Western Civ Section 2

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Early nineteenth-century conservatives condemned what ideas?

-natural rights. -equality of all men. -the goodness of men.

Conservatives such as Burke believed all the following to be true EXCEPT -human nature and social relations are too complex to be subject to social engineering. -the Enlightenment and revolutionaries had reduced people to abstractions divorced from their historical environment. -individuals have only limited intelligence and must rely on "the general bank and capital of nations and of the ages." -society is a complex mechanism that should be overhauled.

-society is a complex mechanism that should be overhauled.

What were the 6 innovations of the Industrial Revolution?

1-Mass Production 2-New Machines and Mechanization 3-Increase in Iron Manufacture 4-The Steam Engine 5-The Electric Telegraph 6-The Railroad

What is nationalism?

A strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country

Who invented the battery?

Alessandro Volta

What was used for Iron Smelting instead of charcoal and who discovered this?

Coke and Abraham Darby

What did the Great Reform Act of 1832 do?

Doubled the number of voters; and redrew district lines

The Luddites who resisted industrial change engaged in acts of violence in


Which of the following is a key reason England was able to industrialize first?

England's people were more willing to change the traditional ways of agriculture and craft production.

Was France's second republic a failure or success and what happened during 3 days in June? What did the people want?

Failure; 1460 people were killed; people wanted another Napoleon, so Louis Napoleon put in charge

What was established during the June days 1848?

France set up their 2nd republic

Where did the Industrial Revolution begin?

Great Britain

All of the following experienced at least one revolution in the 1820s. The only revolution to succeed was in


Who refused to Pass the Great Reform Act and what did King William IV threaten to do?

House of Lords refused to pass it; King William IV threatened to pack the House of Lords with people who would pass it

What was Romanticism?

Imagination should determine content; feelings had to be nourished and expressed

What area did Garbaldi want to unite? What were his men called?

Italy; the redshirts

The text identifies the most important of the radical Young Hegelians as


Which of the following statements is NOT accurate? -The French and the British engaged in major road construction in the eighteenth century. -Most European railroad construction and administration in the nineteenth century remained in private hands. -A boom in canal construction occurred in Britain and the United States between 1760 and 1820. -The telegraph industry was first developed in the 1840s.

Most European railroad construction and administration in the nineteenth century remained in private hands.

Was Louis Napoleon an experienced leader?


What were the 3 causes of the Industrial Revolution?

Population Growth, Agricultural Revolution, trade and Invention

What crop did the Irish depend on?


What did Jeremy Bentham believe?

Principal of utility; people seek pleasure over pain; gov should bring happiness to the most people; pushed for social and political reform

What did the Great Reform act get rid of?

Rotten Boroughs

How far did the efforts to unite Germany proceed in 1848-1849?

The Prussian king refused to accept the invitation from the national assembly to be king of a unified Germany and the effort ended.

Why wasn't steam power used extensively in the 1760s?

The expense was too great.

Which of the following does NOT apply to liberalism in the decades after 1815? -The government should directly manage the economy to guarantee everyone access to adequate resources and equal opportunities. -The belief that unfettered by tyranny and ignorance, the mind can eradicate age-old evils. -Liberalism was a direct descendent of the American and French Revolutions. -Individuals are basically good, endowed with inalienable rights, and capable of shaping their own identities and destinies.

The government should directly manage the economy to guarantee everyone access to adequate resources and equal opportunities.

What was Hegel's dialectic? And what are the 3 parts?

The union of the opposite; 1 - Thesis (the norm) 2 - Antithesis (the opposite) 3 - Synthesis (through this truth emerges a new synthesis of ideas which becomes a new thesis

Did England help the Irish during the Famine? Why or Why not?

They did not because they believed in laissez faire

Who first created a steam engine and who made it a commercial product?

Thomas Newcomen; James Watt with help from Bolton

What united the French peasantry, bourgeoisie, and aristocracy against the national workshops and the June Revolution?

a fear that the sanctity of private property was being violated and that all property was threatened

The New Poor Law of 1834

aimed to distinguish between the "deserving" and "undeserving" poor by forcing paupers into government workhouses.

The Chartists' demands for all of the following eventually succeeded EXCEPT -annual parliamentary elections. -universal manhood suffrage. -salaries for members of Parliament. -the secret ballot.

annual parliamentary elections.

The provisional government established after the abdication of Louis Philippe consisted almost exclusively of

bourgeois leaders.

Describe the Irish Potato Famine.

completely dependent on the potato crop for food so they were decimated by the famine; 3/4 of crops failed; change in gov led to property taxes raised; population decreased by 2 million

Hume's skepticism challenged modern science by

denying that natural law − if it exists − can be grasped.

The agricultural revolution in Europe contributed to the Industrial Revolution by

expanding the population; contributing to the creation of a mobile labor force; providing more consumers and greater demand for non-agricultural products.

To improve working class conditions in the nineteenth century

governments passed legislation that gradually shortened the workday from sixteen to ten hours; legislation limited the employment of children; poor relief included prison-like workhouses.

According to Hegel​

history is a dialectical struggle of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis, over and over again; historical change often is due to individuals who unconsciously are agents of the Absolute Spirit; history reveals a rational process progressing toward a final destination.​

The Industrial Revolution

led to the transformation of human existence in Western Europe.

The "iron law of wages" associated with Malthus and Ricardo held that

like all natural laws, the "iron law of wages" cannot be changed.

The effects of the Industrial Revolution included all the following EXCEPT -a decline in aristocratic power and values. -minimal impact on the natural environment. -the ascent of bourgeois values and democracy. -the projection of Western power into the wider world.

minimal impact on the natural environment.

With the development of mass transportation in the later nineteenth century in large European cities

new working class neighborhoods began to ring many cities.

For the romantics, cultivating emotions, intuition, and the imagination was the path to

reality and self-discovery.

Austria's objective and/or strategy at the Congress of Vienna was to

restore a balance of power in Europe after the defeat of Napoleon.

What challenged the Enlightenment stress on rationalism?


Sparsely populated regions that sent representatives to the House of Commons were known as

rotten boroughs

In 1848, the Hapsburg Empire was held together by

the emperor, his army, and bureaucracy.

The central principle in Jeremy Bentham's political philosophy was

the greatest good for the greatest number of people.

The Revolution of 1830 in France resulted in

the nearly twenty-year rule of Louis Philippe; lingering resentment among Parisian workers who had fought the revolution but gained essentially nothing in return; sparking revolutions in Belgium, Poland, and Italy.

. Liberal gains due to the revolutions of 1848 include

universal manhood suffrage in France; establishment of parliaments in Prussia and other German states; adoption of elements of the liberal agenda by conservatives who held on to power.

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