WC Exam 1

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_____, like many northern renaissance artists, imitated nature, not by using perspective like the italians, but by observing and portraying details the best he could (12)

jan van eyck

members of the society of Jesus, founded by ignatius loyola, whose goal was the spread of the roman catholic faith (13)


what was the cause of the 100 years war between england and france? (11)

king philip VI of france's seizure of aquitaine

opposition to the clergy (13)


as a result of the peace of augsburg, the people of germany (13)

became either lutheran or catholic, depending on the preference of their prince

in general, during the plague, the clergy (11)

cared for the sick and buried the dead

sum of money given to the groom by the wife's family (12)


a document issued by henry IV of france in 1598, granting liberty of conscience and of public worship to calvinists, which helped restore peace in france (13)

edict of nantes

in issuing the stature of laborers (1351), what were the english lords attempting to do? (11)

freeze salaries and wages pre-1347 levels

the war between france and spain for control of italy ended when the (12)

french army occupied nice in 1494

"fur collar crime" refers to (11)

groups of nobles who roamed the english countryside stealing from the rich and poor and demanding protection money

french calvinists (13)


how did the closing of the monasteries and convents affect upper-class women? (13)

marriage became virtually the only occupation for upper-class women

DBQ: what event occurred in in 1498? (12)

savonarola is sentenced to death for heresy

in addition to reforming the church, what was the other goal of the council of trent? (13)

securing reconciliation with the protestants

there was a high demand for these eastern goods in europe (12)

silks, sugar, and spices

the religious life of bridget of sweden demonstrates that (11)

some expressions of piety and and religious devotion included mystical experiences

sent by spain's philip II in 1588, this fleet constituted a religious crusade against the english protestantism; the english fleet and bad weather defeated it (13)

spanish armada

the renaissance was all of the following EXCEPT (12)

the end of poverty

john calvin's formulation of christian doctrine, which became a systematic theology for protestantism (13)

the institutes of the christian religion

martin luther's first response to the peasant's war was (13)

to side with the peasants

as the italian city-states grew wealthier, the church gained power (12)


leonardo da vinci was an excellent example of renaissance italy's social ideal because he (12)

was a painter, sculptor, architect, inventor, and mathematician

how did luther benefit from his appearance before the holy roman emperor charles V at the diet of worms? (13)

luther gained a larger audience for his reform ideas, and others began to challenge the church's teaching and practices

what aided martin luther as his call for reform emerged? (13)

luther understood the power of the new printing press and authorized the publication of his works

all of the following are associated with painting during the high renaissance EXCEPT (12)


the statute of kilkenny attempted to (11)

maintain the ethnic purity of the english living in ireland by preventing intermarriage or cultural assimilation

why did elizabeth I have her cousin, mary queen of scots, executed? (13)

mary became implicated in a plot to assassinate elizabeth

the frescoes painted by _____ have long been regarded as the first masterpieces of EARLY renaissance art (12)


painter of the sistine chapel ceiling (12)


which italian city-state created an efficient tax system to generate revenue for the government? (12)


difference between northern and southern renaissance (12)

northern: imitated nature, smaller oil paintings -dürer and van eyck southern: secular, human paintings -michelangelo and da vinci

the flemish painter jan van eyck was one of the first to use and perfect this technique. (12)

oil painting

how did the cannon affect the power of monarchies? (11)

only central governments could afford cannons, enhancing the military power of the central states over nobility

luther viewed celibacy as (13)

opposed to human nature and God's commandments

_____ was called the father of italian renaissance humanism (12)


catholic and protestant moderates who held that only a strong monarchy could save france from total collapse (13)


the pilgrimage of grace attested to

popular opposition, in nothern england, to henry VIII's reformation

humanist educators of the renaissance stresses all of the following EXCEPT (12)

practical tool skills

the teaching that God has determined the salvation or damnation of individuals based on his will and purpose, not on their merit or works (13)


the name originally given to the lutherans, which came to mean all non-catholic western christian groups (13)


paintings and sculptures of the renaissance were more (12)


