WHAP Period 6 (last period, yeaaa!) TEST Review

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Cuban Revolution

-Cuba won independence form Spain during the Spanish-American War 1898 -Platt Amendment- allowed the US to be involved by a presence of a military base -Peasant revolt under Fidel Castro (Communist) -1959 Batista fled -Catro was a supporter if democracy suspended elections, established a communist dictatorship, seized control of industry and nationalized them, executed rivals

Korean "The Forgotten War"

-Japan annexed Korea, then lost WWII (¿Korea?) -Soviets occupied North (38th Parallel); US in the South (sphere of influence) -1950:North attaced South in attempt to make a communism nation -United Nations came to aid of the South (Mac Arthur) -China entered war on the northern side -They are still separate -Today, North Korea is run by a crazy person

The Fall of Communism

-Rich West and Poor East -Eastern Bloc begins to revolt about democracy and economy -1980 Poland -Solidarity movements led by Lech Walsea -workers went on strike, government imposed martial law -1988 reform minded Premier elected -1990 1st free elections; communism falls

Bay of Pigs

-US placed an embargo on Cuba -Attempt to overthrow, trained and supported a group of Cuban exiles -1961-Bay of pigs invasion failed,they didn't use full force and the exiles were captured -USSR and Cuba realize the extant the US will go

Beginning of the Cold War

1947 Yalta and Potsdam-Germany and other parts of East. Europe were divide into "spheres of influence" (soviets/west) Berlin Blockade-Soviets cut off land access to Berlin from the West Berlin Airlift-West's response; flew in fuel/food to Western 1/2 of city, so Soviets then decide to built a wall Truman Doctrine-"containment" policy to nation threaten by communism NATO-West's military alliance Warsaw Pact-East's "military" alliance

Vietnam War

1954-Vietnamese win their independence from France -Geneva Conference divides Vietnam into 2 separate nations -Vietnamese Communists, led by Ho Chi Minh, were given control of the North -A non-Communist state was established in the south -Vietnam would reunited after free elections SO why did the US get involved? President Kennedy and others believe that is South Vietnam fell to Communism, other Asian nations would soon follow, falling like a row of dominoes. Based on this Domino Theory, Kennedy sent military advisors to help defend South Vietnam, hoping it would develop into a democratic nation. Vietcong-vietnamese nationalists fighting for the North in the South; Guerilla fighters 1964-Congress gave President Johnson authority to halt Vietnamese aggression in the Veitcong -Over the next 3 years, LBJ sent large numbers of US troops to Vietnam 1968-Vietcong launched attacks through out South Vietnam in the TET Offensive, showing americans they were far from winning the war Agent Orange was chemicals american planes would spread on forests to find the Veitnamese -26th Amendment is passed giving 18 years old the right to vote because people felt it was unfair to draft young men to fight when they could not even vote to support or oppose it. -Richard Nixon campaigned for President in 1968, promising to bring "peace with honor" in Vietnam. -BUT the war dragged on for 5 more years -unable to achieve victory, Nixon began withdrawing US forces 1973-the US reaches an agreement with the North Veitnamese so the US withdrew 1975-last of our troops were pulled out as Saigon, capital of South Vietnam, falls to the Communist. America lost -We had all our troops (except a # if POWS) and as many South Vietnamese as could be carried out (mainly because they aided us and would be tortured by the communists)

Berlin Wall

1961-the Soviet built a wall to separate communists and non Communists Berlin -It became a somber symbol of the cold war -it stopped the flow of East Germans to the West and possible defections

Cuban Missile Crisis

1962-US spy plane detected the installation of the Soviet missiles in Cuba -Kennedy established a naval blockade October 28-USSR said they would withdraw missiles if we would not invade Cuba and would withdraw missiles from Trukey


