WH-Connections to Today, Chapter 7, Section 3, Peoples of North America
Give examples of how the environment influenced three early cultures of North America.
-drought forced the Anasazi to abandon their cliff dwellings -the Inuits survived in the frozen North by building homes from sad or snow and ice -in the forest lands of the Northwest Coast, people enjoyed plentiful natural resources and could therefore live in large permanent villages
Cliff dwellings built by Anasazi
-housing complexes in the shadow of canyon walls -cliffs offered protection from invaders -Larges cliff dwelling at Mesa Verde (present day Colorado) had over 200 rooms -people had to climb ladders to reach their fields on the flatlands above or the canyon floor below
What are the 10 cultural areas of North America?
1. Arctic 2. Subarctic 3. Northwest Coast 4. California 5. Great Basin 6. Plateau 7. Southwest 8. Great Plains 9. Eastern woodlands 10. Southeast
A celebration from the Northwest Coast meant to show wealth
Iroquois League
A political confederation of five northeastern Native American nations of the Seneca, Oneida, Mohawk, Cayuga, and Onondaga that made decisions concerning war and peace.
Pueblo Bonito
A village in New Mexico, 800 rooms that housed 6000 people, builders used stone and adobe bricks to make a crescent-shaped mound five stories high
Southwest culture region
Adobe houses in villages, irrigation for corn. Honored earth, sky, and water spirits. Apaches, Hohokams, Hopis, Navajos, Pueblos
How do we know about the lives of the Mound Builders and their contacts with other peoples?
Archaeologists have learned about their lives by studying the remains of their mounds, towns, and ceremonial centers. They also study the artifacts that the people left inside the mounds.
Built by the Anasazi, a large underground chamber used for religious ceremonies
Hohokams (Vanished Ones)
Built complex irrigation systems to plant corn, squash, and beans. Lived in present Arizona near the Gila River.
How did the diverse regional cultures in the Americas differ from one another?
Each region had different climates, resources, and elevation. The Inuits lived farthest north and adapted to the arctic conditions. The people of the Easter Woodlands would have access to more wood to the Inuits. The people of the Eastern Woodlands and the Great Plateau would be more accustomed to the elevation than people of the Great Plains.
Cahokia was located in present day?
East St. Louis
California/Great Basin/Plateau culture region
Family group hunter-gatherers, ate fish and berries and acorns. New Percés, Pomos, Shoshones
Easter Woodlands cultural region
Farming villages, hunted, longhouses shared by multiple families. Women had social and political power. Algonquin, Chippewas, Hurons, Iroquois, Leni-Lenape, Miamis, Pequots, Shawnees.
Farthest north and lived in harsh Arctic climates, hunted seals which gave them clothes and tools. Paddled kayaks or used dog sleds to travel across the ice,. Built igloos
Southeast culture region
Grew corn, squash, beans. Yearly Green Corn Corn ceremony to mark end of year and harvest. Cherokee, Nachez
Large villages built by the Anasazi between AD 900 to AD 1300
Great Plains culture region
Lived in tepees, men hunt, women farm, buffalo provided food, shelter, clothes. Apaches, Arapahos, Blackfeet, Cheyennes, Comanches, Crows, Lakotas, Mandans, Osages
Mississippian settlement near present-day East St. Louis, home to as many as 25,000 Native Americans
Heirs to the Mound Builders
Natchez people
Arctic/Subarctic culture region
Nomadic hunter-gatherers in a cold climate, honored ocean and weather and animal spirits. Beavers, Crees, Inuits, Kutchins
A Frozen World
Northern Canada
Mound Builders
The Adena and Hopewell people who constructed giant earthen mounds
Encounters between Iroquois League and Europeans.
The Europeans would take a toll on the North Americans
The Iroquois Constitution
The best-known society of the Southwest, lived in Four Corners region of Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah
How did the culture of the Mound Builders reflect their contact with other regions?
The mounds were centers of trade, the largest being Cahokia which could house 40,000 people. People of other regions could trade goods like precious metals and shark teeth.
land of plenty
The northwest coast, had fish, deer, much wood. Women farmed, men fought. Permanent villages, potlatch
How did the Hohokams farm the desert southwest?
They built a complex irrigation system.
How did the people in the desert southwest adapt to their environment?
They built complex irrigation systems and farmed corn, squash, and beans
Northwest Coast cultural region
rich forest for hunting. Coastal waters for fishing and seals, whales and otters. All needs met by hunting and gathering. Did not grow crops. Shamans important in Kwakiutl culture. Held potlatches;totem poles.Dugout canoes. Bella Coola, Coo, Kwakiuti, Tlingit
Clan Mother
the head of each clan
The Great Serpent Mound
this runs some 1,300 feet along its coils and is between 4 and 5 feet high.