiting period after a date is set, the engaged couple is required to participate in a ----- ----- ----, often called a pre-Cana after the site of Jesus' miracle at the wedding feast at Cana.

marriage prep. program

The most important part of a bride and grooms wedding day is the celebration of the Rite of marriage, which ordinarily takes place as part of a -----.


preparation for marriage begins years before a vocation to married life enters our __________.


it is completely possible to overcome ----- ----- from childhood.

negative effects

once a couple is engaged, the first step in planning a Catholic wedding is usually to meet with a priest who will celebrate the ------ ------.

nuptial liturgy.

A wedding that takes place during a Eucharistic liturgy is called a ------ ----- .

nuptial mass

the vocation of married life calls a man and woman to live as ---- in a real sense.


after receiving this sacrament, the couple can profess their marriage vows sacramentally in the presence of a priest or deacon in a simple ceremony called a ------.

penance and reconciliation, convalidation

first it is important to keep in mind that there is no such thing as a ________ ______.

perfect spouse

to those who do not understand the beauty of the church's teaching on marriage, this commitment might seem foolhardy, as though the spouses throw away all their --- --- in one move.

personal freedom

part of becoming an adult is taking ------ ------ for the kind of people we are.

personal responsibility

one of the purposes of marriage is ----


the next stage for preparation for marriage is called ------ -----,

proximate preparation

Likewise, the way parents and other close married couples ----- to and treat ------ informs children's understanding of what it means to be married.

relate, each other

if parents show this to their spouse and children, their children will naturally absorb and exhibit the same _______

respect, respectful attitude

without exception, a potential spouse should be someone who is ____.


this separation may include civil divorce in some cases, but divorce must always be the exception, not the ----.


b/c of this saints john fisher and Thomas Moree were charged with the crime of high treason and were convicted on perjured evidence.


like any real love, marriage involves these 2 things

self-giving, concern for others

the gift of ---- as expressed in marriage has a 2 fold end: to deepen the joyful loving union of the spouses, and to bring new life into the world,


in a special way, a child is a concrete ---- of the powerful love that exits between the 2 spouses.


civil divorce in and of itself is not a --- .


consider the following socials ______


widespread divorce in turn undermines the ---- and ---- of the family as the foundational unit of society

stability importance

a ----- home life, in which we can always count on the our parents to be there for us, teaches us how to trust God and other s and how to be trustworthy in return.


and just as our families ---- ---- can shape our personality for the better, our families flaws can develop ares of our lives that need healing.

strong points

dating can help us to get to know someone better, learn what qualities we might look for in a future spouse, and continue to develop the social skills required to ----- a loving relationship.


for ex, they can ----- each other to become more patient, trusting, generous, and humble


what is family origin

the family into which we are born or brought into by adoption

What is artificial insemination?

the injection of semen into the vagina or uterus other than by sexual intercourse. also wrong

the spouses share these:

their: hopes dreams successes failures joys sorrows

the title---- ------- -- -- ---, refers to a series of talks given for wednesday audiences by Pope John Paul 2 between 1979 and 84

theology of the body

the church does acknowledge that physical separation of spouses is necessary, at least temporarily, in some unhealthy or dangerous circumstances, for ex. if one spouse poses a serious --- to the health and safety of the other or the children, then the church permits and would encourage the physical separation of the couple and their living apart


its the parents duty to love their children as ---- individuals created in the imago dei.


a potential spouse should also share the same ------. especially your faith, and beliefs about the nature of marriage


families are to be schools of ---- teaching children God's commandments, so that the children can live moral lives


engaged couples are invited to reflect on the seriousness of their ------- to be spouses and possibly also parents and to prayfully consider their new upcoming responsibility to live as witnesses of Christ' love for his church.


special readings are proclaimed in the old testament and new testament and the gospel as responsorial psalm, that celebrate the --- --- ---.

vocation of marriage

marriage teaches one how to be ----.


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