Western Civ AP pretests

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Which of the following was a consequence of the Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre?

A lengthy civil war

The following is an excerpt from John Wesley's "Advice to Methodists" (Evaluating the Evidence 18.3):"Your Strictness of Life, taking the whole of it together, may likewise be accounted new. I mean, your making it a Rule, to abstain from fashionable Diversions, from readingPlays, Romances, or Books of Humour, from singing innocent Songs, or talking in a merry, gay, diverting Manner; your Plainness of Dress; your Manner of Dealing in Trade; your Exactness in observing the Lord's Day; your Scrupulosity as to Things that have not paid Custom; your total Abstinence from spirituous Liquors (unless in Cases of Extreme Necessity)l your Rule, 'not to mention the Fault of an absent Person, in Particular, of Ministers, or of those in Authority,' may justly be termed new."Which of the following was part of the "Strictness of Life"?

Abstaining from fashionable diversions

How did English colonies differ from other major European colonies in their treatment of African women

English masters rarely freed the children that they fathered with female slaves.

Why did Pietism, which began in Germany in the late seventeenth century, appeal to people?

It emphasized a warm and emotional religion

What was the core concept of the Enlightenment?

The methods of natural science should be used to examine all aspects of life.

What group of people benefited the most from large price increases in the sixteenth century

The middle class

Which of the following characterizes the intersection of the hierarchies of wealth and orders in the Renaissance?

The nobility retained its status by taking in and integrating the new social elite of wealth.

What was the purpose of the raucous public rituals in which young men in a village would publicly humiliate a couple or individual who had committed adultery or abuse?

To regulate personal behavior and maintain community standards

The discipline of natural philosophy focused on

fundamental questions about the nature, purpose, and function of the universe.

Which of the following characterizes the regions to which slaves were carried from Africa to the Americas?

About 90 percent of slaves were transported to Brazil or the Caribbean, with only 3 percent brought to North America.

What was the greatest achievement of eighteenth-century medical science?

Conquest of smallpox

How did Europeans initially justify the enslavement of Africans?

Enslavement benefited Africans by bringing Christianity to them.

Which of the following characterizes the role of Europe in the system of world trade prior to the voyage of Columbus?

Europe was a minor trading power that produced few products desired by other civilizations.

The following is an excerpt from Jean-Jacques Rousseau's The Confessions (Thinking Like a Historian):"I have resolved on an enterprise which has no precedent, and which, once complete, will have no imitator. My purpose is to display to my kind a portrait in every way true to nature, and the man I shall portray will be myself. Simply myself. I know my own heart and understand my fellow man. But I am made unlike any one I have ever met; I will even venture to say that I am like no one in the whole world. I may be no better, but at least I am different. Whether Nature did well or ill in breaking the mould in which she formed me, is a question which can only be resolved after the reading of my book."Why was Rousseau confident his work would "have no imitator"?

He saw himself as unique.

How did famines affect the European population in the seventeenth century?

Malnutrition made people susceptible to deadly diseases, which reduced the population significantly.

Why did Elizabeth I have her cousin and heir Mary, Queen of Scots, executed?

Mary was implicated in a plot to assassinate Elizabeth

What occurred during the Hundred Days in France?

Napoleon returned from exile to rule France briefly.

Which of the following best characterizes the Renaissance idea of virtù?

The ability to shape the world around oneself according to one's will

Which of the following describes the enclosure movement of the eighteenth century?

The land was divided into plots bounded by fences to farm more effectively

Why was the pope unable to grant Henry VIII of England the annulment he desired?

The pope was essentially the prisoner of Emperor Charles V.

What was a competitive advantage of the rural putting-out system?

The rural poor worked for low wages.

How did the diet of townspeople compare to that of the peasantry?

The townspeople ate more varied diets, since markets provided choices of meats, vegetables, and fruits.

Why did the French commissioners in Saint-Domingue abolish slavery in 1793?

They were desperate to rally the rebel slaves to the French cause against the Spanish and English forces on the island.

Mercantilist theory postulated that

economic activity should be regulated by and for the state.

Francis Bacon formalized the research methods of Tycho Brahe and Galileo into a theory of reasoning known as


In the 1780s, over 50 percent of France's annual budget was expended on

interest payments on debt.

The guiding force behind Cardinal Richelieu's domestic policies was

the subordination of all institutions to the monarchy.

What was Jethro Tull's contribution to English agriculture in the eighteenth century?

He critiqued accepted farming methods and developed better methods through empirical research.

Why was John Wesley's Methodism particularly appealing?

He refuted the doctrine of predestination, insisting that anyone who earnestly sought salvation could gain it.

Which of the following was true of Napoleon Bonaparte?

He won brilliant victories in Italy in 1796 and 1797.

According to his agreement with the Spanish crown, what rewards would Columbus receive if he found a water route to Asia?

He would be named viceroy over any territories he discovered and receive one-tenth of the material rewards of the journey.

How did America's Constitutional Convention of 1787 deal with the discord between pro- and anti-slavery delegates?

