Washington presidency

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What advice did he give in his farewell address?

-Do not make political parties -Do not make allies -Do not borrow money.

What plan did Hamilton introduce to help control the debt and how did it help?

3 step plan -Replace Bonds -Pass Tariffs -Create Bank

What is a cabinet?

A group of men to keep informed & help The president make decisions.

Precedents- meaning?

An action or decision. That serves as an expansion for later generations

How was Presidency & V. Presidency determined?

By the # of votes. Most votes won the Position of President. 2nd most votes won Position of Vice President.

What caused the Whiskey Rebellion to take place?

Congress issued a tax on Whiskey to help pay off debt from the war.

Which party promoted Agriculture?

D. Republican

Which party wanted a low tariff tax for farmers?

D. Republican

What was the biggest problem Washington had to face during his presidency?


What did the Judiciary Act of 1789 do?

Establish the federal court system.

Which Party wanted a high tariff tax for US Manufacturing?


Which party promoted manufacturing and business?


What type of national central government did the federalist want? What type did the D. Republican Want?

Federalist- Strong C. Gov. D. Republican- Weak C. Gov.

Which party wanted to find loopholes in the constitution? Which one wanted to follow it strictly?

Federalist- loopholes D. Republican- strictly

Why did the US stay neutral in the French Revolution?

Jefferson wanted to side with France. Hamilton wanted to side with Britain. Washington didn't want to go further in debt nor make enemies so he decided neither.

Who was George Washington's Vice President?

John Adams

First Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?

John Jay

What did Washington due in response to the Americans reactions in the West against the tax?

Lead a militia of 13,000+ men to Pennsylvania to stop the rebellion.

What side did America choose in the French Revolution btw. Britain & France?

Neither. The US stayed neutral.

George Washington's Cabinet Members? Sec. Of State- Sec. Of National Treasury- Attorney General- Sec. Of War-

Sec. Of State- Alexander Hamilton. Sec. Of National Treasury- Thomas Jefferson Attorney General- Edmund Randolph Sec. Of War- Henry Knox

What does protective tariff mean?

Tax on foreign goods to raise the prices in order to protect domestic products.

What political party did Jefferson surround himself with?

The Democratic-Republicians

What political party did Hamilton surround himself with?

The Federalist

What proclamation did George Washington issue and what did it say?

The Neutrality Proclamation- stated that the US would not be siding with anyone in the European Conflict.

What rebellion took place during Washington's Presidency?

The Whiskey Rebellion

How did American people react to the tax on Alcohol... more specifically the West?

Thought tax was unfair. Lead protest, destroyed property, harassed tax collectors, & boycotted tax.

What was the first thing George Washington did as president?

Washington created and choose a cabinet.

What did the Farewell Address say?

Washington told the nation goodbye & gave advice for the future of the nation.

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