Web design final

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Which symbols are used to move a relative link up a directory?


Assume four separate images are used to create this display: 1234 What will the number order be if float:left is applied to the "3" image?


Write the HTML code to make the text "Learn Magic" link to a page called "magic-tricks.html".

<a href="magic-tricks.html">Learn Magic</a>

The <title> tag is nested inside the _____.

<head> tag

Which tag is most appropriate for the underlined text below?The Black Friday shoppers piled into the store "en masse".


Write the HTML code for the image below. It is called "baseball.jpg", and should display at 450px by 300px.

<img src="baseball.jpg" alt="baseball player standing on field" width="450px" height="300px">

A webpage's title is displayed in which of the following locations? a)a browser tab b)a bookmark listing c)search results

All of the above.

Which tag should be the first item inside a fieldset? Question options: a) <legend> b) <caption> c) <input> d) <title>


What is a pixel?

a block of color

What tells the browser where an element ends?

a closing tag

How is an HTML opening tag written?

a key word inside of angle brackets

What is an HTML element?

a webpage component that is displayed after parsing the HTML code

Which property and value would be used to add an even amount of space on either side of every item in a flex container? Question options: a) justify-content: flex-end b) justify-content: space-around c) justify-content: center d) justify-content: space-between


Which task is NOT handled in the <head> section? a)holding the page's description b)declaring which language the webpage is written in c)listing keywords d)telling search engines whether or not to list the page in search results


What property and value is added to a container to make it automatically adjust its height to fit floating elements inside it? Question options: a) overflow: scroll b) float: clear c) overflow: auto d) height: auto


When is the "active" pseudo class activated? Question options: a) if a link has a broken URL b) when a link has been visited c) while a link is being clicked d) when a link has not yet been visited


Which CSS call methods takes the highest priority? Question options: a) internal style sheet b) external style sheet c) inline styling d) whichever one is parsed first


Which attribute defines an image file's location? a) href b) alt c) src d) img


Which is the correct CSS code to set an element to use a font that is one and a half times larger than the current font size? Question options: a) style="size:50%" b) style="font-size:50%" c) style="font-size:1.5em" d) style="size:1.5em"


Which of the following CSS call methods takes the lowest priority? Question options: a) whichever one is parsed last b) internal style sheet c) external style sheet d) inline styling


Which of the following comments is written with proper syntax? a) <!-- end of catalog -> b) <--end of catalog --> c) < !-- end of catalog --> d) <!-- end of catalog -->


Which of the following is NOT a semantic reason for using header tags? a)They convey to search engines that they contain important information. b)They establish a hierarchy of information. c)They serve as headlines to new sections or subsections of content. d)They make text larger and bold.


Which is the correct location for the caption tag?

nested within <table> but before <thead>

Nesting refers to...

placing one element inside another.

Which section tells the browser what version of HTML is being used?

the DOCTYPE declaration

What is HTML's main function?

to structure a website's content

What is CSS's main function?

to style a website

Elements that do not require a separate closing tag are called _____.

void (or empty) elements

Add some HTML and CSS code to the following paragraph element so that only part of it is in bold font and part of it is in italics. "<p> I will show you how to alter fonts with CSS properties.</p>

<p style="font-style:italic">I will show you how to <span style="font-style:bold">alter fonts</span> with CSS properties.</p>

Which tag is needed to create this quotation?To quote Benjamin Franklin, "A penny saved is a penny earned."


Write CSS that will set every paragraph on a page to italic

<style> p {font-style:italic;} </style>

CSS is an acronym for ____.

Cascading Style Sheets

HTML is an acronym for ____.

HyperText Markup Language

What is the <body> section's purpose?

It is where all of the page's displayed content is placed.

Which of the following is a reason for using the alt attribute?

It provides information to display if an image fails to load

When linking users to a website outside of your domain, which target attribute is best used?


Which is the default link target attribute?