It compromised by stipulating that an enslaved person would count as three-fifths of a person for purposes of taxation and proportional representation in the House of Representatives.

By July 1794, how had the central government in Paris managed to reassert control over the provinces and gain momentum against the First Coalition?

It harnessed the explosive forces of a planned economy, revolutionary terror, and modern nationalism into a total war effort.

Why did European slave traders in Africa adopt the "shore method" of trading in the eighteenth century?

It permitted Europeans to move easily along the coast, obtaining slaves at various slave markets and then departing quickly for the Americas.

After the arrest and deportation of Toussaint L'Ouverture, how was the war of Haitian Independence resolved?

Jean-Jacques Dessalines, L'Ouverture's lieutenant, led the resistance to a crushing victory over the French and later declared Haitian independence.

How did the Peace of Westphalia mark a turning point in European history?

Large-scale armed conflicts over religious faith came to an end

Which powers participated in the partitioning of Poland in the late eighteenth century?

Prussia, Russia, and Austria

What French word was coined by historian Giorgio Vasari to describe the "rebirth" of the culture of classical antiquity?


What was a danger that threatened young girls who were living away from home in domestic service?

Risk of sexual attack by males in the households they served

What educational book by Baldassare Castiglione provided a treatise on training a young man in the discipline and fashion needed for the courtly ideal of being a gentleman?

The Courtier

Why did the Dutch fail to maintain their dominance in Asia?

The Dutch East India Company failed to diversify its trade to meet changing consumption patterns in Europe.

What was the underlying reason for the illegitimacy explosion of 1750-1850?

The sexual exploitation of poor girls by wealthy men

What caused the pattern of late marriage in early modern Europe?

The tendency of couples to wait to marry until they were economically independent

How did European governments respond to the new science?

They established academies of science to support and sometimes direct scientific research.

Why did Protestants allow the dissolution of marriages in divorce?

They viewed marriage as a contract for mutual support, and married partners who failed to provide support endangered their souls and the entire community

Why did Protestant countries take the lead in expanding education to all children?

They were inspired by the Protestant idea that every believer should be able to read the Bible.

At the time of his death, Columbus believed the islands he found were

off the coast of Asia.

In the summer of 1789, the National Assembly was driven toward more radical action by

revolutionary actions of French peasants and the common people of Paris.

What was the result of the consumer revolution of the eighteenth century?

A new type of society in which people derived their self-identity as much from their consuming practices as from their work lives

Why did Great Britain seek to raise taxes on its American colonies in the 1760s?

After doubling its national debt in the Seven Years' War, Great Britain sought to tax the American colonies to fund the further defense of the colonies.

What was Napoleon's Grand Empire?

An enlarged France, a number of satellite kingdoms, and the independent but allied states of Austria, Prussia, and Russia

How did the nature of armed forces change in the latter half of the seventeenth century?

Army officers became obedient to monarchs instead of serving their own interests.

Which of the following gained control of papal banking toward the end of the thirteenth century?

Florentine merchants

The following is an excerpt from Louis-Sébastien Mercier's account of a typical day in eighteenth-century Paris (Evaluating the Evidence 18.2):"Night falls; and, while scene-shifters set to work at the playhouses, swarms of other workmen, carpenters, masons and the like, make their way towards the poorer quarters. They leave white footprints from the plaster on their shoes, a trail that any eye can follow. They are off home, and to bed, at the hour which finds elegant ladies sitting down to their dressing-tables to prepare for the business of the night."Which of the following is suggested by Mercier's account?

For many ordinary Parisians, the work day did not end until dark.

What was the economic effect of Napoleon's Continental System?

French artisans and the middle class suffered, for they were economically damaged by the blockade of Great Britain.

How did the reaction of kings and nobles in continental Europe toward the French Revolution change over the revolution's first two years?

Initially pleased by the revolution's weakening of France, they came to feel threatened by its increasingly radical message.

How did Isaac Newton's law of universal gravitation bring the Scientific Revolution to maturity?

It synthesized mathematics with physics and astronomy to demonstrate that the entire universe was unified into one coherent system.

Why was the Declaration of Independence so important to the American Revolution?

It universalized the traditional rights of English people and made them the rights of all mankind.

Who forced the king and the royal family to abandon Versailles and return to Paris?

Several thousand Parisian women

Why did the Directory continue French wars of conquest begun by early revolutionary governments?

The Directory understood that big, victorious armies kept men employed.

How effective was the Universal Inquisition established by the papacy in 1542?

The Inquisition effectively destroyed heresy within the Papal States but had little influence elsewhere.

As literacy expanded among the common people, what was a staple of popular literature other than the Bible?

The chapbook containing Bible stories, prayers, and stories about the lives of the saints

Why did sugar and tea become commonly consumed products by all social classes in the eighteenth century?

There was a steady drop in prices owing to the expanded use of colonial slave labor.

Why did members of the National Convention turn against Robespierre on the Ninth of Thermidor?

