Western Civilization Ch. 2

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Citizens with out votes economical social benefits local autonomy, socii allies independence in local affairs

system where people have considerable independance but are tied to rome sent colonists to spread roman culture institutions whole point is they get more soldiers to do more conquering

Celebrated as great triumph and make play out of it King Tarki Etruscian king

two themes dominate first two and a half centuries of roman republic Conquest of Italian peninsula Shaped effective political and social order Latin league known as latium

Roman values shaping the mind family very male dominated patriartical agriculture warfare religion authority of the male was absolute romans were very utilitarian practical greeks were abstract in contrast

very frugal piety respect for the unseen gods Janus god protector of the door

Philip 5 is charge of the league of corinth Macedonia was not an official member of the league

wanted to unify the city states wants to attack persia philip 2 was assaninated and suceeded by alexander the great


were very stable


Divine reason, or fire, which according to the stoics was the guiding priciple in nature. Every human had a spark of this divinity, which returned to the eternal divine spirit after death.

The First Peloponnesian War was triggered by an alliance with


Which of the following was NOT a result of the Dorian invasion?

Merchants grew wealthy because of new trading opportunities

Magna Graecia

Meaning Great Greece in latin, it was the name given by the romans to southern italy and sicily because there were so many greek colonies in the region


Meaning The Best Men. Roman politicians who supported the traditional role of the senate

All of the following are true statements about Roman slavery EXCEPT

Slaves became increasingly important to the economy as the price of slaves went up

In Athens in the seventh century B.C.E., most land was held by

Small farmers

Greek Dark Ages

Small politicl entinties of Dark Ages provide foundation for emergance of polis city state, Archaic Age 800 to 500 B C

Which is the correct chronological order for Greek philosophers?

Socrates, Plato, Aristotle


Under the Roman Republic, it was the title given to a victorious general. Under Augustus and his sucessors, it becam the title of the ruler of Rome meaning Emperor

After the First Messenian War, the Spartans' biggest problem was

Unrest and rebellion of the helots

In general, early Christianity was most appealing to

Urban residents, the poor, and the uneducated

Who were the last two co-rulers of a combined (Eastern and Western) Roman Empire?

Valens and Valentinian

Life of a spartan killed at birth, if health problems, stayed with mother until 7, At 20 became a soldier 7-20 training in the barracks could not marry until 30

Values, obedience, loyalty, conformormity, disipline, devotion to communication, disdain for wealth and luxury, All spartan women served to take care of domestic skills, physically fit realm

Who was the most important of the Augustan poets?


Minoan Civilization Points

Very Adventurous, 1400 B C Minoan civilization had run its course


Very warrior class society, militarialistic, invaded minoans

Much of Roman history is the story of


Most hoplites were

small farmers

Alexander the great tuns leadership almost into a semi divine monarch style similar to the mesapotamins

spent his life trying conquering the world alexander contributions cosmopolitans Founding city states Alexandria Egypt after alexander, his son and half brother were supposed to rule didn't work out

The Macedonian Wars were

All won by Rome, which became increasingly harsh— and profit-oriented—in imposing settlements

Julius Caesar's first noteworthy military victories came in


"Jus gentium" refers to

"Law of peoples," or the idea that law should not be based solely on Roman experience

Romans eventually take over with cleopatra greeks asking for help


War broght vast wealth, developments in eastern mediterranean alexander's empire breaking down

133 B C Greece officially made a province, 149 start another war with carthage that will be annexed into rome in 146 B C Europe, Africa, Asia

Minoan Civilization Points

2,000 B C urban centers have emerges Kinosos, Government for city states highly developed, developed writing systems linear A and Linear B


2,000 to 1500 B C approximately, small principalities controlled by war lords, Lack Governement, built fortified settlements, palace forts

carthage had to pay reperations kings hamilcar carthage hannabul military genius creates a power house in spain leads to 2nd punic war 218-201 B C

2nd punic war hannubal takes the war to rome trying to deprive allies of rome 218 and 216 battles romans lose romans elect dictator phebius maximus trying to stary away from open war

Agressive action agianst foreign enemies that were even a threat Athens is over extending itself many city states start looking towards sparta

445 B C 30 years Truce between Athens and spartan, did not really last 30 years

3 Persian Invasions

480 B C persians return with second invasion with Darius's son xerxes to lead, first stand was at Thermaphylae, 3 days of battles with about 4300 Greek forces, Thermopylue meaning Hot Gates, Persians Won

3 Persian Invasions

490 B C 1st persian Invasion Darius sends fleet and army across Hegean to punish Athens and Erithica for helping Ionian Then land in Attica in Maraton Athenians heavily won in a major upset

ability to reshape internal political in rome itself and society to promote loyalty to state

494 B C plebians gain right to elect special officials of their own tribunes could veto any act of an elected officail that threatened interests of the people council of plebeians

Most cities in the Roman Empire had about 20,000 inhabitants, but Rome's population was greater than


Wealthy noble individual that provided financial support to plebians for service and protected them legally and the plebians had to support them in exchanges politically

509 B C Rebellion, to overthrow king patricians lead revolts over throw king replace him with two consuls elected annually Marks the beginning of roman republic


594 B C Soloan part of oligarchy aristocratic in origin, but concerned w/ fair justice, aid to poor, debt relief eliminated debtor's prison, agricultural reform switch from grain to olive and olive oil, mush better to grow and trade


621 B C Draco drew up written code of law for athens helped change laws to benefit everybody Isonomia equal laws, intend to treat everybody fairly

Greek Dark Ages

700 independent city states formed, depending on the city state citizenship, Sparta= Warrior Athens= Accepting Athens

Originally the word polis meant simply

A citadel

Crete can best be described as

A cultural crossroads between Europe, Asia, and Africa, and birthplace of the Minoan culture

One factor that differentiated Spartan government from that of other poleis was

A dual monarchy


A fouth century philisohical movement that ridiculed all religious observances and turned away from involvement in the affairs of the polis. Its most famous exemplar was diogenes of sinope

Hellenistic advances in math and science included which of the following?