Before WWII? Egypt After WWII? everyone else -South Africa 1910 the Union of S. Africa were formed from 2 British colonies and 2 Boer republics British and Dutch were given rights to self-govern; Blacks were excluded from the politics 1923 residential segregation enforced 1926 blacks were banned from certain jobs 1931 S. Africa receives its independenceSouth Africa Apartheid established in 1948 80% population is black had 15% of the worst land 1950s Nelson Mandela leader of African National Congress (ANC) followed the teachings of Gandhi 1960 Sharpeville Massacre—67 protesters were killedcausing them to resort to guerilla warfare Protesting having to have a pass to go to the cities you got through your job Mandela was arrested in 1964 for his part in anti-apartheid violence and sentenced to life Pressure from black majority and international community Mandela was released in 1990 1994 abolished apartheid Mandela was elected president in the first free and open election Rwanda—Ethnic Genocide Tutsi (15%) governed Hutu (85%) during German and Belgium occupation 1962 won independence Hutu revolted killing thousands 1972 military coup, Juvenal Habyarimana, and est a one-party republic and kept peace till 1994 100 days of genocide left 800,000 Tutsi dead and by the end of the next year 2 million dead Refugees fled to Zaire Kenya-Jomo Kenyatta, Mau Mau Insurrection India- Mohanda Gandhi 1920s became a voice and organized protests Philosophy of passive resistance OR civil disobedience Boycott British imperial goods and strikes Hindus and Muslims worked together peacefully against the British, but became increasingly violent toward each other Called for Indian unity, but Muslim League wanted a Muslim nation called Pakistan After WWII, Britain granted independence Nonviolent resistance won Radical Hindus and Muslims started killing each other Gandhi called for a united India Muhammad Ali-Jinnah wanted to partition the subcontinent and create a Muslim nation in the North Great Britain partitioned hoping to save lives 1947 India (south), Pakistan (NW) and Bangladesh (East)A mass migration to the area of their majority religion created violence 500,000 people were killed Gandhi was assassinated by a radical Hindu that didn't like his secular focus Kashmir remains an area of disagreement. Controlled by India Primarily Muslim Palestine Many Jews had returned to the "promised land" During WWI—Zionists (Jewish nationalists) living in Britain convinced Arthur Balfour that a Jewish homeland in Palestine was a just cause Balfour Declaration stated that the Jews had a right to a homeland BUT not to displace any Palestinians

Russian Revolution (1917-1920)

First Revolution -February/March (1917) -Nicholas abdicated in favor of his brother, Mikhail on March 2nd -Provisional government, prince george Lvov, Alexander Kerensky had the royal family arrested -Kornilor Insurrection, revolt stopped with Bolshevik' aid How does communism take Russia? via Bolsheviks -Kerensky lost status, he hadn't dealt with land reform, gotten Russia out WWI -needed western money Second Revolution -October/November 1917 -Lenin and Bolsheviks -Lenin took advantage of the chaos in russia "peace, bread and land" Civil War -Mid 1918-1919 -Reds (Bolsheviks) -Whites (anti-Bolsheviks) Why did the Bolsheviks won? -held critical industrial areas -"Patriots" because didn't depend on foreigners -superior capacity for organization -peasants fear of Whites' restoration (loss of land) more than they hated Bolsheviks Effects 1.Bolsheviks got a BIG army 2. Increase mistrust between West and Russia Treaty of Brest-Litovsk-Lenin withdrew Russia from WWI Lenin created NEP (new economic policy) PropagandaWW Wilhelm II-upset Bismark's delicate balance of power

World War I (the "great" war)

