Western Civilization I CLEP Exam (ANSWERS)

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(picture saved to desktop) 22. The building in Córdoba, Spain, shown above, illustrates the influence of (A) Islam (B) Buddhism (C) Hinduism (D) Shinto (E) Animism


26. Between 1629 and 1639, Charles I of England tried to obtain revenues by all of the following means EXCEPT (A) the levying of ship money (B) income from crown lands (C) forced loans (D) the sale of monopolies (E) grants from Parliament


49. Which of the following called upon Martin Luther to account for his ideas at the Diet of Worms? (A) Frederick III, Elector of Saxony (B) Emperor Charles V (C) Ignatius of Loyola (D) King Henry VIII of England (E) Huldrych Zwingli


82. In the thirteenth century c.e., which of the following was a major point of contact between people of Muslim, Jewish, and Western Christian cultures? (A) Rome (B) Paris (C) Aachen (D) Sicily (E) Southern France


refer to the passage below. "[In the 260s c.e. ], while the Roman Emperor Gallienus was given over to luxurious living of every sort, the leaders of the Goths sailed across the Dardanelles strait to Asia. There they laid waste to many populous cities and set ÿre to the renowned temple of Diana at Ephesus. After being driven from the neighborhood of Bithynia, the Goths destroyed Chalcedon, which was restored to some extent later. Yet even today, though it is happily situated near the capital city of Constantinople, Chalcedon still shows some traces of its ruin. After their success, the Goths, laden with plunder and spoil, returned along the same route by which they had entered the lands of Asia, sacking Troy and Ilium on the way. These cities, which had barely recovered from the famous war of Agamemnon,* were thus devastated anew by the hostile sword. After the Goths had thus devastated Asia, Thrace next felt their ferocity." 1. In the third century , which of the following developments in the Roman Empire most directly facilitated the actions of Germanic tribes such as the Goths described in the passage? (A) Decius' persecution of Christians (B) Frequent warfare between Roman generals for control over the empire (C) The relocation of the capital of the empire from Rome to Constantinople (D) Roman preoccupation with preventing the expansion of the Hunnic Empire under Attila (E) The neglect of Roman border fortiÿcations in Europe because of warfare against the Persians in North Africa 2. Events such as those described in the passage ultimately contributed to which of the following developments in the ÿfth century ? (A) The spread of the bubonic plague throughout the Roman Empire (B) The end of Roman rule in the western part of the empire (C) The spread of Christianity to areas outside the Roman Empire (D) The stimulation of the Roman economy through massive investments in defense (E) The abandonment of Latin in favor of Greek in the eastern parts of the Roman Empire 3. The discussions of Ephesus and Troy in the passage are best seen as evidence of Jordanes' desire to (A) integrate Gothic history into the accepted framework of classical Greek and Roman historical literature (B) unfavorably compare the achievements of past conquerors with those of the Goths (C) portray the Gothic invasion as an unprecedented occurrence in Roman history (D) minimize the destructive effects of the Gothic invasion on the Roman Empire (E) challenge the stereotypical Roman view of the Goths as barbarians

1.B 2.B 3.A

10. Which of the following most directly facilitated the emergence of numerous independent city- states in ancient Greece? (A) Persian meddling in the political affairs of Greece (B) The expansion of long-distance trade in the Mediterranean (C) Greece's location along the sea, which allowed numerous states to acquire powerful navies (D) The association of Greek gods with particular localities (E) Greece's mountainous terrain, which made communications difficult


11. All of the following were emphasized by the early Christian church EXCEPT a (A) ritual fellowship meal in memory of Christ (B) toleration of other religious sects (C) belief in the value of the souls of women and slaves as well as those of free men (D) belief in life after death for all believers in Christ (E) belief in the value of martyrdom, defined as dying for the faith


12. The Roman emperor whose policies rescued Rome from its crisis in the third century c.e. was (A) Augustus (B) Marcus Aurelius (C) Constantine (D) Diocletian (E) Theodosius