A heliocentric theory of the universe

Augustus's government can best be described as

A monarchy


A people central italy who exerted the most powerful external influence on the early Romans. Etruscans kings ruled rome until 509 B C


A philosophical school founded by zeno of citium 335 to 263 B C that taught that humans could only be happy with naturall law. Human misery was caused by passion, which was a disease of the soul. The wise sought apatheia, freedom from passion.

The authors of the text believe that the best physical representation of Augustinian rule is

A procession depicted on the Ara Pacis, or "Altar of Peace"

Athenian democracy included

A provision that every judicial decision was approved by the people through a panel of jurors

One of the problems Athens had on the eve of the Macedonian invasion was

A small population


A small town in Attica or a ward in Athens that became the basic unit of Athenian civic life under the democratic reforms of clisthenes in 508 B C E

Which of the following is the best summary of Aristotle's life and significance?

A student of Plato and founder of the Lyceum, Aristotle was a thinker of wide-ranging interests and a pragmatist who believed that the most important role of the polis was moral

All of the following statements about slavery in classical Greece are true EXCEPT

All slaves were privately owned

formulated all legislature, judged important cases and advised on administered decisions were subject to approval by assembly of all spartan citizens Assembley does not usually citizens disagree with the council

Actual administration of government give to 5 officials Cephus elected by the assembly citizens, run by on oligarchy of military commanders, Isolation- bad economically

Which of the following best describes how Romans viewed Greece?

Admiration and contempt


Adopted Etruscian language and latin used for trade unified city ruled by king advised by a council senat 300 wealthy men from lending families population divided into 2 distinct classes

The chief occupation of the Greeks was


Assaninated by his own guard his ex lover Phillip 2 and Alexander did not like each other because it was his ex wifes son

Alexander the great hellenistic greek culture traditions mixed with those of other civilizations, cosmolitan

Adopt good things from other cultures

Alexander was brought to be greek in culture only 20 when takes over 333 B C Issus solidifies control of asia minor

All of the following are true regarding the patron-client relationship in Royal Rome EXCEPT

All clients were poor

Education for women during the Roman Republic

All of the options are correct

Which of the following could one expect upon enlisting in Augustus's army?

All of the options are correct

Which of the following is true of the Macedonians?

All of the options are correct

An area in which the Etruscans seem to have influenced the Romans is

All of these options are correct

The Great Peloponnesian War

Ended in utter defeat for Athens

Delian League

An alliance of greek states under the leadership of athens that was formed in 478 to 477 B C E to resitst the persians. In time the league was transformed into the athenian empire

Mare Nostrum = Our Sea

Annex territories and make them into a province Expansion created a long and ill defeated border that needs protection problem of how to govern and treat conquered subjects

New Rulers

Antigonus expands their influence into syria, palestine and asia minor, macedonia and aegean basin ptolemy egypt selecus asia minor to india greek power will weaken in egypt due to alliance and reliance

Change in social order wealthy plebians demad more power and social recognition proletariat did not own land depended on others for means of living

Aristocracy middle class wealthy plebians Plebians, Proletariat, Slaves


Arrogance brought on by excessive wealth or good fortune. The Greeks believed it led to moral blindness and divine vengeance.

91 B C Italia allies rebel 138-78 B C Sulla = chosen to put down the uprising Sulla = General = puts down uprising by 89 B C

Asa Consequence 88 B C elected consul gets himself named dictator 83 B C retired in 79 B C Pompey- protege of sulla, given an army to put down italian and spanish revolts

Call C and A 50 years truce to status quo only lasted six years

At the core of the problem was the athenian democracy become very unstable

The Greek navy

Consisted mostly of Athenian ships, which were inferior to the Persian navy's ships

After the Persians retreated from Greece, the Athenians took the lead in further actions against Persia for all the following reasons EXCEPT

Athens was led by Themistocles, who had a personal vendetta against the Persians

The building program on the Acropolis under Pericles showed that

Athens was the intellectual center of Greece

forced to submit to a military oligarchy ran by sparta

Athens will vever return to their greatness but will recover

Leadership shifts away from sparta to Athens because sparta did not want to maintain resources to imperialistic was more concerned with proctecting home

Athens=Navy, 470 B C Deltan League= Athens, Delas, wire the prominent member of sparta not a member, within 15 years All Greeks city States were freed from persian rule, deltan league, Athens gets rich and builds commercial economy

Who was the Christian author who differentiated between the City of God and the City of Man?


What do the authors of the text believe about dyarchy, or joint rule by the Senate and the princeps?