renaissance women were educated in which of the following? (12)

religion and morals

rebirth (12)


the dissolution of the english monasteries (13)

resulted from henry VIII's desire to confiscate their wealth

which of the following best describes martin luther's doctrine of salvation? (13)

salvation came through faith alone as a free gift of God's grace

what was theologian john wyclif's main argument? (11)

scripture alone should determine church belief and practice

in hungary, lutheranism was

spread by hungarian students who has studied at the university at wittenberg

parents in renaissance italy carefully arranged marriages, often to (12)

strengthen business or family ties

DBQ: according to the passage, a good spiritual life results from (12)

strict obedience to church direction

in the italian family, the mother's chief role was to (12)

supervise the household

work by castiglione (12)

the book of the courtier

dante's masterpiece (12)

the divine comedy

the reformation in england was primarily the result of (13)

the dynastic and romantic concerns of henry VIII

what characteristic distinguished the english parliament from other representative assemblies? (11)

the frequency of the english parliament's meetings established the sense and expectation that its authorization was required for certain types of legislation

in the early 16th century, anticlericalism focused primarily on which of the following issues?

the immorality of preists who were drunkards and neglected the rule of celibacy

how widespread was the influence of the inquisition? (13)

the inquisition effectively destroyed heresy within papal states but had little influence elsewhere

which of the following characterizes joan of arc's experience in the french military? (11)

the king made her co-commander of the army, and she led it to a string of victories

how did the choice to embrace or reject the reform movement occur in a territory or region in the holy roman empire? (13)

the political leader(s) of the territory or region determined whether to introduce reforms

as the italian city-states grew wealthier, (12)

the power of the church increased

political work by machiavelli (12)

the prince

which of the following was characteristic of the rebellions that swept across europe in the late fourteenth and early fifteenth century? (11)

they involved both rural and urban laboring people

why did the protestants allow the dissolution of marriages in divorce? (13)

they viewed marriage as a temporary arrangement in this world that had no significance for the afterlife

how did the flagellants respond to the black death? (11)

they whipped and scourged their bodies as penance, believing that the black death was God's punishment for humanity's wickedness

what was the typical goal of a woman pursuing a charge of rape? (11)

to restore her honorable reputation

according to the map 11.1: the course of the black death in the fourteenth century europe, the plague spread through europe following the expansion of what? (11)

trade and commerce routes

italian merchants profited from the crusades (12)


religious themes were common in both northern and italian renaissance artwork (12)


the alliance of seven northern provinces (led by holland) that declared its independence from spain and formed the united provinces of the netherlands (13)

union of utrecht

the highly infectious nature of the plague was enhanced by (11)

urban congestion and lack of sanitation

during the hundred years war, the english kings were supported by some french barons because the latter (11)

wanted to stop the french monarchy's centralizing efforts

who benefited from the black death? (11)

workers: those who survived demanded high wages after the black death, increasing standard of living for the broad mass of people

christine de pizan is best known for her (12)

works written in defense of women

during the great schism, how did the powers of europe align themselves? (11)

along traditional political alliances, with france and her allies supporting the french pope and the others favoring the italian pope

a noble must have all of these characteristics EXCEPT (12)

an informal education

"not only did talking to or being around the sick bring infection and a common death, but also touching of the sick or anything touched or used by them seemed to communicate this very disease to the person involved." in this quote from giovanni boccacio, what knowledge of the black death is sharing?

any contact with the sickened individual, or items that the person had come in contact with, would result in the infection of those imitating physical contact

luther's ideas about roman exploitation of germany (13)

appealed to the national sentiment of german princes

how did the english induce panic among the french troops at the battle of crécy? (11)

by using the longbow to send a torrent of arrows into the french, followed by artillery from the ring of cannon

chaucer's the canterbury tales is an important work because (12)

chaucer's use of of the english vernacular was important in making his dialect chief ancestor of the modern english language