13. Which of the following established Christianity as a legal religion in the Roman Empire? (A) The defeat of the Huns, 451 c.e. (B) The accession of Justinian I (C) The Council of Nicaea (D) The accession of Diocletian (E) The Edict of Milan


14. All of the following invaded the Roman Empire EXCEPT the (A) Vikings (B) Ostrogoths (C) Visigoths (D) Vandals (E) Huns


15. The craft guilds of the Middle Ages had as their primary purpose the (A) promotion of trade and the protection of merchants (B) control of town government (C) regulation of production and quality (D) guardianship of the social and financial affairs of their members (E) accumulation of capital and the lending of money


16. Which of the following had the greatest impact on northern European agriculture by the year 1000 c.e.? (A) The wheeled seed drill (B) The enclosure movement (C) The padded horse collar (D) The horse saddle (E) The spread of maize (corn) cultivation


17. The orders of Franciscan and Dominican friars founded in the thirteenth century differed from earlier monastic orders principally in that the friars (A) took vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience (B) broke away from the control of the pope (C) introduced the ideas of Plato and other early Greek philosophers into their teaching (D) devoted themselves mainly to copying ancient manuscripts (E) traveled among the people instead of living in monasteries


18. All of the following factors played a part in bringing about the Hundred Years' War EXCEPT (A) The English king had lands in Gascony. (B) A French princess was the mother of an English king. (C) Flemish towns were dependent on England for raw wool. (D) The Holy Roman Emperor wanted to bring pressure on the Swiss cantons. (E) The Capetian dynasty had come to an end.


19. Which of the following best characterizes the Byzantine Empire in the late tenth and early eleventh centuries? (A) It reconquered parts of the Balkans, Anatolia, and Syria. (B) It experienced civil war following the end of the Macedonian dynasty. (C) It reconquered much of Italy and North Africa. (D) It experienced cultural renewal following the end of schism between the various eastern Christian sects. (E) It experienced economic collapse as a result of the spread of the bubonic plague.


20. By proving that the Donation of Constantine was a fraudulent document, the fifteenth-century Italian humanist Lorenzo Valla most directly challenged which of the following? (A) The political authority of the papacy in western Europe (B) The morality of papal persecutions of church reformers such as Jan Hus (C) The reliability of Latin translations of the Hebrew Bible (D) The authority of the Avignon Papacy to govern the Church (E) The claims of other humanists that medieval Latin deviated significantly from its classical origins


21. A central feature of the Catholic Reformation was the (A) Roman Catholic church's inability to correct abuses (B) establishment of new religious orders such as the Jesuits (C) transfer of authority from Rome to the bishoprics (D) rejection of Baroque art (E) toleration of Protestants in Roman Catholic countries


23. In The Prince, Machiavelli asserted that (A) historical examples are useless for understanding political behavior (B) the intelligent prince should keep his state neutral in the event of war (C) people are not trustworthy and cannot be relied on in time of need (D) the prince should be guided by the ethical principles of Christianity (E) luck is of no consequence in the success or failure of princes


24. On which of the following issues did Luther and Calvin DISAGREE? (A) The toleration for minority viewpoints (B) The relationship of the church to civil authority (C) The authority of the Scriptures (D) The existence of the Trinity (E) The retention of the sacrament of baptism


25. The principle that the religion of the ruler of a state determines the established church in that state was first adopted at the (A) Peace of Augsburg (B) Peace of the Pyrenees (C) Congress of Vienna (D) Edict of Restitution (E) Peace of Westphalia


27. All of the following are associated with the commercial revolution in early modern Europe EXCEPT (A) an increase in the number of entrepreneurial capitalists (B) the appearance of state-run trading companies (C) a large influx of precious metals into Europe (D) an expansion of the guild system (E) a ''golden age" for the Netherlands


28. Castiglione's Book of the Courtier (1528) was intended as (A) a collection of entertaining travel stories (B) a guide to the military affairs of the Italian peninsula (C) a collection of meditations and spiritual reflections (D) a guide to refined behavior and etiquette (E) an allegory of courtly love


29. Which of the following resulted from the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588? (A) Spanish domination of the Mediterranean was ended. (B) The invasion of England was prevented. (C) Dutch sympathies for the Spanish cause increased. (D) War broke out between England and France. (E) There was a series of uprisings in the Spanish colonies of Central and South America.