They believed that Robespierre might soon have them arrested and executed

What was the status of Jews in European colonies in the eighteenth century?

They faced political and economic forms of discrimination but were considered to be white Europeans and thus could not be enslaved.

Why did the Antifederalists oppose the new American constitution proposed by the Constitutional Convention?

They feared for the individual freedoms for which they had fought.

What was the fate of most people brought before the Inquisition and accused of witchcraft?

They were sent home with a warning and ordered to do penance

What was the primary goal of Galileo Galilei's experimental method?

To discover what actually occurred in nature rather than to speculate on what should occur

In the eighteenth century, many liberal thinkers believed that representative institutions could defend the liberty and interests of the people. What did this mean in terms of political practice?

Voting for representatives would be restricted to men of property.

The Holy Roman Emperor Charles V was

a vigorous defender of Catholicism.

The spinning of thread for the loom

required the work of several spinners for each loom, which led merchants to employ the wives and daughters of agricultural workers at terribly low wages.

The British won the American component of the Seven Years' War owing to

the size and strength of British naval power.

Spanish settlement in the Americas was centered on

towns and cities.

How did the Turks' expansion of the Ottoman Empire and their conquest of the Byzantine Empire and its capital Constantinople in 1453 influence European exploration?

It forced Europeans to search for alternate trade routes to China, bypassing the overland routes now controlled by the Ottoman Empire

Why did a woman's work receive less compensation than a man's work during the Renaissance?

It was understood that a woman was either married or to be married and, therefore, not responsible for supporting a family.

Which of the following contributed to the success of Martin Luther's reform efforts?

Luther understood the power of the new printing press and authorized the publication of his works

The primary cause of the English Glorious Revolution was

a fear of the establishment of Catholic absolutism by James II

Europeans believed grain and bread should be available at

a just price—one that was fair to both consumers and producers.

The men elected to represent the third estate at the Estates General were primarily

lawyers and government officials

Luther's reforms spread rapidly, in part because the Holy Roman Empire was

made up of hundreds of independent states.

Oliver Cromwell's Protectorate was ultimately a

military dictatorship.

Wet-nursing practices included

rural wet-nursing conducted within the framework of a putting-out system.

The concept of the reading revolution refers to the

shift from reading religious texts aloud as a family to reading diverse texts individually.

Between 1650 and 1790, a crucial component of the global economy was established when European nations developed

the Atlantic economy.

Holland's leadership in farming methodology can be attributed to

the necessity to provide for a densely populated country.

At the center of Adam Smith's arguments in The Wealth of Nations was the belief that

the pursuit of self-interest in competitive markets would improve the living conditions of citizens.

Settlers from the Massachusetts colony dispersed into new communities such as Connecticut and Rhode Island because

there were religious disputes among the colonists.

Christianity in colonial societies in the Americas

took on distinctive characteristics through a complex process of cultural exchange that made Christianity more comprehensible to indigenous peoples.

The treaty that ended the Seven Years' War in Europe and the colonies in 1763 and ratified British victory on all colonial fronts was the

Treaty of Paris.

Which of the following was the most important source of patronage for Renaissance artists?

Wealthy individuals and rulers

In early Renaissance Italy, art

manifested corporate power.

The National Assembly that ruled France from 1789 to 1791 passed laws that

broadened women's rights to seek divorce and inherit property.

Population growth in Europe in the eighteenth century occurred

in all regions.

The religious revival movement known as Pietism

called for a warm, emotional religion that everyone could experience.

The Calvinist doctrine of predestination led to a

confidence among Calvinists in their own salvation

Political power in the Dutch Republic was

controlled by an oligarchy of wealthy businessmen.

The marriage of Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile a. unified all of the Iberian Peninsula.

created a dynastic union but did not unify the separate kingdoms into a single state.

Edward Jenner received financial prizes from the British government for

discovering that cowpox could be used to vaccinate against smallpox.

The industrious revolution was a result of

poor families choosing to reduce leisure time and the production of goods for household consumption in order to earn wages to buy consumer goods.

Eighteenth-century blood sports such as bullbaiting and cockfighting were

popular with the European masses.

Copernicus's theory of the universe

postulated a sun-centered view of the universe

The dissolution of the Jesuit order in 1773 is a striking indication of the

power of the state over the church.

The Tudor Henry VII of England won broad, popular support by

promoting peace and social order at the local level

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen guaranteed

equality before the law.

The legal definition of the composition of the prerevolutionary third estate included

everyone who was not a noble or member of the clergy

The English Navigation Acts mandated that all English imports and exports be transported on English ships, and they also

gave British merchants a virtual monopoly on trade with British colonies.

In seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Europe, guild masters

guarded their guild privileges jealously.

Bartolomé de Las Casas asserted that the Indians

had human rights.

Some scholars have argued that the neglectful attitudes toward children in preindustrial Europe were conditioned mostly by

high infant mortality rates

In his Essay Concerning Human Understanding, John Locke claimed that

human development is determined by education and society

In the eighteenth century, European public health measures

improved water supply and sewage systems.

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