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If the speed of a wave doubles as it passes from shallow water into deeper water, its wavelength will be


Which pair of terms best describes light waves traveling from the Sun to Earth

Electromagnetic and transverse

What is the distance between two consecutive points in phase on a wave called


crest to crest

constructive interference

As the phase difference between two superposed waves changes from 180* to 90*, the amount of destructive interference


trough to trough

destructive interference

a wave spreads into the region behind teh barrier. This phenomenon is called


which characteristic of a wave is always changed whenever a wave is reflected, refracted, or diffracted

direction of travel.

If the period of a wave is doubled, its wavelength will be


The number of water waves passing a given point each second is a measure of the wave's


the number of water waves passing given point each second is teh wave's


refraction is caused by a change in teh wave's


which characteristic of a wave changes as the wave travels across a boundary between two different media


a single pulse in a unifirm medium transfers

standing waves

The speed of a wave is determined by

-the properties of the medium

maximum constructive interference will occur at points where the phase difference between the two waves is


Maximum destructive interference will occur between two waves where their phase difference is


The microphone is moved to a new fixed location .50meter in front of the speaker. Compared to the sound waves detected at the 1m position, the sound waves detected at the .50 meter position have a different


How are electromagnetic waves that are produced by oscillating charges and sound waves that are produced by oscillating tuning forks similar

Both have the same frequency as their respective ones

A periodic wave transfers

Energy only



Increasing the amplitude of a sound wave produces a sound with

Greater loudness

Radio waves diffract around buildings more than light waves because compared to light waves, radio waves

Have a longer wavelength

A source of waves and an observer are moving relative to each other. The observed will detect a steadily increasing frequency if

He accelerates toward the source

Which form(s) of energy can be transmitted through a vacuum

Light only

As viewed from Earth the light from a star has lower frequencies than light emitted by a star because the star is

Moving away from Earth

When observed from Earth, the wavelengths of light emitted by a star are shifted toward the red end for the electromagnetic spectrum. This redshift occurs because the star is

Moving away from Earth

Waves pass through 10cm opening in a barrier which is being diffracted. This observation provides evidence that the wavelength of the wave is

Much shorter than 10cm

Standing waves in water are produced most often by periodic water waves

Reflecting from a barrier

The diagram below represents two waves of equal amplitude and frequency approaching point P as they move through the same medium. As the two waves pass through each other, the medium at Point P will

Remain stationary

If the amplitude of a wave in a rope is doubled, the speed of the wave in the rope

Remains the same


Slow, Fast, Away

In a vacuum, all electromagnetic waves have the same


Radio waves and gamma rays traveling in space have the same


Which quantity is equivalent to the product of the absolute index of refraction of water and the speed of light in water

Speed of light in a vacuum

What happens to the frequency and the speed of an electromagnetic wave as it passes from air into glass

The frequency remains the same and the speed decreases

The superposition of two waves in the same medium produces a standing wave pattern if the two waves have

The same frequency, the same amplitude, and travel in opposite directions

A wave is diffracted as it passes through an opening in a barrier. The amount of diffraction that the wave undergoes depends on

Wavelength of the incident wave and the size of the opening

Two waves traveling in the same medium and having the same wavelength interfere to create a standing wave. What is the distance between two consecutive nodes on this standing she


A series of pulses generated at regular time intervals in an elastic medium will produce

a periodic wave

light travels fastest in

air, vacuum

the water wave that will transfer the greatest amount of energy is teh water wave that has the greatest


As a wave travels into a medium in which its speed increases, its wavelength

increases As a wave crosses a boundary into a new medium, its speed and wavelength change while its frequency remains the same. If the speed increases, then the wavelength must increase as well in order to maintain the same frequency.

two pulses are traveling along a string toward each other. Which phenomenon will occur as the pulses meet?


which phenomenon must offer when two or more waves pass simultaneously through the same region in a medium


is a disturbance is parallel to the direction of travel of a wave, the wave is classified as


waves transfer energy between two points with no transfer of


A sound of constant frequency is produced by the siren on top of a firehouse. Compared to the frequency produced by the siren, the frequency observed by the firefighter is


As teh energy imparted to a mechanical wave increases, the maximum displacement of the particles in the medium


as the period of a wave decreases, the wave's frequency


as the amplitude of a periodic wave increases, its wavelength

remains the same

Which wave phenomenon occurs when vibrations in one object cause vibration in a second object


which wave requires a medium for transmission ?


which is an example of longitudinal wave

sound wave

sound travels fastest in


a wave in which vibration is at right angles to the wave's direction of motion is called a

transverse wave

when it says electromatic wave

use the speed(velocity) of sound 3x10^8 m/s

Maximum constructive interference between two waves of the same frequency could occur when their phase difference is


waves are in phase

waves are at the same point

frequency perceived increases

when object is closest to the person.

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