(map saved to desktop) 30. In the mid-seventeenth century, the area shaded black on the map above belonged to (A) Russia (B) Poland (C) Sweden (D) Austria (E) Brandenburg-Prussia


31. The theory concerning the solar system that was published by Copernicus in 1543 rejected the popular belief that (A) Earth revolves around the Sun (B) Earth revolves around the Moon (C) Earth is the center of the universe (D) the Sun is the center of the universe (E) the stars revolve around the Sun


32. During their next war with the Persians following the battle of Marathon, the Athenians won a decisive victory through their use of (A) horse-drawn chariots (B) new kinds of iron weapons (C) mounted archers (D) incendiary weapons(E) sea power


33. All of the following peoples settled Roman lands bordering on the Mediterranean EXCEPT the (A) Lombards (B) Visigoths (C) Jutes (D) Ostrogoths (E) Vandals


34. "I found Rome a city of brick and left it a city of marble." The claim above was made by (A) Pompey (B) Julius Caesar (C) Augustus (D) Tiberius (E) Hadrian


35. In which of the following ancient Greek city-states were women permitted to own land and other property and to make economic decisions on their own? (A) Athens (B) Thebes (C) Corinth (D) Argos (E) Sparta


36. Henry II (1133-1189) increased royal authority in England chiefly by (A) confiscating Church lands (B) usurping the legislative authority of Parliament (C) proclaiming the divine right of kings (D) forming an alliance with the papacy (E) enlarging the jurisdiction and powers of royal courts


37. Which of the following was a primary goal of Cardinal Richelieu's foreign policy? (A) The weakening of the Habsburgs diplomatically and militarily (B) The reestablishment of religious unity in Europe (C) The consolidation of French holdings in North America (D) The strengthening of papal influence within the French government (E) The founding of commercial companies on the Anglo-Dutch model


38. Which of the following was the most effective leader of the Protestant forces in the Thirty Years' War? (A) Albrecht von Wallenstein (B) Emperor Ferdinand II (C) The Elector Palatine Frederick V (D) Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden (E) Christian IV of Denmark


39. The reluctance of Elizabeth I of England to open "windows into men's souls" was an indication of her (A) atheism (B) withdrawal from public pageantry (C) reluctance to inquire closely into personal religious views (D) reluctance to prosecute political opponents (E) insistence on personal rule


refer to the passage below. "Undoubtedly it has been heard in your land that God has stirred up the spirit of kings and princes to take vengeance on the Slavic pagans in eastern Europe and to wipe out paganism from Christian lands. In order that the pride of these pagan peoples may be speedily humbled, we make known to you that the Lord has committed to us the preaching of a Crusade. At a council of the Holy Roman emperor, the bishops, and the princes at Frankfurt, all of them took the cross. All Christians who have not yet taken the cross for Jerusalem should know that they will receive the same spiritual privileges for undertaking this expedition against the pagans in eastern Europe. We utterly forbid for any reason whatsoever that a truce be made with these pagans until they shall be converted or wiped out." Bernard of Clairvaux, letter addressed to the Christian nobility and people, Frankfurt, Holy Roman Empire, 1147 c.e. 4. The appeal made in the passage most directly led to which of the following Crusades? (A) The First Crusade(B) The Fourth Crusade(C) The Fifth Crusade(D) The Northern Crusades (E) The Albigensian Crusade 5. Which of the following was the most significant effect of the campaign advocated in the passage? (A) Russian expansion into Poland (B) German colonization in the Baltic regions (C) The spread of pagan beliefs in eastern Europe (D) The spread of the bubonic plague into eastern Europe (E) The decline of Eastern Orthodoxy in eastern Europe