Augustus did not set up a dyarchy; the princeps held ultimate power

Caesar's assassins

Believed they were stopping the development of a dictatorship


Below the nobles landless laborers and slaves

The basic conflict in the Punic Wars was

Between Rome and Carthage

The Greek alphabet

Borrowed elements from the Semitic languages

All of these statements about Roman women are true EXCEPT

By the time of Augustus, women were no longer legally required to have a guardian

The main evidence Cassius Dio offers of Julius Ceasar's desire to rule as king is that

Caesar repeatedly refuses to be called king or to wear a crown

All of the following statements describe Carthage EXCEPT

Carthage attacked Messana without provocation, starting the First Punic War


Caused people to move outside of greeks colonization, government was for it and sometimes ordered it


Causes more focus on the citizens instead of nobles, Tyrants on who rules illegally, put in place by soldiers

To Reduce the competition for trade

Causes sparta and allies to renew war, sparta allies with persia for use of navy to offset athenians navy


Child Labor, each countries have different, cultures changing, afraid that trade will change their traditional cultures

Which of the following is NOT correct regarding the Golden Age of Roman literature?

Cicero was part of this era

Which is the best summary of Athenian democracy under Pericles?

Citizenship was limited, but those who were citizens had many opportunities to participate in state affairs

Greek Dark Ages

Classic Greek religion established, A lot cities were named after and goddesses

Possibly Nammonia, smallpox causes a cry for bolder military action, conflict escalades especially in northern greece

Cleon Athens Brasidar Spara Both die

All of the following are true statements about Constantinople EXCEPT

Constantinople had a long history of pagan worship


Cliestinenes reorganized social sytems to increase publics voice in government, created county like, jurisdictions with no, leads to democracy

According to the text, whose reforms did the most to foster Athenian democracy?


At which Minoan site did archeological discoveries raise provocative questions about cultural relationships with the Greek mainland?


In Athens in the 5th century B.C.E.,

Comic and tragic plays were performed as part of the festival of Dionysus

All of the following statements about the consuls are correct EXCEPT

Consuls had to abide by the written constitution

3 Persian Invasions

Convinced Greeks Cooperative offensive against Persians, Goals free Greek city states under persian occupation

The most important forms of literature produced in the Late Empire period were

Copies and summaries of classical works and Christian writings

What is the best one-word description of Hellenistic culture?


Greeks Oligarch's Reforms

Create written law codes applied for all citizens Provide relief and protectism to farmers pushed out from economical social trade, provide support for trading and public works maintaintence and building of infrafructure

Legion divided into sub units innovative policy towards conquered peoples encouraged peoples to identify their own well being with roman success

Created sense of belonging with in roman state, various levels of citizenship benefits Latium=Full citizens

Greek Dark Ages

Creates Hellenes people and Hellenic culture Identity

Where did the earliest Bronze Age civilization that directly influenced Greek culture develop?


Minoan Civilization Points

Crete, created in the island of crete, King Mino's of Minoan Term Menator came from, Influenced of on Later Greece and Impact, Began with arrival of Neolithic farming around 6000 B C, Overtime added pottery and metal work

Sparta's period of leadership ended in 371 B.C.E. with

Defeat by the Thebans at Leuctra

The people were persuaded by demigogue promise you things to get power

Demogagues Abibades, Played on the people 413 B C, pride to convice a citizens to send a minor expedition against syracuse

Greeks Athens

Demos, citizen rule, Attica, villages hudded around the acropolis, largest polis outside, monarchy abolished about 700 B C Next 2 centuries, aristocratic oligarchy dominated city

Cultural responses to the changes brought by the Peloponnesian War included

Despair and an avoidance of the public sphere

331 B C

Destroys last persian power

The aim of Hellenized education in Rome can best be summarized as

Development of critical thinking skills

Greek Dark Ages

Developments during Dark Ages have performed impact for future, population shifts from mainland to islands and Asia Minor

As consul, Julius Caesar

Did not spend much time in Rome itself


Diversified economy, by focusing on trade stopped growing graining focused on manufacturing agriculture comes less profitable small farmers are going to be pushed out into the city states population focused on the polis

The central ritual of early Christianity was

Eating the agape and celebrating the Eucharist

All of the following statements about democracy under Pericles are true EXCEPT

Elected officials were guaranteed the right to serve their full terms in office


Emergence of democracy, total citizenship can control civic affairs women were not citizens, spartans limited citizenship to military allete


Encouraged manufacturing, especially pottery, reorganized the political system gave people more say particularly from court system, but oligarchy maintans control

The Epicureans and the Stoics both valued happiness; the main difference between them was that

Epicureans emphasized lack of pain or trouble, while Stoics sought virtue through harmony with natural law

3 Persian Invasions

Eritrica Destroyed, Athens needed to appealed to spartans or at least they thought so, but not true, internal conflicts caused a 10 year interval between the next invasion

According to the text, Etruscan history is relevant to the study of ancient Rome because

Etruscan culture influenced the Romans

All of the following are true regarding the Persian Wars EXCEPT....

Every Greek polis contributed to the effort to defeat the Persians

Greek Dark Ages

Evidence for life in this period from writings of Homer about 800 B C

Greek Dark Ages

Exposure to other people and cultures and creates a sense of common culture among the greeks, creation of greek Indenty

265 rome controlled all of italy south of PO river valley romans attribute sucess dominance to their superior virtues and diving favor

Factors playing a role in roman sucess, superior military organization having numbers, strength, flexibiltity like never before


Falanx, needs lots of warriors to form the reformation, weapons, organization, coordination, training, incentives to have political power, warriors call for more say in the political power

Archaic Greek farmers led easy lives.


Every household in Athens owned at least one slave.


Hippocrates produced a revised Bible in Latin, known as the Vulgate.


In Imperial Rome, apartments were luxurious and spacious.


Most scholars agree that Rome's growth to an empire was inevitable.


Orpheus, a god of nature, fertility and drunkenness, was the most popular deity.


Rome's first written constitution was based on that of the Etruscans.


Slaves were prohibited from marrying.