List some causes of WWI -Nationalism (this is the MAIN cause):Bosnians and Serbians were very nationalistic, and the Bosnians (Serbs that were living in Bosnia at the time) wanted to separate from Austria-Hungary and join Serbia. The German Empire was created in 1871. -Militarism:Britain had a strong military and navy. It was possibly the strongest force there was back then. Germany knew this and started to create a navy that could rival the British. Other countries got suspicious of this and wondered what Germany was up to. The Schlieffan Plan was for Germany to in the east, Russia held at bay. In the west, Germany avoided France's fortifications, and sweep west through neutral Belgium. Turn in a huge arc south into France. -Imperialism:Many countries wanted to acquire land and colonies far away for various reasons (like raw materials). Britain had the largest empire, and other countries wanted colonies for themselves. This was due to industrialism (equals more interest in the colonies). Moroccan Crisis of 1905, Germany challenged France's sphere of influence, and recognized France's special interests there. In the Moroccan Crisis of 1911, Germany allowed France to make Morocco a protectorate and Germany gained a small area of the French Congo in return. Balkan Crisis of 1912-13, so Russia supported Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria and Greece against the Turks, Austria-Hungary pushed for the creation of Albania to deny Serbia an outlet to sea, this caused hatred between Slavs and Austria to intensified. -Alliances: In 1914, France and Germany were looking for alliances. So France joined Britain and Russia (Triple Entente/Allies). Germany joined with Austria-Hungary and Italy (Triple Alliances/Central Powers). (Note:Italy left the Triple Alliances to join the Allies, when they thought that Germany would lose). Bismark's adage-always be in the majority of 3 in any dispute among 5 great European powers. His aim was to preserve Germany's peaceful ties with Russia. Wilhelm II is upset about the Bismark's delicate balance of powers. Germany, by refusing to renew Russian alliance, they soon found themselves in a minority of 2, them with weak Austria-Hungary. -Assassination: Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne, was assassinated (in Sarajevo) by a member of the Black Head )a terrorist organization against Austrian Rule). The guy who killed them was named Gaurilo Princip. Each country tried to prove their dominance and power. Compare and Contrast the effects of WWI upon the domestic political and economic affairs of the involved nations? -Political: Treaty of Versailles, Paris Peace Conference, land distribution, new countries, loss of power of Austria-Hungary, and Germany -Economic:pretty much died, all except the US< there's lots of inflation -Social:during the war all classes became equal, women have rights and jobs, most men are at war, those who aren't are working in factories, post-war women gain the right to vote, middle class faces trouble, upper class are the owners of the businesses and are benefiting from inflating economy Allied Powers-Russia, Britain, France, Japan, United States and Italy Central-Germany, Austria-Hungary How did the US got pulled into the war? -TRADE, German sink the US ships because they wanted to stop trade with their enemies What was the "Indian prototype" of decolonization movements? -The Indians wanted independence (don't we all?) from Britain, so they thought is they were a good colony by providing men to fight and resource to Britain, they could receive independence. The UK dissapointed them by not giving them self-rule. -They were like India: If we are a really good colony, we could get independence UK: HAHA, NOPE ;) -In Africa, Britain turned to her colonies for help in odtaining essential war materials List the Fronts Eastern Front (Russia), Southern Front (Balkans), and Western Front (France) List some Military Aspects -New weapons: poisonness gas, tanks, airplanes, bar wire, u-boats and mechine guns -Trench warfare, and naval warfare Moral of the Story -Old tactics+new weapons=lots of death Wilson's 14 Points- basically declared that the WWI was being fought for a moral cause and calling for postwar peace in Europe

Soviet Union Collapses

Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in 1985 Glaustnost is openness to speak out Perestrike-restructure the economy -Balkans-nationalistic movements within former yugoslavia led to ethnic cleansing in which Muslim were slaughtered by Serbians, UN got involved

World War II

Non-Aggression Pact -Nazi-Soviet Pact -August 1939 -Not to fight each other Why did Russia sign the Non-Aggression Pact? Russia was not ready for any war (including Germany one-front war) Why did Germany sign the Non-Aggression Pact? divide up Poland and eastern Europe Invasion of Poland -France and Great Britain declare war -Blitzkrieg ("lighting War") -"phony war"-French hung out behind the Maginot line France -Nazis poured into France -retreat to Dunkirk, 300,000 safely across English Channel -French survive in June 1940 -Germany occupied and ran the north -Vichy "puppet" regime ran the south -Charles deGaulle and the "free French" fled Africa -Mussolini (Italy dude) sends troops into Libya and Egypt -Britain pushes back (because Suez Canal) -Hitler sends Rommel, "the Desert Fox," to the rescue Battle of Britain (Operation Sea Lion) -Winston Churchill replaced Neville Chamberlain rallied the defense -British Royal Air Force VS German Luftwaffe -57 day London Blitz -Radar -failure Operation Barbarossa -Germany needs Russia's raw materials -Russia "slashed and burned" in retreat -"General Winter" set in 4 below -Leningrad held in (1941) Day of Infamy -Japan imperial aggressions in Pacific -USA bans of war materials to Japan -General Tojo orders the attack December 7, 1941 on Pearl Harbor -Japanese internment Camps -Pearl Harbor put US into the war (no longer in isolation) Africa and Italy -Britain General Montgomery and General Eisenhower's Rommel's army -Surrendered May 1943 -Allies headed across the Med to Italy -1 month surrendered and overthrew Mussolini -Germany fighting on 3 fronts Battle of Stalingrad -Major battle on Eastern front between Soviet and Nazis -Close quarters combat/street fighting -air raids on civilians -2 million casualties -possibly the most pescise battle, German forces never regained initiative Eastern front Invasion of France (D-Day) -June 6, 1944-Eisenhower ready -Paratroopers behind the lines -Mines and concrete shelters vs ferried troops -largest seaborne invasion in history War in the Pacific -Batann Death March -Turning Points-June 1942 -Battle of the Coral Sea -Midway Island -MacArthur and Nimitz start "island hopping" No one is afraid of the "big bad wolf" -December 1944-Battle of the Bonch -Germany's last chance attempt -Allies bomb Germany, Dresden -Russia overtakes Bengil -Hitler commits suicide -VE Day-May 8, 1945 The Pacific -Imo Jina and Oknawa- Japanese showed they would fight to the death -Truman finds out about the Manhattan Project -Meeting with the BIG three at Potsdam issued a warning to Japan VJ DAY (Victory over Japan) -Bomb one-August 6, 1945-Higuoshima -August 8-Russia declares war on Japan -Bomb 2-August 9-Najasaki -August 10-Emperor Hirohito surrenders -September 2-sign on deck of Missouri