4.D 5.B

(painting saved to desktop) 40. The wall painting shown above depicts which of the following? (A) The division of labor by gender in rural Etruscan society (B) The poor treatment of slaves in ancient Greece (C) Activities of children in Sumerian society (D) Men and women working in the fields in ancient Egypt (E) Roman soldiers celebrating a victory


41. Which of the following was a major innovation of the Renaissance period? (A) The use of linear perspective in painting (B) The use of marble as a medium for statuary (C) The dome (D) The portico (E) Fresco painting


42. The construction of some of the largest buildings in Rome, such as the Colosseum and the Baths of Caracalla, was made possible by Roman builders' skillful use of (A) aluminum scaffolding (B) paper blueprints (C) concrete (D) mud brick (E) plaster


43. Which of the following describes Luther's reaction to the Peasants' Revolt of 1525 ? (A) He first sought what he considered a balanced solution and then strongly supported the lords. (B) He abandoned his initial support of the lords in favor of the peasants. (C) He sought throughout to act as a mediator between the lords and peasants. (D) He declined to act on the grounds that his ministry did not concern itself with politics. (E) He called on the Holy Roman Emperor to intervene.


44. The medieval papacy enjoyed the most independence, power, and prestige in relation to secular authority during the papacy of (A) Formosus (891-896) (B) Alexander II (1061-1073) (C) Innocent III (1198-1216) (D) Clement V (1305-1314) (E) Martin V (1417-1431)


45. Which of the following was true of medieval universities? (A) They taught only philosophy. (B) They were open only to men of noble birth. (C) They were considered subversive of the feudal system by many kings. (D) They were corporations of teachers and students. (E) They emphasized instruction in the vernacular.


46. Which of the following was the site of a tenth-century monastery that became the center of an important monastic reform movement? (A) Aachen (B) Avignon (C) Canossa (D) Chartres (E) Cluny


47. Which of the following contributed to Portugal's lead in overseas expansion in the fifteenth century? I. The creation of accurate maps II. The development of better navigational instruments III. Improvement in the design of ships IV. Availability of large numbers of galley slaves (A) I only (B) II and III only (C) I, II, and III only (D) I, II, and IV only (E) II, III, and IV only


48. Which of the following best characterizes medieval town charters? (A) They provided townspeople with legal and political freedoms that were not available to peasants and serfs. (B) They were always granted by the reigning secular ruler. (C) They permitted townspeople to spend all tax revenue they collected on the needs of their town. (D) They let peasants migrate freely to the towns. (E) They always provided for popularly elected assemblies that made the towns' laws.


50. In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, recruits for the elite Janissary corps of the Ottoman Empire were drawn primarily from which of the following groups? (A) Well-to-do Christian merchants (B) Sufi religious preachers (C) Noble Muslim landowners (D) Children of Christian peasants (E) Muslim prisoners of war


51. "You must realize this: that a prince, and especially a new prince, cannot observe all those things which give men a reputation for virtue, because in order to maintain his state he is often forced to act in defiance of good faith, of charity, of kindness, of religion." The quote above addresses which of the following in Renaissance Italy? (A) The transitory nature of political power (B) The threat of papal power (C) The dangers of political liberty (D) The threat of French invasion (E) The bad reputation of certain Renaissance artists


52. The Treaty of Westphalia, which ended the Thirty Years' War in 1648, resulted in (A) a defeat for Swedish imperialism in northern Europe (B) the consolidation of Bourbon control over Germany (C) ratification of the territorial fragmentation of Germany (D) a step toward restoring religious unity in Europe (E) the restoration of an independent kingdom of Bohemia


53. The Assyrians achieved great success in the eighth and seventh centuries b.c.e. mostly as a result of (A) their emphasis on diplomacy and negotiation (B) the location of their homeland in modern-day northern Iraq (C) the size and organization of their army (D) their peaceful assimilation of diverse peoples into their empire (E) the linguistic unity of their empire


54. Which of the following statements is true of women in the High Middle Ages? (A) Courtly literature portrayed aristocratic women as objects of devotion. (B) Formal education was available to middle-class women. (C) Joining a religious order was not an option available to women. (D) Only propertied widows were allowed to remarry. (E) Women artisans often joined guilds.