The First Triumvirate, consisting of Pompey, Crassus, and Caesar, lasted only a matter of months.


The Greek symposium was a drunken aristocratic revel in celebration of Dionysus


The coloni were provincials who had gained citizenship.


The great library at Alexandria was destroyed by Alexander the Great's armies.


The lives of lower-class Greek women were more closely monitored and controlled than the lives of upper-class women.


Under Hannibal's brilliant leadership, the Carthaginians won the Second Punic War.


Under Solon's leadership, Athens began a wholesale export of wheat.


The establishment of the Delian League

Featured a ceremony in which lumps of iron were dropped into the sea

Greek Dark Ages

Focus of Polis was urban center, king's residence, hilltop fortress acropolis, temples, martket, where the acropolis was meeting hall and court for nobles and king to meet together

Imposing control over deltan league funded alot of plays, buildings, and artists...

Forcing others to accept democracy, make them, have Athenian currency and ship Athenians there to rule and vote

The most aggressive of the German tribes were the



Greece does not have a lot of land resources, growing population, greedy nobles not wanting to give up land

3 Persian Invasion

Greek prepares, Sparta, organized hellenic league: 31 city states under Spartan Generals Athenian leader- Themosticles convinces citizens to use silver from recently discovered mines to build up navy

after 800 B C two peoples arrive bringing in with them more advanced civilization

Greeks founded city states in southern italy and sicily Etrusions Asia minor, settle in N W coast of Italy Brought first taste of advanced urban life civilization 7 hills on south banks of Tiber River


Had one great resourse: acess to sea, water/sea/ocean very good for trade masters the art of sailing, Farming culture very imperitive

Which of the following best summarizes the life and accomplishments of Hannibal?

Hannibal took command of the Carthaginian army in Spain in 221 B.C.E., and for almost two decades repeatedly crushed Roman armies, until he was defeated by the young Roman general Scipio

Augustus changed the Senate in which of the following ways?

He purged the Senate of undesirable members

Which evaluation of Pericles' strategy in the Great Peloponnesian War comes closest to that presented in the text?

He took a risky gamble in adopting a strategy that only he could execute

What was novel about Augustus' proconsular power?

He was authorized to exercise it within the city of Rome

Which of the following is true of Plato?

He was the first systematic philosopher

All of the following are true regarding Socrates EXCEPT

He was widely loved

Helots slaves, sparta, worked in fields or households to free spartans up for military service, Spartans lived in constant fear of a slave Helot Revolt

Held in place by the spartan government, headed by 2 kings just figure headed unless they had distiguished themselves as military commanders, Real power lied within the council comprised of the 2 kings and 28 men over 60

When farms with economic pressures of archaic age, they conquered neighbors territory expansion, tried to take over Messenia

Helot revolution in Missenia, spartans start a major restructuring through military strength, division of into rigid classes: spartans alot 10,000 enjoyed full citizenship, required to devote lives to military service done to teach valures, eligilable till 60

Greek Dark Ages

Helped shape nature of community life for future periods, At this time greek religion, mythology, started to take shape

What does the text suggest about Aspasia?

Her intelligence, combined with her status as a foreigner and companion to Pericles, gave her an unusual and privileged status


Hereditary Spartan serfs

Pompey's popularity was based on which of the following?

His many military victories

Important literary figures of the late republic included all of the following EXCEPT



Homer wrote Illiad, Odyssey poet, 1200, 1100 B C mighty citadels destroyed Greek Dark Ages Last about 4 centuries

As class lines hardened in the late Roman Empire, a new social distinction emerged between

Honestiores and humiliores

The underlying interest of the dramatists, architects, sculptors, and philosophers of the 5th century B.C.E. was

Human nature

As Rome expanded by conquering surrounding Latin cities, its policy can best be summarized as

Impose harsh punishments on rebels, but hold out the possibility of eventual alliance or even citizenship to all conquered groups

Sparta relied on Syracuse for trade

In 404 B C Athens surrendered makes a treaty Athens is forced to destroy city walls Reduce navy to 12 ships

"Magna Graecia" refers to Greek colonies

In Italy and Sicily


In Republican Rome, the extension of a consul's imperium beyond the end of his term of office to allow him to continue to command an army in the field


In ancient Rome, the right to issue commands and to enforce them by fines, arrests, and even corporal and capital punishment

The Greek attempt to install Cyrus on the Persian throne ended

In military victory for the Greeks, but Cyrus died in battle

Greek Dark Ages

In order to Identify your culture, you need to have counterpart to say, were not that or them, were this, called people that were not hellenic, they were barbarian

Greeks under persian occupation rebelled, appeal to athens greeks for help, Athens and Eritrica

Known as the Ionian Revolt and Crushed by Darius the Great

Education for boys in the Early Roman Republic

Included religion, science, and mathematics

Imperial policy toward the provinces can best be summarized as

Inclusive, with citizenship widely available, and attempts to unify the empire balanced with respect for local tradition

The Homeric values would fit best in a society that is

Individualistic and competitive

The authors of this text believe Mycenaean civilization probably fell because of

Internal conflict, caused by excessive centralization, compounded by aggressive challenges from outsiders

Which of the following is NOT true about the Council of Nicaea

It resolved doctrinal differences among Christians within the Roman Empire

Which of the following was true of Greek religion?

