Wellbeing Review - Lift Project

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On a bright sunny day outside the intensity of the light can beam up to 100,000 LUX, whereas a brightly lit indoor space is normally less than 500 LUX. To keep you Limbo happy so you can be emotionally well it is estimated that you need to be exposed to _____ Lux for 30 minutes a day. This is why getting outside is so important!


Pedometers are a great way to keep track of how much you are moving throughout the day. A common recommended goal is:

10,000 steps per day

Living mostly in the last part of your very long gastrointestinal tract are approximately _____ trillion bacteria, which is about 10 times more than the number of human cells you have in your body!


National Physical Activity Guidelines suggest that adults should aim to be active for _______ minutes of more each day.


Laughter can be a great form of stress release and studies indicate that we are ____________ times more likely to laugh in the presence of others.

30 times

Researchers from the University of Ohio found that blisters administered on the forearms of married couples took _____% longer to heal after an argument with their spouse.


A New Zealand study found that for every 1% increase in the amount of green space close to an individual's home there was a _____ lower prevalence in anxiety and mood disorders.


What percentage of you enduring happiness do scientists believe you get to choose?


Professor John Gottman's research found that for couples to thrive they needed how many positive things said for every negative one?


In the study of 230 Major League Baseball players, on average how much longer did the players who smiled the most live than those who didn't smile at all?

7 years

On average, how many hours of sleep each night does the average adult need for optimal health and wellbeing?

7-9 hours

A study involving over 80,000 people in the UK discovered a direct relationship between the consumption of fruits and vegetables and happiness. The optimal mood lift was achieved by participants who consumed ___ or more serves of fruits an vegetables each day.


Michael Pollan, author of In Defence of Food, suggests that most of what we eat today isn't actually "food" as far as the body is concerned. Instead, it is a "food-like substances" that:

Are highly processed, don't grow on trees, come in a package or a box

The "stress response" gears you up to do something that is physically activity so one of the most productive ways to "burn off" stress is to:

Do something physically active

When researchers placed electrodes on people's faces to cause them to pull an involuntary smile, the people reported feeling happier. This is a phenomenon referred to as ______.

Facial Feedback

Studies have shown that when we are tired our brain tends to tune in to more positive things. True or false


The E in the acronym from Question 1 stands for "engagement". Which of the following does "engagement" not refer to: a. Getting married. b. Spending time doing things that you are "in" to c. Experiencing moments of "flow" d. Doing things that you enjoy so much that time flies by

Getting married

Studies have shown that when people perform the "______ Visit" it can increase their level of happiness for one month after. This activity involves: identifying someone who has had a significant positive influence on your life, writing a few paragraphs about that person and the differences they have made in you life, and then going and reading if to them.


In this lesson we discovered that the biggest part of your body is your ______.


Which of the following is not a good time for getting better quality sleep? a. stick to a regular sleep schedule as much as you are able. b.Make your sleep environment the most comfortable place on the planet. c.Have a "night-cap" (ie. a little alcohol) soon before going to bed. d.Be active in the morning light as this can help set your sleep-wake cycles.

Have a "night-cap" (ie. a little alcohol) soon before going to bed.

A fascinating study showed that when people didn't use social media for one month, their levels of wellbeing changed radically. Interestingly, their social activity and social satisfaction _____.


Many people spend too much time indoors where they are alienated from natural landscapes and this can cause many health problems. The term NDD has been used to explain this condition. NDD stands for:

Nature Deficit Disorder

Professor Martin Seligman uses the acronym PERMA in his book titled Flourishto represent the five ingredients of a life that flourishes. In this lesson PERMA was reordered to:


The "P" in the acronym from Question 1 stands for:

Positive Emotion

Distributed throughout your body are millions of tiny nerves that send information to your brain to tell it where your body parts are in relation to each other as well as how your body parts are moving. These nerves are known as ______.


What does RAK stand for?

Random Acts of Kindness

There is good evidence that humans respond well to having one guilt-free day of rest in each seven-day weekly cycle. This rest day is practiced as a "holy day" in some faith traditions and is referred to as:


In parts of the world of high latitude where there is low lighting for extended months during winter it is common for people to become depressed. This condition is referred to as "SAD" which is an acronym that stands for:

Seasonal Affective Disorder

A study has suggested that the happiness boost that comes from volunteering just once a week can be equivalent to tripling your income. True or False?


For a long-term caffeine user, caffeine doesn't actually give them higher highs, it just helps them feel like they would if they didn't use caffeine and were adequately rested. true or false


Studies suggest that strong social relationships are as important to living a long life as not smoking. True or False


About how much of our "thought flow" each day is undirected?

about a third

A certain color of light is know to "wake up" your brain and so it is best to avoid this color light late at night if you struggle with insomnia. What is the color of this light?


Over 25 scientific studies have demonstrated that physical activity is associated with better mood and lower rates of depression. This testifies that movement is a powerful antidepressant. There is no doubt about it that, as suggested in the title to this less, "motion creates _______."


Because of the way your Limbo is wired to the front part of your Leader, it is possible to get on upward loops in thinking and _____.


A nutrient found in plants that your gut bacteria love is _____. Unfortunately, approximately 97% of people today don't consume the recommended daily intake of this nutrient.


The "stress response" is the body's natural reaction to high pressure situations. Many of the symptoms of the stress response, such as elevated heart rate and breathing, occur because the body is gearing up for "________________ or flight", which are both physical activities.


Dr. Victor Frankl spent time in a World War II concentration camp and noted that there was one thing essential for survival. Anne Frank, a young girl who endured the same hardship, made a similar observation and wrote. "Where there's _____, there's life. It fills us with fresh courage and makes us strong again."


In this lesson it was suggested that the deepest levels of flourishing can be achieved through the M in PEARM. The M stands for:


Professor Martin Seligman states that feeling you "belong to and serve something bigger than yourself" fosters _________________, which is integral to enjoying a high level of wellbeing.


You Limbo has three other functions: motivation, _______, and many automatic bodily processes.


One stress relieving strategy that is becoming increasingly popular involves being more "present" and more aware of what is happening in the moment. The popular name for this exercise, that starts with "m", is _____________________.


Researchers have discovered that we have neurons in our brain that "light up" when we see someone else experience or do something. This is why yawning is socially contagious! These neurons, referred to as ____ neurons, help us to empathize with other people so that we feel connected to them.


Brain scientists have discovered that our brains have the ability to change throughout our lifespan. Just like a muscle, parts of our brain can get better at doing certain tasks when we use them. This exciting field of scientific research, referred to as "Brain _____", indicates that even old dogs can learn new tricks.


One of the biggest inputs to the Limbic region of the brain comes from the olfactory nerve which is responsible for which sense?


To serve most effectively it is important to "serve smart". Serving smart involves three principles: serving sincerely, serving using your signature strengths, and serving ________________________.


Researchers have found that happiness is socially contagious up to _____ degrees of separation.


Dr Gary Chapman has written a book titled The 5 Love Languages in which he describes how people feel cared for and love in five different ways. They are receiving gifts, physical touch, words of affirmation, arts of service and quality ______.


The "sweet spot" in life has been described as where three things intersect: what we love to do, what we are good at, and ___________________________.

what serves the world

The A in the acronym from Question 1 stands for "Achievement", which relates to a sense of accomplishment and mastery in your life. However, placing too much emphasis on achievement can sabotage your ability to flourish if:

you forget to prioritize the other, even deeper, ingredients of a flourishing life like relationships

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