55. Which of the following was a major feature of the Hebrew religion? (A) It promoted the belief that the Hebrews were God's chosen people. (B) It allowed the worship of different gods and goddesses. (C) It owed much of its theology to ancient Mesopotamian religious cults. (D) It did not apply to the social, political, or economic areas of life. (E) It made its greatest impact in the arts and architecture.


56. A major effect of the flying buttress used in the construction of Gothic buildings was to (A) eliminate the use of mortar (B) reduce the size of the clerestory (C) allow more light into the buildings (D) reduce the construction costs of religious buildings (E) create the optical illusion that cathedrals were wider at their bases


57. Which of the following is the most important factor that enabled the First Crusade to succeed? (A) Participation of women (B) Superior firepower of the papal armies (C) Neutrality maintained by the papacy (D) Disunity of the Muslim world (E) Desire for a Jewish state


58. Which of the following rightfully could be called the Empire of the Steppe? (A) The Ottoman Empire (B) The Mongol Empire (C) The Parthian Empire (D) The Byzantine Empire (E) The Tang Empire


59. Russia's Time of Troubles (1598-1613) ended with which of the following? (A) The expulsion of a Polish occupying army and the election of a new ruling family (B) The ejection of the Mongol/Tatar occupiers from Russia (C) A successful war against the Turks (D) The annexation of Ukraine (E) Massive serf revolts


6. The earliest urban settlements usually arose in which of the following types of areas? (A) Coastal plains(B) Inland deforested plains(C) Desert oases(D) Fertile river valleys(E) Narrow valleys well protected by mountains


60. Which of the following individuals was most directly responsible for the spread of Greek culture into the Middle East and Central Asia in the fourth century b.c.e.? (A) Aristotle (B) Xerxes (C) Ptolemy (D) Euclid (E) Alexander the Great


61. In the period 1000-1500 c.e., Muslims and Christians differed in regard to which of the following? (A) Belief in one all-powerful god (B) Belief in war in God's name (C) Belief in ancient prophecies (D) Portrayal of religious figures in religious buildings (E) Toleration of the concept of polytheism


62. Which of the following most accurately defines feudalism? (A) A system of strong central government (B) A system of centralized economic distribution (C) An agreement to substitute money payments for military service (D) A system based on land grants given in exchange for military service (E) A religious movement


63. The bubonic plague led to improvements in which of the following? (A) Workers' wages (B) Church administration (C) Prison conditions (D) Transportation (E) Bookbinding


64. Which of the following best describes the importance of Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian Wars for present-day historians? (A) It is one of the earliest historical works to focus exclusively on human-centered, rather than supernatural explanations of historical events. (B) It is the earliest work to use historical narrative primarily as a vehicle of conveying moral lessons to its readers. (C) It is the first history to provide detailed descriptions of battles instead of merely recording their outcome. (D) It is one of the earliest histories to accurately report on the living conditions of underprivileged groups such as slaves and urban populations living in poverty. (E) It is the first military history not commissioned by a royal or aristocratic patron.