It was intertwined with the state


Italy and sicily was primarily targeted as for colonization

Rome emerged as an early center of Christianity for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

Jesus was martyred in Rome

The Arch of Titus depicts Rome's victory over


Crassus- rich moneylender and land speculator, given responsibility for slave revolt elected consuls in 70 B C

Julius Caesar 100-44 B C first triumvirate = secret alliance between pompey, crassus, julius caesar

The First Triumvirate consisted of

Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Marcus Licinius Crassus

Which of the following is the best summary of changes in agriculture during the imperial period?

Large estates growing cash crops dominated, and tenant farmers who were tied to the land gradually replaced slaves as the main source of labor


Large plantations for growing cash crops owned by wealthy Romans.

Homeric Greek civilization developed

Largely in isolation, but influenced by remnants of Mycenaean culture

451 B C= war breaks out between Peloponisian league/Sparta and Delta League Athens Pelopnisian war told by Cydides

Lasted a whole generation, made cultural changes

The official language(s) of the Roman Empire were

Latin in the west and Greek in the east


Latin= Neptune Realm=God of sea, horses, and earthquakes Symbols= Trident, dophins, and horses


Latin= Saturn Realm=Father of Jupiter, among the romans, god of agriculture Symbols= Sickle


Latin=Aurora Realm=Goddess of the dawn


Latin=Ceres Realm=Goddess of Agriculture Symbols=Sheaf of wheat, poppies, and cornucopia


Latin=Cupid Realm=God of love Symbols=Heart pierced with arrow


Latin=Diamal Realm= Goddess of moon and hunting, partoness of madens Symbols= Crescent, stag, and arrows


Latin=Dis Realm=God of Underworld, minerals, and wealth Symbols=Cerberus, the and cypress


Latin=Faunus Realm=God of Nature Symbols=Goats and satyrs


Latin=Juno Realm=Queen of the gods, wife of jove, and Patroness of matrons Symbols=Pomegranate, peacock, and cuckoo


Latin=Jupiter Realm=King of the gods and ruler of mankind Symbols= Eagle, thunderbolts and oak


Latin=Liber Realm=God of vine, drama, and revelry Symbols= Ivy, grapes, and leopards or panthers


Latin=Mars Realm=God of war Symbols=Sward, shield, dogs, and vultures


Latin=Mercury Realm=Messenger of the gods, god of commerce and theft Symbols=Winged cap, winged sandals, and caduceus

Pallas Athena

Latin=Minerva Realm=Goddess of wisdom, war, and weaving Symbols=Aegis, owl, and olive tree

Phoebus Apollo

Latin=Phebus Apollo Realm= God of sun, music, poetry, and medicine Symbols= Lyre, arrows, and sun chariots


Latin=Venus Realm=Goddess of love and beauty Symbols= Doves and sparrows


Latin=Vesta Realm=Goddess of hearth, home Symbols=Hearth Fire


Latin=Vulcon Realm=God of fire and workers in metal Symbols= Anvil and forge


Lead to few major battles instead a bunch small raids as had been before and to large army


Literally cavalrymen or knights. In the earliests years of the roman republic those who could afford to serve as mounted warriors. The equestrians evolved into a social rank of well to do businessmen and middle ranking officials. Many of them support


Located around the aegean Sea, lots of Islands, Valleys, mountains, Bays, Pennisulas, Cut the land into seperate cities


Made it difficult to be unified politically, Blessed with nice weather, long summer, mild winter


Major accomplishments creation of a universal political society carries jajor aspects of greek hellenistic culture over a huge geographic area especially important in western history


Manliness, courage, and the excellence appropriate to a hero. It was considered the highest virtue of homeric society

Greek Dark Ages

Many aspects of Mycenaean civilization dissappeared: Courts, palaces, linear B writing, trading, art

133-121 B C Gracchi Tiberius and gaius gracchus Elected tribune in 133 B C proposes land reform killed gaius elected tribune in 122 B C

Marius 155-86 B C Rome, having problem with uprising in numidia African province 107 B C elected consul Marius relected for 6 consecutive terms or years

Minoan religion appears to have been more ___________ than the religions of other civilizations in the region.


Tyrants typically rose to power because of their

Military ability

Rome depended on the plebeians primarily for their

Military service

vesta godess of the hearth household land flocks, Jupiter corresponds to the greek god of zeus Hera = godess of women and farming

Minerva goddess of arts sciences and wisdom equal of athens Civic duty is important respect for tradition and family carthage a major power come to clash of sicily for trade agriculture grain


Mixture of ideas, ways and traditions of cultures differ


Modern France

The kings of Homer's age had _______ power than the Mycenaean kings had.

Much less

Homer's epic poems the Iliad and the Odyssey are probably based on historical events in the _________ culture.



Mycenea derived the mycenian civilization, reaches it's height around 1300 B C, Attacking the city of Troy

Greek Civilization Points

Mythology, Olmypics, only greek men could participate and watch, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Birth of Philishophy, Homer, Odyssey, poetry, play, invented democracy, very influential U S not a demacracy, wer'e a republic


National security could effect trade and not wanting trade

A world state big political entity of different types cosmopolitan encompasses people of all types but under one unified citizenship as a whole and a legacy that has been passed down

New Concept of Monarchy Greeks will return to monarchy as the standard form of government had to return to strong leadership to impose stability nobility check power

205 B C Rome invades northa africa hannubal will be forced to come back and lost zama in defeat in 202 B C

New treaty written carthage gives up spain and has to pay reparations annually for 50 years they had to destroy their navy and could not go to war outside of africa and if they do then they need permission

Which of the following is the best summary of the life of Caligula?