People's Republic of China -Mao Zedong rallied peasants in 1949 -Made reforms similar to Stalin's collectization -Great Leap Froward (in 1950s) -Huge communes goal true to Marxist state -Failed included USSR loss of support -Capitalist elements and focus on military -1966, Mao upset that strayed from communism -Cultural Revolution -Universitives were shut down for 4 years (those top those free thinkers) -They were sent into the fields to remove their elitist attitudes -1970s realized needed to open itself to Western ideas -1976 Deng Xiaopeng took office -economy became a strict communist command economy with element of free-enterprise -strict political control -1989-Tianamon -Communist not sympathetic to traditional Chinese values -collectization made family farms obsolete -religious beliefs compete with the authority of the state -population-contraceptives and abortion -1980 one child per family policy -some killed their 1st born female -equality demanded by a classless society allowed for advances for women -treated equally under the law, such as the right to divorce, property rights, and equal pay for equal works


Russia -Bolshevik Revolution 1917 -Vladimir Lenin -Treaty of Brest-Litovsk -Civil War, reds vs whites -NEP (new economic Policy) -Government controls major industry some private owned business for profit -USSR-Union of Soviet Socialist Rep. -Joseph Stalin (1922-1953) -5 year plan-rapid industrailization, produce few commerical goods, made USSR a major industrailization -Forced collectivization caused massive collectivism from 1932-1933 -Led the "Great Purge" - enemies of the working class imprisoned, executed or worked to death. (Included high ranking members of the Communist party) -estimated for those killed under Stalin's regime reach as high as 15 million Italy -Benito Mussolini, 1922 came to power with the black shirts and win back prestige lost in WWI -Fascism, the government is absolute power and morality censorship (leads to book burning), secret police and nationalized major industries Germany (brown shirts) -Inflation -Adolf Hitler, art school failure, fought in WWI displaced due to Treaty of Versailles, wrote Mien Kampe ("my struggle") -Nazi-National Socialist (they were not) Workers' Party -Undo the Treaty of Versailles, anti-capitalist and anti-communist, anti-religion (why? because it was a threat to the state), loyalty to the state militaristic and military state blames jews for everything -Totalitarianism, form of 20th century dictatorship, military states, outlaw all except the ruling political party, assure security in an age of insecurity, emerged in backward areas, that have been humiliated and replace the existing political system -Proprogama was key to disperse information to the people, anti-democratic and anti-liberal, expendable rights;trial by jury, freedom of speech and press, freedom of religion, right to bear arms, and freedom to assemble

What ended WWI?

Treaty of Versailles (this created the League of Nations) Named the four representatives -David Lloyd George, he's the Prime Mister of Great Britain and he wanted to expand the British empire/power and make Germany pay -Georges Clemenceau, he's the Premier of France, and wanted to ensure French secured and make Germany pay -Vittorio Orlando, he's the Premier of Italy, and wanted to enlarge Italy's European lands and expand Italy's empire -Woodrow Wilson, he's the US President and wanted to provide just peace and create better world So what did the Treaty of Versailles do? -War guilt and reparation- Germany accepted sole responsible of the war, Germany had to pay reparations ($ is sent to countries for repairs), paid until 1931, afterwards repudiated debt -League of Nations was created (US was not apart of this) -Colonial-German colonies to Allies as the League of Nations mandates -Disarmament-German military severely limited, German navy reduced, German war industries probited Impacts of WWI Social -Almost 10 million soldiers were killed and over 20 million wounded -World aflame with hatred and extreme nationalism Economic -Cost $350 billion, bringing heavy taxes and lower standards of living -International trade suffered -Economic dislocations helped bring 1929 depression (stock market crash) -Communism introduced new economic system in Russia Political European dynasties were dethroned -Hohenzollerns in Germany -Hapsburgs in Austria -Romanovs in Russia -New nation-states created or recreated -US reluctant World Leader -League of Nations established without US membership -European nations turned to dictatorship:Russia, Italy and Germany

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