If these four divs perfectly overlap, which element will actually be seen? Question options: a) <div style="z-index:100"></div> b) <div style="z-index:0"></div> c) <div style="z-index:-1"></div> d) <div style="z-index:10"></div>


In text fields, what is the difference between the "value" and "placeholder" attributes? Question options: a) "value" adds default text, while "placeholder" adds temporary text that disappears once the user types. b) "value" sets the width of the text field, while "placeholder" sets the text field's label c) "value" sets the text field's label, while "placeholder" sets the width of the text field. d) "value" adds temporary text that disappears once the user types , while "placeholder" adds default text.


Of the following choices, which is the best situation for using a comment tag? Question options: a) Identify closing tags for multiple nested elements. b) Add a summary for each paragraph on the page. c) Indicate the start of an unordered list. d) Identify the type of each form element used.


What does preload="none" do to the <audio> tag? Question options: a) The browser will not load anything until clicked. b) The player will start on its own once the file is loaded. c) Only basic information about the file will be loaded initially. d) Part of or all of the audio file will be loaded to prepare it for use.


What is a raster image? Question options: a) an image comprised of pixels b) an image that is missing an alt attribute c) a low-quality image d) a small or cropped version of a larger image


What is the CSS code below categorized as? {color:#000000;background-color:#FFFFFF;} Question options: a) declaration block b) property c) declaration d) selector


What is the behavior of an element with a relative position value? Question options: a) It moves away from its original position, but its original position is preserved in the page flow. b) It is not affected by page flow nor does it have an effect on page flow. c) It remains in an exact position on the screen, even as the page contents are scrolled. d) It goes with the flow of the web page.


What is wrong in the audio code below? <audio controls="true"><source src="file.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"></audio> Question options: a) The controls attribute doesn't require an assigned value. b) The src and type attributes should be on the audio tag. c) The src attribute belongs on the <audio> tag. d) The type value should be "audio/mp3".


What is wrong in the video code below? <video width="320px" height="240px" type="video/mpeg"><source src="file.mp4"></video> Question options: a) The type attribute should be in the <source> tag. b) The value "video/mpeg" is not a valid video media type. c) The <video> tag cannot take on width and height attributes. d) The src attribute should be in the <video> tag.


Which is the proper way to add comments in CSS? Question options: a) /* Comment */ b) <% Comment %> c) // Comment d) <!--Comment-->


Which of the code excerpts below correctly links to an element with the id "awesome". a) <a href="#awesome">Click me</a> b) <a href=../awesome>Click me</a> c) <a href="../awesome">Click me</a> d) <a href=#awesome>Click me</a>


Which of the following code excerpts correctly call a file named "quiz.css" Question options: a) <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="quiz.css"> b) <link rel="text/css" type="stylesheet" src="quiz.css"> c) <link rel="css/text" type="stylesheet" href="quiz.css"> d) <link type="css/text" rel="stylesheet" src="quiz.css">


Which of the following is a Boolean attribute? Question options: a) autoplay b) type c) preload d) src


Which of the following is a default behavior of a paragraph element? a) It will dynamically redistribute text to fit the width of the page or its container. b) It indents its first line. c) It will cut off any text over five lines long. d) It will be formatted exactly as it appears in your HTML code.


Which of the following is written in correct ampersand notation? Question options: a) &ouml; b) à c) &ö; d) é


Which of the following statements is false? Question options: a) It is acceptable for the <tbody> tag to appear before the <thead> tag. b) It is acceptable for the <tbody> tag to appear before the <tfoot> tag. c) It is acceptable for the <tfoot> tag to appear before the <tbody> tag. d) It is acceptable for the <thead> tag to appear before the <tbody> tag.


Which of these is a characteristic of a block element? Question options: a) It occupies the full width of its line. b) It cannot contain other block elements. c) It does not effectively use margins. d) Its dimensions cannot be manually set.


Which of these is the best option for a file name to be linked to on the web? a) world-history.pdf b) worldhistory!.pdf c) "worldhistory".pdf d) world history.pdf


Why is it considered best practice to use CSS for formatting instead of HTML attributes? a)It keeps the code for content and styling separated. b)CSS can change the stylings of a whole group of elements at once. c)There are more styling options available in CSS.

all of the above

<ol type="A" start="D"> <li>Appendix D</li> </ol> a) The type attribute is used with unordered lists, not ordered. b) The start attribute will not work with any type except numbers. c) The <li> tags should be <dd> tags. d) The type should be coded as type="Alpha".