Nicknamed "little boot" as a child, his rule as emperor was tyrannical, and he was assassinated by the Praetorian Guard

Greek Dark Ages

Nobles had horses, luxury of time to practice how to skills for war, while poor had to work all the time

Greek Dark Ages

Nobles would get together to make political decisions with the kings, they were the dominant warrior class, if you can fight and defend, you'll probably have political they had money to buy weapons,

Would slowly start to conquer parts of greece, 338 B C Macedonia wins complete victory over greece, creates league of corith dedicated to peace between the cities

Nobody could to war without approval from the league of corinth or change their governments

The authors believe the largest portion of blame for the failure of the Roman Empire in the West lies with

None of these factors

Greek Dark Ages

Not a civilation at this point, but still have agriculture, A step back in time, don't know much about the time


Official of the Roman republic charged with conducting the census and compiling the lists of citizens and members of the Senate. They could expel senators for financial or moral reasons. Two censors were elected every five years.


Oligarchies did not like them, tyrants, provided alot of policies that benefited the people, An understanding that the tyrants had to follow what the people want tyrants were killed and replaced is desagreed by the people, tyrants did not last long


Oligarchs, nobles, try to go back to the statues quo before tyrants, but more people could be part of the nobilty anybody that was wealthy could be part of the oligarchy


Oligarchy, placed ultimate authority in the council of nobles, linear B dissapeared


Owed it's prosperity to it's location of a rich coastal plain on a narrow Ithmas, strip of land between two bodies of water Aegan and Mediterannean

The twelve gods who lived on Mount Olympus made up the


Restructured taxes to by based primarily on customs duties, Tariffs

Pariander 627 to 556 B C Built a causeway across the Ismas to carry ships from Aegean and mediteraniean, divided control into jurisdictions counties with represtives council 6th century B C to 338 B C corinth would be ruled by an oligarchy

In an attempt to restore traditional Roman values, Augustus

Passed laws curbing adultery

450 B C written codification of ancient legal customs written by the patricians

Passed laws to protect debtors, limit monopoly on use of public lands by rich, provide land grants to poor plebians allowing intermarriage of classes the ones that were rich, but not patricians

Athenian Democracy

Pencilis- increase number of government officials, offices filled by lots, giving everyone a chance, by drawing lottery, property qualifications elimated, payment for government service introduce

Pericles 461-427 B C= Athenian Imperialism is established at the same time democracy was implented, Hybris- Overwhelming, pride or arragance and getting causing a downfall

Pericles Plan to expand Athenian Influence

430-429 B. C. Plague killed one third of the population of athens including

Pericles himself that leader died

Greek Golden Age, Classical Age, 5th and 4th century B C, Began with a defining event in greek history, persia=Iran modern, War with the persians

Persian War= Greeks learned that city states should cooperate. During Archaic inter city cooperation was limited, but same things bound them together,

In general, the Greek religious experience can best be described as

Pervasive and pragmatic

Greek Dark Ages

Pheasants and artisians below nobles very small political influence, their job was just to moan about the decisions being made by the rich

Who was the ruler who united the Macedonians, conquered the Greeks, and prepared to invade Persia?

Philip II

After the Macedonians conquered Greece

Philip led the League of Corinth


Pisistratus, 540 B C 510 B C, didn't change system, harshly reformed the laws to bring nobles back under control, pursued public, policy designe to gain popular support, did what the people wanted or they were killed and replaced

Patricians effectively ruled city, small number of wealthy landing owning families controlled by eldest male paterfamilies

Plebians every one else ranging all classes and were not all poor did not social interact with other including marriage clientage patron client relationship

The goal of the Gallic raids was to



Polis City State, Replacement of Monarchy with oligarchy, major step, oligarchy, power in the hands of an elite few,

Greek Dark Ages

Polis evolves during Archaic Age, but developed from political entities of Dark Ages


Political change was inevitable oligarch's tried reforms


Positive analysis tells you that trade is good, but normative questions have to be asked is it right?

367 B C one of cosuls had to be plebian 287 B C assembly of tribes en act plebiscities reorganized as ultimate law binding the entire roman state

Praetors=primarily in charge of court system= 1 year terms Except censor served five years classified citizens for military service and judged moral military service and judged moral fitness for holding office still has to answer to the people in times of great turmoil

3 Persian Invasions

Prepare for and present another persian invasion Attack and weaken persians get peace agreement repayment for damage


Professional teachers who emerged in greece in the mid fifth century B C who were paid to teach techniques of rhetoric, dialectic, and argumentation


Realm= Cup bearer to gods and goddesses of youth Symbols= Cup


Realm=Cup bearer to gods Symbols= Cup, also eagle of Zeus


Realm=Goddess of vengeance and punishment Symbols=Wheel, sward, and balance


Reasons for involvement in the mediterraenean, increasing enchantment w/ greek culture, Punic wars demonstrated successful military leadership assured fame and power

The area in which the Etruscans had the greatest influence on the Romans was


Tiberius Gracchus threatened the political order because he

Removed Octavius from power, demonstrating that power had shifted from the Senate to the people


Reorganized the army, remassed the falanks regiment where soldiers stood close and strategy of military, advantage of number concentration of warriors

Below the spartans, periocei those who lived outside of Sparta in Locania and were dominated by Sparta, did not habe full citizenship

Required to serve military, but not in the same devotion, had to pay taxes, had control in local politics but not in Spartan affairs

Transported other cities products, shipped goods, merchants could avoid along dangerous pathe arounde the pennisula, Also a leader in colonizing established many cities in sicily and Italy such as Syracuse

Revolution came around 650 B C led by tyrant cypeelus 157-627 B C led by tyrant cypeelus well liked by citizens


