What are the advantages and disadvantages of representative democracy?
ADVANTAGE- Representatives have more
experience, knowledge and expertise
DISADVANTAGE- When dominated by parties, representatives may
follow the party line rather than represent their constituents accurately
DISADVANTAGE- It may be difficult to
make representatives accountable between elections
DISADVANTAGE- The idea of the electorate mandate is flawed in that voters are only presented with the
manifesto- the whole of which they must accept or reject- voters cannot express preferences
ADVANTAGE- Different sections of society and various
political causes and beliefs can be well represented by elected representatives
DISADVANTAGE- Representative democracy may result in too much
political conflict and can only be resolved through direct democracy (referendum)
ADVANTAGE- Most people do not have the time to continually be involved in
politics- so they can elect representatives on their behalf
ADVANTAGE- Representatives can be more
rational and less emotional
ADVANTAGE- Representatives can be made accountable for their
decisions- whereas people as a whole cannot
DISADVANTAGE- Representatives may distort the
demands of the people to suit their own political advantage
ADVANTAGE- Representatives can educate the
public about political issues
ADVANTAGE- The demands of people may be unclear- Representatives can
review them and make incoherent demands into coherent political programmers