Ways Of Knowing:Unit 8:Lesson 2
Plants need water to live. If two times two is four, then two times three is six. If you throw a rock up into the air, it will come down. My grandfather told me that the Democrats will put the country into debt, and I believe him. My parents will keep me safe. If I study hard enough, then I should get an A.
1) E 2) R 3) E 4) F 5) F 6) R
The movements of the earth were described by:
Reality is always what it seems to be
The use of our senses forms the basis for very little of the knowledge we most often use
Rationalism alone ? a sufficient base for knowledge.
Is not
The idea that knowledge is based upon faith
The idea that knowledge is based upon logical human thought.
The idea that knowledge is based upon the physical senses
Empirical knowledge alone is not enough to allow people to function adequately in the world
We can be misled if we rely on a single means of knowledge
Rationalism emphasizes the ideas of the mind ? the knowledge we gain from our physical senses.
more than