Rich people, for most parts made good decision and benefit the entire community

Common language writing system Common culture Common religion had belief in same panthenon of deities shares shrines sacred places, Pan Hellenic festivals olympics

Rise Threat of persians after 550 B C, Persian empire expanding and presents a service threat to greeks start conquering city states of Greece Affects the greeks pride to having been ruled by Persians and causes them to rebel


Roman officials who had to be plebeians and were elected by the plebeian assembly to protect plebeians from the arbitrary power of the magistrates

All of these statements about Roman engineering are true EXCEPT

Romans invented the post-and-lintel construction technique

Carthage supports syracuse war between the two 1st punic war 264-241 B C for the control of sicily

Romans realize they need a navy, carthage already has one carthagians phoneicians carthage wants peace not surrender they create a treaty that gives romans sicily the first step to a major empire

Which of the following is true of Rome?

Rome was a natural center for communications and trade, due to its geography

provinces paid taxes but did not recieve benefits unless they were part of the italian peninsula

Rome's italian allies became increasingly disregarded provinces inturn will become rebellious to rome itself from no benefits


School of Ancient Greek philosophy founded in the fitth century B C E by Leucippus of Miletus and Demucritus of Abdera. It held that the world consists of innumerable, tiny, solid, indivisible, and unchangeable particles called atoms


School of philosophy founded by epicurs of athens 342 to 271 B C E. It sought to liberate people from fear of death and the supernatural by teaching that the gods took no interest in human affairs and that true happiness consisted in pleasure, which was

Hellenic Age

Seleucid kingdom facing big threats from macedonia Major developments for idieologies for the hellenic age and will leave a madel New Ideology of Greek

Etruscan settlements were

Self-governing, fortified city-states

Elected a dictator unlimited power to run state but only for six months offices don't pay

Senate 300 wealthy men who qualified by serving previous public office consuls praetor Deep respect for traditions

The war impoverished all city states Polis has ben weakened greek civilization was greatly dimished

Sets up to be ripe for an invasion from somebody else

The warlike peoples who arrived in Italy around 1000 B.C.E. did all of the following EXCEPT

Settled first in the plains and later conquered the Apennines

Hoplite warfare tended to be

Short and intense, leaving the land and farmers' capital relatively intact

The lead antagonists in the Peloponnesian Wars were

Sparta and Athens

Service for polis presented as duty to participate and serve civic duty, participation limited, no slaves and women, 300,000 population and only, 45,000 active citizenship

Sparta, Very militaristic, 9th century B C emerges as city state also known as Laconia, 750 B C Sparta doing from general pattern of development

All of the following resulted from the Helots outnumbering the Spartans EXCEPT

Spartan women were given military instruction

3 Persian Invasions

Spartans held off Persians while to let Greek navy escape, 479 B C = 3rd Invasion, The Greek army led by the spartans to fight persians and Athenian navy attacks from the back wars

Minoan Civilization Points

Starts around 2,000 B C, Greatest advance mastery of sailing, grow wealthy from trade, have access to materials and markets


Still lacked natural resources, Tillable soil was limited, subject to erosion , Tin, copper, iron and lumber were short supply

Which is the best summary of the authors' view of Sulla?

Sulla initiated important reforms, but his methods set an irrevocable and dangerous precedent

The recurring theme of Classical Greek culture is


In the battle at Marathon,

The Athenians defeated the Persians


The Bronze Age civilization of mainland greece that was centered at Mycenae

IIiad and the Odyssey

The Epic poems by homer about the Dark age heroes of greece who fought at troy. The poems were written down in the eighth century B C E after centuries of being sung by bards


The Greek houshold, always headed by a male


The Greek marketplace and civic center. it was the heart of the social life of the polis

Greek Dark Ages

The Idea of being a citizen evolved from, you have to go to the urban center to do your civic duty, being a part of being involved, early sign of patriotism, a sense of duty for city state, the most important thing you can do in your life

Which is the best characterization of the Greek influence on Roman education?

The emphasis changed from practical skills to personal and intellectual development


The Roman name for a liberal arts education


The basic greek political unit. Usually, but incompletely, translated as city state, the greeks thought of the polis as a community of citizens theoretically descended from a common ancestor

Hoplite phalanx

The basic unit of Greek warfare in which infantrymen fought in close order, shield to shield, usually eight ranks deep. The phalanx perfectly suited the farmer soldier citizen who was the backbone of the polis


The bronze Age civilization that arose in Crete in the third and second millennia B C E


The carefully organized drinking party that was the center of greek aristocratic social life. It featured games, songs, poetry, and even philosophical disputation

"Mystery religions" included

The cults of Mithra, Isis, and Osiris


The custom in ancient Rome whereby men became supporters of more powerful men in return for legal and physical protection and economic benefits

The Byzantine Empire was

The eastern portion of the Roman Empire, which endured until the 15th century

The barbarian invasions of the fifth century were a contributing factor in

The fall of the Roman Empire in the West

The center of Roman life was

The family

The polis served as

The fundamental unit of civic organization and identification


The governing council of athens, originally open only to the nobility. It was named after the hill on which it met.

In the aftermath of the Second Punic War,

The gulf between classes widened substantially


The hereditary lower class of early republican rome


The hereditary upper class of early Republican Rome

Paul's major contributions to Christianity were

The ideas that Christianity was a new, universal religion, and that Christians should spread the gospel


The intermingling of different religions to form an amalgam that contained elements from each.