Below are two paragraph rule sets from two separate CSS files. If both are called by a web page (in this order), what kind of font will the web page's paragraphs show? p {font-size:12px;font-weight:bold;} p {font-size:14px;} Question options: a) bold 12px font b) bold 14px font c) normal 12px font d) normal 14px font


If you want a table cell to stretch across three columns, you would use... Question options: a) rowspan="3" b) colspan="3" c) cols="3" d) rows="3"


What can you do with the "before" pseudo element? Question options: a) arrange it so the targeted selector is styled first b) create content before the targeted selector c) move the targeted selector so it appears before the previous element d) style the element that appears previous to the targeted selector


What do the "rows" and "cols" attributes in the <textarea> tag do? Question options: a) multiplies the values by 10-pixel increments to set the dimensions b) sets the width and height based the size of the font c) determine to what percentage of the form the field's size should be d) determines how many times larger than the default dimensions the field should be


What is characteristic of a lossless audio file? Question options: a) maximum audio quality b) all of the above c) file types like WAV, AIFF and FLAC d) higher file sizes


What is the behavior of an element with a fixed position value? Question options: a) It moves away from its original position, but its original position is preserved in the page flow. b) It remains in an exact position on the screen, even as the page contents are scrolled. c) It goes with the flow of the web page. d) It is not affected by page flow nor does it have an effect on page flow.


What is the behavior of an element with a static position value? Question options: a) It remains in an exact position on the screen, even as the page contents are scrolled. b) It goes with the flow of the web page. c) It moves away from its original position, but its original position is preserved in the page flow. d) It is not affected by page flow nor does it have an effect on page flow.


What is the typical sample rate for good quality audio? Question options: a) 128kbps b) 44.1kHz c) 5.1 channels d) 320kbps


What property and value is added to stop a float? Question options: a) float: clear b) clear: both c) float: none d) clear: float


What restriction do all Creative Commons works require? Question options: a) NoDerivs b) Attribution c) NonCommercial d) ShareAlike


Which of the following is the most appropriate way to write a CSS style for the "font-family" property? Question options: a) style="font-family: serif Times" b) style="font-family:Times, Georgia, serif" c) style="font-family:Times Georgia serif" d) style="font-family:serif, Georgia"


Which of these CSS rules will be highest priority? Question options: a) div { font-size:18px; } b) div#container p.class1 { font-size:14px; } c) div p { font-size:16px; } d) p.class1 { font-size:12px; }


Which of these is NOT a Boolean attribute when used in a video element? Question options: a) loop b) preload c) autoplay d) muted


Which of these is NOT a value for the "text-align" property. Question options: a) left b) middle c) right d) justify


Which of these is a potential disadvantage of using a free video hosting service? Question options: a) limited file space b) all of the above c) slower loading speeds d) advertisements


Which of these is an example of correct code to make a "submit" button? Question options: a) <input type="submit">Submit</input> b) <button type="submit">Submit</button> c) <input type="button"> d) <button type="submit">


How would you target every other image? Question options: a) img:only-child (odd) b) img:only-of-type (2) c) img:nth-of-type(even) d) img:nth-child(4n+1)


If a work is in the public domain... a) it may not be used for commercial purposes. b) it requires attribution. c) it is no longer under copyright d) it cannot be altered in any way.


If you add "display:block" to the span below, what will happen to it? <p>Hello <span>everyone!</span></p> Question options: a) The span will no longer display as a span is an inline element. b) The span and paragraph will be unaffected. c) The span will jump down onto a new line. d) The paragraph will now be a fixed width.


Intellectual property is... a) a law that protects service providers from the actions of their users. b) adapting another person's creative materials into your own. c) anything a person makes that requires thought and creativity. d) using copyrighted material for transformative purposes.


