Week 3 - MATH 250
Which of the following sentences are propositions?
All of the chess pieces are on the table. Jessica owns a car. I have read Moby Dick three times.
Consider the propositions p and q, where p is "We will name our baby Mary" and q is "We will name our baby Philip." What is p XOR q?
We will name our baby Mary or Philip, but not both.
Which of the following English sentences represents p ^ q where p is "Bill has an Android phone" and q is "Sruti does not have an Android phone"? Select all that are correct.
Bill has an Android phone, and Sruti does not have an Android phone. Bill has an Android phone, but Sruti does not have an Android phone.
The sentence "Zaid does not have a newborn baby" is the ____________ of the statement "Zaid has a newborn baby."