Caesar's reforms included

The introduction of the Julian calendar

All of these statements about Roman kings are true EXCEPT

The king had vastly more power than the Senate

During and after the reign of Augustus, the Roman Empire's main external problem was

The northern frontier


The part of western Asia Minor heavily colonized by the greeks

All of these statements regarding Attic tragedy are true EXCEPT

The plays were usually based on contemporary events or recent history

The fundamental element that differentiated Hellenic civilization from its predecessors was

The polis

Heredotus, in describing the evacuation of Athens, seems to believe that

The priestess wisely used the people's superstition to facilitate necessary actions


The protracted struggle between athens and sparta to dominate greece between 465 and Athen's final defeat in 404 B C

Julian Calendar

The reform of the calendar by julius caesar in 46 B C It remained in use throughout Europe until the sixteenth century and in Russia until the Russian Revolution in 1917


The region of Greece where Athens is located


The region of Italy in which rome is located. Its inhabitants were called latins


The religious and civic center of Athens. It is the site of the Parthenon.


The two chief magistrates of the roman state

What is imperium?

The right to issue all commands, and enforce them by any means


The sense of cultural identity that all greeks felt in common with each other

Panhellenic spirit refers to

The sense of cultural identity that led, for example, to the establishment of common religious festivals in different parts of Greece and the colonies

Which is the best summary of the life of Alexander the Great?

The son of Philip of Macedon, he led an army that won an amazing string of victories across Persia and beyond, but his early death left his vast empire in disarray


The southern peninsula of greece where sparta was located

Heliocentric theory

The theory, now universally accepted, that the earth and the other planets revolve around the sun. First proposed by aristarchos of samos 310 to 230 B C. Its opposite, the geocentric theory, which was dominant until the sixteenth century C E

Which is the best summary of the text's description of the power struggle between Octavian and Antony?

The wily Octavian won, mostly because Octavian was identified with Rome and the West while Antony could be portrayed as Cleopatra's dupe


The worship of Many Gods

Which of the following ended the dominance of Sparta in the 371 B.C.E.?


Which of the following statements is NOT true about the tetrarchy?

There was no plan for succession among the rulers


There's still tention within Athenian Society, lead to Tyrany


They face economic pressures in result they tried to diversify the economy agriculture shifts from grain to livestock, grapes, wine, olives, goats, grain was imported, begin emphasizing manufacturing, wine and pottery particularly

Greek Dark Ages

They will be exposed to the Phonecian alphabet, while still not having a writing system it will highly influence a common writing and language system in the future

Punic Wars

Three wars between rome and carthage for dominance of the western mediterranean that were fought from 264 B C to 146 B C

Which of the following is the best summary of Aristophanes' depiction of women in Lysistrata?

Through humor, it seems to suggest that women held more power than their legal or political status acknowledged

Which is the most accurate summary of the Athenian small farmer's dilemma around 600 B.C.E.?

Typical farming methods resulted in soil exhaustion, but change could lead to financial ruin and personal disaster

The key difference between Herodotus and Thucydides lies in

Thucydides' rejection of supernatural explanations

The aims of the Delian League included all of the following EXCEPT

To check Athenian domination

The Spartan strategy in the Great Peloponnesian war was

To invade the enemy's territory

According to Homer, the highest value was arête, or manliness.


Alexander the Great's conquest of Persepolis had profound economic consequences.


Athens is located in Attica.


Diocletian's Edict of Maximum Prices made overcharging a capital offense, but it still did not eliminate inflation.


Greece experienced its greatest cultural achievements in the period between the Persian retreat and the invasion of Philip of Macedon.


In the third century, it became more difficult to rise in the social order.


Manichaeism contained elements of Zoroastrianism, Judaism, and Christianity.


Plebeians gained during the Struggle of the Orders.


Rome was burned by the Gauls in 387 B.C.E.


The Great Peloponnesian War ended with the destruction of the Athenian Empire.


The Greek attempt to place Cyrus on the Persian throne failed, but it revealed the potential weakness of Persia.


The agricultural development of Rome was based on slavery.


The doctrines of the Catholic Church were considered orthodox.


Three hundred Spartans fought and died at Thermopylae.


Tyrants typically came from the aristocracy.



Type of government has alot to do with terms of trade

The Peloponnesian League

Was an alliance led by Sparta


Was home to cultural development

The first Persian invasion of the Greek mainland, launched in 490 B.C.E.,

Was intended, among other things, to restore Hippias as tyrant of Athens

The Senate in the Roman Republic

Was the sole continuous deliberative body in the Roman state

Greek colonies

Were structured to benefit the colonists

Points that effect trade Greeks

Why isn't everything specialization, because of Monolopy, Infant Industry, Protectism can make domestic firms lazy

The First Peloponnesian War ended

With Pericles agreeing to the Thirty Years' Peace, and Athens relinquishing claims to the Greek mainland beyond Attica

All of the following are true regarding women in Homeric Greece EXCEPT....

Women could not gain social respect

Which of the following is the best summary of changes in the Roman army in the second and third centuries?

conscripts were drawn from a larger pool; discipline declined; pay increases contributed to inflation; foreign mercenaries dominated the army

Significant changes in traditional economic system

emergance of trade and manufacturing aristocracy did not trade small farmers lost land to aristocrats to form plantation style agriculture Latifundia


founded the city of marcellia and now called marsay, colonial settlements were semi independent, but economically dependent on parent country Greeks

All of the following are true of the hoplite phalanx EXCEPT

it was the dominant military force in the region until the Romans


north of greece nontraditional king phillip 2 359-336 B C Kingdom


roman politicans who sought to pursue a political career based on the support of the people rather than just the aristocracy.

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