What is the "middle" value for the "vertical-align" property based on? Question options: a) the number of elements on a line b) the shortest element on a line c) a line's x-height d) the height of the page


What is the common frame rate for web video? Question options: a) 320kbps b) 2.5mbps c) 30fps d) 44.1kHz


What is the difference between align-items and align-content? Question options: a) The align-items property focuses on horizontal alignment, while align-content focuses on vertical alignment. b) The align-items property focuses on vertical alignment, while align-content focuses on horizontal alignment. c) The align-items property focuses on alignment within a flex line, while align-content focuses on alignment between flex lines. d) The align-items property focuses on alignment between flex lines, while align-content focuses on alignment within a flex line.


What is the purpose of "display:table"? Question options: a) to declare the start of a table b) for an element to be converted to a table c) for an element to behave like a table d) for an element to contain <td> tags


What is wrong with this code? <dl> <dt> <dd>Description</dd> <dd>Description</dd> </dt> </dl> a) The <dt> tags should be <tt>. b) There should only be one description per term in a definition list. c) <dd> tags should not be nested in <dt> tags. d) Nothing is wrong with this code.


Which of these characters does not need to be written in ampersand notation in HTML? Question options: a) √ b) ÷ c) + d) ≥


Which of these file types is the most common and well-supported on the web? Question options: a) Ogg Theora b) Web Media c) MPEG-4 d) Ogg Vorbis


Why would a designer use thumbnail images? a) a large number of images are needed b) to cut down on loading times c) all of the above d) to link to the original full-quality image


With radio buttons, which attribute needs to be set the same so that only one radio button is selectable in a group? Question options: a) checked b) type c) name d) value


A takedown notice requires... a) the deletion of the user's account. b) that the recipient take down the offending material without question. c) that service providers are liable for infractions caused by their users. d) removing the offending material, unless the recipient can prove that the material is rightfully theirs.


How do you change an ordered list to descending order? Question options: a) <ol style="reversed"> b) <ol type="reversed"> c) <ol reversed="true"> d) <ol reversed="reversed">


What is the correct way to set an unordered list to use squares for its list item symbols? Question options: a) <ul style="list-item-square"> b) <ul style="list-item-style-square"> c) <ul style="list-item:square"> d) <ul style="list-style-type:square">


What is the purpose of a div? Question options: a) to group elements b) to change the styling of multiple contained elements c) to add a background color or image to a web page section d) all of the above


What is the viewport? Question options: a) the viewing area of the monitor b) the space taken by an HTML element c) the viewing area on a smartphone d) the viewing area of a web browser


What would be targeted by "p:last-child"? Question options: a) the final occurrence of a paragraph, no matter its position in the container b) the final letter of a paragraph c) the final line of a paragraph d) the final element in a container, but only if it's a paragraph


Which of the following most likely wouldn't be protected by Fair Use? Question options: a) making up a song parodying recent pop music b) writing negative criticism of a movie c) adapting information for educational purposes d) uploading videos of current tv shows


Which of the following selectors will target this paragraph?<p id="firstP">Paragraph 1</p> Question options: a) p b) #firstP c) p#firstP d) all of the above


Which of these is a characteristic of an inline element? Question options: a) It starts on its own line. b) It stretches to the width of the line by default. c) Width and height can be assigned. d) It appears in the flow of text.


Which of these is an example of correct code to make a checkbox that is chosen by default? Question options: a) <input type="check" checked>Box 1 b) <input type="checkbox" selected>Box 1 c) <input type="check" selected>Box 1 d) <input type="checkbox" checked>Box 1


Which of these statements about <th> tags is false? Question options: a) They serve as the label for a row or column. b) Their font is center-aligned by default. c) Their font is bold by default. d) They automatically display as the first row or column.


Which statement about IDs and classes is true? Question options: a) Any particular class or ID can only be used once per page. b) A particular class can only be used once per page, while an ID can be used multiple times. c) Particular classes and IDs can both be used multiple times per page. d) A particular ID can only be used once per page, while a class can be used multiple times.


Why are comment tags helpful when debugging your code? Question options: a) They will auto-correct errors in your code. b) They can be used to keep a running list of attempted fixes. c) They will notify your browser to run in quirks mode. d) They can temporarily keep a section of code from displaying.


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