65. The Age of Pericles was characterized by all of the following EXCEPT (A) the political domination of Greece by Macedon (B) the historical writings of Herodotus (C) an ambitious building program (D) the expansion of the Delian League (E) reforms of Athenian democracy


66. Which ancient culture produced the "Epic of Gilgamesh"? (A) Egyptian (B) Hittite (C) Assyrian (D) Hebrew (E) Sumerian


67. An important contribution of Thomas Aquinas was his effort to (A) reconcile reason and the teachings of Aristotle with Christian faith (B) reestablish the supremacy of the Pope (C) defeat the Franks (D) win northern Africa back from Islam (E) halt the progress of the Reformation in Spain


68. Which of the following is a true statement regarding John Calvin? (A) He agreed with both Luther and Zwingli on the Eucharist. (B) He opposed the doctrine of predestination. (C) He emphasized the omnipotence and omnipresence of God. (D) He believed in the separation of church and state. (E) He practiced religious tolerance when he governed Geneva.


69. The Investiture Controversy pitted Pope Gregory VII against which of the following? (A) Henry III (B) Henry IV (C) Frederick Barbarossa (D) Maximilian (E) Charles V


(photo saved to desktop) 7. The panel above from ancient Ur supports which of the following conclusions about Mesopotamian society? (A) It was primarily composed of hunter-gatherers. (B) It had distinct class divisions. (C) Religion pervaded daily life. (D) Soldiers were drawn primarily from the nobility. (E) Most commoners were slaves.


70. The constitution of the Roman Republic was comparable to the constitution of England in that it was (A) appended with a bill of rights (B) written in Latin (C) never a written document (D) intended to provide limits on the ruler and the nobility (E) designed primarily to protect the rights of the lower classes


71. The controversies that occurred within the Christian church between the third and fifth centuries c.e. were principally concerned with the (A) divinity of Jesus' mother (B) Eucharist (communion) as a central component of Christian religious ritual (C) nature of Jesus Christ and the doctrine of the Trinity (D) proper role of missionaries in spreading Christianity throughout the Roman Empire (E) role of monastic orders in governing the Christian church


72. Which of the following best describes the aim of the Benedictine Rule, written in 529 by Benedict of Nursia? (A) To isolate monks from the rest of the world to pursue the ideal of complete self-denial (B) To create a disciplined and effective organization to carry out spiritual work (C) To provide the papacy in Rome with loyal followers (D) To establish a hierarchy of church officials in western Europe separate from the hierarchy in eastern Europe (E) To prevent the use of images in western churches


73. The as a Greek city-state of Sparta is best defined (A) tribal state based upon kinship (B) participatory democracy (C) conservative military oligarchy (D) society that placed great emphasis on the arts (E) society in which women had no public role


74. The Byzantine emperor Justinian is best known for his contributions to (A) historical writings (B) civil law (C) Christian theology (D) astronomy (E) philosophy


75. Magna Carta, signed by King John of England in 1215, did which of the following? (A) It established a written constitution for England. (B) It determined that education should be controlled by monastic houses. (C) It ensured that all landowners possessed the right to vote. (D) It regulated social and legal relations between the king and the great lords of England. (E) It established the supremacy of the English Parliament.


76. Which of the following best summarizes the lasting impact of the reign of Henry VII (Henry Tudor) on England? (A) It produced the first major confrontation between king and Parliament over budgetary issues. (B) It led to the establishment of a national legal system based on trial by jury. (C) It resulted in the return to England of all territories lost in the Hundred Years' War. (D) It marked the beginnings of English colonization of North America. (E) It ended the Wars of the Roses and led to greater political centralization.


77. Which of the following sacked the city of Rome in 1527 ? (A) The forces of the Ottoman sultan Suleiman I (B) A Lutheran army from Germany (C) The army of King Henry VIII of England (D) An army of Protestant sympathizers from within the Papal States (E) The rebellious army of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V


78. Male Spartans were able to dedicate their lives to full-time military training and service because (A) Sparta supported itself with treasure and tribute from foreign conquests (B) Sparta's foreign colonies provided financial support for the army (C) Sparta had extensive silver mines (D) non-Spartan slaves (helots) provided the labor for the Spartan economy (E) non-Spartan merchants paid taxes based on foreign trade