DBQ: what event occurred in 1534? (12)

church of england separates rome

form of latin used by the ancient romans (12)


the calvinist doctrine of predestination led to a (13)

confidence among calvinists in their own salvation

in 1528, baldassare castiglione wrote the book of the courtier, which (12)

described the characteristics of a perfect renaissance noble

john calvin rejected the idea of free will because he believed it would (13)

detract from the sovereignty of God

according to map 11.3: fourteenth century revolts, where was the largest number of popular revolts during this period? (11)

england and france

like italian artists, northern renaissance artists painted large frescos in their cathedrals (12)


unlike italian artists, most northern artists rejected the use of minute detail (12)


according to castiglione's book, the book of the courtier, a noble should do all of the following EXCEPT (12)

farm the land

the city-state that was led by a family of wealthy merchants and bankers was (12)


a painting done on fresh, wet plaster (12)


DBQ: according to the passage, a prince must appear to be (12)


how did the calvinists understand the idea of work or labor? (13)

hard work, well done, was pleasing to God, and all work with a religious aspect was dignified

in which of the following ways did charles VII of france expand his authority? (11)

he expelled the english from all french soil except calais

why did jan hus gain so many followers? (11)

his attack on papal authority and his call for the translation of the Bible into czech resonated with many people who opposed to the church's wealth and were experiencing an emerging czech nationalism

the official roman catholic agency founded in 1542 to combat international doctrine heresy (13)

holy office

machiavelli encouraged rulers and would-be rulers to believe that (12)

human nature was self-centered

study of ancient classics (12)


the _____ movement had profound effect on education (12)


a document issued by the catholic church lessening penance or time in purgatory, widely believed to bring forgiveness of all sins (13)


how does dante's divine comedy demonstrate the tensions of the fourteenth century? (11)

it is a deeply Christian poem but also harshly criticizes some church officials

the high demand for middle eastern goods enabled the _____ to set up new trading centers in eastern ports (12)

italian merchants

DBQ: in this passage, dante refers to which type of language, which he used in the divine comedy? (12)

italian vernacular

confraternities were part of a movement in which (11)

laymen and laywomen increasingly took control of parish affairs

the high renaissance in italy is associated with three artists? (12)

leonardo da vinvi, raphael, michelangelo

DBQ: leonardo da vinci was all of the following EXCEPT a(n) (12)


what english weapon provided an advantage against the mounted french knights in the battles of poitiers and agincourt? (11)


the period of climate change in europe between 1300 and 1450 is known as the (11)

"little ice age"

how did the climate change shape the late middle ages? (11)

-around 1000-1300, europe experienced unusual climate change -in 1300 the climate became wetter and much colder (known as the "little ice age") -because of this, harvests would not ripen and many crops like hay, oats, and wheat were ruined, which everyone depended on -this scarcity of food supplies combined with the inability of people to afford other foods led to starvation -this period of scarcity and starvation was a result of climate change, known as the great famine

what nations fought in the 100 years war? who won and how? (11)

-england and france -france won -the longbow gave the english an advantage at the beginning of the war (making the sides more equal), but the french dominated the longbow's use -french has home field advantage and completely defensive war; more population, larger geography for food

what do yersinia pestis and flagellants have in common? (11)

-yersinia pestis was the bacteria discovered by alexandre yersin -he concluded this bacteria was the primary cause of the bubonic plague -scientific discoveries because of medical knowledge were introduced through yersin -before yersin, people would rely on superstition as an answer to why God was punishing them with the plague -flagellants would whip themselves with hope that if they punished themselves, God would not give them the plague

worldly (12)


why did most ordinary poles oppose the lutheran reform movement? (13)

they held strong anti-german feelings

which of the following groups joined in the jacquerie rebellion in france, killing nobles and destroying the noble property? (11)

peasants and small merchants

_____ was a northern artist who visited italy and studied the italian laws of perspective in art (12)

albrecht dürer

what did the saint bartholomew's day massacre lead to? (13)

a lengthy civil war

the immediate cause of the english peasant rebellion of 1381 was (11)

a sharp rise in grain prices

luther believed that the church consisted of (13)

a spiritual priesthood of all Christian believers

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