79. The dominance of Mediterranean trade by Italian city-states can be traced to the (A) Crusades (B) Ciompi Revolt (C) plague (D) rise of the Médicis (E) defeat of France


8. Pharaoh Akhenaten of Egypt (c. 1353-1336 b.c.e.) is best known today for (A) building the largest pyramid in the Valley of the Kings (B) conquering large expanses of territory outside of the Nile Valley (C) developing a monotheistic religion (D) uniting upper and lower Egypt under a single administrative system (E) writing down the first code of Egyptian law


80. The schism in Islam between Shi'ites and Sunnis occurred primarily over which of the following? (A) The marriage of Muhammad (B) Regional rivalries (C) Tribal disputes over territory (D) Disputes between Umayyad caliphs over political authority (E) The question of succession to the caliphate


81. The quest for economic self-sufficiency, the expansion of colonial possessions, and the introduction of manufacturing standards are most closely associated with (A) bartering (B) laissez-faire (C) utopianism (D) mercantilism (E) capitalism


83. The Hellenistic school of philosophy that emphasized the pursuit of a pleasurable life through moderation is known as (A) Scholasticism (B) Epicureanism (C) Stoicism (D) Mithraism (E) Arianism

83. B

84. Which of the following pairs of religious thinkers or leaders most directly challenged Christian orthodoxy in pre-Reformation Europe? (A) John Wycliffe and Jan Hus (B) Isabella I of Spain and Ferdinand II of Spain (C) Hildegard of Bingen and Catherine of Siena (D) Thomas Aquinas and William of Ockham (E) Joan of Arc and Christine de Pisan


85. Which statement most accurately reflects the status of Jews in early medieval European society (circa 500-1000 c.e.)? (A) They were forced to either convert to Christianity or emigrate in many western and central European countries. (B) They were completely excluded from property ownership and participated in only a few urban professions. (C) They were persecuted more vigorously by the rulers of Muslim Spain than they were persecuted by Christian rulers elsewhere in Europe. (D) They were present in many urban communities, frequently spoke the same language as non-Jews, and occasionally owned rural estates. (E) They were largely absent from many European countries, with the exception of Germany and Italy.


86. The Inquisition in Spain was originally established to investigate and prosecute (A) Protestant missionaries (B) Native Americans in Spanish colonies (C) Jewish and Muslim converts to Christianity (D) political opposition to the papacy (E) misconduct among the Catholic clergy


87. "Thus, fair daughter, the prerogative among women has been bestowed on you to establish and build the City of Ladies [which] will be extremely beautiful, without equal, and of perpetual duration in the world." The line above, spoken by Lady Reason, is drawn from the work of (A) Hildegard of Bingen (B) Christine de Pisan (C) Artemisia Gentileschi (D) Teresa of Ávila (E) Joan of Arc


88. By the end of the fourteenth century, northern Italy and Flanders were known for (A) woolen-textile production (B) intricate wood carvings (C) centralized nation-states (D) rapid population growth (E) limited urbanization


89. Protestantism limited opportunities for women by (A) prohibiting divorce (B) requiring women to remain in the home (C) prohibiting female heads of state (D) eliminating women's religious orders (E) allowing women to work only as servants


9. The outstanding achievement of King Hammurabi of Mesopotamia was that he (A) issued a more comprehensive law code than had any known predecessor (B) conquered and established dominion over all of Egypt (C) built the Hanging Gardens of Babylon (D) established the first democratic government (E) successfully defended his kingdom against the Assyrians


90. Reforms advocated by the Gracchi brothers in the Roman Republic focused on which of the following? (A) Reorganizing the Roman army for lengthy overseas campaigns (B) Increasing the use of slave labor to provide Roman citizens with leisure time (C) Sponsoring free public entertainment for the general public in Rome (D) Redistributing land to increase the number of plebeian family farmers (E) Restricting the number of people who held Roman citizenship


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